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it is stated i!w»t the joinery eont. t :il; jo for t'.ic row hospital at CVjor::e will nt:i into clcso en : C f )fiOO. il i- L oi I>.-ntlu-rs c'r-i'.s will vi.sit 1/v'n on Ki.bni.riry 20, with a ne'v :-on".",:iy of 10 people. ?dv Tr.S'ran jlradley will lie a'.ony oji Saturday ;i 'xL to :Hii)ce aria'i -e a.e'.iLf. f;:r t::o ■SiiOlV. Tin- following v. ill l ep'.'esenl the l.p-.-'ii Teiiiii.s Una in their tn.iic'i n--I l'ai":(-is'<;u, at I'aiaicptoa i !■•■.'(;.-i" w : iS'n-kev, A'jralia-:;, Lli-n'ivsan. Ha::i ; r. I'ev. I'mi-ptoa, : :>■! . v :•! Jit'i'" : eni-!•;'•! ;<r-.v : Frieze. A lory of ".s per It'll') .vlirep i? 'vri la rss'st the defence fund e-f tin I'anners' l-nion. '"ft iis not a CDinpiil.t'ory paymenroniarked the cl'.airraan of a I):nn:-li. "hat thn'-o who arc shrewd enongh to soe troul)la ahead generally contribute it." Ov/inti to iiine?.s in tlio i'aniily of tiie iiiii;\a of the Wellington Acca-m.iti.-ait'oii Society'.- Levin bra-nch. ihe ;n -el:inti of the iha.njii «'a.s ;:J----jo' inie.i iVom 1-ast livu-bt until next i' at 3 p.r.:. Tin- rive.s Lo re.T'i.e t'ae trout during 1912 will be decided upon at the fort-heonii'ig meeting. A new tenor has been discovered in London in the person-of Mr Orvi Jo H-rrreld, the 1 ading tenor of I the new London Opera House. Last I ij'onth ivhon he sang for the firsttime in Britain ,h<- achieved a great I s, and on .San,'-ay night .at a eonert he was again triumphant by rre.vm-of the rare force and 'jiiality of his voice and his consiuiimate P'dVlicd execution. Tiiere wan a fn,st on the flats in the nelghlxnu liood of Cambridge, Wa'kato, last >io:iday, pumpkins and tomatoes being affected by it. Gro"t complaints, states a corresii'nident of the New Zeahiud Herald. are being received that tomatoes are not doing wed this season. The fiiiit d-os not sell well, and the poi.., . . , | t-ro 'ohgiit is appearing on tae i ''I'-iitH in many parts of the Wai- ! kato. iMakei : 1 .-, T)ra'iia<re Hoard is calling f-'r tenders "s Pollom's : —Kor the construction of the find 20 chains of No. 1 Shannon drain, contract 21---in two parts--one for the construction of the culvert on the Old Ferry road, and one for tlic drain excavaj t : on work. Trustees Grieg and Law j will ne n pt tenders. The engineer i w.'v, iii.strivted to snpplv the Trustees j i'-ith rr-jf-.imates for both sections on I tlie liasis of the arranged .amount for tlie whole work. While the animals forming t-he in 'iiagei ie co-inrc-1--r! with Wirth's circus were awaiting transport to Dannevirkc from t!:e Napier railway station, two of t'be elephants got away, one ani'din"; towards Xapier S » ith ."lid t'i" i-'-lirr d'r-'-et-ins: his | steps towards the b ." di. Tln-y '.ver<-j-.-nn re' aptiM'cd .am! br.-; -ght Inck Jto their k<vp-rs' eiisf<-<lv. While at liberty thev >-ma-i | '"d .a fcn .-> or two and- caused Hfini" slight <lam:"j;e. in ba.'k yards and gardens, but for j tunately their esc.'ij'ad" had no s:erI ions results. | De.-pit" the I'dvantayes <-f paste-!r- ---| isation of skim nr'lk (writes the i\lanawat'i St -.r.dard). f!;<> ,svst;-m is not beinu; as largely adio]>ted 'by dariy : fia"tor:o-i as mi-d't be evp ited. The Levin company apjiears t > be tbe o ilv one Mnit has 'voile into the matter in a proper manner, and the resultit is Ktafel. has proved entirely s-at-i.sfactory. A vs-'t to the company's factory might with advantage be paid by representatives of other e-un-pauii-s with a view to •."seortainipi.r evicilv the nu-thod and results of tins very important Ivan.-. 1 ! of (he dairy industry. .'t the annn.d ni-»•• •::;» the Stratford Amricnltural .\..-.;;e;,-;tion a sat idac'ors- balance siieet was ]iresented, though the ligur«-s indie;-.;rd that expanses '.ad iaen-ascd ma.t:rially a,s compared vi Mi the expai.'itnre in the pre-, ions year. Mr PCirkwood was electcd pru-'deni, A rather embarra.s'-ii:g situation w;is '•reated by oik- member, who. though an approdative admirer of Mr Kirk- ! wood's services and abilities, raised 1 the f|iie.stion wihether it would be ' mi the interests of the society to ; have at its head a liquor dealer, j Vnather inombc-r gave a qualified j support to the objection, contend- j aig that no business i.-ran .should be i d: the head of a formers organisa,- I tion of tlii.s kind, as he liad not the j 'P'-'fial qualiJicatioiiP. However, the j general sense, of this meeting was [ 'gainst this criticism, and Mr Kirk- i rood was elected practically unani- I iioutdy. The question of whether ! die show should be extended over diree davs was ivmittorl t.o tlic c-mi- ■ nittoe.

At a r t :v*et:n >; oi the Klreiahtin-i "T.!ic!i (.'I the Farmers' Union atention was drawn by the clioivmati ■ L .) the Canterbury Farm Labourers' 'emar.ds, which are for a fixed rati 1 l : fixed hours, and payment for "."crtiinc. ]t was decidcd that the lifting endorse the action of the 'armer.s 'Union Executive in defend'ig the fanners interests in the Ar••ti'at'.oM Court. One member ex- ' "sxed I,lie opinion that if a.n award aii Cfinee<led farm labourers if, iii'd bring about a wave of uneui•:oyniont never before experienced i the country. It was pointed out 'hat the demands were not nxces- • re, "but," .said the member, "once t an award he made then the ein■S.vors will he under their thumbs, '■id there is 110 telling where the dennds will end. "Wc will also have ■» pay our (sons the rilling rates of ■;y and see what it will nuvui." '? niemher said he had never 'own a 'rood man who was not well 'd and who did not receive the ■>t of treatment at the hands of ■< employer. It was the "waster" 'Ui agitated for shorter hours and ' <ger pay. 'loudy Household Ammonia for 1 hath, or for cleaning clotlies, re■ving stains, cleaning silver, etc., half-pint bottles, for one shilling. From 0. S. Keedwell, Dispensing C! emist.—Advt. HJmkets. Rups. Fweeds, 's, fJ jits, Hosiery. Unshnsk''f Flannel am] Underwear ("De 1 - ! finish'). Tta monev \ •1 h"*Adrj. ' j

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Horowhenua Chronicle, 9 February 1912, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Horowhenua Chronicle, 9 February 1912, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Horowhenua Chronicle, 9 February 1912, Page 2