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" _ J? Jglll UNDERSKIRTS α-re ■ YOTT * nd ' & lld ' Bs lld ' ** IW ' SATISFIED qw «• m«k ««« wetwej} Mo ! ret - te iTteii?d.JSS oTbrown WITH YOUR PAPER DELIVERY Seen '"vieW ™o,\metest sky■»• Sa navy, mulberry, mole, saxo B^ Jaßa A ™ ro ° n and black> BEMEMBEB J^fl. & '™™ THE DOMINION, Wellington's mg /'^.•■ v S with val. lace in all sizes, leading daily, and will deliver to lg9L i> «■ 3 very newest shapes, full sieves, any address within reason. ■ " -iMV <*-$fr tucked cuffs with insertion let in. Also AUCKLAND WEEKLY, Js£L. Z . -, ,'-~\\"'if v g -The above lines will be sent AUCKLAND GRAPHIC, OTAGO Jpfc-~- * * * M ( sf w mid to any addresreiaomtaoi WITNESS, CANTERBURY TIMES fe ~»- „_y \}W V™ gg ™ re^ipt o f amount to and all the Australian and Home xS&iU. '"J, nnv nrMress MAGAZINES and WEEKLIES. nny addreßS " Drop us a post-card of call and |f{HI fH R £ fHIIHHtF, ITfr, give your address. ■ j g PAIM ERSTON NORTH. Wives should visit our Is table .......... ,„, JUJ ._ ■■■,■■ ■■ " """ for pretty and useful lines in crock- """"" ' _ ery and fancy goods. "XllG Til 111 £S That MOKC A T Van+nti At Cα I Houses into Homes. J\% JL rClilllil 4X VUm I Aton-tacnljttairrtitepjjj. 7 wards a home. It m the » M,^ . _ . . to which must be clothed »nd Corner Book Arcade, Levin. fined with the thinp that *▼• it Iife—FURNIIUKJB. Everythin required to furnish either ootage or mansion can be __________________ procured from PEGDEN'S NEW MILLINERY & hi« M&V^WJ 8 "? Al vj,__ sS», Wiokor Ghiir., Settee., etc. Th. nl>« oger«d are . wav above the ordinary. .—"^rp^w^s^v , -,?"-'*'' ■"<■'■ '' : THE BON MAECHE. A "' g ° od ' VKkoi "°° = ■"•-*■-- ~ Pegden, S'Slin P* Sti! »;..."f«IS, ,r S 8 =; f , t 'Z. nIGH GRADE FCRNITORS DEALER, s.-.menoss and refinement Hey will si,-,o<l any comparison. | ..rnCTAM MfiDTH Hats, Toques and Bon l_^j^_ R NORTH. The preferred styles of the queens <f fashion. T' h-tve achieved a remarkable triumph in the new ha- &*%, on the large side. The deft manipulation of the . kT^JB it.) technique displayed in the arrangements, tho arti 't.-ir com- 23? bii'ations, the gracefulness of the iwivt and curves, are il .onderfully good You will see tho Bon Marche Milllineir Beauty—artistic achievements -.«-.-. t \57•,,/■» Mn-f+iTlO , ot clever milliners—and side by side will be shown some oi the product- Jγ! |j(3S OT VV 11 V JLN ions o , our own workrooms. x - l —=— At Collin son's 0. M. XvUoO <K OU' El „. fttprew Transport. . . PAUOBDION NORTH, „„„,,„,! "Z Tailoring is a Fine Art. » ri % w fe^l rJ to-a «*.*-*, when once von soe the netting and the PRIOJfi. npHE CLOTHES PHOOLAIM THE MAN, and for that reason the — i co(UNS on & SON, A. CIC LUCfI $L k'O, *" gkiiiflftiyf*FllS Have opened a Tailor's estahlis'.ment in Levin, where they intend „!?,■!<-* J WsUIIiI f to do business permanently. Mhe premises are in Oxford street, t T~i ~1 -w* nfcn4-t\r\ iVm'T.n. next to TV. Palmer's CaWnetmaki-ig Establishment. 1 RllUerSlUll X>Wli-n. GIVE US AN ORDER FOR YOUR ' r l * , Tl , ( , linro and Kin R st.) SPRING SUIT. HARDWARE COSTS LESS. YOU WILL BE SATISFIED. 1055-q. " ■ _ r Wanted to Let. Advcrtiwweirte nndorthiF, ],«»«!iiit WARDROBES ii J£^TJ- "" «— TO LEASTS.. — 21 ' acres and cottage, m tire For linoleums, hearthrugs, mate, PARKM^ND^vTn" for Bedding and for ell Household CENT? Levin. Furniture, " ~~ -™* A von in donntP Th«n npo PA I MFR ? F ion IVI In % " Npwjjj^ OXFORD STREET, LEVIN, SSF^S^F Is the cheapest house in the dietrict. n f-. PHTLTJPS , BYKO. .. ._ SPECIAL DISPLAYS EVERY SAT- f\ ANCTNa FOLK should note URDAY EVENING. U vwv onrefnllv thnt FrMnv, 7th October, is «in nicrht of # We m-— _^ MM _ - *e- ■ Levin Forfißterfl , Ornn<! Aiiniv«!« ', ~,,,1 , n ■,«... , A -r=raawiii-" snr v_Sncinl nmi Dnnre. Im2-4w. Dressing Tables French and "WS\7*\s and Washstands. Italian Bedsteads . n. «TM««inlitv. (W ;^__^2T M . ■ ~ seen to nt MALCOLM'R wa i pon r t. moved into Main Street, Shannon, X « Prion's Tmnnrt«"i. storkan<3 ig propnrefl to do ropairing a-t i, v OTRSO^. 'MH& Bed-rook-prices. Nothing but the . —— ■ very best leath€r used. All work qttMATTTC THI"" , . ;<5 mm'nrr Now that the Bright, Sunny Days guaranteed. 759 -y O ' Don't M«* i» 7^ +; " nr Yn,^ -——-- -——• TKr.TcU -nnt in m-Jor nml .re upon us, W h y not B om e _new w'"S "w. ™""'^ do Paper-HanainK and Painting of ,j^ n +i l/s n ,. m ,,Vc. l>^. I III! I 111 01111 I II UPIf I of charge. Picture Framing a t} \t>t? TWKO. UUISIIIIIIU UIIU UUimillyU tion." 765 "Zl T>ERT OnHcn Rnlrns fnrc+onov bum mm iiiiiiiiiiiiiwiHwwii i mi i .—.— ■■.... ' TtTANTF.D KNOWN. -W. J. Ground aro snM at HTB^OV'R ShLon ?A a T nd S stnrl ! ed iniZniss TOTOR f!YrT,Fq. l.nW nwvV. YOU NEED THbM-WE HAVE THEM. Gonp-nl Carrier. Travellers' F\T , '"'"' WRITE US FOR SAMPLES. samples carefully handled. Furni- orimrW. Tysons frivon. PTTTLturo removed. " 758-y t.TPS' T^VKO. I SPOT CASH Pi Tlieae^ 111 Interest -iVr ANTED KNOWN—MRS E. nn to wnrlc on a fonnin" bnilt, fti !;.«,,, yf lOUi YY KTNG wishes to intimate that IjT H q.A.. ™»,M1 «.» t^oro //I DISCOUNT P% 54 Inch ART CANVAS, In Blues, bTio has taken over the boarding- PTTTLLTP , ? BYKO. /I TFRMQ IB Greens, Browne, Roee and bouse at Shannon formerly kept by ----"■—_-:__■■ . /J * E " W * I J Natural Price f /11 yard Mrs Stevens. Pinno. bath, m<l rNATUPDAY NTMTT «mps no.v / J *T THB \M ea inch BOLTON SHBETINQ, In every home comfort provided. 7fiOq. W u,ff. fW I 1 1"% I H Green - Brown - B,ue » ™ l0 < ~ Sntimlav ni«rM. PTTTT.TJP 9 nMTP I J i-?el.«Ue F% Crimson and Creme TttaNTKD ffNOWN.-That A. ». TTAVTTm VvnTvAT Thnr P I J WBLUNfITOH LJ I«« 1/8 -nd 2/3 yard MORRTP ]l;iS s{ , rted bl]sinew; W A JJJ^% n^;7^L n * J" J I Hi BOLTON SHEETING CURTAINS, as a Bnkßr al Wrrnron. If yon V Ton. and OommisI M Si Hf with Cr«me Ground end St*n- n J o fom ] nf Fir«t-nn=s Hroad all MerrW. nns nrim*n from fcne Zβ lien V c»led Border all r.und: 3i von St o <o'?, V,.v Ira a >n nd ,s to no ,n pr,- | VIBBe| e W yards long Price 24/6 i", " 621 v mfsps in OrfrWJ PtrPPt,. Lfivm. latfllv I lln Each T crash cushion covers, with --- oppupW bv W. Hwlop. R74-v I J COMPLBT* I worked deeijn, inOreem, Rtds \l7 *N T TEr» -Wringers, extra high J I and Blue* Price 2/11 each VV grade, rillnrs llinrliKS, 13s -w-w-tAVTFD KVOWV — Fr"«n «• I fld:l2inoh. M • Ilinoh.. 18s 6d, A wort n, on t of tn« -ia^'l W \ Jtim 9BS I - Rail free S'im> Hi.rdwnre Co.. 9wpo+.«! inst nf ■l VflW (3L I Cuba Stieet, Wollington. +Tip T> Lollip PVop. onnom WW 1 If 1 ""W W -B-TT-rAVTrn irvnwv tt,«,+""~w c +:,1P qf - 1+ " ??f,Tin " l «*«- 81l NIIIIIIH i IJ= I= C WS™ "^ Jo & £<•«« •»* T " ff '» <* »" «-* JL Painting and Paperhringing of every rr> — WLLINTON — S-;. A » " tiTOt - pOrnißU v HO^PT*—'^i^— MlM—y' T-TTAXTED KNOWN—W. HIS- . ph ' la ll? e st^ ?nB J^: W LOP has now removal to the J."n R.lvor Wvnndotte, ami Wnrk. premises lately occupied by Morgan Orpington. 6s 6d t>pt down Bros. Shaving and ITaircutting (rested). IWJ3-q. . still carried on in his most up-t<>- " -..-..- date manner. 858-y. TT7ANTED KNOWN. — Dres*- ■ "~"~ * ■* ■— y| makinc , Mts Bnrratt !hnvTW\rvw W%. • *%Kf T^y^^i'T^ o * , »'"! removed from prpmises in OxU£t " . YV J. W. RIiNQ of Shannon, of- fnr a street, will continue DressYTVf r 1 A-' i4BWPb l ers th x e best of bonrd aild , reei " at her rftsidence, corner of • iTI. KJ* C\.* }jm?Sfm dence to permanent or casual patr Tiafalffar and Wcraroa roads, near Every meal is well *arved. L e v!n Recreation Reserve. 1002-m. ROOMS: QUEEN STREET. TO HORSE m« J WP Km FL' l^ —. <?oußril hnvor<! f/>r crnnA TiniT-n ' » Owners mnv advertise Sittmciß BOYS' DEPARTMENT. THE DISTRICT , Farms on Manawatu fine. Fam- of , Eees ' «J«* for this ere wisTiincr +/-v rlisnnon nt f>in,*t. column—at £1 ikt ouflrtpr for six ANNUAL DISPLAY on WED- mHB HOROTOBNuA CHRON- full rn t' HiiM:.or ten S hillin CT n?r m ontn Xl NESDAY, SEPjIEMBER 28. "*- £- ?^l m J ok °' ORBET.L AND CO., Land and Eβ- TTT.AVTFrh._I?«.d th« Rim, Recitations, Choruses, Tableaux. £*™hS& Agents. Paln.orston N. 811-y W Hardware Oα.'• nAnrtiw* Supper provided. feS^u^ffi "» e ' 2 - * wfl! fnfar-t **~ . ■ ADMISSICJ, 6d. you should advertine your travelling « a _j — "~" T G VINCENT stallions. Write for a quotation of w nu .,, , „■.. o' . A PRINTING, of every «eecri|«oii Tr«« rul advertisine rates. Soecial conces. For Children's Hachng Cough at exeonted ob tne enortert notHon. Gen. Beoretery. adSKLSto night, Woods' Great Pepporamt ice at «■• "Tlowmh.nß* Oh«m!«W'

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Horowhenua Chronicle, 27 September 1910, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Horowhenua Chronicle, 27 September 1910, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Horowhenua Chronicle, 27 September 1910, Page 3