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CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNEY SOME SURPRISES QUIN. TAREHA AND SHAW BEATEN. Hamilton, September 5 There was a beautiful spring dav for the first rounds of the amateur and professional championships, an almost cloudless sky and no wind, and the course is faster. Consequently the high standard of golf already shown was maintained. The surprises of the day were the defeats of Leo Quin bv D. Grant, and K. Tareha bv F. Grey, and in rhe professionals A J. Shaw bv I R. Galloway. A bogey handicap was won bv G. Grey (New Plymouth). He was four up and there were five equal seconds., two up. AMATEUR CHAMPIONSHIP. First Round: N. Bell beat W Wynne 6 and 5; D. Grant beat L. Quin, 4 and 3; G, F Colbeck beat 11. Duncan. 11 and 10; AV. T. Ralph beat B V. Wright. 2 up; R. Wage beat T. A. Gonlding, 6 and 5: M. Dunean beat D. Giles. 1 up; T H. Horton beat F. Quin. 11 and 10; J. Goss beat R D, Wright. 3 and 2; S. Morpeth beat A. R. Blank. 10 an-1 8; H. W. Tidmarsh beat M. MacBeth. 1 up; P. Grey beat K. Tareha. 3 and 2; R M George heat H. P Dale 3 and 2; A. D. S. Duncan beat J M. Hussey. 5 and 3: H. B Lusk heat 1 McEwan. 4 and 3: A. Sime beat L. V. Bellingham, 1 up; J. L Black beat H Wiggins. 9 and 8. PROFESSIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP. First Round: E. J Moss beat J. A. Clements. 3 and 2; R. C. Butters beat C. C. Clements, 2 and 1: J Mclntosh beat H R. Blair. 8 and 7; J R. Galloway beat A. J. Shaw. 3 and 2. BOGEY HANDICAP. P. Grey (New Plymouth), 4 un L. Seifert, jnr., W. D. Ross. R. Al. George. A. W Tidmarsh. L. V. Bellingham. all 2 up. NOTES ON THE PLAY. The Tidmarsh-Macßeth game uas very interesting, and good' °olf was played throughout. At the end of the fi ’st round the Aucklander had a lean of three, yhich he increased, and «a s four up at the 22nd. MacBeth took the next five holes and, was all square at the 27th. There was a neck and neck go to the finish, where Macßeth let Tidmarsh in In the afternoon round Macßeth was four under fours for 15 holes Both played excellent golf. Torrie Bell required his third 76 of the tourney to be three up on W. Wvnne. in the first round Wynne taking 39. Bell maintained his consistency in the afternoon, and ran out a winner at the 31st hole. GRANT’S FINE WIN. onald Grant’s 75 on Saturday evi dently inspired him to the good golf that he has in his bag. and to-dav he played the best golf that he has played in this country. The pace be set was too hot for the ex-amateur champion and Dominion representative, Leo Quin. Establishing a lead of two up Grant never let up. and finally won four and three He meets the local champion. N. Bell, tomorrow, and a tight game is assured.

B. V. Wright had the upper hand of W. F. Ralph, and was four up at the 22nd. From then on he fell back. At the 34th he had a chance to get in the lead, but failed, and Ralph, taking the next two holes, won the game

Morgan Duncan and Digby Giles had a ding-dong go. nothing more than one hole between them all the journey, and the 36th had to be nlay ed before the Australian returned. KAPI’S GALLANT EFFORT. Goss, starting one down in the afternoon, rattled a 35 out and established a lead on R. D. Wright, which he was equal to keeping. There was a very fine exhibition ot long driving in the Grey-Tareha match, in which honours were equal. Grey was sounder than usual in the other parts of the game, and was nutting with accuracy. Kapj made a gallant effort to save the game at the 34th Hitting his second, a magnificent brassy shot, he landed eight feet from the pin, but missed his nurt and here the game ended. R. M. George soon established a lead on the Eltham player Dale and was five up at the 7th. Dale reduced it to one up at the 13th. and the position was the same at lunch. In the afternoon George had to nlay his best to win. Dale is a consistent and improving player. Arthur Duncan had an easy game against J M. Hussey, but he will require to improve his wooden nlay to o-o much further in the chamnion ship. His short game is still sound. MACEWAN PROMISES WELL. The veteran H. B, Lusk was kept busy bv lan Mac Ewan. who was not equal to availing himself of Lusk’s mistakes in the morning round, and as Lusk played excellent golf (two over fours for 15 holes) in the afternoon. the younger player could not keep pace. Mac Ewan is a very nromising player. Sime and Bellingham had a very close game all day The latter is an improving player, and Sime had to produce good golf to win. Colbeck, Horton. Morpeth. Wager, and Black, as anticipated, had easy wins. Black returned a 73 and is at the top of his form, as is AVagg. THE PROFESSIONAL GAMES. Moss always had the better of bis game with J. A. Clements, and at 'he 19th he was two up. Clements nlaved a great uphill game, and at the 30th hg had a fighting chance, nut stymied himself R. C. Butters was two up on C C. Clements at lunch. Clements made all square at the 22nd. and took the next three holes, making him ‘hree up at the 26th Butters, recovering. took the next five holes and won. The margin of Mclntosh’s win over Blair does.not indicate bad play 011 Blair’s part," As a matter of fact Blair nlayed good, sound golf, hnt the Masterton professional produced one of the very brilliant games that he is capable of and which, unfortunately for himself, he does not al ways produce. GALLOWAY. SUPER-GOLFER A surprise was in store for A. J Shaw, as J. R. Galloway produced golf to-day that would have taken a super player to vanquish. It was not till well in the straight that Shaw got the lead, but only momentarily, as the Palmerston North man was equal to the occasion and wiped off the deficit by three and 1 two. Ilustrating the standard of <rolf provided by the professionals to-dav. their morning rounds were; Mclntosh 71, Butters 74. Galloway 74, Moss 74, Shaw 75. C. Clements ”6. Blair 76, J. Clements 76 HASTINGS LADIES’ CLUB. TO-MORROW’S DRAW. The following is the draw for the four-ball bogey: Mrs Woodward and Miss M. Pinckney play Mrs Nicoll and Mrs Pinckney. Mrs Hulbert and Mrs Symonds play Mrs Clark and Mrs Hogan. Miss M. Baird and Miss Wellwood play Miss P. Woodward and Mrs Budd.

Mrs Davies and Miss M. Murphy play Mrs Meekle and Miss Thompson. Mrs Nicoll and Mrs Pinckney play Miss Yule and . DOUGLAS CUP SCORES. The following were the best scores in the Douglas Cup:— Miss P Woodward, 78 and 82—16 B; Mrs Budd, 90 and 77—167; Miss P. Baird, 84 and 83—167. In the semi-finals of club championship Mrs Davies defeated Mrs Myers and Miss Wellwood defeated Mrs Pinckney. PARKA 7 ALE CLUB. A medal round will be played' tomorrow in conjunction with the A grade second qualifying round, commencing at 1.30 p.m. sharp. Mrs Riddiford plays Mrs Garrod. Miss Stairmand plays Miss Humphreys. Mrs Freedman plays Mrs Matthews. Mrs Ingram plays Mrs Vesty. Miss N. Atkin plays Mrs Scrivener. Mrs Coles plays' Miss Masters. Mrs Cowlnck plays Miss Garnett. Miss G. Atkin plays Miss Dawson. Miss Aldridge plays Miss Martin. Mrs Abbott plays Mr s Short. Mrs Heighway plays Miss M. Miller. Miss McKay plays Miss Miller. Mrs Robson plays Mrs McLeod. Miss Smith plays Miss Tiinnicliffe. Mrs Toohill plays Mrs Shattkey. Anyone not draw who wishes to play will be allotted a partner on the links. HASTINGS CLUB. The following is the result of the monthly medal match played on Saturday last: — A. S. Tonkin, 96-23—73; H. G. Davies, 79—4—75; G. H. Clark. 87— 12—75; C. A. Pope. 93-16—77; A.

E Day. 93—16—77; P. G, Ballantyne 89—11—78; H. A. Fannin. 88—9— 79; P. H. Burr. 101—19—82; (Rev. Thompson, 102—18—84; E. L. Commin. 100—18—84: H. de Penne. 102—17-85: G. R King, 103—16— 87; F S. Budd 99—12—87; J L. Foster. 100—12—88: IV M. Will. 105—16—89: J J. Millar. 113—24— 89: G AV. Estaugh. 109—18—91. . MEDAL ROUND DRAW. The following is the draw for the monthly medal round (AA'ednesday players) to be played on the Longlands golf links to-morrow at 1.30 p.m. :— J L. Paterson v E. E. Smith; H. File v. F. C Cuming; H. Knight v. E. C AVoodward; H. Roach v. AV. Mathews; H C. Baird v. C. Williams: H Blackmore v. 0. Brook; E. T. Ingram v. E. Willis; H, Harvey v. A. F. Redgrave: T. Johnston v. J. Barraclough; R T. Harding v. V. Greagor; G. H Reach v. Meikle. HASTINGS v. DANNEVIRKE. Players from the Hastings Club visited the Dannevirke Club in the week-end when the Greenwood Cup was played for. Dannevirke recently lifted the cup from AVaipukurau, but Hastings succeeded 111 bringing it back with them. Othei matches were played when Hastings again won. The following are the details. Hastings players being mentioned first:— GREENWOOD CUP. Two Ball Match,—H. Budd lost to E. Knight; E. Murley lost to H. Riddell; Paterson beat Hartgiil; Fannin lost to Hape; Matthews beat McDowell: Drummond beat Cunningham; A. Murley beat Bullick; Ballantyne all square with Cooper; Campbell beat Eaton; F. Budd beat O’Hara Smith. Four Ball Match.—H. Budd and E. Murley all square with F. Knight and Hartgill; Paterson and Fannin lost to H. Riddell and Hape; Matthew’s and Drummond all square with MeDowell and Cunningham; A. Murley and Ballantyne beat Bullick and

Cooper; Campbell and F. Budd lost to Eaton and O’Hara Smith. Summary: Hastings 8$ wins, Dannevirke 6} wins, OTHER MATCHES. Two Ball.—Smith beat Russell; Foster beat Roberts; Pope lost to Forsyth; File beat Clark; Greager beat Kitt; Jones beat T. Chadwick; Averill lost to Gordon; Torr beat Brittain; Barraclough beat R. Knight; Day beat Pyne; Egan beat James; Hallett lost to Faulkner, Four Ball.—Smith and Foster lost to Russell and Roberts; Pope and File lost to Forsyth and Clark: Greager and Jones lost to Kitt and Chadwick; Averill and Torr beat Gordon and Brittain; Barraclough and Day beat R. Knight and Pyne; Egan and Hallett beat James and Faulkner. Summary: Hastings 12 wins. Dannevirke 6 wins. RUGBY FOOTBALL. TO PLAY POVERTY BAY. H.B. TEAM PICKED. The following team has been selected to represent Hawke’s Bay against Poverty Bay, at Gisborne on Saturday:— Full-back: Yates. Three-quarters: Grenside, Blake, Huxtable. Five-eighths: Corkill, Te Ngaio. Half-back: Edwards. Back row; Campbell, Wilson. Middle row: M. Brownlie (capt.), Conrad, C. Brownlie. Front row: Swain, J. Gemmell. Wing-forward: Barclay. Emergencies:—Forwards, Strachan and Heffernan; back, Priestly. The team will leave the Empire Hotel at 9 o’clock on Friday morning the Hastings members to join the party by the first available bus on that morning. LANE CUP MATCHES. The undermentioned fixtures will commence the knock-out competition for the Lane Cup, the proceeds from which will be donated to the injured players fund: — Pirates v. M.A.C., McLean Park, No. 1, 2.45 p.m., Mr L. Jago. M. 8.0.8. v Celtic, McLean Park, No 2, 2.45 p.m., Mr- W. Forrest. H. 5.0.8. v Hastings, at Hastings. THIRD GRADE. The third grade final between Taradale and Hastings will be played on the Taradale Ground at 3 p.m., referee, Mr. U. BatchelorCENTRAL H.B. REPS. TO PLAY TAIHAPE. The following is the Central H.B. Senior team to play Taihape on the 14th inst. at Waipukurau:— F ull-back: A. Russell. Three-quarters: Jim King, Joe King, Kingi (Te Aute). Five-eighths: Ruru, Hupa (Te Aute). Half: Piki (Old Boys). . Forwards: Parker (Onga), Bridgeman, Haldane (Onga), Smith, Scherf, McFaiilne (Onga) Dillon and Green (Te Aute). Emergencies: Backs, Geenty and Nicol (Old Boys); forwards, Wi Hunter and Clayton (Takapau). The largest quota is from the Waipukurau team. The Onga Onga juniors forfeited to the Waipuburau team on Saturday and Old Boys forfeited to the Waipawa juniors.

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Hawke's Bay Tribune, Volume XVII, 6 September 1927, Page 3

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GOLF Hawke's Bay Tribune, Volume XVII, 6 September 1927, Page 3

GOLF Hawke's Bay Tribune, Volume XVII, 6 September 1927, Page 3