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Trade Announcements Helpful to Shoppers

BE EXCLUSIVE. REARDON AND WRIGHT LTD. The trend of modern stores is towards specialisation. Tp specialise means keeping on the tick of the clock of all the latest productions throughout the world. Il also means intensive concentration on the individual article handled. A quarter of a century ago Reardon and Wright Ltd., of Napier and Hastings set out to create a business devoted entirely to man’s wear of the better kind. They deal exclusively in men’s goods, making a speciality of tailoring and keeping two entirely separate staffs and cutters. Their range of woollens is the largest and best in the Hawke’s Bay district. Their cutters are well and favourably known all over New Zealand as having no superior to their craftsmanship in this country. Another outstanding feature is their men s hats. Soft felts are the ideal hats for for Hawke’s Bay and you can get practically any shape or style from this firm s stores. Yiu can get the best British, hats in Woodrows, Carricks, and Battersbys, while for the smart dressy man about town can get the latest American styles in Stetsons or Knox’s The man on the land is well looked after with his ideas of wide brims and fawn colours. While the typical New Zealand cowboy can dress in headgear the same as his brother cowboy across the Pacific, for this firm hold stocks of tiie famous “Tom Mix’’ cowboy hat in wearresisting felts and velours up to Oj inch brims. This firm’s shirts are sent ail over New Zealand. Our Star line is the worsted coating shirt known as the Railwayman for its wonderful wearing qualities and its easy and simple methods of laundering. It is the shirt for mechanics, motor engineers and drovers. The range of fancy shirts is of the latest dseigns and are shown m all qualities. Fancy socks are the footwear are also in great variety, while some smart striking designs to-day. Neckwear in all varieties and prices with the fancy knit as a. speciality, trousers in ready-to-wears can be had in the best of qualities at the finest of prices. Service suits for immediate wear are also in great variety, while the plain everyday lines of underwear, braces, collars and all men’s wear aiticles are shown in great variety at the right prices. If you have not Lad the pleasure of the arm's good goods, Reardon and Wright Lto.. heartily welcome all readers thinking of men’s goods to come in and have a look around at their stocks and prices.

BARLEY BROS., LTD. The firm that has earned a reputation for high-class tailoring is Barley Bros.. Ltd.. Hastings. Their new season’s stock is replete with the latest shades and designs in fashionable tweeds and worsteds. They also specialise in the famous 8.8. brand ready-to-wear suits, which are built to their own instructions, and represent the acme of finish and style. BAYLISS MASSEUR.

On the corner opposite Messrs Roach s’ Ltd., a neat sign attracts the eye. It points the way to one of the largest an dmost up-to-date electric therapeutic and message institutions in New Zealand. Mr. Harold S. Bayliss has now been in practice in Hastings for over seven years and bv efficient and up-to-date methods has earned a. wide-spread reputation as the result. The surgeries are situated on the corner of King and Knight streets, and here are to be found delightfully appointed rooms fitted with every modern electrical appliance for the treatment of human ills, and we feel that there are a great many people in Hastings and surrounding districts who do not vet know or appreciate this valuable asset to the district. It was during the war that massage and electricity came most before the public as a healing agency, for then, the governments of the different countries spent thousands of pounds on the installation of institutions throughout the world, for the treatment of their suffering soldiers, and the success that was the result has placed the profession on a high standard. Recent statistics show that 95 per cent, of all complaihts benefit greatly from these treatments. All forms of sprains, dislocations, fractures, bone muscular nervous, and internal complaints respond to it. Mr. Bayliss’s plant consists of apparatus for administering high frequency, autocondensation, violet and ultra-violet rays, blue light, diathermy, faradic, galvanic, and sinu sordal currents, ionisation. radiant heat baths (local and general) electric water baths. X-rays, vibration, etc. We know that Mr Bayliss will be delighted to show and explain his apparatus and its application to anyone interested at any time. HASTINGS FURNITURE AND WARDROBE DEPOT. The public are always on the lookout for bargains in goods they require and it has a splendid opportunity in this respect at Mr. Smith’s Furniture and Wardrobe Depot, Hastings. Here there is new and second-hand furniture, kapoc and wool bedding, misfit suits, boots, overcoats, garden tools, hooks ,etc. Country people are cordially invited to inspect his large stock. THE CLUB TEA ROOMS.

The Club Tea and Luncheon Rooms, Hcrctaunga Street, Hastings (just over the railway crossing) are up-to-date in every particular, and should be well patronised during the festivities in Hastings next week. There is a commodious and comfortable dining-room, and the service bestowed on patrons is up-to-date. Hot luncheons and teas at the Club Tea Rooms arc renowned for their excellent quality while the suppers, which are served out up till 10.30 p.m., are both appetising and recherche. The morning and afternoon teas arc dainty and delicious. WILSON & CANHAM, LTD. A firm that has made rapid strides in keeping with the progress of Hawke’s Bay is that of Wilson and Canham, Ltd., hide and skin merchants, Hastings. The business was established about 10 years ago in the building now’ occupied by Walker’s garage, but the place proved altogether inadequate for the large volume of business being transacted by the firm, and so the freehold porperty of the colrner of St. Aubyn street ami Karamu road was acquired. The business has still further increased under the management of Mr. W. J. Perritt, who has always endeavoured to give a square deal to those doing business with him, combined with courtesy and civility. The firm caters for all classes from the small farmer to the hig freezing works, and no doubt will continue to receive the substantial support that has hitherto noted its operations. Messrs. Wm. Haughton and Co., of Australia, recently acquired the interest or Mr. Wilson (who has been forced to retire owing to ill-health). Messrs. Wilson and Canham. Ltd., are cash buyers of hides, calf skins, wool, ♦allow, sheepskins ,horse hair, etc.

ID.S.L., NAPIER. This enterprising firm has shipments coining forward, periodically, froir Homo and American firms, so that the very latest fashions arc, in season, i exhibited in their windows. To keej I abreast of the times has always been the aim of the D.S.L., and their splendid * displays from time to time afford abundant proof of their success in getting the latest ideas from the Homt, and foreign markets. The millinery department is perhaps one of the foremost in New Zealand, and just now’ with its creations in Parisian models and trimmed hats, it is well worthy of a visit. Hosiery, gloves, laces, aro all on view of the very latest designs, from large stocks in stock give a much wider selection than usually falls to the lot of the purchaser. The men’s section is [not neglected, and sports coats, flannels, blazers, together with the latest designs in box suits, afford a wide and fashionable selection. The country order department is treated with the greatest care, all orders by post having every attention and if the goods ordered are not exactly as required they will be willingly exchanged to ensure complete satisfaction. D. BAKER-GABB. The new model “Republic’’ trucks, two ton and three ton, chassis of which will be shown have incorporated in their design the most approved or engineering principles. Anyone interested in haulage will be w ell advised to study this machine carefully, and have the special features of the new production explained and demonstrated to them.

Dennis. —This world renowned and popular truck will be represented in a 2-21 ton chassis which has just come to hand to the order of a local-body. The word “Dennis” will recall to every returned soldier the days of hardship and strife during the late war. They were used by the thousands in Franco ami always delivered the goods. The power unit, strength, and design of chassis are a masterpiece of engineering skill which will bear the closest scrutiny of the most critical truck man. Messrs. Dennis Bros. Ltd., Guilford, England, are the manufacturers,

A new and interesting feature of this year’s exhibit which undoubtedly will attract much attention is the four-ton “Sentinel” steam dump truck on solid tyres. This 'type of haulage is becoming very popular amongst commercial truck users on account of the low operating costs and less depreciation. The Sentinel is the first of the modern development on steam lines to come to Huw’kc’s Bay. It is of English manufacture, built at Shrewsbury, England. Solid tyres are inseparable from modern transport. A great ar,ray or these will be shown, from the small size as fitted to oiie ton runabouts to the huge giant, for the five-six ton trucks and costing a sum of money per tyre that would stagger the unthinking motorist. The “Goodyear” solid is chiefly in evidence, being the most popular solid tyre amongst truck men. Evcrj r prospective and real dairy farmer will be interested in the L.K.G. Milking Machine for which this firm is the Hawke’s Bay agents. For many years this machine has been the most popular throughout the great dairying districts of New- Zealand.

A number of pedigree Jersey breeders have installed the L.K.G. such as Messrs. Bevan. Booth and others.

WILLIAMS’ CARAGE. All motorists have experienced the annoyance caused by a breakdown of a motor car, but this is further accentuated when the repair work is slovenly done and a repetition of the old trouble occurs. At Williams’ Garage, King street. Hastings, however, the motoring public will lie ensured of satisfaction, as Mr. Williams is a specialist in all classes of motoir engineering and guarantees the best of workmanship, while the quality of material used is first-class and the price reasonable. Cars are bought, sold and exchanged at Williams’ Garage. Give him a trial. FRED HAWLEY. Mr. Fred Hawley, motor engineer, Hastings, is fast earning a high reputation for the first-class nature of the work he turns out. He undertakes all kinds of motor repair work, and guarantees satisfaction. He has had nine years ’experience in acetone welding, and all work entrusted to him in this regard will lie turned out in the same skilful manner as his motor engineering. S. MALATZKY.

There is an old saying that “there is nothing like leather/ 7- and the axiom receives a strong verification in the choice lines of footwear displayed by Mr. S. Malatzky in his shop, opposite Yates and McPhail’s. Heretauga street. Hastings. Mr. Malatzky is anxious to see Carnival Week a great success, and so h© has spared no expensce in making his display of footwear on this occasion one of the most attractive in Hastings. His latest fashionable footwear includes ladies’ shoes (fancy straps, patent and glace), men’s light box calf boots from 19/6, black, brown, and grey suede shoes (one. strap, Louis heel) from 25/. and tennis shoes from 2/11. C. E. HORTON. The first business of its kind started in Hastings for the renovating and enamelling of motor cars was that established by George E. Horton, in King street, near St. Matthew’s Church. This firm still maintains its reputation for doing first-class work at a treasonable cost. Every car turned out goes through the hands of the proprietor, who is recognised as one of the finest tradesmen in the North Island, and every detail required is attended to. Nothing but the very highest grade of materials is used, all the enamels and varnishes being imported direct from the world’s best manufacturers. The motto of this firm is “Durability.” which is fully demonstrated by the nature of the work turned out. Owners of cars that require renovating can rest assured that a little talk over the matter with Geo. Horton will be to their mutual benefit. H. B. MOTOR TYRE REPAIRING CO. See advertisement in our Show issue of tyres and tubes- stocked by the H.B. Motor Tyre Repairing Co. They have the largest stock of tyres and tubes in the district. You will get free air, free advice on your tyres, civility, and attention. They are the oldest vulcanisers jn Hawke’s "Bay. A trial is solicited for all tyro troubles. LOACH AND PRICE. Loach and Price draw attention to the fact that they arc now right out again to serve in all departments. In plumbing, electrical, and .tinsmithing work they still lead. They are displaying a stock of tinware and other goods of especial interest to farmers and housewives.

WESTERMAN AND CO. Established with a view to supplying maximum value to the purchaser, through buying from the leading manufacturers in the t'nitel Kingdom and elsewhere, and to promoting the highest efficiency and economy in the conduct of their business. Mesrs. Westerman and Co. have attained front rank importance amongst soft goods houses in Now Zealand. The business has seen a, remarkable development from the modest proportions of a decade or more ago. The growth, however, has not liepn of the mushroom variety, hut steady and ’solid throughout. The foundations have been splendidly laid, and each addition in the superstructure has been most carefully tested, henco the wonderful result so far achieved. Through th© intervention of this firm the markets of the world have been laid open to the popple of Hawke’s Bay This is the service of the firm. Like gold, it is a “store of value.” Th© public wants in all general and household drapery and apparel are most lavishly provided for. A marvellous stock has been built up patiently and effectively, superb ranges being carried in all departments, indicating the strength and capacity of the business. As a result, Mesrs. Westerman and Co.’s store has become a household word in this community, and the end is not yet. Every housewife knows that she is always sure to get what she wants from Westerman and Co.’s. JAEGER’S.

A special Carnival display is being made hy Jaeger’s, Heretaunga street, Hastings, The enterprise of this wellknown fir mis evidenced in the splendid display made of suit materials, clothing, mercery and haberdashery goods, which are described as being “of distinct merit,” while the prices are right. Mr. Jaeger has a very large stock to ’select from and in your purchases from him you can depend on getting satisfaction- His suitings are of the best workmanship and materials. and his one aim is to fit you so that your appearance will count. However, “good wine needs no hush” and we therefore leave the public to give Jaeger’s a trial ami judge for themselves.

S. KEARNEY. Everyone will be desirous of having a happy time during Carnival, and look spick and span for the occasion. Lovers of the “fragrant weed” can have the former by buying their pipes, tobacca, and cigarettes from Mr. >S. Kearney, hairdresser and tobacconist, Heretaunga street;, (next Carlton Club Hotel), Hastings, and the latter by visiting his hairdressing saloon, which is one of the most up-to-date in Hawke’s Bay, and where none but first-class tonsorial artists are employed. In connection wit ft liis hairdressing business, Mr. Kearney has just initiated the Wager sanitary shaving soaper, which docs aw«ay with the labour and annoyance of having to sterilise brushes after each shave. It gives the most sanitary and attractive lathering service obtainable. It is very simplein its operation. Slight pressure on the bulb does all the work. it fits the hand easily, and requires little or no care. Mr. Kearney has also a large assodt-ment of toilet requisites in stock, and is renowned for his setting of razors. Strict attention, courtesy and civility is meted out to every customer, and entire satisfaction is guaranteed. A. G. HULLETT.

This well-known and established firm is carrying on business in an up-to-date shop, situated in Russell Street, next to the, Loan and Mercantile Agency premises. Work of a high order in renovating cars, painting and enamelling in the latest favourite shades is a specialty. Hoods, seat covers, and envelopes are also made and fitted, from high grade English material. Work entrusted to the firm is done in an expert manner at most moderate prices. MACNUS MOTORS, LTD, The Magnus Motors, Ltd-, direct importers and distributors of Dodge Bros, motor vehicles, Hastings, win have an extraordinary motor exhibit at the Hawke’s Bay Show, which every visitor should not miss inspecting. The exhibit is made up of the following ears: Rolls-Royce, £0 h.p. six-cylinder chassis; Dodge Bros., open and closed models in latest styles; Dodge Bros. Demonstration Chassis, showing sectional details of the interna] mechanism in full working operation ; Austin cars, in touring and. twofour seater types; and Lexington Six, the car with the wonderful Anste i engine that develops 70 h.p. All particulars of these famous cars can be obtained at Magnus Motors, Ltd., Russell street (opposite Railway Station) or at the exhibit section on both days the Show. ALEXANDER’S VULCANISING WORKS. Farmers and motorists are requested to note that Alexander’s Vulcanising Works, Russell street, Hastings, is second to none for service. First-clasn workmanship and a reasonable price arc the leading features at this establishment. ROSS, DYSART AND MCLEAN.

Messrs. Ross, Dysart and McLean’s coach and motor body factory in Karamu road, Hastings, is now a busy hive of industry, showing conclusively the marvellous progress made by the firm. The factory is equipped with all modern appliances, and is managed by experts in each department. The work done, which includes coach and motor body building, car and vehicle painting, upholstering, and repair work in all its branches, is of first-class order. A splendid example of the high standard of work turned out by the. firm is demonstrated by the bodies they are constructing to order on two large charabanc cars in their factory, the whole denoting expert workmanship and a thorough grasp of this important class of motor work. The firm’s upholstering and car painting is also of a high order of merit, while its coachbuilding and all other vehicle work bears the hall-mark of excellence. Messrs Ross, Dysart and McLean have established a most important industry in Hastings and no doubt they will received an enhanced patronage from the public of Hawke’s Bay. MRS. ELDER. Mrs. Elder, who is the most, experienced ladies’ hairdresser and has the longest-established toilet, rooms in Hastings, has made a step forward in the way of acquiring more up-to-date premises for the conduct, of her business, viz., upstairs rooms in the new Heretaunga Buildings. The rooms are fitted up with the latest appliances for ladies’ hairwork and face massaging, and an innovation is the introduction of mud packs for face massaging. Mrs. Elder gives her personal attention to clients, and uses the latest hygiene methods. A. J. EATONMr. A. J. Eaton, painter, signwriter and paperhanger. Hastings, advises that now is the time for spring cleaning ancL decorating the home or business place, and that he is prepared to undertake the work. He will give a special discount of 33 1-3 per cent on all wall papers .'bought during the month of October. Mr. Eaton is noted for his splendid workmanship in painting, paperhanging and signwriting work, and his stock of wall papers, painters’ and artists’ requisites is unsurpassed in Hawke’s Bay. Call in and see him during Show Week.

BAIRD AND COr Carnival Week is hero again and happily coincides with the Jubilee Year of the Hawke’s Bay A. and P. Show, [ No stone has been left unturned by the Progress League and the band oi willing workers in order to provide us with a week of enjoyment and to impress visitors with the fact that sunny : Hastings is hard, to beat for pleasure or business. No one can pass through the town without observing trie establishment of Messrs J}aird’s “Leading Drapers and Mercers” a title which is m> mis nomer as they are always to the fore with quality, low prices and every class of novelty that counts in the drapery world. The advantages of personal supervision by the proprietor apparent' here, the keen pricing of all goods point to exceptional buying facilities and low overhead expenses—no superfluities in advertising or office expenses—and the purchaser gets the benefit. One of the specialities of this firm is “Holeproof” hosiery of which they have a fine window display wherein patrons are advised to “hang” darning and buy “Holeproof.” These hose are packed in yellow boxes and are the best value on the market, so refuse all substitutes. The departments throughout vie with each other in tlie multitude and brilliance of stocks, novelties galore in the fancy section, gloves being a prominent feature; dress goods of every description, sponge cloths, foulards, silks, ginghams, organdies, fine serges, etc., and a. price to suit every purse. In the showroom there are three sections—millinery, costumes and blouses; ladies underclothing, and it is hard to say which will appeal to the feminine eye most. All the goods are direct importations and consequently the styles are exclusive, but prices place these within reach of all. There is a separate entrance to the men’s and boys’ outfitting departments, and the values here act as a magnet, the circle of clientele ever widening under the policy of “best quality always.” Up-to-date methods, including a division of the profits with the staff, make for stability and steady growth, and one feels that the purchasing power of the public is well directed and amply satisfied in all transactions with this enterprising firm- Special inducements are to be offered during Carnival Week and a visit to Messrs Baird’s, Leading Drapers and Mercers, will amply repay you in profit and pleasure.

THE HASTINGS BAKERY. The Hastings Bakery, Ltd., is deserving of \every support and encouragement for the enterprise its management has shown in erecting an up-to-date factory in Hastings street, and turning out its bread in the most modern lines. It has completely discarded the old method of hand-macle bread and .substituted up-to-date machinery for the purpose, thus ensuring the public of bread of first-class quality and free from dirt of any kind. The bread manufactured by the Hastings Bakery, Ltd., is guaranteed pure, and the public are invited to give it a trial. LAND AND HEIGHWAY, Messrs Laud and Heighway, corner of Market and Heretaunga street, are specialists in saddlery, harness, tennis -and sports goods. They sell only goods of the best quality, and their prices are reasonable. Farmers and sportsmen should not fail to give them a trial—that is, if they are not already doing so—as they arc a longestablished Hastings firm and their experience counts for something.

“ELITE” BACON FACTORY. A prominent local industry in Hastings is that conducted by Mr. CV ogtherr, who has spared no expense in bringing his bacon factory up-to-date, riis enterprise has resulted in his ‘'Elite” hams being unsurpassed for quality and uniformity of flavour, and his “Elite” bacon being delicately mild, that “just right” flavour which only “Elite” bacon possesses. The pu.blic are requested to ask their grocers for the “Elite” brand when ordering their hams and bacons. The hams and bacon are all cured under the personal supervision of Mr. C. \ ogtherr at his Stortiord Lodge Factory, which is fitted up with ail the latest machinery and appliances fur the purpose. AWATOTO FELLMONCERY AOT SCOURING WORKS. Mr. Alt. H. Kirkham Has established an up-to-date fellmongery and scouring works at Awatoto, evidencing a further step in the progress of Hawke’s Bay- Farmers are notified that he is a cash buyer of wool, skins, hides, and tallow in any quantity, delivered at the works, also that wool is scoured on commission. NEW SONG RECORD. YES. WE HAVE NO BANANAS.” A song with the absurd title, “Yes, We Have no Bananas,” is provnig one of the most sensational selling successes ever known in the history of popular music publishing in America. At the end of June, though the song nad not. then reached the climax of its career, the sheet-music sales were neyond anything ever published. The previous record held by “Dardanella,” 1,1)00,000 copies had then been . reeded. Daily sales in New York of “Yes, We Have No Bananas,” were over 40,000 copies, and it was regarded as certain that they would go higher. The sales of phonograph records and piano rolls of the song were also tremendous. The mechanical companies were astounded at the demand. Record sales of the number outranked “Dardanella.” which was a sensational number on the mechanicals, due to its novel rhythm. Music store managers declared that almost every sale of records includes one of the “Bananas” song. SAVOY CAFE, NAPIER.

A splendid place to dine is the Savoy Cafe, Napier, which is conducted on the most up-to-date lines by Mr. Ashworth, who is desirous of satisfying the wants of his customers with well-served-up meals at reasonable prices. Fish .ham and steaks, etc., and oysters in season are the leading features of the Savoy, which is next the Caledonian Hotel, Napier. C. C. CUNNOLD.

Mr. C. G. Cunnold has a good selection of tewing machines which include two New Home models, one in oak and another in ivalnut, being drop-heads with apron front giving them a semi-cabinet appearance. They are fitted with ball-bearings and full appliances; they are noted for their lasting quality. A domestic “King” drop-head is also shown. This is a central needle machine. The operator sits immediately in front of the needle bar . The latest “Rotoscillo” Desk Model is a very attractive exhibit and make it a most up-to-date machine, making it a most up-to-date machine. It has a unique appearance when closed down. The treadle is ballbearing throughout with best appliances. A hand with cover machine, made by Vickers Limited, the English gun makers, which have reversible feed and include a hem-stitcher and 5 stitch pleater in its appliances, is another machine worthy of attention. This is the most up-to-date hand machine offered in Hawke’s Bay and at £7 10s cash, delivered to any railway station in the North Island is the best proposition offering. Needles for all sowing machines are obtainable from the firm’s stand in the produce shod. , L. SIGLEY.

Mr. L. Sigloy. Russell street, JTastings, is a specialist in motor car painting, and car owners arc advised to send their cars to him He guarantees firstclass work at reasonable prices.

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Hawke's Bay Tribune, Volume XIII, Issue 256, 13 October 1923, Page 11

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CARNIVAL AND SHOW Hawke's Bay Tribune, Volume XIII, Issue 256, 13 October 1923, Page 11

CARNIVAL AND SHOW Hawke's Bay Tribune, Volume XIII, Issue 256, 13 October 1923, Page 11