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Half Price Days : Triday & Saturday Next To Commemorate a most successful Sale ROACHS’ are holding Two Half Price Days next Friday and Saturday, February 18th and 19tb. Think what this means to be able to buy Seasonable Drapery and Clothing at Half Prices. Seems too good to be true. But Hundreds of Lines from eac Department will be sold at Half Prices and Less ; and all Remnants and Oddments will be Hall Price. • Here are just a few of the many Bargains. ROACHS’ LTD., HASTINGS. Shop early FRIDAY and SATURDAY Next. Underclothing Bargains. Such m,, nw ,r au Brsji.c., B.™ “ A^SS happen again. SM \RT ttIYCMMIf- BLOUSES. assorted L'l'e »n 4 Saturday only 8/9, 9/9 arid ii.ii. Salurday nnly 1.1 var.l, vt i m“ \ 11« I %X I »>< .* 7 Fir.. ~ I nMa l<hn. and Friday ? 3 ... Grey Red and Usual Price.. I. 6. and BLaIKMtA, I J,- I sua! 76 I r.- Usual 3*. .nd LAILS’ X. . 6 sual I’l aln HEAVy" YVEk/hT LISTA ’SILKSfor j}} ■"" l ■' " Friday and Saturday only 2/6 and 7 ’ «, 5, V.m<i €4 4 L ?’’ ’’ Fr,day and Ststurday MUI and Saturday, a snip als 9. ■• I ..I M. Half Price l/S NAVY ’sTor'KINFTir RATHTNt SUITS Canadian LADIES’ RAINCOATS, very smart tripes Usual Prices Usual Price 18Hl Friday and Saturday only 9/3 pair. bLLK SHOT POLONAISE, a ' ery strong Silk Alixtme for , 1 1, x ,I n. -. P L Half Price 6/9 ■ «*-?•- 'X'\ „X” Rs*"■-/«'XUVs’t’vMIIRicKNII KI RS. trimmed eml fery and 'j. i a ' ' ; ’"' l C ”' y ‘’’ wkS mutable ‘ ml'7 '< ■Thmt ™ king 6 and Kanpdav" only'' ' ' Saturday,"e/o and* 7/l’ "“ 13 9 ”" d “ ” ” on Friday and Saturday only. ' COLOURED TULLE. ... Enm ..Id Pink. Vieux -Usual Price 19 6. Friday and Saturday 9/9. WOVKJM OTTON miosis. LADIES CAMISOLES, daintily trimmed Vai Lore and In fV’i.Uv Vnd'sal.mdav only 1/7' y'.r,;. " and 4/3. " - H«-. « Big JJ, .« njj C... pito T 4-. H-. g „ 1K „ Ai(XrE AU. AT HALF Showroom Cootfs at These Prices are Simply Gifts. Buying. . ROACHS’ Ltd., Hawke’s Bay’s Busiest Store, HASTINGS.

A Name with . \ When purchasin.ll garden hose se- • lect one of the "Dunlop” brands as illustrated. It means economical service and salisfaclion - it means z high quality and best value for y° ur expenditure. Obtainable all ' DUr ’ LOP leading stores. Illustrated list on ' WELLINGTON, CHRISTCHURCH. AUCKLAND z/ sJuHxxILX. y/ DUNLOP ?■'« MOULDED '>■ 'mR- W- ? * g A M L £ 55 ///, f ''/frw&k. Wn¥M It Patis to Use I At the Traps “C-A-C” Scores! At the Auckland Gun Club’s Clay Bud Championship Meeting at Ellerslie in December, 1920. Mr. Andrew Dobson won Sir John Dewar s Trophy —a Silver Pigeon; the Club’s Trophy; and a considerable sum of money. W. H. 1 lughes won second prize, and \V, Peck and H. Curtis tied for third place. Dobson. Hughes, and Peck all used C.A.C. ’ Favourite 2t” Cartridges, loaded with Improved E.C. Smokeless Powder. C.A.C. Match Cartridges are now loaded with the latest Improved E.C. Smokeless Powder unless other loading specified. BUY C.AC. CARTRIDGES AT THE NEW REDUCED PRICES Colonial Ammunition Co. N.Z. Ltd., Auckland B.LTNEfI—4J

FURTHER REDUCTIONS FURTHER REDUCTIONS OUT THESE c 0 BLYTHES L™ MOMENTOUS VALUES Sample items of our Sale Bargains that shows solid savings, and brings satisfaction to the Buyer. 49. STYLISH READY-TO-WEAR MILLINERY. Usually 39/6 to I 5.?/-. SalePrlce 9/11. Fetr SMART READY-TO WEARS.— Prices ranging from 29/- to 39/6. Sale Price 6/11. IF YOU WANT A FOUR OR. FIVE GUINEA MODEL HAT - COME TO BLYTHES—SaIe Price 19 fi Few only WHITE VOILE FROCKS, nicely embroidered. Usually 39/6; Sale Price 12/6. Few only WASHING COSTUMES, all round belt. Usually .55/-. Sale Price 10/6. MODE!, SILK COSTUMES, in Boldings.—Usually 18 to 20 guineas. Sale Price 10 to 12 guineas. FEATHER. BOAS are marked about half-price. In black or white, black end-white, or grey and white. -Usually 42/-. Sale 21/LADIES’’ SILK ANKLE HOSE. Black, White and Colours.— I Usually. 7/1K Sale Price 4/11. 3 Pieces 32in. WHITE CALICO, for Pillow Cases - Usually 1/11. Sale Price 206 SEAGRASS BEDSIDE MATS.- Usiinßy 5/6. Sale Price 3/6 ALL BLYTHES CARPETS ARE SUBSTANTIALLY REDUCED.BLYTHSS TEA ROOMS afford a delightful break in the shop pirlg time, and is an accepted rendezvous for those who can appreciate dainty morning or afternoon teas—9d. BLYTHES LIMITED, NAPIER TH€ LEADING DRAPERS AND COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS, NAPIER and at DANNEVIRKE. Fiwei wnißm-HFim

Style Materii!s,(\W/A Finish J~7H Right / 7/\\ Pric® t/' \L I ? |TI BARRY BROS. LIMITIED. HAWKES BAY AGENTS E..r TAI UtRI COAL MINING Co.. LTD j I TELEPHONES: 617 Town Office. ( si ( ‘ \ ;i I<l 1063 Offir-e, PnU Ahu'i'i. 1061 Office, Port Alimiri. 4 r. j NAI'iEH COAOM ani> HOIOW WORKS HASTINGS' STREET NAI’IEH 1. A * A, N * . - ■ A >». I ' <N * , - . • » HOODS RKOOVKRKD. NEW LIGHTS PUT IN »... UAH UPHOLSTERING or KVRJO DRBCItIPTIU.N DONE ON I HE j'KT'.MISKr.

“Habit in n. pocniid nature."—Mont niigne. ; flood boijHPwiveß maintain tfac good hnbit ' <>f always keeping a bottle of Baxter’? ; I.ung Preserver on the shelf It is an ideal . antidote and tonic for the children. They ' appreciate "Haytrr's” it’s so pleasant, to i fake, and th<»v know bow it ride that I 'nasty cold' from the sA’stem. socthe 0 sore ; fhrnat and strengthens the lungs. Get H large fid bottle of Baxter’s Lune pre ( server from vmir chciriist nr groner. (Jet i It now and keep it handy. Hundreds of ttfnusanfls of motoripis a«- ■ claim the iincrue&honpd superiority of j cf,I \ ‘ll I-’.|.' CROSS TA'RES under all road ! and climatic conditions. All garages can i supply. Six dressings of Progandra will remove . yoor corn Simply apply "n a piece ot eal’co or wadding and follow directions I Your money will be refunded if Pro j gandra does not rem wp /orns as stated i 1s 6d from chemist a dnd stores, or post, j paid frr in Barraclnngh s Pty.. Box 1247. : Wellington.

KCII A\\\\wuliVA klL'AVkU lll ill 11111 I WHEN THE SUN GOES DOWN- /»/' yon muM resort tn arificiil means of lighting. U |HH/| x If you ar* compelled by circumstances to rely on 'J S>/" '• • keroseue lamp, be sure vour limp is giving the I * ,” T ||B9 The ** Wunderwick is a small piece of mcom- y) bustible material fitting in the ’amp sleeve above ; ’lie wick. With the “ Wunder wick ” Gt«*d— I waw. —wr f Dtte* not burn Does not trimming i »HU| ■gSg • THE W!CK-)p ocs smoke Gives better light. MW The “Wunflsrwlcli" Saves Von Money. Bwf/b®' New Zealand XL- .— Distributors-— ’ —- H. E. REDSTONF & co - Panama Str?et WFLIINfiTOM. Pfl RQI3IB, PRICES: |m2/6 each: 2 |n -« 3/- enrh; Im. 3/6 each. “WUNDERWICK” BURNERS for “Miller.” “Juno” and •‘Rochester’’ Lamps—No. O •</-; 1. 3/6; 2. 4/-; .3, 4/6 <j«m iw pION’T always blame vour dre«<-ir-aker if your gown doe*, not fit p*rfertlv f r e<| uen 11 v in aiirh cases * s corset that is <it fault. | I <“’ifcure a figure moulded accnrd1-'-'' ,n ® dictates of Fa<hir»n. yet ——A'>4 '' 1 3‘ ve 8 feeling of genuine free«l«un. comfort, and support. / \ Warner’s are r*bt<tinable in back { — 1 ffnrn&rX' and front lacing and arc guaranV xc>2 rwniers teed not lo Rust> Brf . ak or Tear< o

Don "t Lie Ao)akc!\ Banikh Insomnia by Taking Dr. Cassell’s ablets When you «uffer bom eleeplessnr*!. yetu nerves become weakened, and the whole system suffers •eveiely. To indue* wholesome. r*fresh-i<fc sleep the nerves must be fed and nourished, az.d there is nc better tonic and nutriment than Dt. Cassell's Tablets They raise the vitality of all the nerves and organs, enabling you to enjoy naluiai sleep without the aid of dangerous narcotics Dr. Cassell s Tablets are nerve nutrients and restoratives ol proved efh caey,,and are the recognised modern remedy for Nerve Troubles, Neura«th»ni3. Nerve Paralysis. Infantile I’aralysis. Indigestion Sleeplessness Kidney Weakness. Anaemia Specially valuable f,„ Nursing Mothers and during ’he Critical Periods of I ffe Sole hr CherjtsU and Store keepers in -.(I part> of N»v» Zealard Prices i-* 4 t ■ 4 «»re 0 SACKS * M FJ a mrat wraps J toADSDEN F Kk 0 w I**ll f/tf 9*4 wif l * ! Tariili: Httg Ficiery Sr F A •• W” Vi-ASAPtI CMUMVCMMCM | I rtr ■»» ■*•**•» vaußtaoMi■ 4?elieves ~ « Estops \ x f ) j ~ / EUemngtoo . lubes -ad U z — = / afcratn Quick reM horn *<xe » / t- = i reiaied thrnai huilpnessot IM 5 | —r-'-* >»d bronchus! Ron ni niton’s

iSPH £xAd L/S f/On J c Calving Time is not far distant, and with it comes the most anxious and busiest time for stockbreeders —■ Calving, Foaling and Lambing. No farmer should be without OSKOXD'S This great veterinary “ Lincolnshire ” Pain Cure is invaluable for exhaustion .after delivery, and will put pounds in vour pocket by saving your stock and building up sickly cat!le. Tried andiTested for over 60_years , Send to-day for information of Animal Medicines. OSMOND & SON (N.Z. Ltd.) WELLINGTON

f • ■ -T'-* -- -:r —---R-Tll9ll|lll|llllllMll|lllßf MB—M—JWIIHHMMIIIIIM———MIL J.H JI UH. I . W hen the doctor said “Can / 7 e • x —\ / ’7 'f~- •< * h Gmcs, t c °d round the bca } ' i ] Z —the muster er asked, “ H hat sj.t ■ / i 1 [ ''■/ IXSSKV “Overland ' fout' ' answered t'e I dodor , Then, drive right ahead, ncs the I . rejoinder. (>'.e?land Four is the popular car everywhere. Its ■. o de i Jul power and smooth riding qualities * 1 J p e not'd ‘e itures. {equipped with diagonal i > r»< int canlilt-vrr springs. Overland Four," has I f »e same road •steadiness as a big car. It goes over ih rou.hi'ct i’ccs without a jar or bump, arid the ’ * n ctccti n afforded the mechanism by tins exclusF ire means long life and continued \ I economy. *r» 11 I'.nitr \vill cover from 28 to 30 miles on one \ ' |» a'-i-in o octroi, while its high-grade equipment includes:— , i'l e v. :n noy anr | Lightjng System- Electric Horn— V \ C '' R ’’l D > ho Upholstery Springs — Demountable Rims— \ \ I h « S..> e j I ransmisston Slanting Rain Vision Wind ' * \ **' r • ’S' n Carburettor U.S L... Battery, etc Write ’"TY I ‘ t I 1 ' ’ e « a a’ogtie nt (h erland “ Four, or call and inspect a • {■ * the car o: pet.e t lomlott. I 1 /H New Zea’and Distributor* J'\ / > A. C.LR.CK & CO.LTD. A \ //| IVa.iiiAnui and Wellington i’.’if £>/<»' ■ \ ~ z * | I Lora! Dealere . 19 -1 • } « r d ; z/ - rornitM l. BIIOS., W.F.C.A.. LTB., M fW" W ? ' 1/ J / I HJS’INGS. DANNEVIHKK i L

For childrea’s coughs and colds there is no remedy so safe and sure as Bonnington’s Irish Moss. Free from opiates or harmful drugs, it quickly breaks up a cough or cold, wards off bronchitis and prevents pneumonia. Pleasant to take. Family size 2/6. ltJ

Edmonds "Sure-to-Rise” Bakin* I Powder earns a lot of praise for : the housewives who use it. It j makes all cooking deliciously I light and tasty. It assures success from the start, that is why cooks are prepared to pay a little more for it. Ask for *u KDMQKEDC | . BAKING a 1 1

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Hawke's Bay Tribune, Volume XI, Issue 53, 16 February 1921, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Hawke's Bay Tribune, Volume XI, Issue 53, 16 February 1921, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Hawke's Bay Tribune, Volume XI, Issue 53, 16 February 1921, Page 7