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’THE GREAT DEMONSTRATION ’ lhe j heat re Royal was well Idled on Sept. Bth, wh<*>i the Voodoo Specialists gave their promised Free Public Demonstration. For some time past many local sufh'i'oi-s had beau looking forward : to tins denionstrat.un. for the fame of ilr l \ codec hail preeeded it .and all ■ were. anxious • to see for themselves whether it could ro.dly do the things that are claimed lor it. Thus it was an expectant crowd that rolled up to see the A <-?d" , e in action, and it included 1 many uulortimate sufferers who had sought in vain for some relief from their troubles. Promptly at <8 o’clock the \ cede? Specialists appeared on the platform, and were warmly greeted by the audience. THE VEEDEE. I . Proceedings were opened by Mr. A. B- Scott, the general manager of the l eociee's New Zealand tom-, who menj t'.cned in a jew well-chosen words what I are .the objects which the Veetle? Spel cialists seek to attain. Air. Scott exj plained that the Veedac has been shown 1!) ail the principal cities of the world ' within the last ‘few years, and most recoin!y in Brisban .Newcastle, Sydney. .Melbourne. Ballarat. Adelaide, Hobart, and all the New Zealand centres, and that everywhere it had left behind a phenomenal record of successful cures. He emphasised I lie fact that tile A eedee. had been imitated in maiiv ways, but. that nevertheless it still stands to-day in the same position it won when first invented eleven years ago — namelv, as the only effective ami practical vibrator in the wtuld. All other would-be vibrators, pulsators, blood circulators, etc-., had imitated the Veodee in everything except its power to cure. The reason for this is not far, to seek, as the Veodee is the only adjustable vibrator in existence, and this adjustability tolls in itself the story of the A e.edee’s success, Mr. Scott gave a vorv apt dlustration by explaining that it was just as necessary that the power and force of vibration should be exactly regulat'd to suit each particular comnlaim,* each particular case, each particular patient, as it is necessary that a pan- of field-glasses should b< exactly regulated to suit the eyesight of the person using them. As this ad instability does pot appear in any otbemachine, it therefore follows that the A eedt'-> is the only vibrator of any cura tiro value. Some slides were then thrown on the screen, showing testimonials from suck well-known people as “Snowy’’ Baker Fatlie'- Robinson of (':>mbo’-w'll. Vic roria. Madame Melba. Her Majesty the Onceii ol Spain ox-Comtnonwoeltl-A ttornev-Gene-'al Hughes. C. B. Fry lamntis Encdtsb pric’-'eter. Lord Roberts. Genera! Badmi-Powell. and many others equally well known.

, THE LECTURE. Pioiossor \V. T. Wrighi, the Veedet Specialist and f'.xpi'i t, who came oih from iMigland specially to tour Australasia and lecture on vibration, was tliei. introduced. He was given a hearty I'e.ceptioh by the now deeply interestec. audience. Professor Vi right, in i. schoiuriy and earelulJy wonud address. . proceeded to elucidate the principles o. curative vibr-ation. For the benefi t ol his hearers he explained, and later illustrated by ineans ef some most interesting and unique slides, how, by applying vibration to any given nerve ar it; origin in t)ie spine, it is possible tc bring about a healthful condition in the organ controlled by that particulat u u ve. By stimulating the controlling re,-ve the energy is transmitted to the organ itself, which, in its turn, is induced to fulfil its proper functions. li, any cases where sluggish circulation. 01 nervous, or functional disorders exist, the use of the Vendee is indicated, fol •me of the most important acr-ompiish-luviit' of the Ve.’doe is its power oi stimulation. By increasing the blood circulation anti thus bringing a greatei How <;t nourishment to any particulai part m the body, its action strengthen? and r‘-vitalises ties particular part, and at the same lime the increased bh.-od-iieny carries away any waste mallei which may have accumulated. In conrec turn with such complaints as rheu- ' mati.-m and gout, for example, the Vnode" slowly but surely breaks down the deposits el uric acid which have accumulated around the joints, and renders it possible' lor them to be carried away by the blood, and'disc-barged out of th>> system through t'm kidneys in th' ordinary way. In the. same deafness, unless caused by actual injury through accident or other similar cause, vields readily to the influence of Vcede ’, which, by increasing the circulation around the ear, dispels the congestion which has l>o;>n preventing the ear drum from properly vibrating and tlim reproducing sound. Professor Wright also quoted several of the highest authorities on the question of miners' phthisis, who are agreed that the best and in fact only preventive of thir dread disease is Nature itself. Ji one can keep the system free from noxiotif substances, and the circulation good Nature will do the rest. This is where the use of the Vendee comes in. It increases the circulation of the. b’ood, induces a good healthy appetite, and keeps the bod.v in a condition to resist the ravages of disease. All Professor Wright’s remarks were well illustrated by moans of the slides, and made a deerimpression on the audionc.'*. Cases were then called for treatment on the plat-f'"-m, ami it was explained that rone '■*" the people had ever been soon before Ir the Voodoo Specialists. A large number came forward, and about, a score were treated by Professor Wright and a nurse during the evening.

i PLATFORM CASES. The first case treated was Mr. James Annaid, o> Marine Parade. Napi-’i-This gentleman lias ior oudit years been a victim of the ravages "h Rheumatism. 1 lie trouble is mainly in his and it was with obvious difficulty | that lie hobbled about the stage prior |to the application of the inacmne. A | tew minutes’\ cede? treatment made all tile difference in the world, however, I for, to the delight of both himself and the onlookers, Mr. Anna rd was soon prancing gaily about, doing a semitango. The improvement was evident j to all, and the patient declared that lie had not had so much freedom in his limbs for many a long day. The audience warmly applauded this first success of the “Little Steel Doctor.’’ All. Tanner, or Shakespeare .road, "? l . s L’hated tor Rheumatism and Neuritis in the shoulder. He was unable to raise his arm more more than a few inches, but once again the Veedee showed its worth. Mr. Tanner W a‘soon able to lift his arm well above his shoulder, and, although ho was, of course, not cured, the improvement brought about in such a short space of time was really remarkable. A ih'-ti ease was next attempted. Mrs. Smith, of Hardfield road, was the patient. V. hen tested, it was found that this lady could not distinguish a sound even when shouted at quite clase to the ear. The machine was put to work and it was not many minutes before she could hear when spoken to from a distance of several feet. She inlorrned the \ eedee Specialists that she was delighted witli the improvement brought- about in such a short space of time. The audience, by now deeply impressed, seemed convinced of the wonderful powt'i's ol the \ eedee, and eagerly awaited each fresh ease. Throughout the proceedings they generously applauded each fresh success of the Specialists. THE CROWD CHEER.

Tne fuse, nowever. which brought orth loud and prolonged applause was that of Mrs. PappriH. of Carlyle street, Xitpier. I his lady was scarcely able to move her arm at ail, so - tiff'had it vecotne through long-standing RheuB appeared to be an do any good, but the Veedee Specialists, confident in the power of he little machine, sot to work. Imagine then tii-' amazement of both patient and thi' audience alike when, a few moment- later, Mrs. Papprill was iblo, with eiisp. to put ho:- hr.nd right lehind her head. Little wonder that the crowd waxed enthusiastic over this nagnificem result.

Ih" \ cd >e triumphed once again in i case of Rheumatic (■'out. In this in--;tam-.' Air. -I. C’olwill, of Thackeray street, asked to lie treated for serious

stiffness in tin- hack and logs. The patient in this c-Le had groat difficultv :n picking up :: piece of paper off the 4oor. a font that lie was able to ar'omplisli with, ease after the machine ■iad been applied for a few minutes. Mrs. Walker, of Carlyle street,-was thio to kneel down, after treatment, i she was unable to do prior to laving received the attentions of the Voeil.m Specialists. d just line. ' so spoke Mark McKendrick, of Marine Parade, after the \ <-edhad removed the stiffness from Jus joints and permitted him to •novo about the stage uith a ire ,, d<>m that surprised him. And so the eases went on. Many, others were taken during the course of the evening, and. in ererv one, a marked and obvious improvement was shown. At the close of the proceed-! mgs a large number of people made ippointments for private treatment at . the Vendee Institute. VEEDEE IN HASTINGS. The Theatre Royal, Napier, demonstration proved coiichit-ively to the on- ■ lookers that the genuine Veedee is a. ' truly woiidertul little- instrument for the alleviation oi pain ami the curing >1 diseases. There are, hmreriT, thousands of unfortuimto people who are “miming endless suffering through being ignorant of the existence of this marvellous machine, ami it is with the object of reaching such as these as live in, Hastings and its .surrounding districts that the Veedee Specialists have ; opened now ami luxurious premises in i tastings, where all sufferers will be treated tree oi' charge. Anyone can tome to the Veedoe Institute and feel ; oerfectly confident that they will not be advised to purchase a machine, tin- ; 'ess, in the opinion of the Specialists, it can do them good. FREE TREATMENT.

All sufferers from such painful complaints ns Rheumatism. Lumbago, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Constipation, Piles, Goitre, Liver and Kidney troubles, Paralysis, Deafness, Gout, Antbritis, Stiff Limbs and Joints, Insomnia, Asthma, Nervous Debility, Locomotor Ataxia, and General Debility and loss of powers, should, therefore, not fail to conn- to the Veedee Institute, where thev will be given a free consultation and treatment, and if their eases will yield to Veedee methods they will have the opportunity of purchasing a machine. The Veedee is essentially an instrument for home use, and is .so simple in operation that no one carefully following the printed directions can fail to get good results. If you cannot come to the Institute, then -write for full particulars, sent post free ; but come to the Institute if you can, for no amount of description can hope to he one-half as convincing as an actual trial of the Veedee itself.

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Hawke's Bay Tribune, Volume IV, Issue 239, 23 September 1914, Page 3

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THE VEEDEE SCORES. Hawke's Bay Tribune, Volume IV, Issue 239, 23 September 1914, Page 3

THE VEEDEE SCORES. Hawke's Bay Tribune, Volume IV, Issue 239, 23 September 1914, Page 3