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At the Hastings Court this morn ing, before Mr. W. Heslop, J.P. ; a first offender, who had spent 24 hours in the cells, was convicted of drunkenness . arid allowed his freedom without further atonement.

A meeting of the Hawke’s Bay Veterans’ Society will be held in the Masonic Hotel, Napier, on- Monday evening next. It that ail members who can do so will be pre sent. ,

Tenders are invited elsewhere in this issue for the lease of 65 acres of land adjoining the jVaiohiki dairy factory, together with house, 10 bail cow sh?d, etc. Twelve acres of ‘’Little estate arc also offer ed for lease. ‘ Mr. C. H. Hinman will continue to give addresses iii the Gospel Hall, Karamn road, Hastings, on Sunday, and during the week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday nights. As Mr. Hinman has travelled through Palestine and can readily describe the various places in which our Lord' ministered, his discourse is highly interesting.

Papua is the land of queer customs and queer trades. Mr. S. T. MacDonell, or Orokolo, Papua, whose letter paper describes him as an .exporter of all tropical produce and curios,” has written to the Wellington Hospital Board offering to supply an indefinite number of human skultfe, which, he says, “ mostly come from the west, where the natives produce them.” The offer was declined, with thanks. The annual Harvest Festival ani thanksgiving wi}l be consummated in the Hastings Citadel next nmnth, Brigadier Carmichael cdnducJng the series of meetings commenc«rg Sun day. March 15th. The local com mander (Ensign E. L. Wain), who has arrangements well ini hand, will be assisted during the next fortnight by. Envoy H. Jackson, of Wellington, wfao arrives in Hastings to-day. The Envoy, who is a very able speaker, will give the addresjs at the Citadel to-morrow evening. ’ The box plan for the Paul Dufault concert is filling 1 rapidly! and already 72’ s'eats hive been booked. 'Messrs. Hall and Son, who'are managing the Hastings season, expect to fill every seat. Country patrons will be glad to know that tne Princess Theatre has’been thoroughly renovated, and every one can'now sit in comfortTeita Ratu, a well known young Native, was knocked down by a horte and tiap ih HeretaUnga street, Hastings.' yesterday afternoon,' btii escaped with a number- of bruises; £ The cost of a gathering such as the recent band competition at the Exhibition. may be estimated from |he L.ct that no less than ten of the bands had new sets qf silver plated instruments, which average afiout £7OO -per set. The visiting bands averaged about a cost of £2OO each for the trip, and as 95 per cent of the men belonged to the artisan class, who lost their wages while away frcSin work, it will be seen that ‘even the winners of prize money- trill not grin bv; attending l the contest. \Tn addition to this,, many of the bandsmen spent* monev freely during their sejourn in Auckland. ’ Mr. Eustace Lane has giveh notice of the following resolution which he will move at the special meeting of the Hawke's Bay Rivers Board to be? held next Friday “That in the opinion of this Ijoard it is undesirable to confirm the decision come to at last meeting to raise about’£lsoo of next year’s proposed expenditure in this year’s rates, seeing that the district has. already paid a heavy rate this year, much of which has been spent to no good anti permanent purpose.” At the next ordinary meeting of the board, Mr. Lane will this board consider the advisability during the coming year of procuring a suitable river dredge for removing silt accumulations at certain points in the river and placing £he deposit on such portions of land adjoining the rivers as lends itself paturally to that purpose, and would therefore meet with the approval of the proprietors.” With the next general election in sight interest is being manifested in the question of possible candidates. Meetings have already been held in varicus districts. In Ohinemuri, electorate, the Rev. J. Clark has been selected as the Government candidate to oppose the sitting member, Mr. Hugh Poland. At a meeting recently held in Dargaville, the supporters of Mr. J. G. Coates, M-P-, resolved to ask that gentlemen to address a combined meeting of his ecunmittees, and to announce his political platforms. In Reform League circles it is understood that there is a keen desire that Mr. A. E. Harding, a former member, should contest this seat. At a meeting held at Aratapu last week, Mt. Hoe, of Helensville, who will stand as an Opposition candidate for Kaipara, expressed his views, and it' was decided to develop the Opposition organisation. A similar meeting was held at Te Kopufu, and it was resolved to support Mr. Hoe’s candidature, provided thet he was accepted as the Opposition party’s nominee.

A special meeting of the Hastings Borough Council was held last evening to consider matters in connection with the erection of the Municipal Theatre for which a loan was sanctioned on Wednesday last. The Mayor presided. It was decided that the Mayor should make enquiries with regard to similar buildings during his visit to the South Island, and that- Crs. Styles* and Wade should obtain all information possible regarding His Majesty’s Theatre at Wanganui, recently erected by Messrs. Fuller and Sons at a cost of £15,000. ’ A resolution of condolence with Mrs. E. D. Cojlison and family was passed. Instructions were given to the officials to have everything in readiness, for expediting matters in connection with the raising of the loans, and the meeting adjourned.

A ballot taken last night on a proposal to appoint a manager of the Working Men’s Club, Napier, was is defeated by 44 votes, and the ques- O tion will now be held over for six j‘‘ months. The ‘tollowing are the latest sub- 4' scribers to the Hastings Telephone ’t. Exchange :—No. 297, Singer Sewing Machine Co.. Karamu road; 205, Warren Hastings, gent’s outfitter, <4; Heretaunga street; 695, G. K. Sin- -' clair, teacher, 400 Southampton street; 594. A. O. Wellwood.(ust). Avenue road. . At a meeting of the -exeegyve oT Y? the District Fire # stration at Hastings lastyevening. it \ was decided to meet ther Beautifying « Association to discns»?tbo proposals for assisting with the demonstra- 4 £ tion. An of er fropithe Wa’ipuku- . "ff rau Fire Brigade of a hydrant ffir ! use at the competitions wits accepted with thanks.

At a general meeting of shareholders in the \ Hastinsre Starr-, Bowkett Building Society neld last evening, £5OO wks offered frir iale te No. 1 Issue, £3OO being sold at £l3 per £lOO, and the balance passed without an offer. Iri a ballot for £5OO in No. 2 Issud,’ group, 29 Wa» successful, and i a shnii&'r’ lsijpropriatiori in No: 3 Issue rekiilted in favour of group No? 93. ‘ '“' f Before. Mr. Crooks, S.M,, at New Plymouth this dmbiing. Wiliam Ogier, the late towfi Clerit at Inglewood, tvas charged’ with Stealing £260, the property of,; Inglewood . Borough Council. He wii iemdhdad to March 2nd’? at Ifiglfewood. * Bad was granted, ;B<df £3OO and two curities £l5O each.", Another is pending bringing aHeged defalcations to- about £6OO. —press Association. ? Hon. F. M. B.- Fisher promised a deputation of. representatives of . Lyttelton' Harbour Bo&rd tb-day ! that he would recommend Cabinet to appoint a Commissioner to inquire into the whole ipattter of Hriroqur v Board representation and to report. He added that the Government Would act on thfe 'report, and hp stated that the conditions governing > the election of representatives and ,j payers of harbour dues Will be alter-ed?—-tress Association. H.M.S. Philomel, the first warship j to come' up tcKahe-OiNbotpe wharves, ■ was welcomed with gMMW pomp and ceremony. At present tk|e Gisborne Inrier' Harbour contains three of the lergest ships ever •cbmmodated-—tne'' ■Phjldmer ' ; tons), the Kaitdrigats (1981 the Takapuna*(|636 tons),/in a4dk. t tion to the Ripple, Kiritona,, , ana t other regular-traders to .'the pwL" The Philomel and the KaitangMß, . each draw 17 feet, apd,Wer<B berthed, without difficulty, a striking contrast' to the position a few Viters *go, When : ordinary rowing .. sionally strand&tfpfthe Association. . -? ■ Owing to' the enQrwoUa j business during.the past seaaob,>uM the fact that their ( j has become exhausted, the.Hbaid bf Jjj Directors of tfie ,| Freezing Co., ,* Ltd., x, will l - s £45,009 to increase their.. $ Machinery and boilws been ordered, and it'isbitoectfri.wßW Ig as soon as land, work will, 'start <wt. extehnibff . 4 the plant - ed last season fo 1 cent increase in | greatly accelerated J that season, amounfing te.-WO.-irtr j cent 1 increase, mdde a .4 tary appropriation necespujy*- 1 - , At a meeting pf J the - New Zeal&nd Farjnrirs Union Mr. John A.'Fraser waa , organising secretary, to the HjWwU® Bay province. Mr. Kiaphi’lßta- t Auckland and h»s iteep •., appointed assistant-secretary rgjd will travel the __ ._distrhst, -,?®nroHwg j members, organising l bhanefaeli . .-ay working in oLwe r aiw- , : ers’' Union and or . the, > j Mutual Fir® Insurance Assopiatio®. A Mr. Riach hfts a wide J stopk, wool and general produce -apd | of all matteri of totaWNN* He was for 6l years with tiie Chart- j church Meat .Company and has hejd } several responsible iiositions other parts of the Domimoß;.. ; | Yesterday afternoon- My. 1 Brabant; Corbher, hCW/ at the Morgue, Napier,on theboay of the infant. Jeifaie Alina Hoflgtb J who died, suddenly ,at Fort Aftunri. in the mornjrig. EyidefiCe Wris fpyen’ by Dr. Bei-nau, who pesforffieS MJ autopsy, to the effejd due to a complication of the P°W«n •< known as intussusception, .f action occurred within a few hOttrS . of death. The body « emaciated eonditUMn? possibly to malnutrition. Evjdeiree> wgg J given oj?, Dr. Johrison, MriL. Jarrell, and the child’s mother. Tpe GOriteer a that,there wad no. culpable negligence pn the part o£. ’bhy?®?* church ydsterday,->a r the Railway Department, m filing J cadets frotn the aepart; inents on th? foothldt^’ apprenticeship in lieu of oertincayeil firemen, ft tadd that tfie pmc; tice is dangerous, as an aartwraficawH workman on a locomotive qld bw contribute to safe taain-ranning. TO < come from the office to the 1 footplate was too big a step to be satisfactory. • It was deeded to ask that engineering cadets* during' their apprenticeship, should be placed onthejoot* pldte only in addition .to firemen required by the regulations, it vm - deeidbd that the coitferepce should , meet every two years iri CnnsV church. * ' ; The Commissioner of Crown Lands 1 (Mr. R. T. Sadd), who had beegbn a visit to. Wellington, feturaya t y 0 Napier last evening- At Wellington, >■ Mr. Sadd attended a meeting of the Land Purchase .Board, which . foi> warded certain..recommendations to . the Minister regarding the purchase • of two estates ip Hawke’k Bay which have been offered to the Government. On his return journey Mr. Sadd visited the Qtawhai block m connection with an application from J two settlers for better road access, , and was able to coW® **®.a satisfactory arrangement. ' He also inspected the Maharara block., ■ When this block was first ,ciit up,” said Mir. Sadd to a “Tnbtine” reporter this morning, “it was very wet and ■« swampy, but it is now all cleared and grassed, and a good deal of it is under cultivation, !*qd is being sold at £3O and £4O An acx®- . .ft is good dairying country." About 35 years ago it was cuthip into about blocks ; but I found very few of' the original settlers jjemained, considerable, amounts bf naMtrsthtibn has gone on: it was unaVoitteDie un* der the deferred jpayiwit ‘ system provided for in the Land Act of 1885.” ‘ Y

W. G- HonefieH, of Taradale, aiSDoances that he has commenced IjOriness ah carrier between Napier ■fat Taradale and district. Orders 4|nl parcels may be left at Stewart’s Sfaibles, Napier, or at Mr. Horse Md’s shop, Taradale. J Owing to the irregular arrival of trains, it has been found inadvisable continue running the Napier teams to the railway station, and this service will be discontinued as fiom Monday next. The Napier Thirty-thousand Club’s Scheme for lighting the Marine ' sLjfonuie, Napier, between’the baths > united the Arcade, has been commenc- ■ -elk Hie lighting will consist of nine gMKeandle power lamps. Two 500 Afo. tamps will also be erected, one * stench side ot the Municipal Baths. * A very snccesaful social and dance the Catholic bazaar was hold m the Meanee Hall last even iS; Tfirrt-cfoas music was supplied lufßriaaco’a Band and extras were jXrygrf by Miss Mollin. Messrs, ffomuijr and Durnel were efficient JFfcC. The hall was prettily decorated for tbe oceasion. The success by the dance was .largely due to IGsser Dooney and English, whose ■jß.M.Mynwftste for the comfort and edjoyment'of She guests were most citapidte. The supper provided was excellent and, nepHew to say, well atipreefoted. A juvenue dance will be hdd this evening. *The Christchurch ‘ papers recently' piddsshed interviews with Mr. J. Hughes, a Canadian mining engfoeer, who has been prospecting for farf. six years in the ’ North Isllr Jffngfres claims to have tjpeovered d deposit of carnotite qf tnxninm, or radium ore, in' tjhe-Auck-t fond district. This ore isrenmrxjjSy rare, and there are very few fotdwd' " existing deposits. "• On a Wmgb estnriate '4O tons of carnotite win yield one milligramme of radium value *of radiiufais of cotarse fabulous. In dneusbing his prospecting tour generally, Mr. Hughes said gut the Whangarei district was parfficufoxiy rich in mineral deposits, and 'ha. had several oppositions in trie* which he hoped to proceed with , shortly. -

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Hawke's Bay Tribune, Volume III, Issue 361, 21 February 1914, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Hawke's Bay Tribune, Volume III, Issue 361, 21 February 1914, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Hawke's Bay Tribune, Volume III, Issue 361, 21 February 1914, Page 4