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A card tournament betyveeu the members of the Oddfellotvs' and Hibernian Lodges w ill take place in the Oddfel'ov.s’ Hall, Hastings, tomorrow evening, commencing at

A deputation from the Hastings Chamber of ( ommerce will yvaif on th.? Hastings Borough Council this evening io solicit the couiwil'.s cooperation with icgard Io th>' icu st ruction of the propost'd Hastings Napier-Puketitiri tram line. Cr. Plow-man ;i|'[i<-ais to harbour distrust of jhe Napier In.rough des I rm-tor. 'lt appears to me." In said, that it is a very aristocratic destructor. I thought we were going to get a machine that would burn anything, but this thing has a veij fanciful appetite.” The work cf renewing the piles supporting the fender at the Gias--gow wharf and of inspecting tlw concrete piles at thai v. li.-uf is at present being carried out by* the staff of the Napier Harbour Board. The repairs to the breastwork at the Lon Pot are also bring effcited. A return presented to tlm 11?’--tings Borough Council by the Town Clerk shows that to May 31st, 12: miles 73.9! chains of scyverage had been laid on the yvesfcvn side of t! c rrilyvay line, ard 1 t miles 17.tb chains on the lasL-rn Three, miles of roads have still io be th alt • with on the latter portion of the; town.

J During the month of May. 51 new i consumers were connected '.’th the Hastings borough ib'ct-'r i ■ roi' mains, making a total of 315 (o date The total number of uni's gem rated for the month was 28,171, ermsumed as follows :—Punipin'i to tlm reservoir, 9110; street jlighting, 2972; sewerage pumping, <SO3 ; private lighting and power, 16,300.

Mr. M r . Hcslop, J.P., presided a< a sitting cf the Hastings (’curt this morning, when John Greenwood, on a third offence of drunkenness within three days, was convicted and fined £o or in default 14 days’ imprisonment. A first offender was fined 20/- ,the. amount of his bail, and Albert Buckley, charged with cruelly ill-treating four horses at Hastings on May sth liy not supplying thorn with proper and sufficient food, was remanded until Friday. June 13th.

The annual meeting of the Lyttelton District Licensing C’ommitteee was he’d, yesterday. The chairman announced that in consequence of the nature <>f the police report re garding the condition of the hotels and of a report from the district health officei m the same connection the committee decided, to make a personal visit of inspection to all the hotels concerned. Their futuee course cf action would lie determined by the result of the inspection. The annual meet mg was therefore adjourned till June 18th.

The first shipment of honey from Canterbury Io the London market comprised ten tons of first grade quality honey supplied from two apiaries. It is stated that befor flm cons'gnment reachni London a cablegram was received from a dealer offering id. per lb. for it, a rate in advance of the price ruling locally. It ;s undirstood that tlo offer was not accepted. The second consignment is now on the way. It comprises 8j tons of first grade quality, and was supplied by four producers. All the honey was gra<l ed by the Government experts, and the results of the shipments are being awaited eagerly by ’hose eu gaged in the bee farmin:;- indu■trv.

At the Orclies; ra! Soim lv’ - er-.n-cerl last night, the c.imbieior. Mr. P. M’. Tombs, 'h -i Aunt sp rt < h < fern dto lhe :*--r: ett-bile taci that t lie soviet v's 1 m 1-i!i<-1■ shoe; -.'mw-'i oi < r 111:11I'l’iinils <’tit <t ■■'.ml mg ;r hi.nurarv members’ foes. This. he sain, was not fair to the socntv. and was hampering it in its wore, it the it--!aulting honorary iiiemlc all pa’ 1 u;> tl’t i> a, re n-s ,t he < - chestra wi-'d ' lie aldo to buy more mstrmncnl< which were badly need ed ; fer instam-e. a. horn aud a trnir-sti-mced bass. Com inning. M-. Tombs said that the sister sorieiv. the Plidhainii nil-, was similai It t”i f.-’-tunate in having a laige numbi if himn iri mcmUis in -urein‘ •• '’h tlu'r ’’ms. and thr londitun < i affairs shoo’d n<>t he , t’lowcd to continue.

I 'I be mn;] wliieh left Hawk**m April 21th for Lomb'ii, via Hin z, ai **'< *1 ii il*. di .t unit uni mi Ab >ii | day last. I Apple-in mu, jire united By lhe > Hast mgs Borough Council lor dm j positi< u <-t Town Clerk nt ti salnt-y of £3<it> p<>r /car, and fur the posi turn <>f Borough Engineer at JLT.A' pe. year. The Tomoain Ciieket Clui.s an dance will be held iu tiie social hail. Jomoami. to monow evening A motor Ims will finve ■ stables nt 7.30 p.m,, returning attm the dunce. An instruction camp of mx duration is to be held .-it I’nhnet st on North dining the lai I> r p.ut <>! m-st month ami runtimg into Augu-t iir tht' permanent officers ot th.' o tenet forces. Officers ami min rim missioned officers of the Teinffiniil forces and cadet companies min: ; they so de-h-e. alt ' lid t,.t c,t 1,, three vyeeks or an.v length of tim ■ nl.ioy t' one yveek. A conh rt'uee of Ime keepers wi ! I b‘- held at Wellington on June Hili. It’th .and 20th, when deh-gntes wrl be present from all tner the Domm ion. The principal business yv’U a discussion on tlm quett <>u < i >!?** veloping tim Home market honey, and of opening oth> r fiwm-iu markets. Dining tin' conference several important papers of ’merest to bee keepers will Im reml

Fourteen hmhlimj, immu,. y dm.j at £4317, wi-, >, - l!t d t H-otmgr during the niuiith of Max. In the same period. 3s drainage pet mil-’ were issued to hcema it drambn er to connect private pr< mism- wiih th,main sewejs, and -lx permii s w rie granted to hcensed phimlw; in carry out the necessary siuntn'v work retpiircd at. »n-mo< , rmmritA i-iiiiniyli’il with the mam sewr-rs. With the < .•; 111 , •• of testing tin- p< ( -, sibilily of pile driving m the Inner Harbour tlm Public Works Depait mini lias imide arrangements to drive a large concrete pile mi tlm site <4 I Im proposed radwav embank men! Bridge. The pile has Imrn placed on a pontoon and the m>mki y for driving is already on tlm ground, mill iu all probability ihc woik w ill he undertaken in the course of a few d;n s.

Speaking at the Napier Borough Council meet mg last night, his M ship the Mayor (Mr. J. Vigor Brow til drew attention to the fact that he was besieged by unrmploy cd men He thought that a message should he sent to other towns pointing out th< re were plenty of martied men resident in Napier who should get pr< fen nee m the matter of work. Dozens of im n were coming into the town every week and there was no ttoik to give them. It should he made pl.'i’U that there was tin sinplus work in N-qmr. It. wmihl be a I'erhii’s thing, for tlm town if these unemplovi’d made it the el>gct of their life to get here “The town has a rood elimatc,” said his V, : hip, “but they can’t In e on t hat ” Cannibalism, which is popu’-itly supposed io have lean !i>m; smi e abandoned in the South Seas, i II going on in the New llebn k-s. !{e\. John Gillnn. speaking at a sc-sum < f the General A<-■«emhly ol the pros hyteriau ( luireh. held m M' hmirm' las' week, instanced recent eases where women and eliddieii » eaten. In the New H ’biiiles. Low tier, membei.s of the hiem.n mis sion are doing their best to convert these cannibals to Cln ist lamty. MtGillan said he could mi .rue details before ladies of the tei 'tmg mt, done by the New llehrides c'dinilials. lie also iifeiTcd m vevv strong terms to the wav m which, --s hr alleged, native wmmai ami girl« were being kidnapped In French tradiis. Mr. Gillan lias he< n eiui.-ig ed for 2'l years in mission work ,n the New Hebrides.

Special efforts are b< im; put to make the first New Zealand S-d vation Arniv Com;im.w Jx-irn, held in Wellington, a great success. This is the first gathering of its kind since New Zealand lieeanm a separ ate command from Aust, aha Cmu missioner Richard-., wlm i - now been a year in New Zealand arm has visited every part <n it where th' Army is operating, is now thorough .’y conversant with ns ne>ds am; how they can be met with the Ihi it-; at his command. Tin t< n .in o. sembly of some iffieets ol the Army, anil the conferem-i' will lasi a week. The ILm. B. U M,-i.-. Prime Minister, will lay the f’< tin<s , tion stone ol the Booth Menumi-i. College, Aro strci t,. on June tith. at 3 p.m., on behalf of the citizens, and Comnrssiom i Riehnids wil! then lay a stone mi beha.ll of the Arim Um Hon. I . M. ]> |- i-her vr' ■> an address on that oecnsmn.

Oil Momtav la st a harbour invest i gut ion p.ii ty fi mn Hastings ngani visited tlm Kidnappers, tins turnwith the pm pose of lua-oming ,a quaintid with the eminliv between Cliftin I, mne st end and lhe Blaclr Rcef. The parte was joined at (lit ton by Mr. I-. 1.. Gordon, who kind I_> provided horses for the tnitms, and <iu early start was made. Th;Liaeli was followed as hit as Ibidlm Guliv. w hen the part v st ruck inland tiavei'slHg same fine level stretches t<» tin- Black Rei'l. A creek riiiphiit st 11 inio I iir sc;; mar tlm Black Reel, and here the traville s ceimiiom-ed the homeward jourm i cut irelv inland. They visited th In iKiits ui tin- viemitv nf th» trig st’itioii ill route, rm] crossed Rabbit • I ullv ;de;: i hree irnles I nun t lie o ust. Here thi-v cnnie to a dn ide er addle, the instruments recording Ton t'it. I- rem the dit ld< the pa ri ■ d< sccnded into a v illev «lin-h Li ought iLi m out at the \| i r,.i 1.. ta.-a river, at the t. hftr.n Ihmiesl( ad. The trip was a verv enjoi - tihile cue. and tile knowledge uaincd should prove viry useful m enabling loose niteri sting themselves in (he mat t< i- to iiinn an csl minte ot tbe u't’nrit' pioblem a hiirboin h>r Il'iwki's Pax. S< imdinu <of tlie bin •>> t w- “ii ( 111’’i n Point , nd the Hl-u k Rief wil! ho taken shortly, Vln n this has hei n <h me fhe pi e limm.try inv e^tignticns will be completed.

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Hawke's Bay Tribune, Volume III, Issue 146, 5 June 1913, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Hawke's Bay Tribune, Volume III, Issue 146, 5 June 1913, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Hawke's Bay Tribune, Volume III, Issue 146, 5 June 1913, Page 4