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HASTINGS DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL. Ih<- atititiai 111 -y i-p: i<-n of prizes fi-r the -■ n- t-- -k place tin-tii'-niitig. Mr. C. M. Whittington, chairtnan of the Hawke’s Bay Edii- • ■ati-m Board. pr< sr-riteit tt.e prr/e.t-> the van-in-- snccessful ;.--!a: Th-- following is the prize !i<t : ATT EX I t AN' E. hir't prizes arc awarded to those e’iildren who hate not missed at all -hiring the year. .Second prizes to tnosi- who have been absent not m.-re than five half days; whilst in 'he infant classes a number of third prizes are given for those who have atended well in spite of epidemics. Standard G. First: Cyril Frude f" years). Lucy Musons (6 years;. Dai' - . Wat’- (.’> ii'.’i’s). D-irotiiv Unn n-.i-i !l yi-atsi. Edwatd Leeics <1 y :ii' : . Ronald Drown years), llfil-v M<-(’ormick. Mabel Peaknian. Edith J.caeii. Myrtle llathercll. ( >;-g.- >c--tt. Le-:;i- Gwyn Jniii-s ( uil Pi pper. Reginald Mar tin Smith. .Second : Roy Anderson, Ruby Pepper. Dai-y Tic-inp-on. , Standard 5. First: Gordon ti. e i~ y ai'i. Ri y Thomp-ori ..i-ar-i. Pi-rcy Martin Smith (.'i yea!-). Evelyn Epp' '<> year- 1. Eardlt y Briggs C, yeai-i. M.t:y Mitihml «2 ■ years). Myrtle Thompson (2 years) James 1 barters. .James Taylor. Doris Battle. F.i.i M.uKay. In-m Fowler. ml; Eim-' Eip-/ari‘. Alfred Mouldci. James Ro-i nbi-rg. (’l.aides Rusnell. .lis-i,- Jones. Amin Kirkham. May ( astir. 1 io. Met ’ -ikindale. Paiiem, Mari jorie Rosenberg. Statuiaid I. Fit-t: Mai, Blown (7 years). Wiiilc West (7 yeai'-i. Douglas < unnold (I yi-ai'C Truth Gilmore <3 yi-afs). Harry Leach (■’; years;, Gladys I.'.'t (3 ycarsi. Ma>y , Wottun <3 yt-arsi. M’dlie Clifton <- : vears). Miliv Townsend (2 years). Laura Clarki-. Ronahl L>- Qui'in-. Uharlts Fiost. Dirk Elimubam. May Charters. El-u- liwim-. Dawn Ram Low. St comi : Pat Riookr Taylor. Tom (hadwi.k. Zetta I'owhr. Haloid Symoml'. Ellie Logan, (’--iia Hinde. Vera Ti> km r. Edward Miu - ra i. Standard 3. - First: James Brown <G yeai'i. Erie Aiirli-mrii <■’> years). Du k Sort-rison (.’> year-). Mari Har<years), ('laud < a-tle '! icai'l. < h-ralri Buggs <| yea’s). l.rwiHarris G years), Lariy Let-vis 1 3 years). Doti. W ilso n<3 years). Fieti Unwin (3 years). Lorna Lc QuesmC! years). Leonard Whitehead (2 year'). < oim Mudgway <2 year.-). James Ginlid <2 years). Ina Beale. Tom McAuslin. Horace Kirkham. > Norman Kirkiiam, Ivor Jones. Sim Highway. Jt’hii Mouatt, Vincent Powley. Second : Alberr GoldsLo’.tuib, Robert Apperley. John Doggett. E'iwaiti Stait IR). Leslie Slni m. Alfred Heywar-l. Harry (’o tper. ( red Bartle. Victor Thompson. Hilda Robinson. Dorothy Mann. Ev.i Oppeit. Doi -thy Eyie. B. s-ie Mitchell. Muriel Hmtle. StamtP.i.i 2. Fii -I ■ En d Scott ■ I years). Gordon Bmilh <2 y.-ar-). Sam Henry <2 y.-ars), Eti-- Wyatt (2 yeais) Eth’l Briggs i2 yeais). Myrtle Lains c_> Alt.x. Roscnl rg. Frank 'tscott. Frank Dunn. Alfred Kirkham. Herbert Muy ri- k. Effie ( barters. Second: K.ith Watson. Albert Kemp. Margaret Blacken. Ol J.thus!one. < Lua Thompson- R-r--id >n Miuigway. Standard I. First : I.i-onaii.. Dunn. Limia Whitehead. Jean Brown O year'). Second: Vincent Hot in-. Frank Scott. Wilfred Scott, (h iirtidi- Murray. Ida Robinson. MERIT PRIZES. Standard 6. Dstx <>f Primary S- hool. Ruby Met 'ormiCjk. Mabel Peaknian, F.tleen Muiiitt, Mabel Whittaker. M’liiel Thompson. Uy rd Pepper. Ruby Pepper. Daisy Watt', Edward Marbrook. Edith I.each. Ronabi Drown. Marjorie Gregory. Dai'i' liiompson. Douglas Sturm, Winnie Harpi r. Myrtle Hathcrell. < y rt' Frude, Dorothy Gregory. ? 1 ; i’t • i I <>v rie. ."iwi’iaril 5. Boy': Percy ''L -t'ii ."■iiitii, Uiiarles Russell, Erie l ii:lt, Lunes Charters, Uiiarles Arms*;- ”g. . Ei-’di’-y Brigg.'. Hector Came-> i. Ki inietli Lawretn-c. James 'lay lor. Giri<: Eva McKay .. Eileen ('k’tkson. Annie Kirkham. May (’astle. 11”. M< < aikindab-. Ev Gy u Epps. Nen- ( ’arperti-r. Jc-sm Joni -. My rile i Thompson. Standard I. Boy": Torn ( Lm.wi.k. Harry List. Dick R-inald I.** Qiii*siii’. Hugh M ilkte. s I lifforu Biiketr. Wdlii- W.-'t, Jiginald West, Donald Ross. Willi.* ; Clayton. Girls: Zetta Fowler. I.aur.i Etli<- Logan. ( a-s>-- I'.)' >ison. Virn Ti’kmr. Margaret A.’r. strong. Duiti Rainbow. Maud A’:<i< json. Marv Brown. Standard 3. : Boy's : Haro’ i Haw- i kins. Leonard Whitehead. Albert i Goldsborough. Geoffrey Salm >n. 1., Lou-. G>i;i!d Biigg'. Johi Mouatt. Alft--I Heyward. F.dva d Startup, -l-’.-k R-.-enberg. Leslie’ Sturm. Erie Anderson, Bert C .-rb.t Robert Appeili’i . Norman K:: k’..,:)■. Victor Thoinp'-n, •■:>!- ■ F-’«-i am- Wheta'-.. r. Maij-’it- Hi ti ■ ■vav. Dori- Thompson, B- - '■■ M," - .i .. J) -’--I I " Mann. Met ■ t.u.hs hi it. I,b i . Pout K - • i blandard 2.- Frank Dii'im ; S-t It.-m Mary Ti-km-r. Fr.v-ik S..o't, , M.Dg.t'ct Bl.ik-it. Norma Ta-.b-i. E; 1., 1 Bl .Ug-. i.-.ii.’-m M’ ' ormu-k. Dorothy F .'ter. Doi- Thompson. A’fl’d Beale. Li',..' ly’-' 1 ' Hawkit.'. O n’’ li -b'd', F-'i” Ti, P1., Vi’.bt B: k. Ml)’'--. Plnn. Standard 1- Boy'! Gordon H,; c l:w.v.. H.U l-eonai-I Tail-'". J"':n Sliewan. 1.-mj-t.i Scott. 1.1 'lie M- Gaffin. Erie Trask. ' Wils.-m «Gil~: Dorothv 11.;-: mg- <■’"•” ' iU ' H! l.i-t. L:nda Wldt-head. Elizabeth Dnimmoml. Yolande R '"- Mildred Castle. .V...e Li- t.maldme Steam ,\-.i’.em A ' l '- - hr: ’ Sv moiids. SPEi lAL PRIZED. T- ( < ’’ - f the D:-:r:ei H:a l Sell. C< mmittev. Mr. G._Lane.’. utr d 12 valuable prizes for th" . hrm-fit of the most studu-us and de- : pnpi’s m the st and an. > triable t-> get into ti.iiif'i':' h-t. He did >hi s to eneourtig.- ' jl'O-e who were not able to comfifte on equal t* mu with the more l-i il.ant '.•imla’-'. The >'“■ k- Live >■■■ ’i awarded a- fo-loW'- ~

Standard 6.- Robert Luff. Hilda Stanley. jx Standard Le-mud ( >®f)ton. Pat Morrison. Standard !. Edward Murray. Hil."l (at k. Standaid -Jack Doggett. Lily ( : r;d.ani. : Standard 2. Georg.- Hastings. Emma Cieavi r. Standard !. Hugh Little. Louisa S.-li roidi-r. Mr. F.. Hml-un h-is awarded his ’.per-ia! prizes for singing as ttnder- : Boys : Li onard C.-mptom Edward Sturm. Hugh MeXee-iek. GildsRuby Pepper. .Alice ('ori-im Muriel ' Thompson. Mrs. L. Anderson s prizes: for neat e xercise and copy , books. Standard j May ('.•istlc; Standard 1. Daisy i Taggart. i Mrs. H. Cast les' prizes have been I awarded as f-illow.i : -Xentest copy i book in Standard Albert GoldsI borotigli ; good conduct and industry | Standard 3. Hilda Robinson ; neatest copy book in Standard I. Grace ! Cameron. j Miss Gray’s Standard ■!. i lan Phtn. for physiologv. historv. land geography ; Quecnie Church, for genera! neatness ; Gertrude Stew■irt and Theo. Stewart .absent I for measles. | Miss MacDonald’s prize f--r. imi i-n v, meiit in reading Standard I. ! Tie o. Stewart. Hi's Harper's prizes. Standard 2. For industry. Muni I Dtim-in. Phyllis Cnx. Leonard List. Miss MeCarthv’s. Standard I. Sewing. Gwen List ; progress. Walter Johnston. Allan Johnstone. Main 1 MeV. 1,. Heaiiniasl< t’s (Mr. L. E. Pegler’s) prizes for drumming.- James Cliar- | t.( r- Jack Chapman. | The Aiickl’ind ('olonial Ammunition t'-mpam’' cup for best shooting iti Auckland and Hawke's Buy -eim-,' cadets was won by Cadet Fi’is. Montc.-th. and the Department's district medal by Cadet Douglas Hawthorne. School Gardens. Standard - The I following is the order <-f mer’t in connection with tlie keeping <-f garden ’dots, each in charge of two boys. - D. Haivtiu rm> and K. Lawrence. AA . Roberts and J. < ’hart ers. IL Beckett (sole charge). IL Hawkins aril A. Riddell. J. Tavl-.r and A. Dillon. Erie Little and Stewart Little. : SEI ON DA RY DEPARTMENT. MERIT LIST. Dux of the School. Vivian Russell Britten. gold mt dal ]>resi’lite(l by Mr. S. Armstrong, jewi Hi r. 3rd yi ar Division. Ist. Vivian R. Britttn. Ist in physical measurements. Ist in precis writing and cor-resf-omh nee. Ist in mathematics. 2r:d in agriculture; 2nd. Ewart -Salisbury' Ist in chemistry. Ist in agrii-idittri’. I Ist i.i dairying. 3rd in pm cis writing and corn spotidence, 3rd in mathematics; 3rd, Lacldnn Campbell, 2nd j in mat in mat ies. 2t:d :n precis wnl ing | and corn spondence. 3rd in dairy i.-ig. ■ 2nd year Division. - 1 st, Elsie . ;>< r Ist (equal) in arithmetic. Ist :n j algiiira. Ist in gi < me'.iy. 2ml < ; in chemistry. 3rd in English. 3rd in ! agriculture : 2nd. John V. Collinge. | Ist in English. 2nd in algebra; 3rd. I Thomas W. Sti ckham. Ist (equal) in ! aritlnnet ie. 3rd in dairying. 3rd (equat) m physical measurements ; Ith. Mary Campbell. 2nd in English. 3rd in algebra. 3rd in arithmetic. 3rd (equal) in physical measurements ; sth. Roy AL Symonds. 2nd (ecpial) in •■’m-mi't iv . 3rd in ar it I’, me! ie I Gth. Id! R.l", First Year Division.- Ist : James W. Heigl.viay. Gt (equal) in Alu ■ bra. Ist (equal) history and geo-giapl-v. 2.,d dairying. 2nd Engli-h. 2nd lci|iiai) Arithmetic. 2nd Geometry. 2nd: Ada Foster. Ist English, Ist geobelry. Ist (equal) history lish, Ist geometry. Ist (equal) history I metic. 3rd: Harold Roach. Gt, (equal) algebra. 3rd English. -Ith John Laurie, 2nd (equal) arithmetic. ’ 2nd Algebra. sth: Joyee F’oster. SPECIAL PRIZES. Mr. Atkinson’s prize for good I work. Vera A) ebb. Mi-. Atkinson’s prize for general! improvement : Roy Scott. Mr. Pegler’s prize for- n.atlii matins and domestic science : Maud Lean. Mr. Gatenby’s prizes. - First foi'j field sport : Edwin Murley. Second, i for neatness : Frank M. Tickner. INFANT DEPARTMENT. The prizes for this department were pi--sent ed yesterday afternoon; by Mr. H. M. Campbell as follows: ATTENDANT F.. Ist ('lass: Constance Chadwick.] Mi'dr-d llavvm. J.i<-k Harri— Mu t’red .Sorenson. 2nd ('lass: Cyril Beuth. . Gordo.i | Baines. Albert Mi-Kennie. Wilson] Biow n. William Riddell. Ronald ; Jones. Albeit Thompson. Lindsay Briggs. Av alter Harrison. ; Wat-on. ivy MeAuslin. Mildred List. Alary West. Catherine Rid-; dell. Elam-he Graham. Patricia Jones. ! 3rd Class: Thomas Cartwright. Eric Scott. Sterling Collinson. ( yr:-l Cooper. Hariy Go-.ihl. Harold List. Harold .Ay re. Bertie West. Alervyn Beuth. Merle Gilmore. Vida MeCot-. miek. Muriel McNab. Rita Gilmore. I’lorence W otton. Tiie following fourth class list i> also drawn out this year for the irfants : Stephen Compton. Joseph. T--w nsend. Annie Baird, Marjori ‘ Graham. Mavis Stevenson. Olive St-ens'>:i. Eulalie Gigg. Kathlce.i. S- momt—

Note. Children whose names appear mi both attendance and ineri; list ' receive a more valuable priz ’ than those whose names appeal’ o i ■ >:ie list uiily. 'I Ell IT LIST.

In the infant school every flm i (over 270 all told,) receives a prize ■ but those whose names appear below stand first in their respective classes, and so were rewarded wit.t valuable books.

Pi-epa.-atory 2 ya) I pper C’la-s. - Maisie Campbell. Edith Lambert, Ida Webster. Melvin I.arrett. Dore thv Powdrell. (h.>r<ki:i Mnrfitt. Eth( ! Burnett. Elizabeth Lottdin. Regina! i Hudson. Florence Baird. LesinHenry. Frame- A<iam<. Hov.itri Bain s. Elsie l.ys.

I J’reparatory 2 (a) Lower Class.I Lindsay Briggs. Enid W’ebster. Lucy ■ Ozane. Reginald Carlton. Elsie i Duncan, Rae Monteith. Thelma j Banks. Dorothy Liifi'. Eleanor ! Stubbs. Horn Collison. Elizabeth (Dysart. .Marjorie Jenkins. Erie Bennett. : Preparatory 2 (b): Olive Lobban. ' Gordon Hiiltquist. Viti Wallis. AAilliatti Lawson. Jack Spence. Lily (Hunt. Annie Robinson. Gordon i Warren. Jack MacKi-nzie. Roy North. Ivy Cantelin. Hilda Gardiner. Robert Boyd. Prep. 1 (a). -Eric Beale, Freda Biackert. Raymond Lawson. Irene ( urrie. David \yb.yte. Marion Camerum Alison Riach. Isa Mulholland. Prep. 1 (b).- Arthur Oppert. Jack Ti-enr-man. Airinie Collison, Edith U'l.-iyl on. (Jordon Campbell. Irma i(’iarkc, Eric Clarke. ! Prep. I (<■). Stuart .Ailati. Evelyn | Boyles, Arthur Gell. Kate Startup. Edward Odium. Ell:’ Coxton. Doris Bowin. FORT AHURIRI SCHOOL. ; PRIZE LIST. [ Standard V 1.-- Proficiency : Dux. ( Broughton Merson. gold medal presented by F. Moeller. Esq., Quentin ' Wilson, Eunice Seymour. John j Maher. Lucy Gregg, Janet Lowe, ] (..'harlotte Williams. Attendance: [Charles Atkin--. Charles Biistcn, ; Frank Johnson. Harold Martin, ; Doris Fenwick. Thomas Munro. ] Standard V. • Proficiency: Kathi h en McKenzie (3rd). Christina Johnstone. Attendance and preficicney : I Eric Munro I. Llvm McDonald 2, i Jame s Sweeney 2, Gordon Cooper 3. Attendance .'Hilda Lar.-en. F.tlicl I Fiveash. Doris Petersen. Mary Young Victi.i- Monsi.n. F.lliotl, Mnri t l:a Jinkins. Gladys Mo-Combe. ’ Ranfnrly Lttcns. Lonis.i Colyer. Jcs- | sie Addison. W’illi'im Taylor. N'e.l | McLean. Ethel Barry. Ava Gillies. Arthur Mcßae. Standard Proficiency: Ivan Bull 1. Dorothy Grogg 2..Eddie Hate 3. Attendance and proficiency : jJohn Langley. Arthur Turville. Hocj tin- Young. Alfred Adams. Norman I Nicholson. -Arthur Larsen. Elsie i Fenn. .Annie Sttyi rs. May Atkins. ' Adeline Cooper. Alo;:a Hamilton, • Emily Taylor. Clan nee Gardiner. Bessie Eddy. William Gardiner, Ivy \ Cbristoffcrscn. Victor Adams. W il- ; liam Ml ban. Nellie Eddy. Frank ■ Pearce. Ronr.lii Napier. Alary John--1 stone. j Standard 111.--Proficiency : Alma ! Fahiy I. Jack Creagli and W'eppetn r QAnderson (equal) 2. Norman Wylie I 3. Dorothy Brown, Mntiil Pointon. j Herbert Angrove. George McNab. ; Don McAEistir. Eileen Topping, ! Ethel Tnekvvell. .Attendance: Harry t Colyer. Harry Fisk, Five.‘ash. Eileen McKiniiy. Margaret Say j ers. Carl Hertz. Frank Fllliott. Nol.n i Eiiiott. George McKinstry. Arthur I Taylor. Beatrice Clarke. Elsie Me- ; Lellan. Cora McLellan. Belin Cleary. | Glad vs Lucas. Hi nrv Anderson. Wili li.-wi ’Ri'ldi 11. Dot’s - Prince. j Stardard 11.- Proficiency: Keboma Hokiang.”. I't : .Tame-. AVereta. .‘Benjamin Edward s (equal) 2nd: ; Wilfred McDonald. Hazel Sinclair, j Gordon McKinstry. Bernice Fisk i (equal) 3rd. Attendance: Sidney '(‘lark. James Peterson, Janr-s i Wereta. George Voting. Tlios. Fenn. Doris Eddy, James Eddy, Jessie P,owes. Willie McDonald. Leslie Hertz. Doris Fahey. Ivy Prince. 'Otto Nilsson, ('lias. Riddell. Aliek Mcban. Ben Eddy, Jack Robson. Phyllis Atkins. Proficiency : Chas. Marcroft. Hettie Pritchard. Jack Bcyd. Willie Cato. Jack Thomas, Louis Vokavitdi. Olive Parker. Ja- k Whitt.m. Zehna ( <-oper. Fh>r-em-e. Martin. Albert. Skelton. .Arthur Creagli. Daisy Elliott. j Standard I. - Pioficiem-y and .Attendance: Fred Fiveash, Gladys (’lark, Freda Poeoek. Edgar Eddy, William Wereta, Doris Sayers, Thomas Doyle. Alex Prince, Douglas Riddell. Ivy Langley. Amy Langley, Mabel Jenkins. Annie Roliso’i. Pio ficieney: Harold Pointon. Catherine Brown,' rances Whitton, Ivan Fletcher. Jack Wrightson, Charles Hough. Thomas Harrison, Myrtle Cleary. Dorothy Frarklin. Maggie Connor. Preparatory : Kathleen Turville. Herbert Fenn. Rosie Boyd. Violet Guptil. Sam Martin. George Langley, Ronald Double. Dora, Esson. Albert Jenkins. Jack Sinclair. Keith Fisk. Rupert PeterSEWTNG PRIZES. Standard A’.- Martha Jenkins. 1: Jessie Addison. 2. Standard IV. - Bessie Eddy. 1; Mona Hamilton. 2; N ellie Lowe. I Isabel Barry. 3. Standard 111. -Dorothy Brown. 1 ; Alice Lowe. 2: (Jladys Martin, 3. Standard 11. Doris Fahey, 1 ; Nellie Mansm-r. 2 : May Heifford, 3. Standard I. - Gladys Pointon. 1 ; Ivy Langley. 2. WESTSHORE SIDE SCHOOL. Standard IV. - Attendance : Esma Robinson. Standard 111. —Proficiency and Attendance : Sidney Swanson. Sidney, Gillies. Grace Nelson, John Adams, Lawrence Brock. Standard IL Proficiency: John AVano. Arthur Swanson. Hermione W’ils-’m. Frank Hill. Attendance: Frank W’illiams. Lavinia Adams. George Williams. Freda Gardiner. Ethel Adams. Leithia Gardiner. Standard L- Proficiency: Clar- j ence Le. Geyt Ella Northey. May) Allen. ' Attendance : Ali i-. Christof- ; fersen. Norman Christoffersen, ! Willie Larsen, Mary Adams. Gardiner. | Preparatory. - Proficiency : Eileen Goudy. Frank Kerr. (Jordon Munn.! Marie Tuckvvell. William Kerr. Edward Libiine. AVai Pahau. Maggie ( Libline. A iolet Christoffersen. i Gladys Adam<. Thelma (iardinc-r. i Eileen Anderson. Andrew Johnstone ; Mona Milne. Special Prizes.—Best collection of shells (presented by H. Hill. E5q..,.; Grace Nelson. Best collection of star ft sh : Harry Goudie. _ < Sewing.—-Standard III.: Doris; Northey : Standard II : Thelma Howard : Standard I : Ethel Brock. NAPIER SOUTH SCHOOL. Standard VI. - Proiieiency : R.iLv M'i. dux (gold medal). Ro-ue

.’■lcKay. Winnie Smart (equal) 2. At--1 tendance : Ciiurlc-s L. Ltuuco 1, Ileri Leri D. Faulkuor ; standard A. - TTofk-iincy : Ivan 'Nicholson 1, W aitt r 2. .-it- ; (.I.loanee : r . B. Bnasco. A. Cole, D. ■iranie, W. Ireland, V,. Boadt-r, i. | .»x-holson, h. Giltnng. R. Gorume, | Gordine, L. lirowi.c. B. McKenzie, j B Skews, R. lay lor, W. Hare. j Standard IV.—-JT-oficii ney : Joseph j Gilford 1. Lt aii Han is 2. Atteiidi mice : C. t'olbi rt, J. v.iffoiil, J. Dtu.-k-an. It. J. Glover. J. McLeod. E. j Goldsmth. 1.. Harris, A. Hayiiow. i Standard Hl.—Proficiency : Isr.ifl ' Coi-n 1. Rosie Loader 2. .Attendance : N. Burdoe, FI. J. Colbert. AL F. Col- } bert, I. Corn. F. Holt. R. Loader, C. ' Alasoi). H. North, A. J. Plunkett, L. I I’t dshaw, B. P. AA est, A. Skelton, H. Robinson. A. G. Small. E. Bokmal. M. Clarke. 11. Cox. V. George, ,R. Hall, R. Loader, P McKay. G. j Tucker, E. AL Black. M. Goi-dine. S. j Lanning. A. Levy. D. Style.J. TayI lor. V. Dean. ! Stanard ll.—Proficiency : Fred I Adam 1, Glady s Fiebig 2. Attend- ! ance : F. Adam. R. Boland. M. Corn, | J. Hitchens. S’. Knox. A. Loader. F. ] Johnson. K. Watson, 11. Redshaw. F. Wist. W- -'-dam. N. Clark-. I. J line. Standard I. — Proficiency : Unmet Bond 1. Irene Mossring. Louis Styles uqiitil) 2. Attendance: B. Clarke. L. Corn. T. Inns, L. Styles, E. Sy- ! mens, K. Hansen. B. Loader. G. ] L< gan. 11. R. Wilson. I). Colbert, I. j Mossong, B. Robert:-on, J. Buttii more. E. Holt, C. McLeod. J. Afunro. T. W’atson. P2 Class.—Proficiency : Phyllis Boland 1. AVinie Payne 2. Attendance: W. N. Cli itt ( ’'.den. L. AW Inns, -A. .1. Pullen, T. L. G. Chittenden. E. 11. I). Mossong. A. E. Jane. A. Gocdger, jC. D. McKay. R. AVeston, R. Sy- ; mo:is. A. Al. Bonnor. E. P. Boland. I V. Samson. E AL Swain. T). E. Swain, i W. Pavnc. I Pl A Class.--Pi-idlc-er-cy : Air,ry Phaii-n 1. Edward Olsen 2. Pl B ( la's --Proficiency : Roy Loader 1. Dorothy Smith 2. Attendance : V. T. Rouse, E. Boland. C. l ay ne, (). Havhow.

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Hawke's Bay Tribune, Volume II, Issue 8, 20 December 1911, Page 3

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OUR SCHOOLS. Hawke's Bay Tribune, Volume II, Issue 8, 20 December 1911, Page 3

OUR SCHOOLS. Hawke's Bay Tribune, Volume II, Issue 8, 20 December 1911, Page 3