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A party of Napier golf players left for Gisborne yesterday. The second of the Assembly Dances will take place to-night in the Foresters’ Hall. A meeting of the Hospital Ball Committee is called for this afternoon at the Masonic Hotel.

Inspection is invited o£ the British and Continental Piano Company’s stock of pianos by numerous makers. A meeting of members of the body corporate of the Napier Athenaeum will bo held in the Athenaeum this evening. The Napier Borough Council last night fixed October Ist as the date for the opening of the bathing season on the beach. The secretary of the Hawke’s Bay Agricultural and Pastoral Society, by advertisement in this issue, calls for tenders for privileges at the forthcoming show. _ The Napier District School authorities extend an invitation to parents and friends to attend the annual exhibition of _ school work in the Main School this afternoon. Montgomery’s Entertainers will appear in the Theatre Royal on Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr H. G, Parker, the agent, arrived yesterday to make the necessary arrangements. The McCormick Big 4 Mower main frame is made in one piece, which ensures solidity and strength. All hearings are fitted with removable bushes, in which the shaftings fit accurately. Mr A. Boult gave a second lecture on “Music” last evening in the Athenaeum Hall to a fair audience. The Bishop of Waiapu again presided, amt Master Sorenson sang several new songs.

The New Zealand Soldiers’ Grave Guild has benefited by a donation of £55 received from the Napier More Men Fund. Mrs Seddon, who is president of the guild, has expressed her sense of the munificence of the gift. The quarterly summoned meeting of Loyal Napier Lodge 1.0.0. F., M.D., will be held this evening. After the business has been transacted, the Hastings Lodge will be entertained, and a challenge euchre tournament will take place.

Wisconsin milks more than a million cows and turns out 90,000,0001b of choose per year, says the “Breeders’ Gazette.’’ This comes from nearly 2000 cheese factories, ail over the State. If this cheese were shipped all at one time, it would make obOO carloads, or 125 trains of 25 cars each.

The Napier Borough Council have appointed the Mayor (Mr S. Carnell), the Chairman of the Public Works Committee (Cr Lasoelles) and Crs Edwards aim McGrath as members of a deputation to wait on Sir Joseph Ward on Monday with regard to the railway tariff, tile Wairoa-roacl, and the necessity for a new Post-office.

The cost of initiating the system of lighting the Glebe borough by kerosene has been £447 16s 2d. The light has been in existence for one month, ending August 31st. The cost of maintenance was £79, The council previously paid the Gas Company £147 for the same period, so there was a saving of £6B.

The weekly parade of the City Cadets was held last evening, under the company officers. There was a good muster of all ranks, numbering in all 38. Excellent work was done in anticipation of Captain Hughes’ inspection on Monday evening. After parade, details in connection with the dance to bo held on the 28th instant were gone into, and all necessary arrangements made. A passage in Mr J. Rochfort’s report on the Wharc-o-maraenui reclamation works, published yesterday, should have read as follows:—“ The water is turned out of the old river channel by a dam at ike junction of the channel E F with the old river channel, and another dam about 50 chains below, with the result that the river at the Meanee bridge is now at a level 4ft 2in above what it was after the 1877 heavy flood.” The year was erroneously printed as 1897.

The easo of the Glamorgan Coal Company v. the South Wales Miner's Federation, in which a largo number of colliery owners in South Wales claimed about £IOO,OOO damages from the federation in connection with stopping the collieries on certain days, was again before Mr Justice Bigbara recently. His Lordship, at the previous lengthy hearing some time ago, found in favour of the colliery owners, the damages to be assessed. The total amount which the federation would have to pay was now fixed at £57,562. The proposed removal or lopping of the bluegum trees in Munroe-street came before the Napier Borough Council last night, but nothing definite was done. A petition signed by 47 residents in the street asked that- every second tree on the east side be wholly cut down. In accordance with the standing orders this was referred, without discussion, to the Public Works Committee.. At a later stage of the meeting, three tenders were opened for lopping, but owing to informalities in two of them and an. irregularity in connection with the . specifications a majority of the council decided that fresh tenders should be called. TUOKBE’S SUNSHINE JELLY OBYSTALS, 18 flavours. Your grocer can supply you with any assortment or any single flavour you prefer. Sixpenny packets; one full pint; do better made. DE. ENSOB’S TAMBE JUIOB. a wonderful remedy for CONSTIPATION, KIDNEY TEOUBLES. BOWEL IEEEGU--I.AEITY, LIVER COMPLAINT, and all the ills which arise from INDIGESTION. Indigestion causes Malnutrition, and is the foundation of all diseases. 2s 6d all chemists or stores throughout the colony.

A most successful social gathering was held at the East Clive Methodist j Church last evening. The churcri was ' filled to the doors, and many were un-1 able to obtain entrance. The Eev. E.l 0. Blamires, of Trinity Methodist Church, occupied the chair, and assisted I in. the programme. An excellent programme of vocal and instrumental music was provided, the items being contributed by Misses Neagle (encored), Cresswcll, Iris Cannaway and Maggie I Dowticlc, of Clive, and Misses Laws, | Ellis, Messrs Hewett, Frew and I’rimo (2). The audience showed their hearty appreciation continuously. Refreshments wore provided by local friends of the church. The secretaries of the social, Mr Gannaway and Miss Leylaud, are to bo congratulated on its success.

At the Magistrate’s Court yesterday, before Mr H- W. Brabant, S.M., Joseph Underhill was brought up on remand on throe separate charges of theft from postal packets while employed (is a postal officer at Kaikora North. A further remand was grunted (ill Wednesday next, and, on the application of Mr Cresswoll, who appeared for the defendant, bail was allowed In two sureties of £SO each. Andrew MclCeown, for whom Mr Cresswoll appeared, was charged with being an idle and disorderly person without lawful visible means oi support. Inspector Macdonoll said the defendant hack come here from Auckland with a woman of ill-fame, and after living together at tho Spit for a time, the two came to town. The defendant hud tried to sell some jewellery under suspicious circumstances, which had led to the police making inquiries. In Auckland no had consorted with women of the lowest class, and had practically lived upon them. After some evidence had been^taken, the defendant was remanded till next Monday, to enable police witnesses to be brought from Auckland. The annual Hibernian social held in the Gaiety Theatre last night was a most pronounced success. 'The attendance was large, both on the floor and in the dress circle. In addition to the usual dances, a varied programme of vocal and instrumental selections and step dancing was given. The decorations were artistic, and a handsome Irish flag the , central vte^EppheV byMuies IT, L. Stuart (piano), Messrs Hutchinson (violin), and U. Tankard (cornet), assisted by Mr Madigan (bass). Extra dances were played for by Mrs Treston and Miss Shanahan. Mr G. Graves was an efficient M.C. Songs were contributed by Mrs Treston, and Messrs U. Edwards, G. Tankard, Treston and O’Connor. Mrs Treston and Miss Scott played the accompaniments. Messrs Shanahan (2) and Helm gave bagpipe selections. Mr A. McKenzie danced a Highland fling, and Mesdames O’Connell, Donoghue, Sheehan, Barry, and Doody, and Messrs J. Lynam, O. Hickey and M. Roche took part in Imli jigs and reels, which were capitally danced. Tho ladies’ committee provided a first-class supper. The secretary, Mr J. W. Coe, and the committee worked hard to ensure the success of the gathering.

Messrs W. Ross and Son. of Port Ahuriri, invited a number of business people to view their rope and twine making works yesterday afternoon. Among those present were Messrs il. A. Cornford, A. Stedman, C. H. McLean, A. Naish, N. Kettle, J. K. Goudy, F. 800, A. Loudoun, C. H. Edwards, J. Williams, and A. MeHardy. The establishment is now very complete, and with nil the machines going is a picture of busy industry. Thirty-five men and boys are employed. Nine bales of flax are used each day, and every month forty tons of rope and twine are turned out. This largo turnover has necessitated the working of three shifts of eight hours each, so that the manufacture of rope and twine goes on without cessation by day and night, a fine electric lighting plant being installed in the building. The twine is made from New Zealand flax, and the whole process of combing, spreading and drawing is very interesting. Almost every part of the process is done by machinery. Tho rope is made from Manila hemp, which is first prepared and then converted into yam, of which two or three strands are twisted into each rope. Other machines are used for putting imported yarn together for making seaming twine, and a loom for 'manufacturing coarse sacking for onion and potato sacks. To compare the work as carried on by Messrs Ross and Son with that done at old-fashioned rope works would be an interesting object lesson in the methods of modern industry. The pro. prietors deserve great credit for their enterprise. The town cannot have too many works of this kind, and wc are glad to learn that Messrs Ross and Son’s venture has met with such great success.

The annual congregational social and concert in connection with the Fort, Presbyterian Church was held in the Wilson Hall. Port Ahuriri, last night, when there was a very large attendance, the hall being crowded. Tho Eev. J. W. Hayward presided. 'Jhe annual report, which was of a satisfactory character, was read by tbc secretary, Mr J. A. Napier. ' Reference was made to the regret felt at the resignation of the Eev. C. Connor, after nine years’ service in the Port charge, and satisfaction expressed at the appointment of Mr Hayward as Mr Connor’s successor. Thanks were tendered to the Eev. J. N. Dodds for having most efficiently conducted the services during the period that the church was without a pastor, and also to Messrs M. Lascelles and T. Laws for assistance rendered in the same manner. The balance-sheet, read by the treasurer, Mr W. U. Fulton, showed that the total receipts for the year had been £133 2s 4d, and out of this the debt to the Century Fund, of £3O 4s, had been paid. There was a debit balance of £4 14s as against £27 at the end of the previous year. A manse had been purchased during tho year at a cost of £3OO, and it was hoped that in a few years this liability would have been met. In the Sunday School report, feeling reference was made to the death by drowning of Miss Madge Christy, one of .the most esteemed and earnest teachers in the school. A short address was given by the Eev. 0. Dean. During the evening, songs were contributed by Mrs Findlay, Misses Benson, C. Head and C. .Milner, and Messrs Ncilson, Goldsmith, Kills, T. Eedward, and Brownlee. Misses Napier and V. Benson plaved a pianoforte duet, Miss Gladys M'imroe and Mr Arthur Denholm pianoforte solos, and Mr G. Dale a banjo solo. The accompaniments were played by Misses Eeynolds, V. Munroo, Gifford, Eedward and V. Benson. Refreshments were provided. Thanks were accorded to all who assisted.

Have you a sore that won't heal? If so. try Witch's Herbal Ointment, a , mighty healer. AU chemists, Is 6d. BRIASCO’S UMBRELLA WORKS.— Just arrived, (ho largest and moat varied collection of Sunshade Coverings ever imported into Napier, in all shades and qualities, from 2s 6a. Ladies can now have their last season's Sunshades converted into now ouea at half their original cost. Inspection invited. These Coverings can be adjusted to either Customers’ own Handles and Frames, or now ones, as desired. Remember—We make and sell Umbrellas and Sunshades direct to tho public. Repairs by competent workmen. Old Umbrellas re-covered from 2a 6d; bring them along; I will tell you if uiey arc worth doing. WHY PAY RENT? when by joining the HAWKE'S BAY PERMANENT BUILDING AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY yon can become your own landlord? Advances made on Freehold and Leasehold Securities, Interest as low as 6 percent, per annum. Principal and Interest repayable by monthly instalments extending over periods from 2 years and upwards. No commission. Low cost of Mortgages. Other advantages. AU information obtained on application at tbe Society’s Office, Tennyson-atroot, Napier, to Mr J. B. Fielder, Secretary* or to Mr Joshua Bennett, Hastings. Never neglect a cough or cold; there is no knowing what it may load to. TUSSIOUEA. a certain remedy. SYNOPSIS Otf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Result of Taradalo Town Board election. Wanted, lad to do general work; apply J. Sandtmann, Emersou-strcet. Cricket material and fishing tackle at J. R. Ross and Co.’s. Wanted, by married couple, re-engage-ment on station. Furnished rooms to let. British and Continental Ptano Company. Dress crash at Saunders'. Borough of Napier, road-closing notice. Dalgoty and Co., stock sale at Stortford Lodge on Wednesday, 28th instant. Union Bowing Club, annual meeting to-morrow. Hawke’s Bay Agricultural and Pastoral Society, tenders invited for show privileges. Napier Guards and City Cadets, dance in Garrison Hall on 28th instant. Port Presbyterian Church, acknowledgment. James Mills, saddler and harness maker. Wanted, a shepherd; apply Agricultural and Pastoral Society's office. Watkins Mills, recital at Theatre Royal on Thursday, 29th instant. Dr Morse’s Indian Root Pills.

AUCTION BALES TO-DAY. Napier skin sales. Montague Lascelles, under instructions from trustees of lato A. Brydbn, continuation of sale of furniture, on premises, Sealy-road. 10 a.m. Montague Lascelles, sale'of fruit and vegetables, at bis mart, 2.30 p.m. TO-DAT'S ENGAGEMENTS. Rangitikei Racing Club, second day of spring meeting. Hospital Ball Committee, mooting at Masonic Hotel, 4 p.m, Napier Athenaeum, meeting of members of body ’corporate, in Athonaenra Hall, 8 p.m. Loyal Napier Lodge, 1.Q.0.F., M.D„

quarterly summoned meeting In lodge room 7.30 p.m. Second Assembly Dance, in Foreatora’ Hall. United Cricket Club, annual meeting at Masonic Hotel, 8 p.m. Kapler District School, exhibition of school work, at Main School, 2.30 p.m.

At this season everybody Is liable to congba and oolde. Avoid danger by taking TUSSIOUEA. Inspect the show of Carpenters’ Tools. Saws from 2a £d. Chisels 6d to Is. Squares 9d and Is, Bevels Is cu, Hammers Is, and all tools at reduced prices. Eegister Tiled Orates at 37a 6d, Plain Grates IBs 6d; Luke’s, Orion, and American Stoves. Boat selection in Kerosene Stoves, Call and inspect at James Hardy’s. Telephone 314. BEIABOO’S OITYDYH WOEKS, Dyera and Gleaners, Hastlngs-street.—Ladies’ and Gents’ Clothing cleaned and dyed in first-olnsa style. We have Installed a complete up-to-date plant f or "drycleaning.’’ Ladies’ Blouses. Fancy Dresses, etc., cleaned by this method without Injury to tho molt delicate shades or textures. Glove-cleaning a specialty. Feathers made up, cleaned, dyed and curled by Mrs Brlasoo equal to new.

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12869, 22 September 1904, Page 2

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Untitled Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12869, 22 September 1904, Page 2

Untitled Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12869, 22 September 1904, Page 2