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On the fourth page will be found abstracts of decisions by the Chief Justice in two native oases, a list of entries for competitions at tho Hawke’s Bay A. and P. Society’s show, sporting news, and letters from onr Waipawa and Ormondville correspondents.

The business announcements of Messrs Baker and Tabntean are inserted to-day on onr fourth page.

The Hon. J. Carroll and Dr. Fitohett return to Wellington by to-day’s express.

Captain Edwin wired at 12.45 yesterday “ Moderate westerly winds; glass (all; poor tides.”

The banks at Napier and Hastings will close at 11 a,m. on Wednesday next, the second day of the Park races.

The date (or the general election has not yet been fixed by the Government, but it is believed that it will be betweeea the 20th and 30th of November.

Confirmation services will be held by the Bishop of Waiapu to-morrow, at All Saints’ Church, Taradale, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, and at the Cathedral at 3 o’clock in the afternoon.

The mail steamer Ventnra is due at Auckland From San Francises on Monday. Mr Ayling, of the Napier Chief Post-offioe, who has been to ran Francisco as assistant mail agent, will return by bet. The ordinary monthly meeting of the Philosophical Institute will be held in tbs museum on Monday evening, when seveial papers will be read. One on “Wagner” by Mr Haro'd Large will be illustrated by musical selections.

A meeting of citizens will bo held at tho Council Chambers on Monday evening to arrange for committees and make other preparations in connection with tho United Fire Brigades’ Demonstration, which is to bo held in Napier this year.

An art nnion of oil and water color paintings of New Zealand scenery, plaques and panels, it being held by Miss Bacon. There will be 30 prizes, seme of which are now on view at Messrs J. M. Crerar and Son’s establishment in Hastings-street.

The Yard Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Agricultural and Pastoral Society met on the show ground at Hastings yesterday. It was resolved, owing to the very large entries received, to add 100 sheep pens and provide extra accommodation for oattle and horses. We learn that Mr J, Herbert Neal, so long and favorably known in conneotion with Messrs Neal and Close’s grocery and provision business, has been appointed business manager for the Excelsior Dairy Supply Company, and will take np his new duties at an early date. As it is important that the si, Zealandia should reach Auckland in time to take np her Sydney running, it has been arranged that the vessel shall sail for North to-day at noon, and work Gisborne the same night. Intending passengers are requested to cote the above.

The Railway Department will run a special from Napier to Waipukuvau, leaving here at 635 p.m, on Tuesday and Wednesday next, in conneotion with the Park races. Tho usual 4-7 p.m. train will run only as far as Hastings. Excursion tickets will be issued each day. At a meeting of the Hawke’s Bay Rugby Union Ball Committee last night, it was resolved to notify the union that in view of the lateness of the season, and owing to the number of counter attractions, the proposed ball be abandoned, but that the season next opened with a ball. The following visitors wore at the Morero Hot Springs Hotel last week; Messrs H. Kinniraont, H M’Naughton (Hastings); Messrs Simmonda, Sutherland, Lydford, Cousins (Napier); Me Hague (Waiti.a); Messrs Bell, Ogden, Watte (Tarewa); Mrs M’Lean (Nuhaka).

A bazaar in aid of the Convent School, Meaoee, will be opened on Monday at the Taradalo Hall, and will close on the following Saturday. Tho effects of the hoods make themselves felt in many ways, and it is no wonder that the maintenance of a large school under such circumstances is becoming a very troublesome question to tho good They expect assistance from their friends. The City Band will assist at the bazaar on the opening day. The Hon. J. Carroll’s opinion of a member of Parliament, as given at the Working Men’s Club last night:— “ There is nothing in being a member of Parliament. The first session yon sit every sight attending to everything, and the older hands are only too glad to give you plenty of committee wort to do. The next year you get a little more experience. The third year you’ve got to face your constituency and you don’t know exactly what to do, the requirements are so manifold.”

The natives of Omahu are going to open their new building with a dance, te be given on Wednesday evening next. The building, which is called Kahnkutanui, ie said to be one of the finest examples of Maori work to bo seen in the colony, the whakaico, or oarvisg, being exceptionally fine. This work has been done by a number of Gisborne natives who have a reputation as carvers, and to those who have not yet seen anything of the sort, the building will be well worth a visit. The dance will be carried out ia up-to-date European style, and visitors are assured of a oordial welcome.

The Peerless Incubator has no rival ag aa a hatobor, Nature’s method. Strong healthy chicks, Cheapest xnaohino, because boat. Cash or time payments* Sand for catalogues Uoutl and Song, Foilding (North Island Agents Wadb’b Worm Figs—the Wonderful Worn Worrier.—are a safe and rare tewadTi in 1. bomi .old BT.rywhetj,

Considerable information may be gained by a perusal of this mouth’s Triad. All who take an interest in scientific and kindred matters should road this up-to-date publication. The illustrations are also exceedingly good and the subjects well chosen. Livery stable keepers and others will be interested in tbe announcement appearing in our auction advertising columns that Messrs Macdonald, Wilson and Co., auctioneers, of Wellington, have been instruoted by Captain Popham, of that city, who is retiring from business, to dispose of the whole of his livery stable plant, carriages, buggies, and some 60 horses, all of whioh will be found detailed in the advertisement. Negotiations can be made up tbe 15th instant with tbe auctioneers for the purchase of the whole as a going concern, and if it is not deposed of on that date, it will be sold in lots on the 22nd instant, as announced,

At the Wesleyan Church to-morrow the anniversary of the Sunday school is to be celebrated, TheEov. H.R.Dewa bury has come specially from Wanganui to conduct the services, Special hymns and anthems nra to be sung by a large choir of children and adults, assisted by a select orchestra. Tho music and hymns have been procured from England for tho event. Tho morning and afternoon services will be particularly attractive, as the children will be in attendance in large numbers, and iu the afternoon the service wM be a floral ono. Mr Dewsbury is a very eloquent and stirring speaker, and always draws large congregations.

Members of the Canadian deputation in G-reat Britain, in furtherance of the endeavor to effect a large interchange of trade, visited Birmingham and conferred with the representatives of the Chamber of Commerce. It was urged that Canadian trade suffered a serious disadvantage through the Mother Country going to the United States for largo supplies. The deputation pointed out that tbe United States offered exporters no benefits corresponding with the free trade policy of Great Britain* and suggested that the Domimotfmighc raise tariffs on non-British imports as a basis of an arrangement for the better outlet of her own products in England,

The coronation weather must have been very rough on the guests from brighter climes. There is a delicious touch in the autograph letter of farewell and thanks penned by an Indian trooper on behalf of his comrades. He writes thus; “Contingent Bodiguard and Guide Infantry, Sikhs, Perak, 22nd Augnat, 1902. bir,—Fleas show out good-bye for everybody. Beosns we are going to-morrow morrning. Wo are lived three months in London, wet but happy, Thauk is King show to ns your nice and lukey country, and thank is of ail officers. We are lived to much glad under command Major-general commanding colonial troops. Thank him. Very, vary good-bye for everybody. Sir, aditor, pleas print out goodbye in paper." A telegram from Now York to English papers states that James Cahill, the Fenian, one of the comrades of Allen, Larkin, and O’Brien, has died of pneumonia at Lawrence, Massachusetts. Allen and Larkin were executed at t’altford in November, 1867. Cahill escaped from England with the aid »f • sympathisers two months after the murder of the policeman Brett, who was shot for refusing to give up his keys when Deasy and Kelly were rescued from the prisoners’ van near Manchester in aaptember, 1867. It has bssn said that Cahill was the actual murderer, bnt his son denies this, and says that the name of the man who fired the shot will not be divulged until all the members of the gang are dead. The Australian drought has supplied the text for much lively oentrovery in in the English press. Mr Copeland, Agent-General for New South Wales, tried to disprove the drought by quoting the rainfall far a sumbsr of years; but then he only quoted the rainfall on the coast. Mr Finob Hatton wrote to the Times, asking very pertinently, “ how a squatter, whoso sheep are dying at Bonrke, is benefitted by a heavy rainfall at Jervis Bay?" Mr Copeland replied by saying that "a New South Wales rabbit would know more about the country than Mr Pinch Hatton did.” To which Mr Finch Hatton rejoined“ This is unfortunately quite true, and a more infelicitous remark never escaped the lips of an incautious advocate I know ns mnch abont New South Wales as my neighbors, and apparently more than Mr Copeland; but neither do I, nor does anyone else, know as mnch as the rabbits, who have for some years past formed by far the moat enterprising, the most prosperous, and the most numerous section of the population of that sorely afflicted colony.” At the Megistrate's Court, Hastings, yesterday, before Mr Turnbull, S.M., Frederick Ulph, for using obscene language on the Hastings racecourse, was fined £l.ot 14 days’ imprisonment. —Margaret Wall (Mr W. White) sued her husband (Sydney Wall) fer arrears of maintenance amounting to .616. Plaintiff was ordered to be imprisoned for 80 days, the warrant to be suspended during the payment of £2 a month oil the arrears, - Judgment was granted for plaintiffJ in the following civil oases;-Dr. Tosswill (Mr White) v, J. M'Kenzie, 15s and costa ss; Linney and Tosswili (Mr White) v. Kobert Jeffrey, £2 17s and costs 13a; same v. Charles Hyde £1 13s 6d and costa sa; same v. George Hayoa, £1 10s and coats 6s.— The ease Arthur Neale (Mr Lee) v. Patrick o'Bnl!ivan (Mr ffcanuelij involved an amount c£ £7 for riding foes, and judgment was given for plaint® with costa £2 . Is.—Annie Gray auu George Gray (Mr Scannell) sued G. P. Donnelly (Mr White), for £ll Is (H, for cooking meals for men employed by defendant at Waiohiki. In this cate the defendant bad settled the claim with George Gray, but Annie Gray contended that the contract was made wuh her, and that her husband had mo authority to receive money on her jbehalf or to give discharges in her nime. His Warship gave judgment for plaintiff for the amount claimed, with/costs £3 C« fid. I

The annual concert in connection with the Western Spit school wni hold in the schoolroom last evening in/aid of the prize and picnic fund of thje Fort schools. Tbore was a vary large attendance. Mr W, G. Martin, headmaster of the Spit school, presided. The promoters provided their patrons with an excellent programme, which was very much lengthened by numerous! recalls. The concert opened with a number of action songs, ohorusos. do, py the pupils of the Western Spit (school, under the direction of Miss Msgtll, and thp little ones acquitted themselves very well indeed. Pianoforte selections in this part wero played by Iqastera Leslie and Aubrey Israel t and Misses Shelah Taylor and j May Michan sang two pretty solos. Sn addition to the items by the juveniles, songs, recitations, and pianoforte selections were contributed by Mesdames Martin and Snell; Misses M. Taylor, B, Taylor, L. Taylor, Trask, Simp ;2), Yokavitoh; Messrs G. H. PI etcher, 0, Taylor, and Amner, and Madtet H, Sims, Misses Mitchell, Sima (2)l'frask, and Yokavitch played the accompaniments. Mr T. E. Spillcr contributed several selections on the grapHophone. Pont little girls, Misses O’Connall (2), O’Donoghua, and M'Grath, danced an Irish rosl and hop jig exceedingly well, being deservedly encored,/ Mias JU. O’Donoghue playing the accompaniment. Mr Jackman danced- a Higland fling and hornpipe. Piper Duncan M'Rae supplying the musiq, Tfib-pjano was kindly lent by Mr Votes of thanks to tho performers ahd the chairman wero eqtbnaiastipally accorded. Refreshments were provided in abundance by the ladies. Tho committee and the secretary, Mr M'Connoll, arc to bo congratulated upon such a yßuccsEsfnl result to their efforts. r * JUST A BEMINDEI^

Whoa yoa meet a man or woiiau With a face that’s looking B;\d, And you hoar them oft repeating, “ Oh, this cough will drive rAo mad Toll them of the noted mixture That ia daily gaining fame; If they ask yoa whose proscription. Mention I)n, Pasoall'b namb. Say there’s nothing ou tho mankot Will relieve a cough no aoon, And to those who have bronchi ;Ib ’Tia indeed a perfect boon. Charity cover falloth'-nolthor doei Dr, Pabgall's Cough Mixture, Try It for thiltbad olid Boolbs, Chomiafc, wqjRIASCO’S CITY DTE WORKI-Dyera, 'Cloaflora, nnd Pronnetfl. Ttfe arc the only firm haring the machinery and Appliance neoußßary to give you satisfaction, Nowistli’i timo to have your feathers cleaned, [dyed, and curled for tho earuraor season, [Hastings street, | WHY PAT BENT? when by joining tho HAWKE’S BAY PERMANENT BQILDIHQ AND INVESTMENT KOOIKTY yon\oau beoomoyoor own landlord? Advances made on Freehold end Leasehold Boonrities, JJnterost aa low as 5 per oent per annum, Ainolp&l and interest repayable by monthly iustiumouts extending over porioda from u years mid np. wards. No commission, Low cost of'OTort gages. Other advantages. All informVtion obtained on applioatlon at the Sooiefey'a Office, Tonuyson-Btroet, Napifct, to Mr J, AB, Fielder, Secretary, Br to Mr Joshua BauuotV, Haatinga, \

DB, PABCAIVS COUGH MIXTURE la such an old friend that it is hardly uccoscary to ro mind you that year aftor year people have used it and proved its goodness. It is th* cough remedy that has stood tho trial, ami over? a-»°. sou tho sales have increased. Those who t > ke it find it an unfailing cough cure, audrecommend it to their friends. It is well to bare & bottle of Dr, Pascall's Cough Mixture iu the house,

OHOU H SKBVXCES TO-MOBEOW. KnplorCatrodral, B, 11, 3, (confirmation eoCvino), o.'td 7. St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, 10 (Bible anl fell >wsMp class), 11, and 7. All Saints' Church, Taradalo. confirmation at n. St, Mary's Catholic Church, 7,9, and 7s fit. Patrick'* Ca'.h'ilio Ohuroh, 7, 10.30, Z (Sundaysohoo 1 ). and?. v/ealoyan Methodist Church (Sunday-sohool anniversary), 11,3 (flo-al service), and 7, Congregational Church, 11 and 7.

SYNOPSIS or BBW ADVERTISEMENT*, C. B. Hoadloy and Co. call tor private often for part of town section 853, in the estate of laic Miss Lawson, All p&rtioalars advertised, Oaz&ar in aid of* Convent School, Memos, will be opened la Tarscfale Hall n Monday. A cough may have a good start, bat Pose all's cough mixture beats it every time. Meeting of citizens in convection with United sire Brigades’ Demonstration, Bale of phut, carriages, and lioraofl at Contain Popham'e Tatter.all's stables, Moles wrth street, Wellington, by Macdonald, •Vi I ion and Co,, o a Wednesday, 22nd instant. Httingsof eggs of prize poultry; apply to Mrs tf, frauds, Makotuku. Rir'C.tMie and stains, Limited, new goodft for show and races. Warned, a general servant. Miss Baco i'a art union of oil and water color paintings. , „ _ . JW. Boooham, draper, another lot .of French model’. „. , Wanted, improver for blacksmith a shoeing shop. Los 1 ", a rule. Napier Park Baoiog Club, notice as to passes for ownure, trainers, and jockeys. Hawke's Bay Philosophical Institute, meet ing in Museum on Monday, 13th Instant, Special bank holiday on Wednesday, loth Instant, , After influenza brace your system ana stfo: gthon your nerves with Phosphor-ton, Hallway Department, arrangements for N pier Pork races. War.t l d. a c ok. Cornet for sale. . Opening < f now Maori carved building at on Wednesday, 15th instant. Murray, hobjrtaai-d Co,, general merchants, stock and station agents. Black lustres at thunders’, Spring mooting of Napier Park Baoiog Club on Tuesday and Welnesday, 14th and 15tb insbint. Sporting requisites at J. B. Boss and Co.'a.

TO-DAY'S engagements. Imperial Ciograph at Tfaeat/s Boy&l, 3 and 9 p.m, Napior Plying Club, New Plymouth race, 8 a.m, AUCTION SALES TO-DAY. M, Lascelles, sale at contents of five-roomed Lou jo, at. bis mart, 11 a.m; market sale 2 p.m.

SEE 4BTNO REQUISITES in Shone, Stones, Stencils, Ink, Twine, Noodles, Cutlery, Panna* kinc, ditties, <’room«, Colonial Ovens selling cheap to clear; Cooking Hanges from 2ft to 4ft in stock, leas 5 per oont off list for cash, "Agate” Cooking UL nails. Sheep Ear Punches 38 to 12s 6d, Booking Knives Is, Is 3d, and Is 6d; hiocateura Is 6dtoss; Sheath Knives Is, la Cd, Inspect, at J. Haeet’s.-* Telephone 814.

BSIASCO'S UMBRELLA PJCTOET,— Wholesale and Retail. >uat »nived—soo ohoioo designs of Sunshade Coverings, all qualities. Ladles can have thorn made to order, or lasi season's .sunshade recovered at half tho cost of new onoa. Prices from 2s 6d, Support local industry, and purchasa your Umbrellas and Sunshades direct from us if yonr draper cannot supply you. ‘i he repairing and re-oo« oxing deportment a specialty, Hastings troot.

Wolsman and White have a selection of Fibm Quality Hot Watxk Bios, with or without covers. Every home should have one. Pro* Botiptionareceive prompt attention at any hour. Importer of English Drugs ahd Chemicals, P.O, Box 19, Telephone 91.

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 12265, 11 October 1902, Page 2

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Untitled Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 12265, 11 October 1902, Page 2

Untitled Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 12265, 11 October 1902, Page 2