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The fourth page contains a report of yesterday’s proceedings in Parliament, a letter to the Hditor on the frozen meat trade, horse-racing news, and letters from onr Hastings, Waipawa, Ormondville, and Danevirke correspondents.

Thirty-two births were registered in Napier during September, 14 deaths, and 7 marriages. The steamer Tomoana yesterday arrived at Bluff from Wellington, and the steamer Mokoia left Bind for Hobart and Melbourne. The auction sale of tho Pukehamoamoa O Block by Mr M. Lascelles, which was fixed tor yesterday, has been postponed.

Captain Edwin wived at 1 2 yesterday:—" Indications of strong easterly winds; glass tali; tides increase; sea heavy, easterly swell.” The social and dance to be held in

the Oddfellows’ Hall, Taradale, this eveaing, is expected to be ona of the most successful given in that district this season. A reminder is given of the orchestral concert to ha held in Wilson’s Hall t pit, this evening. Previous entertainments given under the same auspices have been very enjoyable. The Commissioner of Crown Lands, Napier, advertises for sale tbre sections of 975 acres, 742 acres and 1037 acres respectively, adjoining the Kuahine Special Settlement. Members of the Hawke’s Bay Homing Pigeon Society will note that entries close for The Summit race to-morrow at 8 pm. This should be a most interesting race, as the birds are now in good form, A discussion as to the Coronation Contingent took piaoo in the House of Hepresentatives yesterday afternoon, when the Acting-Premier, in reply to membeis, said it had not cost ,£15,000, or anything like that sum. The following of Miss Heim’s pupils have passed the recent Trinity College theory examination .■•—lntermediate : Milly bindon and Fanny Bee. Junior -. Frieda Sandtmann, Alioe Turnbull, and Winnifted Jandtmann.

gjAfter giving evidence before the Frozen Meat Committee of the House of Representatives in Wellington, Mr Andrew Cleland, of booth Canterbury, chairman of the Pleasant Point branch of the Farmers’ Union, came on to Napier by way of Masterton. The mails from Auckland on the 29th August via San Franoisoo reached London on the morning of the 28th instant, one day late. Those which left Melbourne on the 27th August via Brindisi arrived in London on the afternoon of the 23 cd instant, one day early. An unusually large number of tenders have been received for the privileges of the Hawke’s Bay Agricultural and Pastoral Sooiety’s show. Tenderers are advised that the tenders will not be opened until the committee meeting to be held on Friday next.

We are glad to learn that the mortality amongst lambs in Hawke’s Bay is not so great as might have been expected as a result of the recent exceptionally cold weather. Favorable reports are to hand from the back stations, whore they are now in the midst of lambing.

The civil case of J. Spence and Co. v. Peta Horowai, claim XG 10a 5d for j goods supplied, was heard by the S.M. yesterday. The sum of U2 8s 9d was paid into Court. Judgment was given for M 19s 2d in addition to the money paid in, with -22 costs. Mr Kennedy appeared for plaintiffs. The Napier Bowling Club’s season will start on Wednesday. October Bth. The Hastings and Bluff Hill Clubs are invited to take part in the opening game. Xn addition to the ordinary tournaments, it has been decided to hold a rink tournament for the Wednesday afternoon holiday players, The booking tor the opening perform" ance of the Pollard Opera Company, “ The Messenger Boy,” at the Gaiety Theatre on Saturday evening is very brisk, and those who wish to reserve seats should not delay in visiting the booking office, Howe Bros'. The box plan for “ Fiorodora," to be produced on Friday night, is also now open. The Eight Eev. the Bishop of Waiapu and Miss Williams were "at home” yesterday afternoon at Hukarere to the visiting members of the Diocesan Bynod and friends, A very large gathering assembled and passed some pleasant hours. The weather was fortunately favorable. Tea was dispensed on the lawn, and music was provided for the entertainment of the guests. ’ The feature of the Hawke’s Bay Agricultural and Pastoral Society’s show 1 this month will be the very large number of outside exhibits. Entries have so fat been received from Canter--1 bury, Wairarapa, Manawatu, Kangi--1 tikei, and all parts of Hawke’s Bay. It • is fortunate for local exhibitors that . the show this year is being held a fortnight later, as it will give the stock an opportunity to get into better condition. Mr G. E. Keith, who has been assistant accountant at the Bpit offioe of the Hawke’s Bay Farmers’ Coopsrativa Association, Limited, was yesterday afternoon presented by hie fellow-employees with a silver-mounted pipe and case on the occasion of his severing hia connection with the association to take up a similar position elsewhere. Mr A Loudoun, manager of he association, made the presentation.

Wirtii** circus, which ©pans io Napier on Wednesday next in Clive Square, fchi* time brings many novelties. Their agents in Londm have secured the very latest sensations, including the celebrated Howard brothers, in their great thought transmission and second-sight puformauces. Mr Philip Wirth introduces many new and clever horse seta. The menagerie include a variety of wild beasts, which form an attractive feature of the show.

Lieutenant-Colonel 0 wen and his staff of instructors arrived last night to conduct a school of military instruction for the offioetsand non-commissioned officers of the garrison These classes are being conducted throughout the colony. The first class is to bs held at the drillshed this evening, and it is expected that the instructors will be engaged in their duties here every night for about six weeks. At the end of thufc time an examination will ba held, those successful in passing receiving certificates. Speaking at the Synod last night on the Bible in schools question, Dean Hovell, referring to tho plebiscite taken in various parts of the colony on this matter, said many years ago a canvass was made in Napier, when an overwhelming majority of pirents declared in favour of the Bible bung taught in schools. The Dean had no doubt whatever that if the proposal were submitted to a referendum iu this district at the present time it would result very favorably.

Under date August 14th a London correspondent writes : —“ Bishop Stuart, late of Waiapn, has arrived in London from Persia for a brief holiday. He intends shortly to return to Ispahan, where he expects to open a mission hospital. A London p>per remarks that Bishop Stnart is aa example not often found of a bishop resigning his see in order to become a simple missionary. . . . Bishop Stnart resigned hie see in New Zealand in the midst of a most successful episcopate ” The weekly parade of the Napier Guards was held in the drill-shed last evening. There wap a good muster, under Lieutenant Binglam?. The oorps were combined with the Gity Cadets, under Captain Hislop, and the two oomr panies wore handed over to SergeantMajor Finn, by whom they were instructed in various company movements, After the parade a meeting of the Napier Guards’ shooting committee was held, when it waa decided to abandon the projected match with tho Banfurly Eiflea, in favor of the latter corps.

The annual display of work in connection with the Napier main school will take place this afternoon. Parents and all persons interested in education are invited to be present. Afternoon tea will be provided at a email charge, and there will be a sale of needlework done by the girls of the school. A t half-past two o’oloak the boys will give a display of drill. This will be followed by choral singing by the upper scholars. Drawings, paintings and designs, with other examples of the work at which the children have been engaged doting the year, will ha on view. The proceeds will go towards the Gymnasium Fund. A gentleman who left Anekland some time ago for -t. Louis, XJ.H.A., wrote by the last mail from that city, suggesting that New Zealand should be represented at the coming World's Pair, which is to be held at St. Douia in (1801. He says; —“ I know of no better way of bringing New Zealand before the world. I would like to see the Maoris represented. What took place at Botorua when the Duke wae there is of little value compared with what such an exhibition would mean in real value, ethnologic il and educational, here. There could be a small Maori village, with just a few good specimens of Maoris.” The writer goes on to say that if the New Zealand Government are alive to the encouragemeat of the tourist traffic to New

Zealand, they will not miss tins oppor tunity o£ advertising the colony. As to the aoolimatiiation of salmon in New Zealand, Mr Tisdall, of Wellington, who has just returned from a visit to the Old Country, thinks that it is a mistake to import many of the verities of American salmon, as several of those fish do not take the fly, while the British salmon does, and the Utter is an equally good table fish. In England Mr Tisdall had an interesting interview with Mr William Senior, who, as “ Bedspinner,” the editor of The Field, is known pretty well all over the civilised world. Fishermen throughout the colony will be interested in the fact that Mr Senior proposes, within two or three years, to pay a visit to New [ Zealand, and has asked Mr Tisdall to j plan a tour for him. He has also arranged for correspondence for his paper from Now Zealand, in which colony he has always taken a keen interest. Mr Senior’s views on the acclimatisation of salmon hero may prove of interest. “Why, when you get such splendid trout fishin?, do you bother about salmon ? ” he asked. " Yon have the finest trout in the world," ho added, “ and from all I can gather in several of your rivers they have acquired the habits of the salmon. With snob fish you do not need salmon.” The annual show of the Manawatu and West Coast A. and B. Association will be held at Palmerston North on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, 12th, 13tb, and 14th November next. In order to meet the wishes of exhibitors of stock the committee have somewhat amended the method of procedure, and the judging of horses, sheep, and cattle, will commence on the second day of the show instead of oil the first us hitherto, while the poultry section, which by the addition of a large number of classes has been made a special feature of the show, will be j odged on the first day instead of on the second day. The first day’s programme has been made j more attractive by the inclusion of competitions for mounted rifle corps, j Victoria Cross race, addition race,] jumping by sections, an j petition and schools squad competition. | in addition to a sheep dog trial, which was inaugurated last year. On the second day the judging of sheep, cattle, dogs, horses, ladies’ hacks, and boy and girl riders will take place, as will also the leaping competition (steepleohaie style). The third day will, as usual, be devoted largely to the various interesting competitions, such as tandem and single driving, ladies’ driving, pony leaping, hunters’ competition, woodohopping. and an exhibition by _tho prize winning squads in the various military competitions decided on the first day. The association have increased the prize list since last year and the amount of illsoo is-** to be given. Entries will close on Monday, 27tb October, with the secretary, Mr J. 0. Lane.

JUST A BEMINDBB. When you moot a man or woman With a loco that’s looking ond. And you hoar thorn ott repeating, “ Oh, this oongh will drive mo mad Toll them ol the noted mixture That is daily gaining tame i I( they oak you whoso proscription. Mention Da, PasoiLL’a name. Say there’s nothing on the market Will relievo a cough so soon. And to those who have bronchitis ’Tin indeed a perfect boon.

BBIASCO’S CITY DYE WOBKB,-Dyers. Cleaners, and Feather Prossers. Wo are the only Urm having the machinery nnd npplmno a m to gi*e you aatief&ction, Kowistuo lime to have your forthora denned, dyed, and our’od tor tho eummor eoaaon, Hustings I street.

WHY PAY BENT P whoa by joining tbe H4WJCE'S*BAY PERMANENT BUILDING AND INVESjMKNT SOCIETY you con become your ownlandlord? Advances male on Freehold end Leasehold, Securities, Interest as low as 5 per cent par annum. Principal and interest ropayai lo by monthly instalments extending over periods leo<u 2 years and njp. wards. No aommisaion. Low coat of Mortgagoa. Other advantages. All information obtained on application at the Society’s Office, Tonnyeon-etreet, Napier, to Mr J. B, Fielder, Secretary, it to Mr Joshua Bennett, flashings. '

SYNOPSIS OF ÜBW ADVEBTISEMENTS, Howie's Bay Homing Pigeon Society, Summit Race on 4th inetaut Wanted,temporarily,aesidtant mistress f.r small private sot 001. 1 cough mixture will cure a coagh That's what it is fort M. Jjasoallos. auotioa sale of fruit at his mart to-morrow, ~ , „„ , F. T. Bradley’s Royal Mail Lino of Puketitm coaches, . . . Notice to oonsigneos, s.s. Star of Auattulu, Novelties at M, White’s Cft*h Miihnory Emporium. , Maoawalu and West Coist Agricultural Metropolitan Show and Industrie! *• xbibition, at Palmerston North, November I2tb f 13th, Bndl4tli, , , WtnloyaudLinauzo, stock sale at Stoit'ora Lodge, Mmday, 6th instant. Pukotltiri Hotel porsoialsupervision of Mr and Mrs Pradl-y; tr.utand game iu abundance t f plendi-J health resort. Niw Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, wool and produce brokers, stock and station agents, and general march* ts, Napier an 1 Spit, Wirth’a cirons and menagerie, performances at Hastings 7th instant, and I uplot Bth and 9tb instant. , , , , Wanted s ; tintion as lady help. Now Z.aUnd Clothing Factory, boys* sailor BU poilard’fl Opera Company, at Hastings 2nd and 3rd instaat, and at Napier 4th and 6th instant. Testimonial to nintivo properties of vitadaUo; faither particulars o’tainab.o ftom S, A. Pal i or, W-itorbo Uuiy* Wolliigt)". B.ythoaad Go., rarprts and linoleums are now installed in now budding, where extensive additions to stock luv-* b .ea opened this week, Phoephor-ton makes life worth living. Bleu e lengths of print at Siund-irs’. . Crown lauds sale, section adjoining Buahmo special settlement.

TO-DAY’S ENGAGEMENTS, Orchestral concert: by Mr W, L, Prime and ft lends, in Wdsm Hail. Spit, 8 p.m. Social and dance in Oddfellows Hall, Tara* dale.

SHE IBINQ BSQOISITKSta Shews, Stone t tsacils, Ink, Twine, Needles, Cull ry, Tanno. kins, limits, Brooms, Colonial Ovens selling cheap io clear; Choking fifl-ngcß from 2ft to 4ft iu stock, Ices 5 per cent oil list for cisi* Ciokiug Vt noil*. Bboop Ear Punches 3s to 12b Gi, Docking Knives la. Is 3d, aad Is 6d; Piirtitourß la 6d to ss; Saoith KoivGß'.lß, 1b 6d. Inspect, at J. Uaudi'a.— Telephone 814, 0

BBTiSCO’S UMBUEIiIiS. P CTOKY.Wholeaalo and Ratal!. Justfr ivoil—soo olioioo dsßignsjof BuQsh'd.» Covorlnsa, all qualities, Ladles can have thorn madoto orior, or laet season's iaunshade re-oovortd at half tho cost of now or 09. Prices from 2s Cd, bupport local in u»ttr, and pure ham your Umbrellas and funßhvJQj direct from us If jo'-r drapercauuofc supply you. Jho r* pairlatr aud ro-oo o ins dopattnont &tpeoialty, Ha-.tiugs troofc.i

Wolsuan aul White have a solootlon of First QciLiir Hot Wateb Bias, with or without o-wers. Evory homo ohould have ono. Prosoriptionsreooivs prompt attention at any hour. Importer of English Drugs and Chemicals, P.O. Box 19, Tolophono 31.

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 12256, 1 October 1902, Page 2

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Untitled Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 12256, 1 October 1902, Page 2

Untitled Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 12256, 1 October 1902, Page 2