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Sporting news, cricket intelligence, and an account of the championship regatta at Wellington on Saturday will be found on the fourth page.

Messrs Williams and Kettle announce that their Takapau sale date has been altered to February 10th instead of the 19th.

Captain Edwin wired at 11.50 on Saturday “ Moderate to strong south-east to south and west winds; tides good ; sea decreasing on coast; glass farther rise, but indications of fall after 16 hoars from now.”

The funeral of the late Mr Beilby at Hastings to-day will be delayed until after the arrival of the train leaving Napier at 2 p.m., at the special request of a number of frleuds who propose attending the last rites.

Mr Walter Raymond, the English novelist, has been in the Clutha district for the past week or so. Mr Raymond i* favorably impressed with Now Zealand, and the scene of his next novel will probably be laid therein.

During his visit to the Eighth Contingent camp on Friday General Babington impressed upon the ollioore that they ought not to trouble bo much about manual exercise, but that they should thoroughly drill the men in the use of the rifle, and especially the judging of distances. The Hawke’s Bay Farmers’ Co-operative Association will hold their usual Onga Onga sale to-morrow, when they will submit over 3000 sheep, including several purebred Romney rams (Fairfield bred), besides cattle, horses, &e. For the convenience of buyers, ’buses will leave Waipiws on the arrival of the express train from Napier. A Press telegram from Wellington informs us that Commander Coombo, of H.M.S. Penguin, has reported to the Marine Department that in the survey of Poverty Buy a 1Z foot pinnacle rook wan found situated south 73 dogreos west magnetic, 13 yards from tbo Waihora

Rook buoy. Vessels approaching tho anchorage should keep tbo beacons in line.

The Rev. W. C. Waters, vicar of Bt. Peters, Wellington, arrived in Napier on Saturday night, and took part in tho Cathedral services yesterday. Mr Waters also preached at the evening service to a large congregation, his sermon being an able and thoughtful one. Miss King sang “ The Galilean ” as an offertorium very sweetly. The Dean conducted the service. Bishop Williams reading the lessons. At the Volunteer camp yesterday tho officer of tho day was lieutenant Graham. The officer for to-day will be Captain Hislop. The guard yesterday was furnished by the Kanfurly Rifles, and the Napier Guards .furnish the guard to-day. Yesterday being an off day at the camp, visitors were entertained, a large number of ladies attending. Tho officers showed thorn round, and they were subsequently invited to afternoon tea.

Ourl Hastings correspondent writes under Saturday’s date:—Mr A. L. i). Praser, J.P., presided at the Magistrate's Court this morning, when two old offenders, James Catherall and A. M’Allister, were each convicted and sentenced to one month’s imprisonment on charges of drunkenness—Mr and Mrs G. H. Boaoh left to-day tor a trip to the Old Country.—The Kov. Father Lozor, of Meanee, conducted both services at the Catholic Church on Sunday in tho absence of Father Smyth, who is away ou a visit to Wellington, One of the institutions of our town which undoubtedly deserves every support is the Technical School The classes have been discontinued during the school holidays, but will bo open on February 3rd. Mr Anderson is taking steps to increase the scope of tho work this session, being no doubt encouraged by the splendid success of last year, when all tho classes were crowded. A desirable extension, and one which it is hoped will be made possible, is that of a workshop for boys in which practical carpentry may bo taught at the lowest possible charge, if not free. Mr Anderson, who has had some years’ experience us an instructor in the subject at tho Wellington Technical School, is of opinion that such a branch of technical instruction, if run on the same lino-, would prove u success. Have you taken your PHOSPHOE.TONto.OayP I

The chureh parade at the Cathedral yesterday morning was exceedingly well attended, the various volunteer corps in Napierbeinglargely represented. The Rev. W, C. Waters, of Wellington, took the service, and I ean Hovell delivered an admirable and most appropriate address. Referring to the despatch of fresh contingents to South Africa, the Dean said he had not the least doubt that they would i do their duty as faithfully as the seven other contingents had done, but the pity of it was that so many valuable lives should bo sacrificed in fighting the Kmpiro’s battle, when the final issue of the struggle was so hopeless as far as the Boera were concerned. Ho made some very severe remarks on the unpatriotic conduct of such men as Clark, Labouchero, and Campbell-Bannerman, the latter of whom preferred party to patriotism, and said ho spoke strongly on the matter because he felt strongly. Ho was convinced that the utterances of these men wore prolonging the war, and ?t was to bo regretted that they could not got thoir deserts. Miss Ethel Edwards presided at the organ, in Mr Sharp’s absence.

As a result of investigations made by Detective Cassels, who has been in Masterton for the last day or two, a young woman named Kate Alexander, who resides with her mother in Dixon-strcot, was arrested on a charge of wilfully killing the male child which was found in the furnace of a boiler at the back i f Mr \V. M'Kenzio’s butcher’s shrp on I uusday last. The young woman, who is about 20 years of age, is in a very weak condition and is confined to bed. Mie has been examined by Dr. Archer Husking, sequontly Thomas Murcott, who hj in the employ of Mr W. M'Kenzie as shopman, was arrested on a similar charge. It will probably ba somo dayo before the female accused will bo able to appear at Court. Thomas Miucotfc was charged before Messrs Duncan and Eton, J’b.P., on Friday. The female accused was similarly charged, but did not appear. Mr PownaU appeared for both accused. Murcott was remanded till Tuesday next on bail, himself in .£SOO and two sureties of .£250 each. The inquest will be resumed on Tuesday.

BRIEF BUT COMPREHENSIVE. Thopnrch fiing public is like ft busy business man—each wants the whole story in as fow words as possible, Hero it is PHOiJPHOR-TON—TIio great Nerve Tonio that youh?arao much about—is a promratici contain! g KoU, Phosphorus, Nux Vomica, ana oth t proved •ouioaud restorative ngontfl.

PHOBFHOU-TON touoa up tho syatom, it croaaos tlio appiitito, promotes hoilthy Bleep, utrongtlima tho norvoa, buiMfl up tho muscles, aids iligastiou, If you fool languid anil weak there is n thing better for you to take lhau Ecdos* Phosphor-ton. Mind you wo hto not talking theory, but absolute fact, for tboso assertions hnv i boon verified, Boorea of times in t-is {own of Napier, flit iSPHOU-TON la a genuine Nerve, Brain, and Muscle Food, Bo you want it ? Ten day's supply for 2b fid.

WVIi+MAN AND WHITE littvo a olioloo aolo-Uon of Articles suitable f<»r Xmas and New Yeah (Sifts, Pekhim * Caskets, *ach>:ts, Smelling Salts Bottles, Mountcd B usues, 40., at prices to su t all. P,O. Bos 19, Telephone 81

J. D. BRIA9CO, Umbrella Factory. Those in search of 'Xtmsand New Tear Proa' i utfl could not do than purchase one of my Proaontaiioii Umbrellas or Sunshades, each one of tho price of 12s fld and upwards. iVill have tho recipient 8 name. 4c. engraved thereon Fro ao! Charge, he moat choice and varied selection of Sunshade materials in tho North lalaud to select from. Special orders executed lu One Hour’s Notice. Inspection invited. £ got all my raw material duty free, thus enabling mo to soli 20 per cent cheaper than tho import -r {besides, I guarantee ev-Tv artiol, Fresh, not shop-worn, Tho trade supplied

Have you taken your FH'JtiPHuB-TON ta-day ?

Tfce Hawke’s Day Fornaoont BaUdin? ntfl Investment 3- 'doty advance money on Mortgagi if Freehold and Leasehold Securities at inter 9 a* low an 5 per cent per annum, repayable by awut'ily iurdalmocte, in?<*6taiout shares, pay able 6i3 per month. Money received on Fixou Dopodit, Apply U tbo Secretary, J. B. Piolcei a*. t:io aooiuty’H OUJoo, Toanyscn street, Napidr, o; Jo&lria Bauuett, flattings.

SYNOPSIS OP HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Napier Technical School re-op on hj Februiivy 3rJ, Applicati us invited up to noon, January 29th, for portion as secretary to Napier Laud and Building Society, Dress vooda half-price at f-'aund 1 ru.* Junior olurk wanted. Secretary, Tysor lino. B npouK«-s of a i-erviciiblo quulily—iiHpocialty at blccloa’ pharmacies School boots and shoes at tho New Zealand Clot inn Factory, lilii-sion IuhIrOHSCB by Mlbhob Ftreueh and Jolliltu at Cougrcgat onnl ■ hutch, Tuonlay, 3at.(18. Notice to consignees s.a Hawke’s By-Phosphor-ton lor languid girls and womon. Strnuglhoua the uervoL AbMir-i your life in tho A. M.P. Society and somiro a bonus every year. Wanted w rk ng housekeeper by Dr, Henley, Apply Mr- hlooro, Tonnycou struct. htud shoop on account of Mr A, Boeoroftou otfoc at Wouloy and Lanauzo’s annual ram fair, January doth, ENGAGEMENTS, Theatre Boyal— Janet Waldorf Company, 11 Lady of Lyons." 8, Emergency meeting, Uerotaut g.i Lodge, Hastings, 1 p.ui. Brethren of Scindo and Victoria Lodges requested to meet railway station 2 p m, to attend late Brother Bevlby’s funeral. Parade Napier Uuards at camp 5. BALE 3, C. B, Hoadloy and fo—Land sale, 2.30, M, Lnsoeilos—Fruit, Ac , 2 p m. Dalgoty and Co.—udathorpo sale, 1,15, Have you taken your PHOSPHUK-TON to-day ? Teaspoons from Is, Is (id, 2s (id to 7sod J-dozonj dessert spoous stud forks from 35,4s Gd, Cs OJ, 10a fid to 21s i-dozen, table spoons at-d forks to suit, tea knives 3s, 4s fid, 5s fid to 21s l-dozen. table knives 4s, ss. Os, 8s GJ, 10s fid to 3ua 1-dozoD, carvers 2s fid, 4aCd, 7sOd, 10s Gd to 22s fid, seta from 7b fid to 55s tho case breakfast oruols 2a fid, 4* GJ, to 21w, largo do 12s Gd to 18s Gd, 22*, to k\ 10s. jams, butters, hiscouula, teapots, hot-water jugs, broad saws from 8.1, la, 3s Gd, platters Is fid to 7s Cd. Call and impact bargains all round and on lOd tables, J. Hardt's. Telephone, 3L4.

BBIASCO’S City Dyo Works )B always up i date, Ladies can now huvo their feather bon fdatboru, 4c., oloauod and ourlod equal to uo< no matu-r bow soiled they may bo. Ladies* at gouts* clothing oloauod and dyed by the moat u to-clato methods. Charges moderate. Aoto a drosß— Haatings-atreot.

Have you taken your' PHOiSPaOK-TUN 13-day ?

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 12063, 27 January 1902, Page 2

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Untitled Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 12063, 27 January 1902, Page 2

Untitled Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 12063, 27 January 1902, Page 2