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Sporting news, stock market reports, an article in reference to a new scheme for milking tests, and onr Hastings, Waipawa, and Danevitke correspondents' letters will he fonnd on the fourth page. Several men are missing from the exploring ship Discovery at Lyttelton, and are supposed to have deserted.

Tenders are invited up till noon of the 20th instant for renovating the furniture, Ac., at the Napier Court-house. At Woodville yesterday Francis Thompson and Walter Elliott, convicted of taking trout from a river with a pitchfork, were fined jCS and e£lo respectively, with costs £l lßs each.

According to Mr J. L. Scott, cf Christ- ■ church, who has just returned from a tour abroad, good sound bicycles can be bought in America for from between 18 and 18 dollars, or about £S 10s each. C. Morrison and A. Gillion, coal trimmere on the B.e. Waimate, charged at the B.M. Oonrt with failing to obey the lawful commands of Captain Hamon, were each fined Ss, with total costs 17a 6d, and to forfeit one day’s pay. Mr C. Napier Bell, the well-known civil engineer, proceeds to Hobart by the Westralia, to attend tbo meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Ecienoe, to be held in Hebart in January; also to settle np contracts now being completed at Macquarie harbor. We ate indebted to Mr T. B. Moore, Waimarema, for the following record of rainfall at that station (or November 2nd -(Min, 7th 20in, 9th -ISin, VOtb -21 in, 14th -17 in, 16th -Odin, 19th -OSin, 24th •Uin, 26th-Olin, 26th -08 in, 27tb -06 in, 28th -Uin j total, 1'26 inches. Complaints reach us (says a Nelson contemporary) of the delay in the payment of the co-operative gangs. It Is

stated that men employed on the Motupiko railway works have their wage* fully two month* in arrears and that they are so " stony broke " In consequence that they were unable to attend the Show. One would think that even if the Oorerament cannot pay up, the least that it could do would hare been to giro the men a free passage to the Show and back. Plaintiffs secured judgment at the S.M. Court yesterday in the following civil oases, Mr Turnbull, 8.U., presiding ■ —Kennedy and Lusk v. Arihl te Naha, £62 3s lid, costs £110s; Kennedy Bros, v, Arihi te Naha, £92 10s Bd, cacti £3 Os

6d i T. Parker and Co. v. Henry W. Crayford, 12s 6d, costa jEI. Judgment summons, John M'Vay v. Thomas Leitoh, X 5 lOs.amonnt to be paid in instalments, XI 10s on January Ist and M per month afterwards, or one week's imprisonment. An important land sale will be held by Messrs Baker and Tabntean on 10th April next, when they will offer several blocks of land aggregating 10,801 acres, suitably divided for smell settlement purposes. Messrs Baker and Tabutean have also for private sale eight subdivisions of the well-known Tnhara estate, Wairoa, cut up into farm allotments of from 100 to 200 acres each, suitable for dairying, and being within three miles of the site of the proposed dairy factory.

When the Wellington Union delegate* were attending the sitting of the Arbitration Court in Napier tome of them were pleasantly surprised. They entered a well-known hairdressing establishment for toneorial treatment late in the evening. When the operation was finished they inquired the damage. “ Half-s----crown,” said the barber, quietly. “ What!" was the astonished exclamation. Be repeated his demand. They told him they had never heard of such a monstrous charge. “ Why, it’s time and a half, you know, after bouts,'’ replied the tradesman, with a twinkle in his eye. Needless to say, the unionist* appreciated this recoil of their own methods. The annual installation of Victoria Lodge. No. 21, took place last evening, when Bro. K. N. Eenand was installed W.M. by the Installing Master, Bro. M'Dougall, and also the following officers: -[.PM. Bro. H. P. Wyattj b.W„ Bro. L. Falconer; J.W., Bro. W. Simpson ; chaplain, Bro. Very Eev. lie Berdt Hovell; secretary, Bro. H. C. A. Wundram ; treasurer. Bro. 0. I. Clarke; organist, Bro. H. Bodman; B.D, Bro. J. Stone; J.D, Bro. J. £. Dickson; tyler, Bro. H. Yartall. In open lodge the W.M. elect presented Bro. Wyatt with a Fast Master's jewel, in appreciation of the assistance be had rendered to the lodge. Afterwards the brethren adjourned to the refectory, where the usual loyal and fraternal toasts were honored. Messrs C. B, Hoadley and Co, announce that in consequence of unavoidable delay in laying off roads and survey, the sale of the Matamau block (subdivided into 80 dairy farms and township) has been postponed until Friday, 27th instant. Intending purchasers are desired to note this alteration in the date, and meantime will do well to inspect the block which, notwithstanding that it has been, and still is, heavily stocked, presents a beautifully green and well grassed condition, with a good supply of water in all the creeks in spite of the long and continued drought. Dairy farmers need sot accept this statement, which has the appearance of being somewhat extraordinary in face of the burned-np condition of the northern part of the province, but ocular proof can be obtained anon inspection when it will be admitted that a finer block of country in all seasons, will be difficult to find on this coast. Xhs Wairarapa P. and A. Association has under consideration a case of particular interest (says the N.Z Tima correspondent). At the recent show Mr Lilley, secretary of the New Zealand Collie Club, exhibited his well-known collie Herod, which was passed over by the judge, Mr Paul Hunter, of Porangaban, on suspicion that the dog was plucked below the hocks. It seems that while a collie may have any amount of feathering on the leg the presence of furnishing below the hock is a reproach indicating a spaniel cross. Therefore,

plucking the lupetflous htirt is sometime* retorted to. Mr Lilley, writing to the eociely, point* out that it if a eerioa* matter for him in hie official petition, and aeke, if he ie not above reproach, what hope there it for purity in the fancy. Ue hat brought the matter before the Kennel Club. Mr Hunter fays he it prepared to substantiate bis statement at any time, and the meeting of the Kennel Club is likely to be interesting.

The findings of the Jcurt in regard to the fire on the Waimate ware given by Mr Turnbull, S.Myesterday afternoon, as follows, the assessors concurring:— “ That the fire broke out in the flax stowed in No. 4 bold between decks, but there is no evidence to show how the same originated. I find that every available means were taken to promptly extinguish the fire, but owing to the Harbor Board’s watchman reporting to the harbormaster that only one rocket bad been sent up, the captain did not receive the prompt assistance from the shore he expected. The evideroe shows that at least six

rockets were seat up, and it was not until the steam whistle was blown, about an hour afterwards, that assistance came from shore. I find also that there were on board the usual appliances for fire extinguishing purposes, the same as those fitted on all vessels of a similar class. The appliances on this vessel wore passed on the 27th July, 1901, by the Board of Trade under the Passenger* Act."

Ihe lecture on "Pond Life "by the Rev. Dr. Kennedy, at the Theatre Koyal last night was well attended, and proved most interesting. Ur H. Hill occupied the chair. In a chatty, yet instructive style, the lecturer, aided by a flue series of lantern views showing inseet life in all it* phase*, conveyed to bis hearers a fund of information regarding the wonders of nature. What under ordinary conditions might have proved a dry subject to the average mind, was bandied in snob an attractive manner that it says much (or tbe rev. gentleman'* lecturing abilities that he was enabled to keep everyone «o deeply interested until tbe close. During the evening a pretty tableau entitled " The Angels," was given by children of the Convent school, in which they acquitted themselves creditably, in addition to other musical items which helped towards the diversity of the programme, and tbe enjoyment of the audience.

A handsome silver cop hai been promoted by Mr George Norton, the wellknown boat builder of Wellington, to tbe Union Bowing Club, for competition in dob raooe. At a committee meeting held lait evening it wan decided that the oop be awarded to the winning crew of the firet four-oared raoo at the beginning of every season. This race will be called

‘‘The Union Bowing Club Norton Fouroar,” and the natnee of tbe winning crew will be engraved on the trophy. The cap is a very elaborate and massive one, and wiU be enclosed in a glass case and placed in a prominent position in tbe club’s shed. A hearty vote of thanks wo* unanimously passed to Mr Norton for bis valuable present, which, no doubt, will bo an incentive to make this race the event of the rowing season. Tbe cap, together with a poir of valuable walking sticks presented by Mr L. Freedman, for the psir-oar race, will be on view at Mr Freedman's shop, Kmerson-streot. Eteabnb 1 Hkadach* Cuks relieves instantly headaches and allied pains. No opiates or poisons, no bad after-effects.

At the committee meeting of the Munawatu Agricultural md Pastoral Association on Saturday, e nroteet from Uenn Nelson Bros, against the conditions in the award in class 77—beet psn of five lambs for freezing purposes—was considered. Messrs Nelson Brae, considered their exhibits should not here been put aside as being overweight. Hr Buchanan, steward in the class, wrote at length on this matter, concluding his remarks with the observation ttat the judge’s decision wss n tight one. Altar discussion it was decided that the matter be left to a sub-committee, consisting of Messrs Bnobansn, Abraham, M'Hardy, Gillies, and btevens, to report upon at the next meeting of tbs committee, the

irize not to be awarded until that date.

it was also understood that before next show the conditions of the competition would be revised.

In bit annul report to the Agrionltural Department, Mr W. Miller, Stock Inspector for Hawke's Bay, saysOn aooonnt of the close settlement of the country, and the necessity tor more cultivation on the runs, a greater number of draught horses are now being bred in this district. Suitable horse* tor weight* carrying and harness purposes it it almost impossible to secure. Eemonots are scarce, and it hat been a difficult mart" to obtain the number required from this district for South Africa. Many arc presented for examination, but (Be large majority are quite unfit for the psrpoM required. No doubt great s«*w««wi wiß be paid iu future to the breeding of aaddla horses, and typical sires will be sought after. Too mnoh rsllanos, however, cannot be placed upon the hereditary powers of a stallion that may himself he In every way the stamp of hone required. Such animals often prove failures at the stud, and it it only by trying several, and watching the progeny, that the desired animal can be found. A strong, low-eet, well-made thoroughbred home generally lesves the best haoks if mated with suitable mares. An ingraaM of 8427 on last years retain is recorded.”

The City (can the Daily Mail) has not y*t recovered from its ehoek of muprim »t the dividend which me is* nouuood on tht tktnt ol tiM frwtt), African Supply and Cold Storage Con* P»ny. The company made aMt profit to the year ending June 80 tost, after allowing for depreciation, of 41,071,109. The director* placed to recarvc 4737;M0, and carried forward 4ti,000. 7hi« to one of the most astonishing profits the city has known for many years. Many of the shareholders are bstetnas. The of the company St 4160,000 is prefereaoe share*, 4300,000 la ordinary sharea, aad 452,000 in debenture*. The direct Dnteh internet in the company to beliertd to amount to about 100,000 ihane,aadthe profit of the holders to have been tome* Uk* 41,000,000. The toutocc* «f the South African Supply aad Cold Btor•6* Company ha* apparently rrmrietod largely in the tnpply of provision* for the troops. The company hat bean in ertetenoe for three years. In the first year it pud 20 per oe&t in dividends. In tin second year M per cent and a bonus of 60 per cent, the latter mm—Hww to 4160 000, so that in two year* the inane* holders have received 4376,000 is —>■ Before the dividend we* declared the Financial Stu:t raid; M Whatever profit* have been earned by the company during the past year are traceable, in brnoat, at any rate, to the needs of the firttUh army in South Africa.'* 17e have received a Belli (Hew South Wales) paper containing full particulars of the late Dr. Clifton (Start, who it will 1 be recollected died suddenly on boetd the i.s. Zealand!* whilst that vessel was at 1 Napier. From this we learn that deem led ( wa the second eon of Dr. T. 3. Sturt, ' K.D.. of Kogsrah, and was bom on Ooto- ' her 27th, 1068, in Marytoboaa, London. ' Subsequently the family sailed for Ana- ■ tralia. The late doctor at 17 yearn «C - age was a pupil of the Brighton Onasniar - School, near Meiboms*. In 1876 be matriculated at the University of Mel* | bourne, and a year later passed the eat* 1 amination In practical chemistry. In 1877 1 he went to London, where he was entered ; a* a medical student at King's College. 1 In 1882 be wee in charge at Heabam colliery. From 1883 to 1887 be was sole , resident medical officer in Bridgewater , Infirmary, aad house surgeon the follow* ; ing year la Buckinghamshire General Infirmary, and assistant medical offioer in Devon County lunatic asylum. His diplomas conferred by his Unlveraitr In 1889 were:—Lie. &. Cell Pbye, Kdto-i ; lie. E. Coll Surg, Edto. , Lie. Pan Pbye. and Bur., Glasgow. Concluding a lengthy obituary notion tbs Built Thmi say*:— " Amid the flowers he loved aad oared for so well in life, be elrep* toe lari long sleep t his re*ting place encircled by the blue waters of the Pacific; hi* dirge, to* solemn symphonies of tot reetisawavee aa they wash the rock-girt shore* of tot land of the Moa." It involves no disparagement of the fire brigades of tbs colony ethos* efficiency and devotion have long ago wen for them an abiding place to pcpntoi estimation—to say tori the anarikn of public security from fire, to our keg# centres, Is still in an nneettofactcry atone (remarks the Wairarapa Betel fires-with frequent lose of iiti,iUMle with considerable loss of property, indusvariably attended with risk* that ought never have to be inonrred-aw being continually recorded to the daily Preasel the colony. In the ease of an midaaeto. the matter is promptly met The beri medical opinions are pecenrad and acted upon, aad legislation onto walla an scientific pronouncement toil to connection with something that I* just as atoimingin a different way, no fletori to taken. The public seem to have tori ana train of thought, but cm Naonroe—to strengthen and stimulate the art of fire* extinction, and provide Ufaaavtog apparatus of doubtful utility. Bcmething more than all this to needed t and itto high time the matter engaged the attention of municipalities and Parliament. What we want to an effective prevention service ( and this, cost what it may, will sooner or later have to be institute! Aa element of suspicion hang* about fire insurance, which only Increase* the urgency of the case. It to apparent that when numbers of person* are housed together at night, some real protection should be afforded by tbe local body or by Statute, The personal interest of householder* to a sufficient guarantee that the average bouse is sufficiently looked after, but people dwelling in boteto aad boardtog* houses are at the mercy of aucamrianacn to e much greater extent.

Hate fait rery M «Mdjr* hit Cm «o«k« | want 4 holiday. Trrsi'iT—Aaknd lor ton day* ofl—Hoi a coot Wb^kmoat—V«ry mharabUi *• aklppor w h&ffy* Tauafiur--»ro*rn My« that a ooam of Fbo* pborton pulli hi» togethor wiioa bo «b*‘( irut o holiday. Kbihat—<iata2a&l hotUofrom Kooloo; oulitl try it Satubpat—Want »y dianar; appotilo taayrof* »*. Sleep hay, oatiaf, and (aaUci( bettor. Hob pa i~» Work did'ut worry mo to-day. PhotEhor Um u on idaaJ tonio; choapaf than & ollday too.

AKD WJJZ7K bar# a ehofc* iolootlon ot Artidoa amiable (or Xm*b and Wk*v Vtißdn'TN, hmviCiHtiK.oioiin, t-uti.uvu fcUi.T* linn, an, Mocatoo lUnixaa, Ac., at prtow tooiilt alt t'.O. Hqx IV, Talaphona

DB. PASCAWB Cocoa Mtrrraa onrot Agent— JtOCLM, OtOZBiCt

The Hawks’* Bay Permanent BsOdlnc ul Inveetzoirat Society advaao* umm on Mnrkm* of Freehold and Imi ahold SeramlMtltßtiul u low m 6 pet cent ©ear um, repayable by monthly Inetataent*, Inveetaneot eharea, pay ahl* te per month. Money received on need DepoalU Apply to the Beoretary, J. K. PfcOa**, itthe Society* Often, Te&syaoa or Joafcua Bennett* Hafting*.

HTKOPHis or kicw ADvurrzfiXMKifTa. The ml* (if lh» Vitamao deify lanM, by Ideaare (hj fi. Boadley and Co,, li poetpoaued ku Friday, Jffth iuet. Bee alteration in adiertlee* met Hneplwrrlaa and cream at the Kin Ora Tee Boom*. Tender* called renovating furnltnra. Herder Coorthouae. Beale atwing machine*. needke, patte. end repair*, Cbarte* Ounoold, EJaettagi. agent. Bplendld valoe la every bottle of £oa)e«* Phosphor-ton -great nerve tonic. Orders now taken for Chrlstanae oakea at Troea* aero. blown#' headach* core relieves Instantly* Bale of laid in iub-dfvUlona. on aeooantofO, r. Ormond, by Biker sad Tilmtauu CwllUi »nd U'Lmh, Bemumii very cluap »t Sssiidm,*. Ur(i supply o( pin, pom bdls at Boos tad Co.'s For blouse rift* see »«, I window it SMiis'd. For sole, privately, eub-dirUtlOft* o( Tobin •ttato bir Biker sal T»liite»u Loit, lady'* Illror wetch and;; chain. Beirwd Httiu, For tender feet tbere'e nothin, better, lima tcolee’ toilit powder. Bow Zealand I oan end Herosntlle kpeoor Com* pany’s Btorttord bulge vein, Ueoeiubar mth.l

Notice abclltijn of bill trope. Kepler Boerd ot Health,

Notice water-carriage ey*Um mode cOßipr.iwrTa Kepler Boerd uf Health. Tender* celled erection Inspector** dwtiUnw Uouw el ebetlolr pound, Kepter Corporation, Bay mere impounded, John Henderson* pouudkeeper. Additional Hulling lioeuaee io*usd. CNOAOKiUKTa. Cricket— Beereetlon Ground. t IS. BU Augustine’* Cbrltt me. tree, *3O, SALK. M, Laser lies—Bale o( bouaebold f oral tors, Dm* vlewtcrroee, lb DB. PABCALI/B Oon.n Mnrvu Otrsas. Agent—kloonaa, Ohamiat.

Premnictf Fruit Bottle*, ouart* 6* to fi* fid drzeu, two quart* ft* fid to 10* fid down, ftur> rubber ring*; Agile, knueal, Bran*. and Ccaeer Breaming I'm*, from 8* to AC* * Wire Coviml JOd, In, 1* fid; IlyTrip* ("Daiajr *|.fid M I*2 Bte**l Boxea, 6* 6d, 7*6d,*ad fi| ifii M*t Box©*, sie, U 6d, to 4* fid; Bplnt fitoVMLfid U tind le, lai]>eot, fUrgiin* o& lod ToUml B aumoroui to p&rticulaxiM,it 3, BAtwVfVA Ironmonger '*■*

, BBIABOO*S City Dye Worki it ilnri «» t* diU. 1-dle.ointmw hjn their f«*itbera, Ao*. olained md oorUd iQnJto no matter bow ioUed they may ba/ f SSaS«B^

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 12025, 11 December 1901, Page 2

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Untitled Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 12025, 11 December 1901, Page 2

Untitled Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 12025, 11 December 1901, Page 2