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" — ~~ ~~^~~~~~" " zr^-' ■ ■■■>■■■■ m^mi KIIKBII a . ' ■ ■Jlm h9h Wi pjti Si El DR. PASCALL'S i IT ' 1 COUGH MIXTURE. 1 II I Prom Hundreds of Testimonials the foUowing 1 Never DiSaPPOilltS. CureS EverY tiniG. . | two or three are selected:— H mi "T» i tt» i I Meaner H. 8., n.z. The Popular Remedy. I , Dear Sir,— l think it only ric;ht to let you know that I~^ Dr. Pascall's Cough Mixture gave me prompt relief. I I felt the Venefit of each dose, and before finishing the con- 9 £& E tenta of one bottle, my cough was completely cured. I H Wi B have recommended this valuable mixture to a number of B 3k B my friends, and they all speak as highly of Dr. Fascall's i 1J g Cough Mixture as I do. g Yours respectfully, . H JOKANE Palatable, Effectual, Speedy. Children | ' Dear Sir,- My little boy was a martyr to Croup and Jjl*te it. The S^IGSt S^eiHedV'* . | Bronchitis till a year ago, when a friend urged me to give _ ' B him your Cough Mixture. I did so, and am happy to say , H that in ten days the little sufferer, was completely cured ' HIWHI ' n 8 i and is now a healthy boy. 188 BB a* . B 1 Believe me, dear sir, yours very gratefnlly, B mm »■ I PT -°- AllU Sir, — After suffering right through the winter montha •*•* . _ ■% , -^ - -nir* i -arr with a nasty cold, and one of those graveyard cough., JN eWOSt aUCL DGSt COUffh MlXtUrCi JIUGVGT ! which gave me no rest day or night, I was induced by a . . .^ t » ■» friend to try Ur. Pascall'a Cough Mixture. lam happy J ailS tO JTifillfiVP 9 Tin (Al T*f* to cay that I did so, for a single bottle touohed the spot, X "'• l " l » lU iIiOXIC V C dUU VUIC giving me wonderful relief after a few doses. The cough disappeared most miraculously, and I now feel quite my- . , - WfcMfWBV self again. I always recommend it to my friends. MM IIS3IBB Youra very gratefully, KRI I THOS. FIRKINS. -£fJil9 A DR. PASCALL'S COUCH MIXTURE Recommend it to your Friends for CURES EVERY TIME. Troublesome Coughs and Colds. nmumn mini «i iiiwhii ■■■■■■■■■■■! H Is 6c3L OiX3.d 2s 6d. EfYT "PQ CHEMIST, vv J-BuO) Napier and Hastings OBTAINABLE PROM ALL LEADING COUNTRY STOREKEEPERS. . ."^ i

iiiiipiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiißUW 1 £3 FOR NOTHING! imiii!:TTTfi!ruiii!iiiii!!iri!n!!i[::::[ji!;ii!n!i[Hf[ii[i[Nnii!i]iif[t[iD ir:i]j:i]];!ijiiiTiu;nrifi!fii:!!:irj "Triad" Prize Competition. Every school child may enter with the same chance of winning as the greybeard. Complete the words denote! by the initials given telow, the correct list of which lies sealed iv the Triad office. The competitor who comes nearest to correct liat will get prize. T A famous river. H A great nation of the past. E A king in England. T A well-known cricketer. R An opera. I A certain religion; A A town in New Zealand! D A great poet. Post list and receipt of ss. from a Tbiad advertiser, to Manager Tbiad, Dnnedin. A receipt for 303. entitles a competitor to send in two lists ; 15a., three lists ; 20»., four lists. Not more than four lists may accompany the receipts of any one advertiser, although competitors may send four lists accompanied with receipt in conformity with ihejabove rule, from all the Triad advertisers if they please. This competition will close September 20th. _ Other competitions will be announced in next issue. Aulsebrook's Cocoa. „ „ Chidwlok. J., Bookseller. Hastings Cliy Bood Palace. R. MoNaughtau Crate, J. W.. Bookseller (agent "Tiladi) Dr. Spcer, "Wellington Mora Soap. Grlffld'a discnits (any grocer) Joahu* Bros,, Boomerang amndy Kltkpatrlok, B. »na Co., K. Marmalade Ludwig, J. F., Watchmakers w ra Mmer'B Cooker B rife Maypolo Soap and Monkey Brand Soap Martin, J., Tailor. N.Z Wxpress Co., F. Q. Smith & Co., MnnonSfHotel. Mr. »nd Mrs. F. Moellir Nelson, Moate ana Co s TeaNew Zealand Clothing Factory. Sttoderaor.'n seowsn WnißK<Smith ana Smith, Paporhangings. San&ower Soap Suratura Tea VauityFalr ClgaretMs. Van Houcen's Coooa and Chooolate • Wahoo ' Loasby's, ' Koollbah ' liOasby a (Bayer of bottle ot either may enter) Weacporb Goal Co , Bury Bro3 Agent Wilson, Balk & Co,, Fr'cnCfiee, uuvab Yatca & Co., Arthur, Seea Merchants. Yankee Cork Tipped cigarettes. Zelandia Boots. * THE AMERICAN TYPEWRITER. npHOBOTJaHLY EELIABLE, A And Guaranteed to do as Good Work as any eiponsive machine in the market. Price ... .£2 10s Net Cash. THE PEBFECT COMPOSITION BOLIi. The latest Improved Multi-Copyist, by which 150 perfect copies may be obtained with cleanliness and ease. Fkom 16s 6d upwaeds. To be obtained only o£ C. H. S. GREEN Hastings, Agent for the above for the North Island N GEOBGE WHITE, INSaBANCE, FINANCIAL, GENEBAL COMMISSION, AND MANUFACTURED S' AGENT, SHABEBBOKEB AND ACCOUNTANT. Agencies— Commercial Union ABSuranco Com; pany (Limited) of London (Fire nno Marino): New Zealand Accident Insurance Company (Accident, Plate Glass, Employers' Liability, ana Fidelity Guarantee) ; J. Wil son and Co.'s Portland Cement and Hydraulic Secretary for Napier Starr-Bowkett Building Society. Applications lor Shares (2nd Isßne] now being received. TO LET, I Milton-rona, 4 rooms 9s W Tonnyson-strcet, Workshop or Hall ... 12s 6d Emerson-stroet, Shop 2os 0(3 FOB SALE, Bay View, 2 Good Building Sites (Level) over looking bay, 20 minutes' walk from town, 11 minntos from Spit j £115 each or £200 for th( two Caxlyle-street, House and Section (sunny side) £325 (terms) Clobo to Town, Kauri House of 10 rooina, Kitchen Bath-room and "Wash-house, and Land, witl small Orchard, £310 Goodwill of Lease, Two Shops, Emerson-otroet 17 years to run; yielding a net inoomo ol £U'O. Owmer leaving district. Any reason able offer accepted. Good Dwolling-house, 5 rooms and conveniences on Freehold Section, corner of Sale-streel ana Hastings-street. Price, £300. Besidence of 9 rooms, insured for £600, witl coach-house and stable, on Freehold Section situated Marine Parade, having frou-nge als( to Hastings-street. Price, only £725. I bargain. And other Properties in various situations. Offlcea-No. 21, H.B. CHAMBEBS, HOADLEY'f BUILDINGB, EMEBSON-STEEET. f RELIEVE ./ JT • FEVERISH HEATTxi V ff\\L T^?ftJ I Prcrenl- (P Ji\Vv IIU KSu Fih.ConviWon**-!^' \_J I * **^ I Pfe»*rv? 1 I r*~ j Av_?^A" \il««ttly*!W>|lMU| for/4.Mj ,~ ,)' Xcom^uHan dun^'^y I i nuareny ihr^^^^f^i *7€eTR( i^T Y/ALWt>RJH,Surpev,f • (&» Please ObservetKc E,E,S. |;S

%mt>. ■^■APIEii PAEK EACING CLUB SPRING MEETING, 1899. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, lOtb AND lITB OCTOBEB, 1899. Stewards— President ; John Close. Vice-president J. C. M'Vay. Messrs J. Bioknoll, J. Bennett, W. Heslop, E. W. Knowlea, F. Moeller, F. Ormond, B. Sweetapple, G. H. Swan, J. L. Sunderland, F. G. Smith. Officers — Judge: . Hon. Treasurer: E. W. Knowlea. Olerk of the Scales: F. G. Smith. Timekeeper: S. E. Cooper. Starter: H. Piper Handioapper: A. T.Donvers, PEOGEAMMB. FIBST DAY. TUESDAY, 10th OCTOBEE. HACK HANDICAP HUBDLE BACE, of BO soys ; second horse to receive 1U boys from theßtako. For all horses that have never won a Hurdle Baoe exceeding 40 soys in value at time of nomination (hack and hunter raceg exoepted). Nomination, 1 boy; acceptance, 1 soy. ' 11 mile. CBITEBION STAKES HANDICAP, of 50 soys; second horse to reooive 10 soys from the state. Nomination, 1 soy; acceptance, 1 boy. 1 mile. COUNTY HACK HANDICAP, of 50 soys; second horse to receive 10 soys from the stake. For horses that have never won a race on the flat exceeding 40 soys in value at time of nomination (hack and hunter races exceptod). Nomination, 1 soy; acceptance, 1 soy. 7 furlongs. FABK STAKES HANDICAP, of 200 boys; second horse to receive 20 boys from the stako. Nomination, 1 soy; acceptance, 5 soys. li mile. SPBING WELTEB HANDICAP, of 50 boys; Becond horse to receive 10 soys from the stake. Minimum weight, Bst. Nomination, 1 soy ; acceptance, 1 soy. 1 mile. HANDICAP HUBDLE BACE, of 70 eovs Becond liorse to receive 10 soys from the Bto&o. The winner of the Hack Handicap Hurdles to carry 71b penalty. Nomination, 1 sovj acceptance, 2 soys. lsmile. BAIL >V AY HANDICAP, of 100 soys; secosd horse to receive 10 soys from the stake. The winner of any race after the declaration of weights to carry 71b penalty. Nomination, 1 boy j acceptance. 3 soys. 6 furlongs. AHTJBIBI HACK HANDICAP, of 50 bovb ; second horse to receive 10 soys Irom the stake. For all horses that have never won a race on the flat exceeding 40 soys in value at tiino of nomination, hock and hunter races excepted. The winner of any race after declaration of weights to carry 71b penalty. Nomination, 1 soy; acceptance, 1 boy. Once round. seconiTday. WEDNESDAY, lira OCTOBEE. SECOND HACK HANDICAP HUBDLE Bi CE, of S) boys ; second horse to receive 10 bovb from the stake. For all horses that have never won a Hurdle Bace exceeding 40 soya in value at time of nomination (hack and hunter races excepted). Nemination, 1 soy j acceptance, 1 soy. li mile WHABEBASGI HANDICAP, of 50 boys; second horse to receive 10 soys from the stake. Nomination, 1 soy; acceptance, 1 aov. 7 furlongs. PUKETAPU HACK HANDICAP, of 50 soys ; second horse to receive 10 soys from the stake. For all horses that have never won a race on the flat exceeding 40 soys in value at time of nomination (hack and hunter races excopted). Nomination, 1 boy ; acceptance, 1 soy. 1 mile. EACING CLUB HANDICAP, of 150 boys; second horse to receive 15 soys from the stake. Nomination, 1 soy; acceptance, 4 boys. 1 mile and a distance. CALEDONIAN HANDICAP, of 50 soys; second horse to receive 10 soys from the stake; minimum weight, Bst, Nomination, 1 soy ; accoptauce, 1 soy. 6 furlongs. SECOND HANDICAP HUBDLE BACE, of 70 soys ; second horse to reoeive 10 sovb from the stake. The winner of the Second Hack Hurdles to carry 71b extra. Nomination, 1 soy; accoptauce, 2 soys. li mile. TELEPHONE HACK HANDICAP, of 50sovs; secoad horse to receive 10 soys from the stake. For horses that have never won a raoo on the flat exceeding 40 sovb in value at time of nomination (hack and hunter races excopted). The winner of any race after the declaration of weights to carry 71b penalty. Nomination, 1 boy j acceptance, 1 soy. Once round, GBANDSTAND HANDICAP, of 60 soys second horse to receive 10 soys from the stako. The winner of any race after the declaration of weights to carry 71b penalty. Nomination, 1 boy; acceptance, 1 soy. 7 furlongs. DATES OF NOMINATIONS, ENTEIES, ACCEPTANCES, DECLABA.TION OF WEIGHTS, &o. TUESDAY, 10th SKPTEMBEB, 1899, NOMINATIONS. Park Stakes Handicap, of 200 boys, U milo 1 boy Bacing Club Handicax>, of 150 boys, 1 milo andadistauco 1 soy Railway Handicap, of 100 sovs.e furlongs 1 soy Handicap Hurdles, of 70sovs, 1} mile ... 1 soy Second Huudicap Hurdles, of 70 soys, li inilo 1 boy Grandstand Handicap, of 60 soys, 7 furlongs 1 soy FBIDAY, 29m SEPTEMBEE, 1899, KOHINATIONS. , Hack Handicap Hurdles, of SO soys, li I mile ! BOT Second Hack Handicap Hurdles, of 50 soys, li mile ... ... 1 "°Y Criterion Stukes Handicap, of 50 soys, 1 mile * BOT County Hack Handicap, of 50 soys, 7 furlougs x 60T ' Spring Welter Handicap, of 50 boys, 1 milo 1 soy ! Ahuriri Hack Handicap, of 50 soys, once round ••• ! BOY Whorerangi Handicap, of 50 soys, 7 f urlougs ••■ ••• l BOY Puketapu Haok Handicap, of 50 soys, 1 mile 1 B° v Calodonian Handicap, of 50 soys, 6 furl o ngß 1 BOY Telophouo'Hack Handicap, of 50 sovj, once round *■ aoT WEDNESDAY, 4tn OCTOBEB, 1889, WEIGHTB will bo declared for the First Day's Events. SATUEDAY, 7th OCTOBEE, 1809. i ACCEPTAHCES. ACCEPTANCES for ail First Day'B Evontß. Hack Handicap Hurdles 1 soy Critoriou Stakes Handicap 1 soy County Hack Handicap 1 soy Park Stakes Handicap o eovb Spring Welter Handicap 1 soy Handicap Hurdle Itaco 2 soys Bailwny Handicap 3 soys Ahuriri Hack Handicap 1 soy Weights for the socoiul day's events will be declared, ou tlio ui','ht of the lirat day's races. A convinces fortlio scaoud dny's events close at 10.30 p.m. on the night of the lirst day's races. Nominations, acceptances, &c, cloeo with the Secretary at tho Club's Ollieo, Now Zealand Insurance Buildings, Napier, at 0 p.m., unless otherwise spocitiod. Fivo por cent will bo deducted from the grosß amount of all stakes, Owners aro particularly requested to send their nominations, &c, by telegraph, as well ns ky lottor, to prevent mistakes. ALF. T. DANYEBS, 695 Saotetary,

(SUGAR COATED) Haydock's New Liver Pills. A wonderful and extraordinary combination of concentrated medicine. The Viotories'' of Science -Electric Telegraphs, Steam and Printing— revolutionized the whole system of the globe, and make mankind wiser and better. So, although there are countless Pills used for disease, and claiming much as to their merit, the remarkable discovery of Dr. Haydock has eclipsed them all, and haa founded a NEW MEDICAL SYSTEM. The Doctors, whose vast oses of our orflvo pills, enfeeble the stomach and paralyse the bowels, must give way to the man wha restores health and appetite with one or two of his extraordinary Vegetable Pills. One oj ;wo of DR. HAYDOCK'S NEW LIVER PILLS suffices to placo the stomach in perfeot order, creates an appetite, and renders th& spirit light and buoyant. If the Liver ia affected its functions are restored, and if the Nervous System is enfeebled, it is invigorate* and sustained. Symptoms of Biliousness. 1. The patient complains o£ a fullness. Of tha stomach. 2. Distension of the bowels by wind. 3. Heartburn. 1. A feeling of weariness, sleepiness attefc meals. . . . » 5. A i.ud taste in the mouth, and furrea tongue. ' " "^ 6. Constipation, with an occasional diorrb.oß9 7. Headacho in front of head. 8. Depression of spirits and great lassiradoi All of the above symptons go to showftinC* tional derangement of the Livor ; and noyf • comes tho great importance of any orrormadd ~s] as to tho condition of tho patient. He should immediately provide himself With a LIVER STIMULENT, the most common form of which is a Pill. Daily experionco shows that this, when the Pill is compounded properly, is the readiest mode of inciting and promoting the action of the liver, and can bo always roliedon. I have devoted many years of my lira in compounding a Pill that will act readily and systematically as a Bilious Remedy. Ido not believe in great purgatives, and therefore have made a Pill, one of which is an actlvo and thorough dose. I have called it Haydock's New Liver Pill. They are the true grains and essence of health, and the greatest blessing that science has given to the world. For Nervous Prostration, Weakness, General Lassitude, Want of Appotite and Sick Headache, Dr. Haydock's New Liver Pills will be found an Effectual Remedy. Each vile contains Twenty Pills. Price Twenty-five Cents. For sale by aU Drugglsta. Any sceptic can have a vile of Pills SENT HIM FREE on receipt of his name and address Send a postal card for copy of Pamphlet— "THE LIVER AND ITS MYSTERY." It furnishes valuable information to aU, HAYDOOK & CO., NEW YORK, U. S. CAUTION I— Druggists are desired to notico that tho namo of J. H. Francis, sole agent, is written across each dozen packages oi Haydock's Liver Pillar All without this are counterfeits. KEMPTHORNE, PRQSSER- & 00., CHRISTCHURCH. O'EOTJERE ,& SONS, EXPRESSMEN And QEHEBAL CABBIEES, NAPIEB. Steamers and Trains Attended. Trainers' and Travellers' Luggage Attended to. FDBNITDBE (REMOVED To Town or Country in Spring Drays by Com] potent Men, ALL CHARGES MODEBATE. ADDEESS — STATION -STBEET, NAPIEB j DOULTON FINE ART POTTERY. WE have much pleasure in advising yon that we are just opening up a largo and valuable shipi ; ment of the above Worl-i-reuowned Ware. This selection will ho far and I away the Finest Collection evor oilercd in Hawke's Bay. They comprise a very choice variety of Nove', Ornamental, and I Useful Goodn, and are in the unicmo atd \ rich styles of shape and decorations which have made Ihe name of I onlton a synonym for beauty among nil true 5 lovers of the Ceramic Art. Wo cordially 8 invite our friends to call and inspect tha Ware for themselves. ! WORRALL'S, 1 .HASTINGS-STFEET. ; Napier,] f July 17th, 1899. '• Tolophono No, 171. k ITBN, "R~E EOH A M } PAINTER, BUILDER, AND 1 IMPORTER or WHITE LEAD, OILS, COLOB3, 3 PAPEBHANGINGS, &0., Also aU kinds of Painters' Boquitiitea DALTON-STKEET, NAPIEB. A large Variety of New Designs in Papo liangia M always in stock and to arrive. Pioture Framo Mouldings in Great Vtuioty. t.'i><- Pictures Mounted and framed, Glaas Cut to any Bize. Glazing Dono Oisiufeotants, Waterworth s Specific in Pi^d-ir or Liquid, and Carooltc, Estimates taken for all kinds of w..r> M. F. B OUBKE> RIVERSIDE WOOL SCOURING WOBKS, CLTVE, BUYEB AND EXPORTER OV WOOL AND SHEEPSKINS Wool Classing and Scouring a Speciality), Shall be gliil to Contract with Shecpfarmeri for tho Scouring of their Wool on Satisfactory Terms, lnteuding Customers are Cordially Invited to Inspect the Works and judge for themselves. HIGHEST CASH PBICE GIVEN FOB WOOL AND SKINS. Bankers : Bank of New Zealand. Tologropliio Addreßs: BrvxRSiDS, FABSVO'i Code i A.8.C., 4th Edition, BCB

"LINSEED (JOMPOUND," Trade Mark of KAY'S COMPOUND ESSENCE OF LINSEED. Aniseed Senega. Squill, &c, For Coughs, Colds, and Chest complaints. Useful in Bronchitis, Asthma, Influenza, Consumption, &c, s equally serviceable for Horses and Cattle I INUM CATHARTICUM PLLS. for Indiges. "■ tionand its evils, BUlvoub derangements &c. An aggreeablo aperient. OOAGULINE— Cement for broken Articleß. PHESHIRE BIRD LIME, in «n rox<is. Spread " on paper or twigs for Mosquitoes, Birds, and small animate, Manufactory— Stockport, EnKlnnd. HT> HEEALD AGENCY • O. JHASTING3, QUEEN-STJIEET ! (Opposite MrlDcooroft's Repository),) H. H, HUNT, Brcraoh Manager. Ordors taken for ADVEKTISING, HUNTING, LITHOGRAPH ING, BOOKBINDING, Ice, lv all Hmnolios. ESTIMATES SUPPLIED. Office Hoorj— 9.3o a.ji. to 0.0 p.m. LATE Advorlisoments and Communications will bo received at Mr Hunt's private reaiilonoe, Q^eon-street, until 10,30 nightly. r— >

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 11320, 2 September 1899, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 11320, 2 September 1899, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 11320, 2 September 1899, Page 6