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BEST KEPT COTTAGE GARDEN COMPETITION. TT^NTRIES, giving full address -Li holding, will be received by W. C, Tates < till SATURDAY, September 9th. Schedules with particulars procnraWe at . 731 CBANBT & SIDET'S „ T N the Supreme Court of New Zealan X Wolliugton District.— Under " Tho Divot and Matrimonial Canacn AH, 18t>7, nud t Amending Acts.— Viltoiua, by the Grace of Go of the United Kingdom of Great Drihiiu :n Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith.—' William Boyd, of Wimbledon,— WHEßE/ - Mart Boid, of 'litree Point, ".Dannevirke, claii ing to have been lawfully married to you, h filed her petition against you in our sa Court praying for a Divorce, wherein sbe alleg that yon have been guilty of desertion. NO\ THIS IS TO COMMAND you, that with Twenty-one Days after service hereof on y< inclusive of the day of such service, you c I appear in our said Court, then and there to mal answer to tho said Petition, a copy wherec sealed with the seal of our said Court, U lier ; . with served upon you. AND TAKE NOTIC Q that in default of your so dom^, the said Cou: will proceed to hear tho said charges, proved : q due course of law, and to pronounce sentem therein, your absence notwithstanding, AN ) TAKE FURTHEB NOTICE, that for the pu ? pose aforesaid, you are to attend in poraon, or I 1 your Solicitor, at the Registrar's Oilico, at We hngton, and there to eutur an appearance in book provided for that purpose, without whic you will not be allowed to address the Com either in person or by Counsel at any stage of tl s proceedings in the cause. Dated at Wellingto • this 24th day of August, 1899.— (L.8.) W. 1 HAWKINS, Deputy Registrar. Extracted h Edwin Georoe Jellicoe, of the City of Wellini ton, Solicitor for the said Petitioner, whoE address for Service is at his offices, Custom Hou-. 1 Quay. IN the Supi'eme Court of New Zealand Wellington District.— Under "The Divorc and Matrimonial Causes Act, 1867," and th amending icts — To his Hono-- Sib Jaxes Frei df.ishast, Knight, Chief Justice,— THE PET: TIONofMARrBoTD.of Titreo Point, D.mnevirk< SHEWKTH,— I. That your Petitioner, then Mar O'Malley, Spinster, w.-is on the 22nd day of O< tober, 1689, lawfully married to William Boy: at Porangahau, by the Rev. Altxander Graui 2. That after her said marriage your Petitione lived and cohabited with her said hußband a Wimbledon, in the said Colony, aud that you Petitioner and her said husband have had issue fl their said marriage two children, viz., Mar, Agnes, now aged 9 years, ond Edmund William now aged 6 years.— 3. That the said Willim Boyd, on or about, the 4th day of January, 1893 deserted yonr Petitioner without cause, am from thence hitherto without cause, has habitu ally left your Petitioner without means of sup port, and has kept and continued away for flvi years and upwards.— Tour Petitioner therefore humbly prays, -That the Court will be pleasec to decree that her marriage with the said Wil liam Boyd may be dissolved, and that Bhe ma; have the onstody of the said infant children and such further and other relief in the pre mises as to the Court may seem meet. (Signed MABT BOTD. I, the above-named Hart Boyd, make oath and say as follows :— l. That so much of the fore going Petition as relates to my own acts anc deeds is true, and so much thereof as relates t< the acts and de-.ds of any other person I believe t< ba true.— 2. No collusiou or connivance exist! between myself and tho snid William Boyd, oranj other person, in connection with this petition (Signed) MART BOTD.— Sworn at Weber, ii the Colony of New Zealand, this 11th day 01 March, 1S9 1 , before me. (Signed) Kennete Cajieuon,- a Justice of the Peace for the Colonj of New Zealand, there being no Solicitor residenl within live miles of the place where this afil davit is sworn. 68£ FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. AS A GOING CONCEBN. npHE well-known Restaurant and J- Fruit Business known as THE CAFE Hastings-street. ' This Business has been successfully carried on for over 12 years, and would prove a splendid investment to a suitable person. Applications to be sent in early to the undersigned, from whom all particulars can be obtained. C. CBANBY 1 ,*_,„,.. „ 735 J. HEBON } Tru stee 9. NAPIER BOROUGH COUNCIL. In the matter of " The Municipal Corporations Act, 1886," " The Regulation of Local Elections Act, 1870," " The Municipal Franchise Reform Act, l>-93," and of tho Amended Acts thereof. T HEREBY give notice that an Eleo- -*• tion will be held on THURSDAT.'tIie 14th day of Ssptember, 1899, for the pnrpoße of electing Onß Councillor for tho North Ward, and I hereby appoint the Corporation Oilice as tho place, and WEDNESDAY, the 6th day of September, 1899 (before Noon), as the day, for the Nomination of Candidates for such office. Dated this 30th day of August, 1899. H. C. A. WUNDRAM, 717 Returning Officer North Ward. NAPIER BOROUGH COUNCIL. In the matter of '* The Municipal Corporations Act, 1885," " The Regulation of Local Elec tions Act, 1876," " The Municipal Franchise Beforrn Act, 1898," and of the Amended Acts thereof. I HEREBY give notice that an Election will be held on THUBSDAY, tho 14th day September, 1899, for the purposo of electing One Councillor for the Central Ward, and I hereby appoint the Corporation Office as the place, and WEDNESDAT, the 6th day of Sep. tember, 18D9 (before Noon), as the day, for the Nomination of Candidates for" such office. Dated this 30th day of August, 1899. WILLIAM HODGSON, 718 Eetnrning Officer Central Ward. NAPIER BOROUGH COUNCIL. In the matter of " The Municipal Corporations Act, 1886," "The Regulation of Local Elections ict, 1876," " The Municipal Franchise Reforms Act, 1893,** and of the Amended Acts thereof, I HEREBY give notice that an Election will be held on THUBSDAT, the 14th day of September, 1899, for the purpose of electing One Councillor for the South Ward, and I hereby appoint the Corporation Office as the place, and WEDNESDAT, the 6th day of September, 1899 (bofore noon), aB the day for the Nomination of Candidates for such office. Dated this 30th day of August, 1899. TOM WATEBWOBTET, 719 Returning Officer South Ward. NAPIER BOROUGH COUNCIL. TAPS FOB HISH PBESSUEE WATEB SERVICE. A S tho Council intend supplying -£*• the whole of the Borough N. of Sale-street with High Pressure Water Service, it will be necessary for all persons within that district to provide themselves with High Pressuro Taps in lieu of the ordinary Low Pressure Taps previously in use. By order, M. N. BOWEB, 7i6 Town Clerk. HAWKE'S BAY BOARD OF RABBIT TRUSTEES. is hereby given that the J - ' Stockowners' List will be deposited at thf Oilice of tho Stipeudiiry Magistrate's Court Napier, on and after THURSDAY, 31st Auewfc 1899— for inspection— without Fee. The Stipendiary Magistrate will hold a sitting of the said Court to hear Objections, and finally Bevise such List, at 13 o'clock (NOON) 01 SATUBDAY, September 9th, 1899. t; w. balfoub, Beturning Officer. Napier, Augiißt 30th, 1899, 72 NICHOLSON'S BOT WORM REMEDY. THIS Remedy has now heen pu fairly to the test, and has coino out an ut t qualified success. It lias been very successful! tried all over Hawke's Bay, and with the ver best results. One great feature in favor of th: Bemedy above all other EouiDdieß ia its simplicit in its administration. Below are a few test . menials from well-known settlers. "To MB NICHOLSON. r " Dear Sir,— After giving my horse a numb( ' of doses of your ' Bot Worm Beinody ' a gref " quantity of worms were expolled, and I can no recommend your Remedy as tho best I have eve t used. It 13 simple, and so easily admiuistere: and at the^ame time so effectual, that I will r commend it to anyone in search of such Bomedy. It expels all kinds of worms. Bl horde is now in perfect condition, and is eatit well, and his colt is smooth and glnssy. " I remain, yonrs faithfully, "THOMAS BEADFORD. " Woodville, 28th August, 1899." "After giving my horse a packet of yoi Powders, a groat quantity of Bot Worms wo ospelled, aud my hor6o soou put on ooudition. oau therefore highly recommend your Powdo as the best remedy I have ever used. •• (Signed) T. C. COOMBES. " Tapatawa, 25th November, 1896." " I have been treating my horse with NICHO. SON'S BOT WORM REMEDY, and find that expels tho worms in large quantities, and at t] Bame time acts as a tonio, putting the animal tip-top condition. " (Signed) LEONARD MANN. " Woodville, 19th November, 1896." " Woodville, 14th January, 1899. To MR T. A. W. NICHOLSON, Chemist. " Dear Sir, — I have much pleasure in stati that your Hot Powders saved my chestnut horsi life. After giving him tho third powder picked up in conditiou so fast that very fi would have known tho Uorso again. , " I am, yours truly, f. •• CHARLES G. SCOTT." PEEPAEED BT b T. A. W. N ICHOLSO] PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST (By Examination), WOODVILLE, H.B. PRICE— Is Cd per Packet (four Powders). F directions with each Packet, A. ECCLES, Agent, Napier and Hastings. >. \ - FLORA F£BSi $81! t SOAP FffiSSi?

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 11320, 2 September 1899, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 11320, 2 September 1899, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 11320, 2 September 1899, Page 3