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jßpectHt jaflvetttgetnentfl. THE AUBTEALIAN • WIDOWS' FUND LIFE ASBUBANCE SOCIETY, LIMITED ESTABLISHED 1871. ACCUMULATED FUNDS.., _ ... .. £1,250,000. ANNUAL INCOME _ _ ... £210,000.1 Life Asßurance of Every Legitimate Clasa andJSystem. THE ONLY LIFE OFFICE, In New Zealand that attaches to Policies the condition (of NON-FOBFEITUIIE AND ABSOLUTE EXEMPTION FROM PAYMENT OF PBEMIUMS, while tho assured is temporarily or permanently incapacitated through any kind of Illucsi, Accident, or Mental disorder. Example : If a man aged 30 effected an absuranco of £500 with profits, payable at 55 or previous death, and he became permanently ill or disabled from (pay) the day nftor paying the first year'a premium, THE SOCIETY WOULD NOT CHABGE ANY FUETHEE PREMIUMS, BUT WOULD PAY THE £500 WITH PBOFITS IN FULL .WITHOUT DEDUCTIONS upon the member attaining the age of 55, or at his previous death. The "Insurance and Banking Record " 9 ayB:— "THE NEW POMCY IS'OI>E OF THE MOST IMPORTANT NND VALUABLE BBOUGHT OUT FOB MANY YEABS."> Call or write for Prospectus. . Directors : J. J. W. Aitken (Aitken, Wilson and Co.). Chairman ; Alexander H. Tutnbnll IW, and Q. Turnbull and Co.] ; Walter Fell, M.D., Oxford, M.E.C.S., London. Head Office for New Zealand— No. 0, Custom House Quay, Wellington. Besident Secretary : CHABLKS J. FOWI.i,B. NAPIEE DIBTBIOT OFFICE : HEBALD BUILDINGS. NAPIEK. HENRY LASCELLES, 463 - DISTBIOT AGENT. ABSOLUTE ASSURANCE IS ONE OP THE PERFECT INVESTMENTS OFFEBED BY THE MUTUAL LIFE OFAUSTRALASIA. EXAMPLEAt age SO next Birthday, under Table C 20. an Asßuranoe of £ J 000 will coat <£3] 10* per annum for 20 years, In event of discontinuance of Payments the Policy becomes Paid-up for— £150 a!ter 3 yeara £250 *"*' 5 yearfl £500 attei 10 years bntSt^efrtne^ra^iTE^O^ ABS ~ * » Ot M * ** * 10O ° NAPIEB AGENCY, TENNYSON-STBEET. ABTHUB B. GIBSON, District Agent. r ' C.B.P. J. A. FRYER, — IMPOBTEB OF EVEBY DESCBIPTION OF (~i /"I ENGLISH, AMEEICAN, WANTED KNOWNAND I Splendid Variety Seasonable T CONTINENTAL HAEDWARE. /ootweor on sale at the AGENT FOB » OIZION •• BANGES. A (^ T> TD X All Sizeß kept in Stock, -ry \J»u,S. , Begister Grates, tiled and plain, all sizes, X X Bpades.Forks^Z.HXLpHooks, WANTED KNOWN— EASY LAWN MOWEES ana other makerß I.E. Hose, plain and wired, nozzle -«-» Boots to suit all Clasßes ._ -~ and rosea for Hose. K (Cookhama at 27s 6d, or §-{ ■*-* Bluchers at 4a lid) at the ■*■* .CUTLEBY. Table and Pocket Knives, best makers V_/ V_y«J3»X • V-r Splendid Assortment of Bazors to ohooße from. KEBOSENE STOVES. \J \J Sole Agent for the " Alexandra " Stovo. no wick, rf , WANTED KNOWN — m no smell or smoke j good for cooking. I I Price, 10b each. A Grand Assortment t i ,™ Famous ZEALANDIA Brand LAMPS. Boots and Shoes at tho Table, Hanging, Hand, and Wall Lamps; can always get your Chimneys and Wicks. /~*\ ~r> T> T» J^ Vj.-D.l . J^ Farm Beqnisitea and Harvesting Tools of all kinds A A WfceNetting.aUsizee.Cheap A KNOWN _ A -•, » y oEK f HO f PS - wv , L Inspeotion 0{ Goods , L Special attention is given to our Workshops, comparison of prices con- A which are noted for Excellent Workmnnship. A fidently invited at the A Lawn Mowers, Looks, Gnus, Safe Doors re- -£*• A paired j-* fi TJ T) v-x SHEEP EAB Pliers a speciality, and New I J Kj.Xj.IT . I J Keys made, Locks pioked '^ . vy PLUMBING AND TINSMITH WOEK. TTTI Tfji Water and Gaa Pipes Laid, Leakage of Roofs, Hi Jji Spouting, and all Sanitary Work done. Tanks NOTE THE ADDRESS— and any kind of Iron Work made on the Premises. /iTmi7 10 PFR CENT -H» J. WiU be allowed for all Cash Purchases during ROOT T* AT i A CST^i November and December. -L>WVJ A . XT JA.JUJWJEA IHASTINGS-9TBBET, NAPIEB. J. A. FRYER, E. M-NATOHTAff. IBONMONGEE. NAPIEB. King up Telephone No. 02./. 518 : , BICYCLES. THE OSMOND ,: . Is the Most Perfect Bioycje built. It will laßt for years, and purchasers will find the first WALKING STICKS ! in°|.-£3o. nly °° st ' "* ib never wants repair ' VV ° THE GLOBE W, TT7TI . Trl /-vrmmra I I A Krst-class Bicycle, fitted with Westwood ALKING QTlOJib J I Eims and Suulon Tyres. It ia the Cheapest KJ Bicycle in Napier at the price.— £22 los. THE ANGLO-SPECIAL # PEOM JS TO Si Is built in New Zealand, and will give buyers every satisfaction. Many of the beßfc races in New Zealand have been lately won upon it. It is up to date hi every detail.— £2l. THE IMPERIAL SPECIALLY SUITED Is a very pretty model. We have them in two grades, nnd they will bear cloße inspection, ■ To clear from £14 10s. * FOE Saddles, Bells, Clips, Lamps, and Everything for a Cyclist at Low Prices. I, /"ITTTJTCinmVr A d We Confidently Invite Inspection. V^XIX*J.CT X JjAil.o BICYCLES SOLD ON EASY TEEMS. THE ANGLO -K.Z. CYCLE AGENCY. 1 PRESENTS. w - M - ™£™ & co - LADIES' STICKS AND CANES. J^EST gIOYOLE On the Colonial Market is TH E IT E N T, , W . x*. **w^ «. H B K E N T ' MA.NUFACTUEED IN CHBISTCHUBCH, HAIEDEESSEES, TOBACCONISTS, HEW ZEALAND, A HD BY BICHABD KENT, DIBECT IMPOBTEBS. AND BUILT TO ANY DESIGN. — -"" A H "Eadie" parts, which are acknowledged by the trade to be the Best Engliah llako proA Special Lino of Voluntoer Regulation curable. Canes from la to 7s. Agent for Napier and Districts, . W. A. SMITH. I is £ isi « 1§ 3g 3 l|l j § u g| i|.IS &i* I WE ARE THE PEEMIEES OF THE g^sl S ||I jgj "3* *! BU Y YOUB BICYCLE FEOM THE gtaPg e^Mo'g-I^I^.SS MANUFAOTUEEES, gf 3 *'S»..oa*M t .gj z . tl i And Save all Middlemen's Profits. d-S "^ ISS 1 1 »-S Guaranteed for 12 months. ihV|S.l| g^lS|§| *"il«s ZEALANDIA oo S3 £>o i r. s « 4J2 M § 'S'33'3 «< "S .xttv UUi%* 1| g ffi^ S Ig -« I ATALANTA BICYCLES. ftj^l ia H § fc S * Bm 5 NEW ZEALAND FOB NEW ZEALANDEES m s a s s Ss"s « gSfSas mm Shi % =is v * S'gSS M • FBICE, GENT'S £21 10s, LADY'S £22. mm (q H g a «ih h M ges a « i ii m rtoiSca b-13.3 S. Come along, and we win tell you something 53 >3 aS^ Ssfrm aboataßioyclomadeinyonr j(^ « a || HI w|l| , omfeßuntry. I ft 8 W < m £lß^ rf~VATES. "I" OWBY AND /~<O., I . \Jates, Jjowby and I Ij. R. HASTING?.STEEET, NAPIEB. A.^J. WILLIAMS, NEW STRIPES, OOULIBTS' OPTICIAN, SPECTACLEB AND EYEGLASSES g D p ER Va rd ORDINARY PRICE, Of all kinds and in all metals. THE EYE Thoroughly tested Now o yards foe js or for all defects of vision, and accurately fitted with pebble or beat optical glass spectacles or folders. OS 1 1 D PEB DOZEN. EEPAIES and preparation of Oculists' proscriptions a speciality, A Special Department for the Soientifio J—i^^^^HS^Bß'S^ — (NO FEE3CHABGED FOB TESTING,) || H |j|BL WMMPj Ifl iff I|| HAWEE'S BAY FHABMACY, II _"« M jffl H* H |m^|| THE CRUSADE AGAINST CON- «i'-'"y!"" •»< ■yj SUMPTION. , TJINTS ON ITS" PREVENTION H andcube. NEAL & CLOSE JAMES JAMIESON, M.D., p™ Just Landod diroct CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICEB XI , rom tholr London Agent( A copy can bo obtained Free on application duty paid, peraonaiiyorbylottoto Wo ftlao to hand _ HENBY LASCELLE^ Taliskor Whisky. U-her's Whieky, Dewar'sWhißky, Crawford's Whisky, WIDOWS' FUND LIFE OFFICES, Groonleo'B Whiaky, M'Nab's Whisky, Herald Buildings, Napier. 1069 Walkor's Whißky, Dawson'a Whisky, . Thorn and Cameron's Whisky, NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE »*£%* ™ \JrZ tumnin i . numerous to mention. Established 18S9. C Ar p 1 Jd^pandßeß'e]ve"Fnnds = NEAL & CLOSE, With Unlimited Liability of BharetaKlto-B. WINE, SPIRIT, AND PROVISION FIBE-Inaurancos against Loss by fire are MERCHANTS, effected by thiß Company upon every deaoripUaa of Property on tho most favorable terms. |~] NLIMITET) Liability of Shareholders. — B!>l{?™il!ff»iWirßMMMHißßMPSHwE^H \J Paid-up Capital and Accumulated Beaerve l^ Funds 1895, £8,060,855. „„,„„ . „ Inaurance agalust Fire effected at the Lowest WOODVILLE BEANCH Bates. (Mr Ninholaons, Chomist), WILLIAMS ANP KETTLE, LTD., t attendan a eyery FBI-

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 11126, 19 January 1899, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 11126, 19 January 1899, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 11126, 19 January 1899, Page 2