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i jgnmtsifflmt , tot. NAPIER CITY EAND. /CONCERT iiT~CLIYE-SQUABE. WEDNESDAY NIGHT, 18iii ?NS'tV Programme To-morrow's Issue.COLLECTION I'OB BAND FUND. SG4 ST. PAUL'S CHUEGH, NXPtBA. T N.DTJCTION mid Public Koeoption of X lit,'. 2. A,, AinKit, li.A., will take place on WEDNESDAY, u.Wimry 18th. Induction Service at 3 p.m. Public Bucciitfoi' lit- 7.30 p.m. 363 WOODVILLE CENTRAL AGRICULTURAL AND PAS'i'OKAL ASSOCIATION. THE ANH'U^L SHOW Will tako plnco at Wood-HHe on WEDNESDAY, Ist PBBHUAKT. 1599, ■ Entries oloso at 9 p.m. on SATUUDAY, tlio 21st January, 1899, with tlio nudoisigncd, from whom E3+-ry Forme can bo obtained. For fnllor ptfi*ti:julnrs abo posters. K. j. K'iENNAN, 269 Sicretary. NORTH ISLAND BRASS BAND ASSOCIATION. 1 i KNf A- L fjONTEST ( TO # IIELIi aY j i rALMERSTOIT NORTH \ ON ,! 'FEBRUARY '.Ist, 22nd, 23rd, 2-hn. ■j £ BANDS COMPETING, w'.tii fV<w 180 SOLO ENTRIES for Competition. EXCURSION TRAINS At Excursion' i'arc'S, Id per mile, mileage counted one way (nily. W. A. CiiiACßj 342 Secretary; WANDERERS' BICYCLE CLUB SPORTS, ll< HP. HIM mae'c'h' )kt'{ t-Bat>. Cash Half-mile Cliampionsuip. £25 Wheel Race. 1 Mile Maiden and 1 Mile Open, also 1 and 3 Mile Second-class Handicaps. Amateur Hiilf-mtlo Championship and 2 Miles Handicap. Amateur 220 and 'MO Yards i'luX: Entries close 15th February, See preliminary programmes. Club Run SATURDAY, 21st iu3t., for Pofeine, __ SCINDE LODGE, No. 5. THE Regular Monthly Meeting of tlio above Lodge will be hold in the Mnsonic Hall, Tennyaon-streot, THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, January I7tb, 1899, at 7.80 o'clock sharp. Tile I.odgo will bo tyled at 7.30 sharp. Visitors cdrdially Invited to attend. By o'ommaud o£ the W.M; WILLIAM E. SIMS, 355 Secretary. SfcmJcfa. rpENDERS will be received by tho X undersigned up to SATURDAY, the 21st inst., for the Lease of Plumpton Park for three niouHis from the Ist February. A Kood opportunity for anyone, requiring ground for Grazing purposes, there being an abundant supply of jjrass. The highest or any tander not necessarily accepted. 264 W. GRAY. TENDERS, rpENDEES will bo received by tho X undersigned up till noon of MONDAY, 23l'd instant, for Executing Repairs to the Ferry Hotel, Wairoa. 4 \ Specilications can bo seen with Mr Crarer, Wairoa, or at my office, Napier. W. P. FINCH, 341 Architect. IM BANKRUPTCY. IN THE ESTATE OF CHARLES ROBERT MORTON OF NAPIER, DRAPER. rpENDEES will be received from JL noon of THURSDAY, January 19th, to 11 o'clock of MONDAY. January 23rd, for tho Stock of Dr,\pery, frc, in above estate. "r ■ Conditions nnd Schedules cau bo seen at my office from noon of 19th inst. M. W. P. LASCELLES, Deputy Official Assignee. Napier, 16th January, 1890. 358 Notices. Hawko's Bay County Council Office, Napier, January 18th, 1899. NOTICE is hereby given that Traction Enjjiuo Licenses must bi taken out for the year ending 31st December, 1899. U. T. FANNIN, 322 Clerk H.B.C.C. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that, on accou it of recont disastrous floods, and in view of the special emergency thereby resulting, the Clivo Biver Boa'd propose to borrow from the Government under tho provisions of " The Government Loans to Local Bodies Act," 18S6/* and tho amendments thereof, the sum of £10,000, that is to say, the aum of £5000 in the present financial year and the mm of £5000 in the onsuing financial year, and with the monies so borrowed to undertake the following works, thatis to say : — With reference to the Tuki Tuki river : To repair and strengthen the existing bank on tho north-western side, and to extend the stme to the dam at the mouth. To repair and strengthen the dam. To clear the channel and protect the banks whero necessary. At an estimated cost (including contingencies) of £600. With respect to tlio Ngaruroro river ; To straighten tho river channel and obtain a uniform capacity as far as practicable from Omahu to the sea. To construct stop-banks where necessary to prevent overflow. At an estimated cost (including contingencies) of £3600. With respect to tho Tutaekuri Eiver : To join with the Taradale and Mocanoo Bivcr Boardß in clearing atd straightening the river channel from Rcdclyile Bridge to the Black Bridge, blceance To repair and strengthen existing stop-banks where necessary. To plant poplar and willow confine -plantations at sides of existing overflow, and to purchase — at, z. cost not oxeceding £4&K) — tho land neco3sary for tho &amc, and generally to execute any necessarily contingent works. At an estimated cost in all (including contingencies) of £5300. And for the purposo of providing security for the above proposed Loan, tho Clive Bivor Board proposo to levy a Bpecial annually recurring rate of three-oighths of a penny in the pound on all ratable property in the Clive Hiver Dißtoict during tho whole xieriod required by the abovementioned Act for the continuance of the said Loan. Hnch a rate to be computed from time to time upon the ratable va'ue of the property rated, and to bo payable yearly on every first day of November. Dated this 23rd day of December, 1898. By Order of tho Board. EDWARD BISSELL, Clerk to the Clive Bivor Board. THE LOCAL BODIES LOANS ACT, 188 ii, ANI> THE GOVERNMENT LOANS TO LOCAL BODIES ACT, ISSO, AND THE AMENDMENTS THEREOF. CLIVE RIVER DISTRICT. ; NOTICE OF MEETING OF RATEPAYERS. A MEETING of Ratepayers of the Clivo River Dibtriet will be held ut the , Oddfellows' Hall, nt Clivo, on WEDNESDAY, the 25th January iust., at 3 o'clock in the uftevj noon, to consider tho proposal advertised in the ! foregoing Jidvertisoinent, | Bated' this lGth day of January, 1800. . By order of the Board. 1 EDW. BISSELL, ! 3,50 Clerk to the Clive River Board. ) I TARADALE RIVER BOARD. EXTRAORDINARY VACNACY. (^ IN pursuance of the provisions of "The Regulation of Local Elections Act, t 1876," t, William Wateriiouke, Returning Officer of the Tuiwliilc River Board, upvoiut s THUBSDAY, Hie i!6th Jainmry, 1899, not Inter than noon, aa the time, and the Mechanics' Institute, Taradale, as the place, for receiving Noiui mitioiis for tho J3U*etiim of Ono (1) Mcmimr to liV extraordinary vacancy on tho Tiinwlale Bivci '1 ikiiirri. ' Tho necessary Noiniuatiou Forms can Ijo ob taiuoil »\, Urn ltuiiiliny Koom. " A Pull (if Mi'i'OKSiiry) will bo taken ou MON DA V, thu Otb' February, lfiDO. W. WATKIiTIOUHK, Kcturnin^ Oilicur. Jnniwry 17th, 1S!»P. ;i.V % NOTICE. w \LL Accounts in the Estate o -^*- Eawinia Tnkoko, deceasod, late of Fc raugahau, muat bb reudorcd to Eobort Aohlo Watte lirathwait<\ tlio Atluiiuistrator nppomtc by tho Nativo Appellate Court to tidiniuistcr th aaid Estate, and any nccoinita not soremloro beCoro tho liOth of January, IbOD, will uot Ij '*» rccognitjotl. All Ifonoya owing and pnyablo t tho said Estate must be paid to mo forthwitl and no other receipt but mine will bo a disclrnvg therefrom, ITiO ROBKHT HKATHWAITE, AdininiKtmtor of tho said Estate. _ Ilastiiigs, Dficoiiiluii- L'2nd, 1898. ICK Telophoiio No, 171 a ;s, |T EN. I^~^ 13 CII A M "rg PAINTER, 13UILDER, AND ; a IMPORTER ' OK WHITE I.EM), OIT,S, CO LOBS, I'ArEIiHANGINGS, &c, ,^ Alho nil kiuds of Paiuters' Requisites ji) . DALTON-SLKEET, NAPIKB. of ! I>'» A luri;o Vuriuty of Now Dcmruii in Paiiorhaugini :Hti » iilwiiyH in bl nek iiiul to urrivo. ""' I'iuliirn Vnimu Jloiil.lin^.s in (ir.Mit Vnrioty. , n^ ru'turi::! IMuiiiilri! iuml l'Vnuiod. h filiu.K Cut lo nut- i,i/i'. (ilazili?Doiii>. Dibin[«et.uitb, "Wuturv/ortli'ii Sueciflc in Powil '• or Liquid, nnd CarDoli£. 6 15 Estiniatos given ior.all lands of ivork

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 11124, 17 January 1899, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 11124, 17 January 1899, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 11124, 17 January 1899, Page 3