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PHOTOGRAPHY. ' MASONIC PHARMACY, NAPIER AND HASTINGS. MB. ECCLES in thanking the public for past support is pleased to state that he has just received a SHIPMENT FROM LONDON, Which, in addition to the Stock purchased from Mr. Owen and other Colonial Dealers, now enables him to offer A Large Selection of PHOTOGRAPHIC j, REQUISITES, INCLUDING- v ■ «'■*'' Cameras. Focussing Cloths. Exposure Meters. Plates. Printing Frames. Exposure Refills. Papers. Pure Chemicals. Ruby Lamps. Mounts. Racks & Pinions. Changing B®g& Lenses. Negative Envelopes. Shutters. Platinotype Paper, &c. The above Stock will be renewed from time to time by Direct Shipments from the manufacturers, thus enabling him to sell at Lowest Current Eates. TTPPT FTQ chemist, JUV^VALJ-Uk}, Napier and Hastings; ,

WAIBOA. COUNTY RACING club. , ANNUAfrMEBTINa. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, 7thJ AND Bth FEBBUABY, 1899. PBOGBAMME. PIBSTDAY. ' 1. FIBST HUBDLE BACE HANDICAP, of 30 sots; second horse to receive 5 sovaoutof the stoke, ljmile; 2 HACK HUEDLES HANDICAP, of ISboto entrance 15a to be made by 9.30 p.m. MON» DAY, 6th February (or night prior to races), ljmile. ; 3. COUNTY STAKES HANDICAP, of 65 sots ; second horse to receive 5 sots oat of the stake; the winner of any flat race of 50 sots in value after the declaration of. weights to carry a penalty of 51b, of 70 sots a penalty, of 71b. 11 mile. , , MAIDEN- PI/ATE, 0f,15 bots; weight-for-age; for all horses, that have never woo, at time of entry, an advertised, race of any doscription exceeding 10 sots in valuo; enJ trance, 15s. 1J mile. .... 5. HALF-MILE SCUBRY, of 10sovsj,,torhorses that have never, won at time. of. start & ' . race of any description; catch weights ;,poßfc entry, 10s. ■ " . " •6 AWATEBE STAKES. HANDICAP, of [SO sots; the winner of the Connty Stakes to carry 71b penalty.;, second horse to receive 5 sots from the stake., 6 furlongs. 7, HACK FLAT BACB, : ,o! 10 bots; entrance. Ids ; 1 mile ;■ entries for this race to be made by 9.30 p.m. MONDAY^ 6th February. „ 8. DISTBIOT PLATE HANDICAP, of 20 soys welter weights;* open- to all horses owned three months prior to date of races by bona ■ flde residents Io the Wairoa County ; Mob. ' M horses to be in the said district not Japer -^ two monrhs before the datrfof races ; hordes - '■ ' nominated for, this event must not learo the district except a notification be first Best to the Secretary.. , lj.mile. , '■".' SECOND, DAY. . 1. SECONDHUBDLEiHIANDJCAP, of2SBOTS; second horse- ttf.receisra«3 sots out of the stake, ljmile. „ ,• ;. i. HACK FLAT.BAGE HAMpiCAP.of lOioTSj entrance,-.10s; l,inileanda'.distance; eatriea . for?thißTacetobe ; made/by J night of first day's races, .j . • . , ; \ 3. FBASEBTOWN 'HANDICAP, • of " 30 soya second horse to receive 3 sots out of. the stake. 11 mile. '. 4. HANDICAP' SCUBBY.oflOsova; post entry 4 10s; open to all horses that have novel! won a race exceeding 10 sots, in valne. 5 f orlongs. ■ , • 5. DISTBICT PLATE HANDICAP, of 15'8Ots conditions same as first day's District Bace. 1 mile. ' r 6. FLYING HANDICAP, of 20 soys; second horse to receive. 3 soys out of the stake; winner of the Frasertown Handicap to carry 51b penalty. 6 furlongs. 7. MAIDEN HACK BACE, of 10 bots; minimum weight, Bst; open to all horses, that haTe neTer won an adTertifled race of any description ; post entry, 10s. 7 furlongs. 8. FOECED HANDICAP, of 15 sots ; winners compulsory ; losers and haoks.optional ; . post entry, 15s. lmile. FBIDAY, JANUABY 13, .1899, Nominations close at 10 p.m., fox First Hurdles 153 Second Hurdles 15s County Stakes ... ... ... 11 sot Awatero Stakes 15s Two Districts 10s each Frasortown Handfcap 15s Flying Handicap ..-. 10s , - „ Weights for First Day's Bacos on or abou SATURDAY, 28th January, 1899. Acceptances, FBIDAY, 3rd February :~First Hurdles 15s, County Stakes £1 15s, Maiden Plata (entry) 15s, Awatere Stakes 15s, First District 109 N.B.— Description of Hack. A horse tha^ as nerer won an adTertised race exceeding jvb in value. For lull programme see posters. J. W. SAEGIBSON, 789 Secretary W.C.B.C. TSISSINGTON DISTBICT HACK. BACE MEETING. To be held on the Woodthorpe Coarse. FEBBUABY 11th, 1899. President : Mr J. Bennett. Judge : Mr T. H. Lowry. Stewards: Messrs J. Jamieson, Harold A. Eussoll, T. H. Lowry, W. Jones, C. Bennett, C. Davies, C. Small, H. Shield. Handic»pper : Mr J. Bicknell. Clerk of the Scales : Mr J. Jamieson. Clerk of Course : Mr T. Norris. Starter : Mr J. Bicknell. FBOQBAMME. HANDICAP HUBDLE BACE, of 13 sovsj about 1} mile, over six flights of hurdles; . minimum weight, list. Nomination, 12s { acceptance, nil. HUBBY SCUBBY-, of 5 sots; about 6 furlongs ; U'stup. Nomination, ss ; acceptance, nil. BISSINGTON CUP HANDICAP, of 15 sots; about It mile; minimum weight, lUt. Nomination, 15s ; acceptance, nil. PATOKA HANDICAP, of 7 sots ; about 1 mile J minimum weight, lost. Nomination, 7s; acceptance, nil. Weights declared immediately after the Hurry Scurry. WOODTHOBPE HANDICAP, of 10 sots; about ' L IJmile Minimum weight, lOst Nomina. 1 tlon, 10s; icceptance, nil. Handioap de- „' dared on" ground after Bissington Cup ii run. CONSOLATION HANDICAP, of 5 bovb; about 6 furlongs. . Minimum weight, lOst. Nomina. tion. ss ; ■■acceptance, nil. Nominations close SATUBDA Y, January 28th at Fuketapu Hotel, at 8 p.m. CONDITIONS. 1. All races confined to horses that have neTer won an advertised raoo outside the district. 2. All horse's to hare been in the district for three months immediately preceding the races. 3. All horses to be entered and ridden by resi. dents whp ha,ve been in the district three months immediately preceding the races. 4. All horses to be the bona fide property of a, reaident, who has resided three . mpjaths immediately preceding the races in the district. 5. All horses to be trained in the district. 6. Second horse to recoive 10 per cent from Tahie of stakes in all races. 7. Hurry Scurry and Patoka' Handicap confined to horses that are nou<startecs in the • other races. 8. No bookmakers or their agents will be allowed on the ground without written permission from the scoretaxy. A fee of one guinea r will be charged for permission. [ 9. All entries must be accompanied with nee'es- ; sary fees, or they will not be accepted. I 10. The district is bounded by the new NapierTanpo coach rond from Baukomona to Inner Harbor; from luner Harbor to the GreenI luotldows-Puketapu road to Fnketapn ; Heslop's , rnketnpn propurty, 1% Dolbol, jun. s, P. Dolbel, fen. "a. properties, Tutaekiiri riTer to tiiggins', Higgins", Okawa.'Tiuianui, Waikonini, Ulenroes, 1 Mongawbaro. liallett's, Puketitiri, Patois, Whiuornngi Pa, Moteo Pa, Fukehomoamoa, and Kawera Blocks 1 . ' - HABOL'D A. BUSSELL, '? - . . : Hon. Bee,

-\ T^APIBw PAEK EACING OLUB. AUTUMN MEETING, 1899. WEDNESDAY AND THUBSDAY, MAECH 22nd akd 23ed, 1899. President ; John Cloße, Vioe-president : J. C, M'Vay. Judge: J.Bennett. Hon, Treasurer : K. W. Knowles. Clerk of the Scales : F. G. Smith. Stewards : Messrs J, Bioknell, J, Bennett, W. Heslop, E. W. Knowles, P. Moeller, P. Ormond, E. Sweetapple, G. H. Swan, J. G. Swan, and P. G. Smith. Timekeeper : S. E. Cooper. Starter : H. Piper. Handicapper ; A. T. Donvers. FIBST DAY. WEDNESDAY, MABCH 22HD. TBIAL .HANDICAP HDEDLB EACE, of 50 sots; second horso to receive 10 sots from the stake. For all horses tbat have never won a Hurdle Eace exceeding 40 aovs in value at time of nomination. Nomination, 1 soy ; acceptance, 1 soy. 1 j mile. ESK HANDICAP, of 30 sots; second horse to receive 5 soys from the stake. For all horses that never won a race on the flat exceeding 40 soys in value at time of nomination. Nomination, 1 soy ; acceptance nil. 7 furlongs SAPLING STAKES HANDICAP, of 80 sovb. For two-year-olds. Second horse to receive 10 soys from the stake. Nomination, 1 sot ; acceptance, 2 sots. 5 furlongs NAPIEB CUP HANDICAP, of 300 sots j second horse to receive 30 soys from the stake. The ■winner of any handicap of the value of 300 soys after the declaration of the weights to carry 101 b extra ; of the value of 200 soys 71b extra ; and of the value of 100 soys Sib extra. Penalties not accumulative. Nomination, 2 sots ; acceptance, 7 soys. li mile. HANDICAP HtTBDLE BACE, of 100 eovsi second horse to receive 10 sots from the stake. The winner of the Trial Handicap Hurdles to carry 71b penalty. Nomination, 1 sot ; acceptance, 3 sots. ° 1} mile. BEDCLYFFE STAKES HANDICAP, of 50 soys ; second faorao to receive 10 soys from the stake. For all horses that have never won v. race on the flat exceeding- 40 soys m value at time of nomination. The winner of any handicap after the declaration of weights to carry 71b extra. Nomination, 1 soy; acceptance, 1 soy. Once round. FIiYING HANDICAP, of 100 soys j second home to receive 15 sots from the stake. For two-year-oldsond upwards, The winner of any handicap of the value of 100 soys after the declaration of weights to carry 71b penalty. Nomination, 1 boy ; acceptance, 3 soys. 6 furlongs. WELTEB HANDICAP, of 50 eovs; second horeo to receive 10 soys from the stake. Minimum weight, Bst. Nomination, 1 soy; acceptance, 1 soy. 7 furlongs. SECOND DAY. THUBSD4.Y, MABCH 23ed.! SECOND TBIAL HANDICAP HUBBLE BACE, of 50 eovs j second horse to receive 10 soys from the stake. For all horses that have never won a Hurdle Bace exceeding 40 soys in value of time of nomination. Nomination, 1 soy; acceptance, 1 soy. 1J mile. SCUBBY HANDICAP, of 30 soys ; second horse to receive 5 soys from the stake. For all hordes that have never won a race on the flat exceeding 40 soys in value at time of nomination. Nomination, 1 soy ; acceptance nil. 6 furlongs. TWO-YEAB-OLD HANDICAP, of 70 soys; second horse to receive 10 soys from the stake. Nomination, 1 soy; acceptance, 2 soys. 6 furlongs. CITY STAKES HANDICAP, of 200 soys; second horse to receive 25 soys from the stake. Nomination, 2 eovs; acceptance, 5 soys. 1 J mile SECOND HANDICAP HUBBLE BACE, of 80 sots; second horse to receive 10 sots from the stake. The winner of the Second Trial Hurdles to carry 71b penalty. Nomination, 1 soy ; acceptance, 2 soys. 1| mile. STEWARDS' STAKES HANDICAP, of 50 soys ; second horse to receive 10 soys from the stake. For all horses that have never won a race on the flat exceeding 40 soys in value at time of nomination. The winner of any handicap after the declaration of weights to carry 71b extra. Nomination, 1 soy; acceptance, 1 soy. 1 mile. WAVEBLEY STAKES HANDICAP, of 100 boys; for two-year-olds and upwards; second horse to receive 1U soys from the stake. The winner of any handicap after the declaration of weights to carry 71b extra. Nomination, 1 soy ; acceptance,' 3 eovs, 6 furlongs. HIGH WEIGHT HANDICAP, of 50 soys; second horse to receive 10 soys from the stake. Minimum weight, Bst. Nomination, 1 soy ; acceptance, 1 soy. Once round. DATES OF NOMINATIONS, &c. iTUESDAY, 14th FEBBUABY, 1899. NOMINATIONS— Napier Cup Handicap . . 2 soys Flying Handicap . . . . 1 soy City Stakes Handicap . . 2 soys Wavorley Stakes Handicap 1 soy TUESDAY, 7th MABCH, 1899. NOMINATIONSTrial Handicap Hurdles .. 1 soy Sapling Stakes Handicap . . 1 soy Bedclyffe Stafces Handicap 1 soy Handiaap Hurdleß . . . . 1 soy Second Trial Handicap Hurdles . . . . . . 1 soy Two-year-old Handicap .. 1 soy Second Handicap Hurdles 1 soy Sourry Handicap . . _ 1 sot Welter Handicap . . . . 1 soy High Weight Handicap .. 1 soy Stewards' Stakes Handicap 1 soy Esk Handicap .. _ 1 sot FBIDAY, 17th MARCH, 1899. WEIGHTS will ho declared for all the First Day's Events.; MONDAY, 20th. MABCH, 1699. ACCEPTANCES— Napier Cup Handicap .. 7 soys Flying Handicap . . . . 3 oovs Trial Handicap Hurdles .. I soy Sapling Stakes Handicap .. 2 sots Bedclyifo Stakes Handicap 1 soy Handicap Hurdles . . . 3 soys Welter Handicap .. ..1 soy Esk Handicap .. „ Nil WEIGHTS for the Second Day's Events will be declared on Night of First Day's Baces. ACCEPTANCES for Socona Day's Events close at 10.30 on Night of First Day's Baces. Owners are particularly requested to send their nominations, Ac., by telegraph as well as by letter, to prevent mistakes. ALF. T. DANVEBS, 266 Secretary. POCTA. THE Colobratod Horso Salvo is selling liko ripe cherries. If you have a Horse bad witli a sore shoulder, saddle sore, girth gall, or greasy heel, sond at once for a tin, and you will not regret it., us it luib trivon every satisfaction whenever used. This Salvo is n real good thing, aud every mini or woman that cares twopence for their Horse should have a tin handy in caso of oaiergenoy. Can be obtained from the following :— NAPIEB —Messrs Cranby and Sidey ; J. Mills, Emersonstreot; Ncsbit md Co. SPlT— Messrs Niven and Co. HASTINGS— Messrs Land and Heighway, WAIBUA— Mr J. Mayo, WANGANUI— tc a. J. synuna, ■

TTAWKE'S BAY JOCKEY CLUB. AUTUMN MEETING, 1899. WEDNESDAY AND FBIDAY, MAECH IS AND 17. President— Captain Bussoll, M.H.E. Treasurer— E. L. Suuderland St .wards— J. H. Coleman G. P. Donnelly H. Gaisford G. Himter, M.H.E. ' F. liogan T. H. Ijowry Hon. J. D. Ormond, M.L.C. L. de Pelichet W. Shrimpton Judge— G. L. Sanderland Starter— Harry Piper Clerk of the Course— James Lopdell Clerk o£ the Scales— Wm. Boilby Clerk of the Totalisator— G. T. Cross Handieapper— J. B. Henry Etatnqtory— F. D. Luokie PBOGBAMME. FIBST DAT, WEDNESDAY, MABCH 15, To Start at 12.S p.m.-AUTUMN HANDICAP, o£ 75 sots ; acond horse to receive ltl boys from the stake. Nomination, 1 soy; acceptance, 2 soys. 1 mile US p.m.— FIRST HANDICAP HUBDLE BACK, of 100 soys ; second horse to receive 10 soys from the stake. lamination, 1 soy • acceptance, 3 soys. Abont 1| mile 2.15 p.m.— HAWKE'S BAT CUP HANDICAP, of 400 soys ; second horse to receive 30 soys and the third horse 10 soys from the stake. Nomination, 2 sovsj acceptance, 7 soys. The winner of any handicap after the declaration of tho weights of the value of 130 soys or upwards 71b extra, and of the value of 70 soys Sib extra; penalties not accumulative. lj mile 3 p.m.— HIGH WEIGHT HANDICAP, of 45 soys; second horse to receive 5 sovsfrom the stake. Nomination, 1 boy ; acceptance, 1 soy ; minimum weight Bst. Once round 3.45 p.m.-NUBSEBY HANDICAP, of 100 soys second horse to receive 10 aovs from the ttike; for two-year-olds. Nomination, 1 soy ; acceptance, 2 soys. 5J furlongs 4.30 p.m.— TBIAL HANDICAP, of 30 soys • second horse to receive 5 soys from the stoke; for horses thai* have never won a race exceeding 40 soys in specie at time of starting. Nomination, 1 soy; acceptance, ""• Once round 5.15 p.m.— EAILWAT STAKES HANDICAP, of 100 soys ; second horse to receive 10 soys from the stake ; for two-yeax-olds and up-; wards. Nomination, 1 soy; acceptance, 2 soys. The winner of the Hawke's Bay Cup to carry 71b extra. 6 furlongs SECOND DAY, FBIDAT, 17th MAECH. To Start at 12.30 p.m.-MABCH HANDICAP, of 100 soys second horse to receive 10 soys from the stake. Nomination, 1 soy; acceptance. 2 soys. i mile 1.15 p.m.— SECOND HANDICAP HtJEDLE EACE, of 85 soys ; second horse to receive 10 soys from tho stake. Nomination, 1 soy; acceptance, 3 soys. About 2 miles 2.15 p.m.— HAWKE'S BAT STAKES, of 500 soys ; by a Bweepstake of 5 soys each, with .200 soys added ; second horse to receive 70 soys, and third horse 30 soys out of the stake; for two and threo-year.olds ; weight-for-age; winners after Ist August, IS9B, of any race or races collectively of the value of 250 soys to carry 31b oxtra, of 500 soys 51b. of 750 soys 71b, of 1000 soys 101 b extramaiden three-year-olds at time of starting allowed 101 b, two-year-olds 71b. 6} furlongs 3 p.m.-PACIFIC HANDICAP, of 30 sovssecond horse to receive 5 soys from the stake ; for horses that have never won a race exceeding 40 soys in specie at time of starting. Nomination, 1 soy; acceptance, nil. Once round 3.45 MEMOBIAT, STAKES, a handicap of 150 soys ; second horse to receive 10 soys from the stake. Nomination, 1 soy j acceptance, 5 boys. ' ij mile 4.30 p.m.— JUVENILE HANDICAP, of 70 sovsfor two-year-olds. Nomination, 1 sovt acceptance, 2 soys. 6 furlongs 5.15 p.m.-FABEWELL HANDICAP, of 70 boys ; second horse to receive 10 soys from the stake. Nomination, 1 soy; acceptance, 1 soy. The winner of the March Handicap, Hawke's Bay Stakes, or the Burke Memorial to carry 71b extra. 7 furlongs DATES OF NOMINATIONS, ACCEPTANCES AND WEIGHTS, With Amounts to ba forwarded to the Secretary H.B. J.C. N.B.— All Events close at 10 p.m. unless stated to tho contrary. TUESDAY, 7th~FEBBUAEY. Nominations— Hawke's Bay Cup Handicap ... al , „, 2 soys Bailway Stakes Handicap 1 soy TUESDAY, 28th FEBEL'AEY (General Entry), Nominations— Autumn Handicap ... l soy First Handicap Hurdles... 1 soy Hieh Weight Handicap ... 1 toy Nursery Handicap 1 soy Trial Handicap 1 soy March Handicap 1 soy Second Handicap Hurdles 1 soy Pacific Handicap 1 soy Burke Memorial Stakes ... 1 boy Juvenile Handicap ... 1 soy Farewell Handicap ... 1 soy Sweepstakes— Hawko's Bay Stakes ... 5 soys MONDAY, 6th MAECH (on or about). Weights— Autumn Handicap First Handicap Hurdles Uawko's Bay Cup High Woight Handicap Nursory Handicap Trial Handicap Railway Stakes Handicap FBI DAY, 10th MABCH. Acceptances — Autumn Handicap 2 soys First Handicap Hurdles... 3 soya Hawke's Bay Oup 7 soys High Weight Handicap ... i soy Nursery Huudicap 2 boys Trial Handicap Nil Bailway Stakes Handicap 2 soys ■WEDNESDAY, 15th MABCH, by 9.30 p.m. . (Night of First Day's Bucca.) Weights —March Handicap Socond Handicap Hurdles Burke Memorial Stakes Pacific Handicap Juvenile Handicap Farewell Handicap THURSDAY, 10th MAECH, by 3,0 p.m. Acceptances — March Handicap ... ,„ 2 soys Second Handicap Hurdles 3 soys linrko Memorial Stakes... 5 soys Pacific Handicap Jftl Jiivenilo Handicap ... 2 soys Farewell Handicap ... 1 6 ov F. D. LUCIUE, Socrotary. Criterion Hotel, Napier. '_'G5 OAELTON CLTTB, HASTINGS, CUMILY AND 00MML.KCIA1.- IJOTKL, i>. GORMAN Propbietoe.M

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 11122, 14 January 1899, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 11122, 14 January 1899, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 11122, 14 January 1899, Page 6