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O"APIEt{ P4SS RACING CLUB. AUTUMN MEETING, 1899. fEDNESDAY AND THIJBSDAY, MABCH 22nd and 23rd, 1899. resident : John Close. V'Yice-president : J. C, M'Vay. Judge: J.Bennett, Hon. Treasurer : E. W. Knowles. Clerk. of the Scales: F. <J. Smith. Stewards: Messrs J. Bicknell, J. Kennett, W. HeslOp, ,E. W. Knowleß, F. Hoeller, F. OrmOpd, B. Sweotapple, G. H. Swan, J. G. Swan, and i l . G. Smith. Timekeeper : S. E. ■ Coopar. Starter : H. Piper. Ilandicapper ! A. T. Dlnvers. 1 ■ FIBST'DAY. WEDNESDAY, .MABCH 22hd. rBIAL HANDICAP HDRDtE. BACE, of 60 sots ; second horse to receive ' 10 botb from the Btake. For all. Horses that liave never won a Hurdle Bace exceeding 40 soys in value at time of nominatioa. Nomination, 1 soy ; acceptance, 1 sot. ■■'„, It mile. ESK HANDICAP,;. second horsa to receiT» 5 sotb from the siake. For all horses that never won a race on the flat exceeding 40 bovb in Talue ;at time of nomination. Nomination, 1 soy j'accejtance nil. ' ' 7 furlongs SAPLING STAKES HANDICAP, «f 80 sotb. For two-yeor-t)ld8. Second horse to receive 10 aova from the stake. Nomination. 1 sot ; acceptance, 2 soys.,,_ , . 5 furlongs NAPJEB CUP HANiiiGAP, of 300 s6t»; second horse to receive.'SO fovs from the stake. The winner of any handicap of the" valu« of 300 sots after tho- declaration' of- the weights to carry 101 b e*tra; ot the value of 200 boys 71b extra ; and of the Talus of 100 sots Sib extra. Penalties not accumulative. Nomination, 2 ' soys ; acceptance, ?sov9. ' IJ mile. HANDICAP HTJBDIjE BACE. of 100 cOTS; second horse .to- receive 10 soys from the stake. The winner of the Trial Handicap Hurdles to carry 71b penalty. ' Nomination, 1 soy ; acceptance, 3 soys. 1J mile. BEDCLYFFE STAKES HANDICAP, of 50 ' ' soys ; second-horse to receive 10 Boys from the Btake. For all.horses that have never won a race on the flat exceeding 40 soya in value at time of-nomlnation; The winner of any handicap after the declaration of weights to carry 71b extra. Nomination, 1 soy; acceptance, 1 soy. ,■ . ■ - Once round. FLYING HANDItiAp, of 100 boys; second horse '. to receive 15 80V8 from the BCake. For two-year-olds aid upwardß, The winner of any handicap of the value of 100 soys after the • declaration of weights, to carry 7ib penalty. Nomination, 1 fiov ; aceeptunce, 3 boys. r ' . 6 furlongs. WELTEB HANDICAP, of SO soys'; second hone to receive, 10 soys from the stake. Minimum weight, Bst. Nominatiofi/l soy;' aoceptonce, ltov. " <- ■ Tfurlongs. 'SECOND DAT. THUBSDAY, MABCH'23bd^'' SECOND .TBIAL HTJBDLE : BACE,: of 50 sovs; second horse to receive 10 soya from tha stoke. For all horses that have never, won a Hurdle Bace exceeding 40 sots in value of -time' of nomination.' Nomination,! soy/ opseptance, 1 soy. ■ -~ l,mile. SCUBBY HANDICAP, of 30 soys ;- second horse 'to receive '5 1 boys from the.stake.- For all horaes that have neTer won a race on the flat exceeding 40 soys in value at time of nomination. Nomination; 1 soy ; acceptance nil. „ . '6 furlongs. TWO-YEAB-OLD HANDICAP, of 70 sotb; second horse' to ' receive 10 "sots from the stake. Nomination, 1 soy; acceptance, 2 bovb. . -. 6 furlongs. CITY STAKES HANDICAP, of 200 soys; second horse to' receive 25 soya from the Blake. Nomination, 2 soys; acceptance, 5 sots. . • . ' ljmile SECOND -OTJEDLE BACE", of 80 boys; second horse to receive 10 sots from the Btake; The winner of the Second Trial Hurdles to carry 71b penalty. Nomination, 1 soy ; .acceptance, 2 boys. 1} mile. STEWABDS', S TAKES HANDICAP, ot SO boys ; 1 second horsa to receive 10 soys from the stake. For all horaeß that have never won a race on the flat exceeding 40 sots in value at - time of nomination. The' winner oC any handicap after the declaration of weights to carry 71b extra. Nomination, 1 soy; acceptance, 1 SOY.. ' . 1 mile. WAVEBLEY STAKES HANDICAP, Of 100 boys; for two-year-olds and upwards; second horse to' receive 10 sots from the stake. j he winner, of any handicap after, :tho declaration of weights to' carry ,71b extra. Nomination, 1 sot; acceptance, 3 boys. • ' , .: 6 furlongs, HIGH WEIGHT HANDICAP, of 50 sotb ; second Horse to receive 10 sots from the stake. , Minimum weight, Bat. Nomination, 1 soy; acceptance, 1 spy. Once round, DATES OF NOMINATIONS, &c. |TUESDAYj 14th FEBBUABY, 1899, NOMINATIONSWapier Cup Handicap .. 2 soys .Flying Handicap ■. . '.. 1 soy ' . City Stakes Handicap .. 2 soys Waverley Stakes Handicap 1 soy TUESDAY, 7th MABCH, 1899. NOMINATIONS— . Trial Handicap Hurdles .. 1 soy Sapling Stakes Handicap . . 1 bot ' Bedclyffe Stakes Handicap 1 bot Handicap Hurdles .. ..1 soy . Second Trial Handicap Hurdles 1 soy Two-year-old Handicap .. 1 soy Second Handicap Hurdles 1 sor Sourry Handicap . . _ 1 soy Welter Handicap .. '.. 1 bc/t High Weight Handicap .. 1 sot Stewards' Stakes Handicap 1 soy Esk Handicap ' .. _ 1 sot FEIDAY, 17th MABCH, 1899. WEIGHTS will be declared for all the First Dot's Events. MONDAY, 20th MABCH, 1899. ACCEPTANCES- ' Napier Cup Handicap .. 7 sots '', Flying Handicap .. .. 3 bots Trial Handicap Hurdles .. 1 sot Sapling Stakes Handicap . . 2 bots Bedclyffe Stakes Handicap 1 sot Handicap Hurdles . .. 3 soya Welter Handicap .. .. 1 soy Esk Handicap .. „ Nil WEIGHTS forthe Second Day's Events will be declared on Night of First Day's Baces. ACCEPTANCES for Second Day's Events olose at 10.30 on Night of Firßt Day's Baces. --- Owners are particularly requested to send their nominations, &c, by telegraph as well as by letter, to prevent mistakes. ' ALF. T. DANVEBS, 236 „ Seoretary, DANEVIKKE JOCKEY CLUB'S ANNUAL HACK KACE MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBBUABY 15, 1899. FLYING HANDICAP, of 35 sots ; distance, J. mile. Nomination, 10s; acceptance, 20b. STEWABDS' HANDICAP.of 35 boys; distance, 1 mile. Nomination, 10s ; acceptance, 20s. HANDICAP HUBDLES, of. 40 sots; distance, 1} mile. Nomination, 10s ; acceptance, 255. BANEVIEKB HANDICAP, of 80 sots; din tance, 1$ mile. Nomination, 20s; acceptance, 408. BAIL WATT HANDICAP, of 30 sots; distance, 7 furlongs. Nomination, 10s ; acceptance, 15s. HIGH-WEIGHT HANDICAP.of 30 sotbj distance,]} mile. Nomination, 10s ; acceptance, 15s. s SHOBTS HANDICAP, of 25 soys; distance, 4 furlongs. Nomination, ss ; acceptance, 15s. NOMINATIONS for all Events close with tho Seoretary on WEDNESDAY, 25th January. WEIGHTS declared on THUBSDaY, 2nd February. • ACCbPPANCES for all Events close with the Secretary on WEDNESDAY, Bth February. For full programme see " Beferee," Telegraph Office closes at 5 p.m. W. G. HUNTEB, 1061 Hon. Sec, Danenrke. ' t TO CKICKBTEES. TTtTE have \ Cricketing Goods to suit VV you from the schoolboy team to the first eleven. If you buy a Bat from us that does not give satisfaction, let us know. We will put it right. * We want your trade. We ■■ 1 1 profit as fine as possible. Kor clubs and orders ilia and over we allow 10 per cent discount for cask with order. We forward goods by parcels express on the same day that the order is received. . . • . • BATS. You all know Duke's name. We have Duke's Willow King at SOS. nfhos composition handle, perfect balance ' ' '■ Duke's Premier, 255. Plenty of spring and driv* * ing power • . .- , Duke's Best AU Cane, 22s 6d * Superior All Cane, 21s Duke's AU Cane and Strip Bubber, 17s 6d Duke's (a somewhat similar Bat), Isb 6d Duke's All Cone, 13s 6d Union Drivers, 32s 6d. "Light, well-seasoned well-wooded V Superior M\ Cane, 25b • * W isden's AU Cane, 22s 6d Wiaden's All Cope, 17s 6d .. FELTHAM'S BATS. Handle improved by having, besides the usual all cane, a strip of leather between two strips of India rubber. Enormous strength, splendid spring, 25s each Feltham's Superior AU Cane, 25b ' Feltham'B All Cone, 22s «d Feltham's All Cane, 17« 6d Other makes all cane handled Cricket Bats, 7s 66% 856d,1056d,1256d We have olio Bats for Youths at Bd, lOd, Is 3d, " 2s 6d upwards ■ BALLS. Duke's Match; Bs, Us.'lus each. AU treble. . seamed and warranted hand-made Feltbam and Shrewsbury's Match Bolls, 6s 6d Composition Balls, for men and youths, 9d, Is, 1V6a,25,456d - STUMPS. Revolving Tops, Braes shod, with Ebony Bails, 17s the Bet. Being specially shod these stumps ore the best for hard ground Stumps with fixed topß, 14s set " Stumps with plain ferrules, 9s 6d Boys' Wickets, per set Is, Is fid, 2s 6d Cricket Nets and Poles, single 27a Bd, with winga 4Ss ■ ■ - Batting Gloves, 8s Bd, 10s 6d, 12a 6d Wicket-keeping Gloves, tan leather, 14s; white doeskin, 12s 6d; white ohamois, 10s fid; yellow ohamois; 7s 6d; youths* white. chamois, Ss6d . Tan Leather Leg Guards, strapped aU round, 17s 6d; best Skeleton tan leather, 245; tan leather do. 13s Gd. 15s; white kid, 14s M: youths' white chamois, 12s 6d ; youths' brown leather, 14s 6d; white canvas taped, 7s; white leather ventilated, 14a 6d; plain Leg Guards, 8s 6d, 10s 6d, 12b 6d Abdominal Proteotors, 8s 6d Scoring Books, Is 3d, 2s Gd, 3a 6d each Cocoannt Matting, 6 feet wide, 6s per yard Slaienger'e Best Covered Tennis tails, 1898 make, 18s dozen Slazonger's Covered Balls, 1888 make, 15s dozen Tennis Nets, 10s 6d, 15s, 21s, 255, SVs Tennis Baoquoia from 3s 9d to 30a Slazenger'a Demon Bacquets,' 21s ; Special Demon, 30s Taylor's Lawn Bowls, 22s 6d, 27s 6d Silver-mounted Bowla, 50s, 60s Lawn Tennis Markers, 3 wheels and rubber band Sss „*■;. Qutßeviver,2B.6oi: Best Croquet Sets', 17s 6d, 60s, 80s, 100s, 120g, 130s Extra Croqnet Mallots, rubber tipped, regulation Bite, 18s 6d • Sets Calls, self-colored, boxwood, regulation sis 22s 6d WILKINS & FIELD. IRONMONGERS AND IMPOBTEBS, MANNEBS-BTBEET, WELLINGTON

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 11121, 13 January 1899, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 11121, 13 January 1899, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 11121, 13 January 1899, Page 4