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3,nuucmcnt , &c HP ir E A TEE E O V A L J-.ipl J Le-i"pp aii'l Munast-r - Mr I'arry liicksrdfi ro:irri\'i'.fiY last two niuiit.-j ot in: kabry iiii:k.\bds' COMPANY OF TIVOTJ STAIiS. A?nin a i.'rowdeit Ilonfii.'. Still tlie Same Swee Htovv — Houses Piu'keil, Crarnnie'l, Jammed Everj fc.veunii'. Cwireeedtmtedly Enthusiastic ßeceptioi of MISSES KATIK AND NONI KICKAKDS, Whose refined acting in IVfr H. Ilh'kards' Funniesi of all Funny Comedies, PINK NOTES, I'lNli NOTES, Was i»nmomn;d on all sides THE ACMIi 01' PERFECTION. TO-NIGHT! TO-MGHT! ALOTHEK QBE AT CHANGEof PHOGEAMME. SIGNOR UGO HIONDI. SIGNOE I'GO HIONDI, SIGNOB UUO BIONDI. For the First. Time in Napier in an Entirety Now Operatic and Dramatic Uxtravau'sinza. entitled SCANDAL IN A KESTAUKANT. Characters — mm • "Prologue Pp I Gui.seppo (a Waiter) IZZi , Don Juon (a Giddy Hushand) OO (Marcellma (his Wife) , M I Theresa (fin Adventuress) LU I Strettina (nn Organ Grinder) \Srirro (a Policeman) The Most Astounding Performance ever witnessed in Australasia. Pn TI ' R Jharky kicicards - v A<ltt ;!'-. Eminent („ A UKY i UCKABr , s j Vo.-uhst , In some of the. Choicest Gems from his Extensive Itepertuire. Albert, BIS[,[,MAN and MOORE Lul.tie Alliort UKf.I.MANandMQOHE Lottie In an Entirely New Petite Drawing-room Sketch entitled IN CLOVEU. Continued Brilliant Reception of Me J. W. Winton, Messrs Foreman and Fannax, Hamilton Hill, and Mum Clap.a Llewellyn. Prices— 'is, -s. uud Is. Early doors, Cd extra. Box Plan at the Dresden. Day Sales nt Ross and Co.'s. TO-MORP.OW (Satitri)at) AFTERNOON. at 2..10, GRAND MATINEE PERFORMANCE. GRAND MATINEE PERFORMANCE. Programme same as at Night. MONDAY EVENING NEXT.— The whole of Mr Harry Eickards' Company will appear at HASTINGS. 11. II a ECUS, Manager. WOODVILLE CENTRAL ; AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL ASSOCIATION. THE ANNUAL SHOW AVill take place at Woodville on WEDNESDAY, Ist FEBRUARY. 1899. Entries close at 9 p.m. on SATURDAY, the 21st January, 1899, with the undersigned, from whom Entry Forms can be obtained. For fuller particulars see posters. K. J. M'LENNAN, 2G9 Secretary. ©cwTevs. FOR LEASE. A FARM AT PALKERSTON NORTH. rpENDERS are invited by the under- -*- signed (who intends making a European tour) to leaße his exoeptionally high-class farm, comprising 410 acres, sitnate in Kniranga, Palmerston North, for 12 oi IS mouths. There are 100 acres now under cultivation. First-class house. An extension of time would be given on the area sown in cerenl or other crops next season. An effort will he made to meet the wishes of woulil-he tenants. Any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders closo on the 20th inst. J. M. LEIGH, Care of Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., 322 Napier. Hawke's Bay County Council OfHce, Napier, January 12th, 1890. "VTOTICE is hereby given that TracX* tion Engine Licenses must be taken out for the year ending iilst December, 1899. G. T. FANNIN, 322 Clerk H.B.C.C. BOROUGH OP NAPIER. LIST OF LICENSED AUCTIONEERS. I HEREBY give Notice that Messrs. T. E. Lindsay, Horace Baiter, Alfred Beid, Montague Lascelles, Gr. E. KUiot. Alex. Loudoun, whose residences or places of business are within this District, havo been duly licensed to sell by auction for 12 months, to be computed frovn the Ist dny of January, 189' J. M. N. BOWEK, Town Cleric. Corporation Offlce, Napier, lOtli January, 1899. 313 BOROUGH OP NAPIER. "DOG REGISTRATION ACT, 1880." rrVHE attention of Owners of Dogs is JL directed to Section lof "The Dog Begistration, 1880," whicKis as follows : — " Any person who shall keep any dog within ' the Colony of a greater age thau six months, for a ]ioriod of 14 days, without causing such Dog to be Registered, and such registration to bo made again from year to year, shall be liable to a penalty of Five Pounds, for cvorv such Dog, over and above the amount of auy fee payable in respect of the Registration of such Dog." Registration Fee, Ten Shillings, payable to Mn Jasiks Hodlston, either at the Corporation Offices, Napior, uo'weeu Noon and 1 p.m. daily (Saturdays exoepted), or to him personally when collecting. By Order. M, N. BOWER, Town Clerk. Corporation Office, Napier, January 10th, 1899. 312 NOTICE. A LL Accounts in the Estate of ■*■•*- Bawinia Tukeke, deceased, lo,te of Porangahau, must b.o rendered to Robert Ashley Wtyrre B.ratlraaite, fl\e Administrator appointed by the Native Appellate Comft to adoiin^ster the aaia Estate, and any accounts, not a (* T«fldergd before the, 2Qtli of January, iS)99, will flat he recognised. Alt Moneys awing and payable, to btie s,aid Estate must lie paid to mo foythwlth, va<\ n^ qther receipt but mine will be a discharge therefrom. • , EOBERT BRATHWAITE, Administrator of the said Estate, Hastings, December 22ud, 1898. 1001 NOTICE. JOSEPH WYATX Biitcher, Hastings, (JF begs to notify his many patrons and friends tb'at he nas sold out his business to Mr Edmund W. E. Bousfleld, and while thanking customers for their generous support, he wouU solicit a continuance of sanj(e on belin} of h\s sufceaso/. JOSEPH WTATT. H^gtiug^, KovEimbor 1888, ■PDMUND W. B. BOUSEFIELD X_J desires to intimate to the inhabitants of Hustings that he has purchased from Sir Joseph Wyatt his old-established Butchering Business, and hopea, by strict attention to customers, and by only keeping the best quality of Meat, that lie will continue to receive the support feo long accorded to his predecessor. ' ' E, W. B, BOUSEFIBLD. Hastings, Novempsr ISth, 1898. &45 G. I. CLARKE. Tl/rANUFACTUKING; JEWELLER -I.V.X- yjt EMERSON-STRE ET. A REASONABLE CIIAKGE FOR FIRST-CLASS ARTICLE 13est English Keyless Watches, open face £3 17s 60, Hunting' £l los, guaranteed for two years Ladies' Silver Keyless Watches 255, Ladies' Gold Watches £3 to £8, guaranteed for two years Gold Lane Initial Brooche3 5s 6d, 18ct Wedding Brings 17s 6>l (own, make) 15 and 9 caret Gents' Links, 17s 6d to SOa (own mo^ke) Large Stock of Gem Ringtj, £1 5n to £15 (own 'make)' ' ' " Eight-da^ Striking Cloc*s lVs Od, gnaranteed for two ye ( u'fl SIGHT TESTED FOB SPECTACLES A1 RKAfcONABLE PRICES. &. I. "CLARKE, JEWELLER, Einorson - street, (Established 1886), ,: . __ p. 1 0. c. "rjISINFEGTAN^I (Concontrated Carbolatod Creosote);, THE CHEAPEST Ai:H BEST DISIN--1 Much Cheaper, moro Efficacious, moro Agre< able in use, and Not Dangerous like Carbolic Acid, la Perfectly Misciblo with Wata*. Solo Agent for H.B.— A. J,' WILLIAMS, CHEMIST AND OPTICIAN, NAPIER. SCOTS WA fAAE !, WA-HA WA-HOO ' (lIoASBY'S),, MOE!jIENTHU3IASM, Wo got numberless letters thanking ub f< tho bonellt that Loasby's Wtihoo confo upon dyspciities who »peud their hulf-crowi ri«litly. Ono of thelatubtand best known isl\ Win. Kerry, of WootlliuidH. near Inviirciirifil This gentleman was a BiillVrer FOR OVE TWO VEAIK from Indigestion, bick Hea ache, Depressed Spirits, I'iuiis in Clijjfm llnek, nil 'l was ii\iito,t i. s ic \«>fl:. 1 started ami b.ok .jvarjCacWevtwed remedy tinn ■TLpy all"fi>iti-j, unlit LOA9UX W..VHOO was toki'ii, Kosull- " Never htitnvnvthiiiß bceu mado (0 enu t " is how Ills leltor ends. Mr Vorrj'n exp<-nouc« of. iion 6 l>;' s Wahoo w bo yours, Theic 13U" i'»V'<l to suficr, KOOLlIUJl," ti.r nil uevvo 4,114 k 4U scul l'ains, ia tiiavov.vV"i|!ic v iuy\pa.rVn niudo I athli't-H and l'O,st (ice ?or Ea to a iioasliy's Wuhoo Tatg. Co., Ltd., Dunediu. All. WILSON hi.H now Novclti • in Silver-plated Wmo, mmianh qniihty, low prices. Preserving Puns in bri and enanio), Fruit Jaru, Kubber lUugs, Enai Paint, Lacmior Varmsh Stains'/'inißhware. St , Travelling Tri\nks n\l sipes, '

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 11121, 13 January 1899, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 11121, 13 January 1899, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 11121, 13 January 1899, Page 3