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- jgaltjetM ana ®o 1. U. Worn and (fompaus HAIifiETY & riO NiZ< LOAN -^D MERCANTILE ■ „ limited. " AGENCY CO., LIMITED. STOCK, STATION, /"lapital authobised ... £ 3 ,000.0 c SHIPPING^ AGENTS, Received for^ HEAD OFFICE- Grain and Grass Seeds Dressed. 62 LOMBARD-STREET, LONDON. agencies Branches at Melbourne Geolong, Sydnoy, New- m „ . ™ , AuilNWEa - ?-?' ft^ B ™ bemo ' Boekhampton, Towusville, Wal s« r i 4^ 003 Co/s Agricultural Implements Adehiide, Frcemantlo, Albany, Dunedin burton's Sheep Dip Christchurch. "»i"u, Owen's Sheep Dip ' Cannon's Sheop Dip Capital fully subscribed „, £4 000 000 Lornoy's Anthomintio Capital paid-up £l'oco'ooo Tindall's Defiance Sheep Drench B Beßervo Fund £13o'oOO Taylor and Bromner's Wool Press ' ___ ' Qascoigne's Wool Press "TV ALGETY AND CO., LIMITED are pro- Sheep-branding Paint— free from Pitch, &c. JLf pared to receive Consignments of Wool Q raham's Permanent Foot-rot Cure J l'allow, and all kinds of Produce for shipment Jo „ ?<> itiß and Sons (Sydney) Celebrated Bheoi to London or Australia. Specifics -• ' CASH ADVANCES mado on Growing Clips son't^'"'^"^'^ 0 "-!' 1 ' 0 Ud f Ma i 2n \ , ol Wool on favoralila terms, also on Wow, i2ttif?«"cSf tS^v T BomO(ly for Stook 1 Sklua aud other Produce consigned for sulo in p^SStS™ ww«r< ? m ° 3 tho LONDON, AUSTBALIAN, or LOCAL tn K° s Lover Wiro Strainer MAEKETS. FOE SALE _Seeds and Station Bequisitos o 3 NO COMMISSION CHAEGED ON "K^feoceeds of all Consignments ax, ADVANCES. 0^ a Special CONSIGNUEN^J Loans negotiated upon Freehold and Loaeo- lßuai *WA>UHT. hold Lands at Lowest Current Eatos of In- JOHN CEAIG j torest - Manager, AUCTION SALES of~Wool, Skins, HidOß, Mwian—i n— — ■ Tallow, &c, held regularly. _ , m w o°lpacks, Fencing Wiro, and othor Station — — I »•«»""— imvoaiumd. T^ITZHERBERT rpERRAOI AGENTS FOE ■»- X Shaw. Savill, and Albion $OHOOL, Company, Limited Wellington XT' 4- * "Cr J TV/T • T (Established 1878), Victona Fire and Marine Insuranee Company ]VT ISS SWAINSON wishes to an AViOTrJoon Tine ni Q4-nr.w,««r, -"■*- nounce that after Christmas the abov< -tt-DerCieen JUine OI OteamerS will bo carried on under her own direotion as i T W ■Rnvmou+a^ T>«^». Bolirai ng and Day Sohool for Girls. 0 . VV . -DUrmeHter — Jr Ort The management of the practical work of the Winao school will bo entrusted to Mrs Honry Smith, YY lllco who, as Miss Galwoy, waß hoad tcachor at Mrt Trio/\n'a Qliaar. 'n;^«;^. T>^^r. Swainson's Sohool and has held the saino position JISOnS blieep Uippinff JfOW atMrsCroasdailoßowou's (Christchurcli), and J nr , ° at other private schools in Christchuroh and tier Wellington. Qj. T> oll i; p^ T n _. M T) „ A Graduate of the Now Zealand University will Ot, JrailU. KjO, } Jjager Xseer bo engaged as second toachor, and tho Mußleal y"Ni *«« r~i Tij TT* Instruction of tho School will bo carried on by L>nampiOn \jO., Jjta,, Vinegfar Miss SwaiiisonandMr Eoberc Parker, L. Mus. 1 & . T.C.L. | OFFICE— Boferoncos may bo made to tho Bishop of WeiTPWNTVqnW CTPfirT -WA-DTiro lington. Dr. Anson, G. E. Tolhurst, Esq. (Wet-I&NJNXbUW-blliiilal, NAPIER. lington), C. Pharazyn, Esq. (Feathorston), H. WAREHOUSE— Boethom, Esq, (Mosterton), Mrs J. N. Williams T3-PT? a am-mn-mr -r>r\-nrr\ atttttitdt (Frimloy), Mrs Captain Eussoll (Flaxmcre), Mra BREASTWORK, PORT AHURIRI. Coloman, Mrs N. Kettlo, and othor parents of t^—^mm— — ! past pupils and present boarders. ■ 1 Prospeotusos may bo had ou application. 586 gLj $ymm' gM*"»fotton. — HAWKE'S BAT FARMERS' CO- PEIVAT Vf C^°a% NAMEE " OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION, _ POBT^p'TFn TT IRST commences Bocond POET_NA PIE B. J1 week in Fobruary, 1899. Advances made against Stook, Growing Wool, air ' 8 of nll a 8 0s > ""y 8 under 10. and all kinds of Produce. Extraß— French, Music, Drawing. t »t i.- i j IX. — 3 ... r,t i. Terms on application. Day Boarders. Loans Negotiated. Sheep and othor Stook . * bought and Bold on commission. MISS THORNTON, Principal. Woolpaoks, Cornsaoks, Bindor Twino, Genoral „. m , , , . , , ... Goods, ant! all Station Bequisitos Biippliodat Ml , ss Thornton is proparod to tako a limited Lowest Current Bates. number of Boarders. 084 AGENCIESChina Traders' Insuranco Company, Limitod, T^ H I B riBAMJIAE QCHOOL, M'Dougall's Slieon Dip, Fumigation Cover- ■*- VH kj ings, Insooticido Wash, Inseot Powder for NAPIEE. Foliage, aud Fungus Powder. m " m^""All ' ™^»—^^^^"■^•— .f^m Hoadinastor $ZtOftsslllfnßl W< SBAY, B.A. (Honors), Cambridge. Pupils Prepared for all Examinations.,-' VIOLIN, VOICE PRODUCTION ' AND TERMSSINGING. Day Boys— l 2 guineas por annum. — — — Boarders — 50 guineas por annum. 594 HERR W. R. WENDER (Conservatoire Prague) MISSES HARDIE & MANNING, Has still a few vacancies for tho abovo. Having QCHOOL of Shorthand (Pitman's Olid decided not to take any holiday this Xmas, Horr £} Ughtline) aud Typewriting, &c, and TypeWonder wishes to inform mtending pupils, writi^oiHco. Herald Chambers, Tennysonespecially those attondingf so lwol, that ho will BtrO et, Napier. Registered by N.Z. Government, attend to teaching as usual, ■lhose not leaving (Coun ', r £ upll9 ma B y obt(lin tUo Tcchnica] Sobool tho District for tbeir holidays will havo Bpceial Railway Tickots.) MISS M. HAEDIE (Diploma advantage m their progress, having plenty of N .p, S ,, Eng.) and MISS L. MANNING, B.A. time to practice. French and Book-keeping also taught.- MISS M. MANNING is prepared to take Pupils for Term Commences with First Lesson, tho Violin, For Terms and Particulars apply Poraonally or byl^ t ° r *° BOYS' AND GIRLS 1 HIGH SCHOOLS, W. X, WIiNDMt, NAPIER. NAPIEB. QOUND SECONDABY AND COMMEKHorr Wondor will bo pleased to call oil intending f CIAL EDUCATION. ■ Puplls> 511 Scholarship open to Pupils of ouo and two years' standing in the school. _ , _ _ „ Preparations for Civil Servico and Matricula- • MISS LILIAN CAMERON tion Examination. Feos-Junior £S Bs, Senior (LAM PIANISTE DUNEDIN CHOEAL Solo Singing. Painting &OU. L i V ) , and Dancing. CJTUDIED under HerrHennoScherrk, Piano Boardors received by the Principals. Fee— 5 Mr A. Towsey, Organ and Harmony; also £40 por annum. Beduction to Weekly Boardors. Certificated Pupil of Senora Vonosta, Singing Next Term commences on TUESDAY, 20th and Voice Production, . September, at 0.30. WILL GIVE INSTEUCTION IN DAVID SI g D^< PIANOFOKTE PLAYING (Advanced Pupils Only) . . — SINGING AND VOICE PRODUCTION (Italian Te™L THREE GUINEAS per Quarter HERETAUNGA SCHOOL, Addrc S s-Elizabeth.road,BluilHill. 240 HASTINGS, JIAWKE'S BAY. BOABDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOE BOYS. MISS LE MERCIER, mEACHEB OF PIANOFOETE, HARMONY, Pu I> ila ""' X &c, Honors Diplomas Cant. Col. and Trinity Terms and Proßpeotuß on application to (M,,Lon. JQHN A< FRASEE, Local Bopresontativo of the London College Of Hoadmaster. Music. Next term commences on Fobruary 2nd, 1899, Parents and Guardians wishing to place Pupils as Candidates Prepared for all Practical and Boarders aro requested to commuuic&to with tho Theorotical Examinations, Prinoipnl boforo Dccombcr 16th, 1608. MUSIC BOOM- , -, ■ SOUTH BRITISH BUILDINGS, Browning-street. EDUCATIONAL. Terms on Application. HAWKE'S BAY GIRLS' SCHOOL. WOODFOBD HOUSE, *_„,.._» „*.,. .w.uua.^L^, HASTINGS. SOCIETY. BOABDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOE GIELS. T^tSiSrflfcSliL^cfr^S TermsandProspl7t7sonapp,ication Apiil, 1599, for all Rivers under tho control of the atthq unnfp abovo Society, with tbe exception of the River MIBB H™iMi,)r«.« flowing from tho Waikaremoana Lake. For this aeta """"rOBB. fßwXsrortheSCu» DeC ° mber> Next Term comment on February 2nd. Liceuso Fee, £1; Ladioß' Licenses, sb; Boys From 16th Docombor to 27th January tho under 16 years of age, 10s ; Tourists and Persons Head Mistross will be away from Woodford residing outside the Provincial District, 5s per Houso. month. Licensos to flsh can bo obtained ou application by letter, enclosing feo, to tho undor- i~~m ■ — — — — — — — an —^ t Bigned ; also from Messrs 1). D. Hyde and Co., Napier and Hastiugs, and J. E. Boss and Co., Napior; Mr Campbell Thompson, Danovirke ; „,„„—, , „ -r, n Mr W. H. Nolson, Woodville ; Mr A. Corskio, f( ONK O V AND /^O. Waipawa; and Blr A. Macdonald, Kuripapauga. \j ' \j ThoSocioty will givo tho sum of £210s,in ad- fUSTT J RTTTf!TTF,I?S ditiou to half the fine, to anyone giving.ovi- KyAan -BUlOtt-ttO, agafnstaTy p'efson fishing without a°LicenB 1 e J or HASTINGS SIBEET, STATION-STEEET, out of eason AND SPIT.I A, FITZROY, Hon. Soc H^^ik *$t REID & GRAY rf^^^^^^>*^^^i. Desire to Call Attention to their New and J^^S^^^^^^ GRAIN, TURNIP, AND Vl '*/WblsWfflß^ MANURE DRILL. lM)j^Ja^___l [tfilj-**^^. Thiß Ma <s umo i 8 without doubt tho Best lf|aaE=slll]<lEßpzss t=f=* \ r*jft^ "' '^Sk. Value over otfercd, and farniers should send us MaTy Ig^^T^-. J ' PvaSLB,, <\^ ther orders early. Mado in all combiuations— "•!.«- " «i«nnki4uri3» V ~ also to sow any quantity as desired. -i CHAFFCUTTEBS AND BAGGEKS SINGLE FUEEOW DIGGEES WOOD FEAME DISC HARROWS TUENIP CUTTEES STEEL FBAME DISC HAEROWS FAN MILLS BBOADCAST SEED SOWEB3 FARM DBAYS CAMBEIDGE BOLLEBS, &c, &c. ' WINDMILLS, &c, &«. DOUBLE AND SINGLE FURROW PLOUGHS, Those aro in such demand that wo can hardly turn them out quick lonough. Thoy aro up-to-date it every particular. OUR PATENT STEEL POINTS POR SHARES Aro fast superseding all othors, and farmers now rccoguiso their valuo, We are soiling thousand! ' TESTIMONIAL. ; April 30, 1698. Please send up 1 dozon Patont Points : tho ground is so hard that I cannot do without them. CHAS. DOEE, Middlomaroh. CATALOGUES AND ALL INFOEMATION FEEE ON APPLICATION. Agonts for DEEBING ALL-STEEL AND PONY BINDEB, the Lightest Draught Binder' in thi World. ZEALANDIA BOOTS. ; THE LEADING BRAND IN NEW ZEALAND. NO RISK IN BUYING THIS BRAND. SOLID COMFOET IN EVERY PAIR. r mHE MATERIALS USED IN THESE BOOTS ABE THE BEST THAT MONEI And Supplies are drawn from the Local Tanneries, also from tho Bost Makers in England, France, and America. Every Boot is Graded and Selected by Trained Ezperts, tho main object boing to turn out a Boot warranted to give substantial wear, combined with * COMFOET AND ECONOMY IN PEICB. THE THREE LATEST SPECIALITIES ARE " CRACK -.PROOF" CALF"™ 13 BECOED KANGAROO CALF K AN &AROO KD FOR EITHEE MEN'S, WOMEN'S.'OE CHILDREN'S BOOTS. Soft as Glovos, Beautiful in lAppcarauce, and will Wear till you" aro Tired of tho Sight of them. ALL OUB BOOTS ABE BEANDED ' ZEALANDIA" on. "NUFACTUR" HANDSEWN PEINCIPLE Ask for this Brand, and see that You Get it

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 11097, 14 December 1898, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 11097, 14 December 1898, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 11097, 14 December 1898, Page 1