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g. & lfr«m mid BK4S. Qjamnnu N.Z. LOAN AND MERCANTILE AGENCY CO., LIMITED. /"lAPITAL AUTHOBISED ... £3,000,000 ADVANCES Mado on Wool and other Produce and on Stock. . PBOZEN MEAT.-Stock Becoivod for Freoz. ing and Shipment. Grain and Grasa Seeds Dressed. AGENCIES. v Walter A. Wood Co.'s Agricultural Irmdomonts llurton s Sheep Dip Owou's Sheep Dip Cannon's Sheep Dip Lnrnej's Antucmintic Tindall's Defiance Hhcep Drench Taylor and Bremner's Wool Proas Qaacoigno'a Wool Proas Sheep-branding Paint— free from Pitch, &c. Graham's Permanent Foot-rot Curo John Pottie and Sous (Sydney) Colobrated Sheon Specifics c NowJZealand Inaaranea Co., Fire and Marine SONJET-The Great Tonic Remedy for Stook Bottrell'sCair Branding Framoß Page's Lover Wire Strainer FOB SALE-Seods and Station Benuisitos of every description. HOTE.-Tl)o Proceeds ol oil Consignments are TEUST ACCODIJT * S " ooial CONSIGNuE XT JOHN CBAIG, Malinger. v ®fiucatinoal FITZHERBEBT TERRACE SCHOOL. MISS BABEB, M.A., and MISS B. - RICHMOND, M.A., will after Christmas carry on their Schuol iv rooms they are building in Pipitea-street, Thorndon. Arrangements nro home made for boarding. Until Decembor 15th for particulars apply to Miss Babor or Miss B. Richmond, 11, Ktzherbort-torraco. 608 "piTZHEBBEBT rpERBAOE OCHOOL, WELLINGTON (Established 1878), MISS SWAIN SON wishes to an nounco that after Chrißtinas the above will be carried on under her own direction as a Boarding and Day School for Girls. The management of the practical work of the school will bo ontrustcd to Mrs Honry Smith, who,' as Miss Galwey, was head teacher at Mrs Swainsou'B School and has held the same position at Mrs Croasdaile Bowen's (Chrißtchuroh), and at other private schools in Christchurch and Wellington. A Graduate of tho Now Zealand University will ie engaged as second teacher, and tho Uußical nstruction of tho School will bo curried on by liss Swainsou and Mr Bobcrc Parker, h, Mus, T.C.Xi. I References may ba made to the Bishop o( Wol. ington, Dr. Anson, G. E. Tolhurst, Esq. (Wellington), C. Pharnzyn, Esq. (Peathereton), H. Beethom, Esq, (Mosterton), Mrs J. N. Williams (Frimlay), Mrß Captain Bussell (Flaxmore), Mrs Coloman, Mrs N. Kettle, and othor parents of past pupils and present boardors. Prospectuses may bo had on application, 586 PRIVATE SCHOOL, NAPIERTBERACE. FIRST Term commonces second wook in Fobruary, 1699, Girls oE all ages. Boys under 10. Extrna— French, Music, Drawing. Terms on application. Day Boarders. MISS THOBNTON, Prinoipal. Miss Thornton is propared to tako ft limited numborof Boarders. CSt mH|E p BAJIIiB QCHOOI, NAPIEE. Headmaßtor W. GBAY, B.A. (Honors), Cambridge Pnpils Propared for all Examinations. TERMS— Day Boya— l2 guineas per annum. Boarders — 50 guineas por annum, 604 MISSES HARDIE & MANNING, QCHOOL of Shorthand (Pitman's ana KJ Lighttino) and Typewriting, &c, and Typewriting Office, Hebaid Chambers, Tennysonstreet, Napier. Registered by N.Z. Government. Couulry Pupils may obtain the Technical School Uailway Tickets.) MISS M. HAEDIE (Diploma N.P.S., Eng.) and MISS L. MANNING, B.A. French aud Book-keeping- also taught. MISS M. MANNING is prepared to tako Pupils for tho Violin. BOYS' AND GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOLS, NAPIER, CJODND SECONDARY AND COMMKB. © CIAL EDUCATION. Scholarship open to Pupils of one and two years' standing in the school. Preparations for Civil Service and Matriculation Examination. Fees — Junior £8 Bs, Senior £9 93 per annum. Only extras— Music, Solo Singing, Painting, nd Dancing, Boarders received by tho Frinerpala. Fcc-p £10 per annum. Beduction to Weekly Boarders. Next Term commonces on TUESDAY, 20th Septombor, at 0,30. DAVID BIDEY, Secretory. HEBETAUNGA SCHOOL, HASTINGS, HAWKE'B BAY. BOABDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOB BOYS. Pupila prepared for Matriculation and Civil Service Examinations. Terms and Prospootuß on application to JOHN A. FBASER, Headmaster. Noxt term commences oa February 2nd, 1839. Parents and Guardians wishing to place Pupils as Boarders ara requested to commuuicato with tho Principal before Docoinbor 16th, 1808. EDUCATIONAL. HAWKE'S BAy"g7kLS' SCHOOL, WoodfoeHd house, HASTINGS. BOABDING AND* DAY SCHOOL FOB GIKLS. Terms and Proapootua on application MISS HODGE, Head Mistress, Next Term commonces on Fobruary 2nd. From 16th December to 27tU January the Head Mistress will ba away from Woodford House.

_ gjialflettt ana ®o J)AIGETY & r(O. '■« LIMITED, " STOCK, STATION, AND SHIPPING AGENTS, HEAD OFFICE— 62 LOMBARD-STREET, LONDON. Drenches at Melbourne, Gnolong, Sjdnoy, New' ??]\ Bns fe 1 "" 1 ' BoekbamptSß >o™ B vX, „ cftchm-ch." 0111 " 11110 ' Albany ' DuMdin ; Capital fully subscribed .„ £.1 000 000 Capital paid-up £1,000,000 6 Reserve Fund £\m,m T> ALGETY AND CO., LIMITED, nro pre- ~ ,#rf par ' d t0 lecoi TO Consignments of Wool, Q lallow, and all kinds of Froduco for shipment to London or Australia. r CA .? H , ADVANC:ES nm < 1 ° <»» Growing Clips 3 of Wool on favorable terms, also on Tallow, Sf 'is, aaa other Produce consigned for vale iv MABKETS ' AtJSTRAMAN ' or LOCAI - -8 NO COMMISSION CHAEQED ON ADVANCES. Z/fiaiie negotiated upon Freehold nnd Leasehold Lands at Loweßt Current Bates of Interest. AUCTION SALES of Wool, Skins. Hides, Tallow, &c, held regularly. 7 Wool packs, Fencing Wire, and othor Station . Bequisitoa always on hand.' AGENTS*FOE Shaw. Savill, and Albion Company, Limited Victoria Fire and Marine Insurance Company Aberdeen Lire of Steamers J. W. Burmester — Port Wines Fison's Sheep Dipping Powder St. Pauli Co., Lager Beer Champion Co., Ltd., Vinegar OFFICE-TENNYSON-STEEBT, NAPIER, i WABEHOUSEBREASTWORK, PORT AHURIRI. HAWKE'S BAT EARMEBS 1 COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION, LIMITED, I POBT NAPIER. i Advances made against Stook, Growing Wool, and all kinds of Produce, ' Loans Negotiated, Sheep and other Stook bought and sold on commission. ; Woolpacks, Coraaacks, Binder Twine, General i Goods, and all Station Requisites supplied at Loweßt Current Batos. AGENCIES— China Traders' Insurance Compauy, Limited, M'DowtnWfi Sheon Dip, Fumigation Coverings, Insecticide Wash, Zuseot Powder for Foliago, and Fungus Powdor. gtofti-Mflilßi VIOLIN, VOICE PEODUCTION AND SINGING. IIERR W. B, 'WENDEE • (Conservatoire Prague) - Has still a foiv vacancies for tho above. Having decided not to tako any holiday this Xtnas, Horr Wondor wishes to inform intending pupils, especially Ihoso attending school, that ho will attend to teaching as usual. Those not leaving tho District for their holidays will havo special advantage in their progress, having plenty of timo to practice Term Commences with First lesson. For Torma and Particulars apply Personally or by Lottor to W. B. "WENDEK, NAPIEB. Hcrr Wonder will bo pleased to call on intending Pupils. 511 FOB i~1 001) "» TAKERS OB ijfOOD IVJLAKERS FOR QUALITY AND FINISH FOR VARIETY OF MAKERS FOR CASH AND TIME PAYMENT INSPECT T -W "RICHARDSON'S NEW SHOW ROOMS, HABTINGS.AND TENNYSON STREETS. MISS LILIAN CAMERON (LATE PIANISTE DUNEDIN CHOBAL SOCIETY), §TUDIED under Herr Henno Sehorrk, Piano Mr A, Towsoy, Organ and Harmony,* also tiflcated Pupil of Sanora Vonoata, Singing and Voico Production, WILL GIVE INSTRUCTION IN PIANOFOETE PLAYING (Advanced Pupils Only) SINGING AND VOICE PRODUCTION (Kalian Mothod) Terms— Fram THBEE GUINEAS por Quarter Address— Kli2abeth-road, Bluff Hill. 2-19 MISS LE MERCIER, mEACUEE OF PIANOFORTE, HARMONY, JL &c. Honors Diplomas Cant. Col. and Trinity Col,, Lon. Local Eoprosontativo of tho London Collogo of Music. Candidates Propared for all Practical and Theoretical Examinations. MUSIC BOOHSOUTH BRITISH BUILDINGS, Browniiig-streot. Terms on Application.

I , jftK mIA, apt TJT?TT\ jP-^ rf~^ T? A ~\T xmvwim *§r xiiHi-LU 05 VK£\iJ\. JL t^^^^^^S^^A*"^^^^^ 1 Desire to Call Attoution to thoir Now and J^W^^^®^ GRAIN, TURNIP, AND 9f Vm^^^^ MANURE DRILL. llfflV^l—jOs^^J^S* bi^^BL TMa Maohino io without doubt tho Best wtH3s|EllSß&££sliSHSiflr^ '^V Value over offered, and farmers should send us Ig?CIA^Kr a ~".. TJ — - j jjjja^^itt./ ' '^^ tlior orders oarly. Made in all combinations— •xlm- f^..,^A ~ "I'wswSjj-yVU s a l 60 t 0 sow an y quantity as desired, CHAFFCUTTEBS AND BAGGEHS BINGIIB FUBKOW DIGGERS WOOD FBAMK DISC HARROWS TUBNIP CUTTBES STEEL TEAME DISC HARROWS PAN MILLS BROADCAST SEKD SOWEE3 FABM DPIY3 CAMBRIDGE BOLLEBS, &c, 4c. WINDMILLS, &c, &o. DOUBLE AND SINGLE FURROW PLOUGHS. These are in such demand that wo can hardly turn them out quick lonough. Tli9y are up-to-date in every particular. OUR PATENT STEEL POINTS FOR SHARES Are faßt superseding all others, and farmers now recognise their value. We aro goring thousands TESTIMONIAL. l . April 30, 1898. Please send up 1 dozen Patent Points : the ground is so bard that I cannot do without them. 1 CHAS. DOBB, Midaiomaroli. CATALOGUES AND ALL INFORMATION FBEE ON APPLICATION. Agents for DEEKINQ ALL-STEEL AND PONY BINDEE, tho Lightost Draught Binder in the 2 World. ZEALANDIA BOOTS. THE LEADING BRAND IN NEW ZBALAND. a NO KISK IN BUYING THIS . BEAND. SOLID COMFORT IN EVERY PAIR. THE MATERIALS USED IN THESE BOOTS ABE THE BEST THAT MONEY CAN BUY, '' And Supplies aro drawn from the Local Tanneries, also from the Best Makora in England, France, and Amorioa, Every Boot is Graded and Selected by Trained Ezperts, tho main object boing to turn out a Boot warrantod to give substantial weal, combined with COMFOBT AND ECONOMY IN PBICE. >» THE THKEE LATEST SPECIALITIES AXE i " CRACK -'PROOF," QALF- THE BECO * D 8 ' KANGAROO CALF K AN GAROO KIP FOB EITHER MEN'S, WOMEN'S, OB CHILDBEN'S BOOTS. Soft as Gloves, Beautiful in lAppearanoo, and will WeaT till you are Tired ot tho »•> Sight of thorn. >»i : j ALL OUE BOOTS ABE BRANDED ZEALANDIA" ob "NUPACTOE" HANDSEWN PRINCIPLE Ask for tlilfl Brana, and boo that Yon Getji ■ •

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 11096, 13 December 1898, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 11096, 13 December 1898, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 11096, 13 December 1898, Page 1