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[BY TELEOEAPH.I Wellinoton, Wednesday. Early this moraine; heavy showers fell, and pessimists expressed themselves certain that the bad lack which has stack to the Wellington Racing Clnb over its winter meetings wonld still continue, but all fears were dispelled shortly after 9 o'clook, and thongh the weather remained threatening the sun made frequent efforts to break through the dense fog which enveloped the town, and by 11 o'clock had f ally succeeded. The going was a bib heavy., There was a capital attendance, Inclading Lord and Lady Glasgow and & party fromjthe viee -Regal residence, and the number of visitors from other parts of the colony was quite up to that of previous years. The racing throughout was of a very high standard, and although one or two what looked like nasty spills occurred, especially that of How'a That in the Maiden Steeplechase, fortnnately the jockeys and animals escaped without serlons injury, Mr J, 0. Evetb puzzled the punters, consequently large dividends ruled all day, and it is to be regretted that that gentleman, who is none too well in Auckland, was not present to receive the hearty congratulations on the excellence of his work. As it was, however, ueveral telegrams ware sent him to that effeot as the day progressed. The handicaps for Saturday's racing will be adjusted by Mr J. E, Henry, and are due ' to appear at coon to * morrow. The club had decided not to allow book* makers within the enclosures, though they were admitted on the outside. Speculation was brisk all day, and the machine handled £5506, which is £30 less than the autnmn meeting last year, but. a fair comparison can hardly be made, as the latter meeting was held earlier in the season and was more important, including as it did the popular Thompson Handicap. Mr H. Piper handled the flag, and though he discarded the machine except in two cases (the iirst and fourth raceß) sent the horses away on very even terms, and received a hearty round of applause for the start in the last race, whloh was in front of the Btand. The following were the results :— STEWARDS' HANDICAP, Of 50 soys, second horse to receive 5 soys from the stake; 1 mile. 46 Mr S. M'Guinness's br h Waiuku, by St. Leger— Muskeb Maid, syrs, list 61b (Russell) .,. .;, 1 55 Mr W. Hutane's Slaiden, lOst 91b (M'Langhlin) „ t 12 Mr W. H. Fergus's Seabreeze, 9at 121 b (Gillett) .„ .. _ + -38 Moonraker (list 21b), 112 The Miser (lOat 101 b), 56 Haeata (lOat 51b) 8 Kent (lOst 4lb). 21 Swordfißh (9st 121 b). 67 Voltaire (9at 121 b), 10 Rainbow (9st 111 b), 207 Strowan (9at Sib), and 32 Crawley (9:4) also started. From, a fairly even start Waiuku and Slaiden were the first to break the line, while Swordfish and Crawley were alow to move, and never flattered their backers at any time in the race. Nearing the road The Miser, who had been blocked, set sail after Walukn, and crossing the road wason his quarters, bat failed to sustain the effort and dropped back. Russell sailed along with a good hold of Wainku, and won with something in hand by half a length, the judge being unable to separate the second and third. The Miser and Voltaire were fourth and fifth, while Crawley, Strowan, and Swordfish brought up the rear. Time, Imln 52 2-sth sec. Dividend, £12 19s. WINTER HUKDLES, Of 125 soys ; second -horse 15 soys from the stake; 2 miles. 77 Mr W. Carr's b g Kauri Gum, aged, by King Quail— Lavender, 9atßlb(A. Mitohell) .. .» 1 60 Mr T. Quinllvan's Ranglpnnehu, 9at 121 b (C. Mitchell) 2 62 Mr W. Douglas's Chris, lOat 61b (Redmond) ... ,„ .„ 3 -95 Hopeful (12st 31b), 125 The Ping (103t 101 b), 88 Tenby (lOat slb), 27 Steel KiDg (104 41b), 63 Napoleon (lOat 21b), 9 Austral (9at 111 b), 54 Nat (9st 71b, including 41b over), and 40 Narrate (9at 61b) also started. i Chris, Ranglptmehu, and Napoleon were first away, bnfc the first-mentioned couple were steadied on entering the back sbreton, and allowed Napoleon to go on with a lead of half a dozen lengths. Opposite the stand Narrate stumbled, and bis jockey came off, and the horse took no furbber part in the race. Passing the stand the first time Napoleon was just dear of Nat, with Eangipunehu on the inside third. As the horses swept onb of the straight Kauri Gum raced up to the the leader, and the latter fell back. Here too Chris, R&nglpnnehn, and Steel King raced up a little closer to Kauri Gum, and along the bend there wbb little to choose bfltween them, bub nearing the road Steel King took a decided lead, and his victory was loudly proclaimed, but he,

like his stable companion Tho Mlaor in the previous race, (ailed to stay, and soon gave way to Kauri Gnm, who led RangU pnnehn over tho last hurdle by a length, followed by Chris, after whom were Steel King and The Plug. Kami Gum was the firab to tarn for home, bat at the distance post llanglprinehu, under the whip, and on the outside pub in a decided challenge. Then a desperate race ensued, both riders doing all they knew. Kauri Gnm, however, ran as true as steel nnder punishment, and gained the judge's verdiot by a quarter of a length, Curia pulling np, was an indifferent third. Then came Tenby fourth, The Plug fifth, and Auatral last. Time, 4min 12$seo. Dividend, £8 4a. MAIDEN STEEPLECHASE HANDICAP, Of JO soya ; seoond horse 5 soya from the stake ; for qualified hunters ; 2| miles, 90 Mr K. H. Campbell's eh m Violence, aged, by Treason— Mischief. 9at 71b (G. Laing) .- 1 I 30 Mr J. H. Proaser's Black Dust, Oat 71b (Hughes) 2 CO Mr B, Thurston's Sir Athol, lOat 121 b (Duggan) ... .- .... 3 —30 Natatrix (lOat 51b), 216 Otaieri (lOat), 25 How'b That (lOat), 76 Pastime (flat 71b), and 80 Coastguard (9st 71b) also started. On the fall of the flag Otaieri, Pastime, and How's That took np the rnnning, with Violence last. At the poßt and rails How's That oame a great purler, and Galbraith received a severe shaking, thongh fortunately uo boneo were broken. Black Dust took command with Otaieri, Coastgnard, and Violence handy while Pastime and Sir Athol were racing together. Natatrix had baulked at the brush fence opposite the stand but was got over though she repeated the perf orracnee ut the log fence, and then was walked back to the paddock. Black Dast led in towards the paddock the second time but there was not much to choose between Otsieri, Violence, and Sir Athol and he at this time. Opposite the stand the aecond time Violence went to the f ront with Sir Athol in hia wake. Coming home Violence had a commanding lead which Black Dust endeavored to reduce, and though he passed Sir Athol he could not reach the Treason mare, who had jumped faultlessly throughout, and she won easily by six lengths, twice that distance between second and third ; then followed Otaieri and Coastguard a half distance behind. Pastime fell opposite the stand the last time ronnd but he had never a chance as he was aboat a quarter of a mile behind. Time, smln. Dividend, £6 33. MAIDEN HACK RACE, Of 40 soys ; second horse 5 soya from the stake ; 6 furlongs. 23 MrW, Tomsltt's br h Langdale, by Hia Grace— Misfortune, lOat (Prltchard) „„. 1 52 Mr J. L. Proctor's Ventnre, lOat 21b (inoluding 21b over) (Owner) 2 50 Mr H. Simpson's Totia, lOst) (Arnott) ... .- 3 —151 Spermaceti (lOst), 17 The Duchess (lOat), 33 Waewarewangl (lOst 21b including 21b over), 275 Sparkle (9sb), 45 Tv Kingl (9at), 11 Mizpak (9at). and 58 Dormant (Oat) also started. Langdale had the beat of the start, and romped in the easiest of winners by a couple of lengths, the others spreadeagled. The winner waa imported by his present owner some three or fonr years ago from Victoria for stod purposes, and already tbla season the horse has served upwards of 70 mares in the Otakl district). Time, lmin 25$ see. Dividend, £28 123. The owner had six tickets on his horae, PARLIAMENTARY HANDICAP, Of 150 BOVB, second horse 20 soya from the stake ; 1J mile. 21 Mr A. Banks' eh h Rainbow, by Somnus— Maori Girl, 4yrs, 9at 101 b (D. Wright)... .„ ... 1 17 Mr H. Peters' Bona Fide, 4yrs, 9st (M'Grath) „ 2 109 Mr R. Connop's oh g Lotion, 4yra, list 71b (M'Tagßart) 3 —152 St. Kilda (list 121 b), 32 The Miser (lOat 8Ib), 161 Solitaire (lOat 81b), 56 Slaiden (lOat 71b), 98 Plying Shot (lOat 51b), 91 Weatmere (lOat 31b), 39 Sylvanua (lOst 21b), 68 Dummy (lOat), 48 Crimson Streak (lOst), 9 Swordfish (93t 111 b), 74 Strowan (9st 61b), and 35 Porepo (flat 31b) also started. From a good start Forepo led, and passing the stand he had bis fore-qnarters just clear of Sylvanns and Bona Fide, the nthers thundering past in a bunch except Swordfish, who had three or four lengths the wordt of it. Turning out of the straight Porepo was still in command, bat Sylvanns had dropped back third. Bona Fide was holding his position, Flying Shot, Swordfish, and Strowan were done with at the back. Approaching the road Bona Fide was in front, with Porepo. Solitaire, and Slaiden showing up prominently, and Lotion gaining ground. At the home turn Rainbow's light jacket could be seen threading its way to the front, and this horse led Into the straight, with Bona Fide fighting every Inch ot the ground. All the whips were out and the names of several horses were heralded but Rainbow, who had had an unfortunate run in the firsb race of the day, stuck to his work like a tradesman, and stalling off- the repeated challenges of the others won by half a length, Lotion an excellent third, Slaiden fourth, and Solitaire fifth, and Flying tShot last, Time, 2min 25sec. Dividend, £48 89, HUNTERS' HURDLES, Of 40 soys; second horse 5 soys; for qualified hunters. 102 Mr T. Watts' br g Roaaall, by Volunteer, aged, list 61b (R. Klngan) .- 1 207 Mr R. H. Campbell's Violenoe, aged, 9at 91b (G. Lalng) .., 2 1 Mr J. B. A'Deane'a eh m Flirt, i 6yrs, 9st(Woolley) 3 —65 Joker (list 111 b), 135 Glengarry (list 101 b), 15 Pescador (lOat 111 b), 65 Cyrus 11. (108t 111 b), 55 Forty Winks (lOat 10! b), 18 Venture (lOst), 10 Gladstone (lOat), 47 Bird (103t 31b, including Sib over), 1 Natatrix (lOat, inoluding 51b over), and 2 Daisy Bell (9at) also started. Won rather easily by a length, Pescador fourth. Daisy Bell fell at the hurdle opposite the stand. Time, 3min Bsec, I Dividend, £6 9a. FIRST HACK RACE, Of 70 aovs ; second home 10 sovb ; 1 mile and a furlong. 61 Mr W. E. Corlett's eh o Sir Agnes, 3yra, by Master Agnes, lOab 31b (Daly) 1 20 Mr F. Turner's Tupu, 3yra, Bsb 31b (Parker) 2 247 Mr R. Klngan's Mystical, lOst •101 b (Owner) .„ .„ .„ 3 —137 Princess Cole (list), 94 First Result (lOst 101 b), 66 Docility (lOat 21b), 19 Crescent (lOst), 45 The Friar (9at 111 b), 53 Otakapau (9at 41b). 38 Disßenter (9st 4lb), 139 Acme (9at 21b), and 9 Barosaa (9at 41b) also started. At the turn by the road the Nelson colt Tupn took charge, only to give way to Sir Agnes, who ran with that gameness his aire so often exhibited, and won rather easily by a length and a half. Time, 2min llsec. Dividend, £13 13s. The Ping and Pinroae have become the property of Mr M'Donald, of Horowhenua.

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 10362, 23 July 1896, Page 4

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WELLINGTON WINTER MEETIN Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 10362, 23 July 1896, Page 4

WELLINGTON WINTER MEETIN Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 10362, 23 July 1896, Page 4