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tiibnted songs, readings, and recitations : — Mofldamea Craoknell and Patteson, the Misses Sebley, Cox, Hoggins, E. Mog» tidgo, and Adams (2), and Messrs Cammold, Phillips, PatteeoD, And Smith. Miss Mogrldge and Master T. Pendray recited a dialogue. Daring an Interval rt-fresbmenta ware handed round. Mlaa Mogrldgo also acted as accompanist to moat of Cho sanffg.— l6 to nob often that ono hoars of a mother deserting her children, unt snch a case has occurred at Knmeroa, where a woman, whose husband is In gaol jnst finishing a sentence, deserted her three little girls, nged respectively 3, 6, and 10 years, lasb Friday. In the meantime the police have placed them with a neighbor, guaranteeing their support till t[)o representative of the Charitable Aid Board could be comrunnicatcd with, The RoMon bun beon (indorsed, and the children are beiiif: cured for. Carlton Cornwell, foreman of the Gazette, Middletown, N,J., believes that Chamberlain's Congh Remedy should bo In every homo. He used It for a cold and is effected a speedy care. Ho cays : "It Is Indeed a grand remedy ; 1 oan recommend to oil. r have also HBen It nsed for whooplog congh, with the best reBults, For sale by A. EcOLES, Wholesale and Hetail Chemist. Napier and Hasting*. 82

I On the fourth page will be found reports of the meetings yesterday of the Hawke'a Bay Board of Eduoation and the Nupier Harbor Board, also Mr Hill's report) of the pnpil teachers' examinations. The business announcements of Messrs C. B. Eoadley and Co. are inserted to< day on our fourth page. Mr T. Brjce, of Fern Flats, Marton, brother of the Hon. J. Bryce. riled on Saturday. He arrived lv New Zealand in 1340, and resided in the Fern Flats for the past 30 years. It is reported, says the Times, that had Cnrtls, the vlotim of the Woodville suicide, lived for nine days longer he would have become entitled to £4000 nnder the will of a relative. It Is reported, says the Mauawatu Timts, that Mr Humphries, Commissioner of Crown Lands for Hawke's Bay, will snoceed Mr 3. H, Baker, of Wellington, who contemplates retiring from the commlssiOQerehlp, The Land Court was kept busy at Has* tings yesterday inquiring into matters conneoted with the Ponkawa and Fnri Pnrl Blooks. Mr Bell, of Wellington, is appearing for the Government to oppose the confirmation of signatures in connection with the latter block, The Booial to be held in the Gaiety Theatre this evening promises to be a success. Already a large number of tickets have been disposed of, and as a good programme of miscellaneous Items has been prepared, the attendance will probably ba satisfactory to the pro* moters. A Southland paper puts it thus:— lf Mr Ward has oommitfced a wrong, Sonthland is .an accessory. If the Colonial Bank's money was ill-gotten, Southland benefited. It Mr Ward is mined, South* land la made. Southland is the gainer, Mr Ward is the scapegoat, the Colonial Bank shareholders are the losers. The Philharmonic Sooiety'a ooncert takes place in the Athenoeatn buildings this evening. A most successful rehearsal was held last night the ohorus giving evidence of careful training by the conductor, Mr W. T. Sharp, while the soloists are established favorites. The programme Is an excellent one and should attract) a large audience. The Rev. Percy Williams, M,A., of the Melanesian Islands, will deliver a lecture in St. John's schoolroom this evening. A number of beautiful views will be exhibitod by means of the limelight, and an extremely pleasant evening may be anticipated. There will be do charge for admission, but a collection will be taken up in aid of the funds of the Melaneslan mission. Holiday makers will no doubt find congenial ocoupation out at Meanea this afternoon, when a big programme of coursing undor the anspices of the H.B. PJumpton Club will be rnn off. Satisfactory entries have been received for the events set down for competition, the Sapling and Meanee Domain Stakes, and as special arrangements have been made for conveyances to and fro, there should be a large attendance of the public. At half-past 7 yesterday morning several enthusiastic citizens planted themselves in front of Messrs Howe Bros. 1 premises awaiting the opening of the booking-office of the Royal Comic Opera Company, and from the time the doors were open till mid-day a host of theatregoers streamed in to pick out their seats for the opening night or the season. Standing room Is likely to be at a premium in the Theatre Royal nest Tnesday night. There were several amusing incidents at the Sheffield Park match during the Australians' innings, says The People (London), The country people, who many of them had honored the occasion with the delicious fashions of 30 years ago, had all of them come for the day, and not necessarily for the crlokei, They strolled abont the field of play in the most casual fashion, and once the game was stopped while an elderly lady wearing a beaded bonnet strode determinedly across the ground carrying a baby. Some discussion took place at the meeting of the Education Board yesterday, when a circular was read notifying that) the Minister of Justice oould not allow any police officer to accept official appointment as truant officer from the secretary of a Hoard of Education, though the police had been interacted to '' oautiously ascertain if on their beats, patrols, or seotlona there were any children . ■ . nob attending sohosl in contravention of the law." It was remarked that slnos the withdrawal of the police truanoy waa rampant again. Eventually the matter was left In abeyance pending further developments, Our Danevlrke correspondent writing yesterday aaya :— The Hunt Club meet at Woodviile to-morrow (consequently there will be no run here this Week), and a number of local enthusiasts intend journeying thither to participate in the sport,— The Daneyirke syndloate has disposed of their mine (v Auckland, ai a satisfactory figurp, apd we may espepli some foreign capital circulating shortly. Mr J, C. Franer, who negotiated the sale, has returned, and is confident chev have made a good sale.— Messrs Sldey, French and Co. olosed tenders to-day for extensive alterations to their promises, as they find the place too small for their business. Another large shop Is nearly finished for Mr Wylie (who is starting business this month as general storekeeper), at one time with Messrs Kobjohns, Hlndmarsh and Co., of ypur town, and later with Messrs Badley Bros, and Go." haw. —The Te Ohu block, about eight miles from, feere. is to be submitted' to anotion on Wednesday, 29th Instant), in the Town Hall, Daneyirjte, having been cut np into seotjons ranging from 1(5 to 700 acres. A number of strangers b'aje been making Inquiries about! thi,? land, ood It is ex. peoted there will be a keen demand, Our Waipawa corresjptmdent writing yesterday says : — At) the Maglstrate'B Court to-day before the local Bench, Joseph Hlekman pleaded gnilty to a ohars»e of drunkenness. He was a swagger, and his face waa bruised in a shooklng manner, whloh he Recounted for by savins he waa oubjeot to fits and often fell down at a moment s notice, on the loab occasion he tell on hia face. Bo waa oonvloted and ordered tp come up for judgment when called npon. — The social held In the Methodist Ghnreh last night proved yery enjoyable ; there was a good attendance, Bnd a capita) progratnme waa anbmltted. Xoe following ladles and gentlemen ogn--4

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 10361, 22 July 1896, Page 2

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Untitled Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 10361, 22 July 1896, Page 2

Untitled Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 10361, 22 July 1896, Page 2