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{Nolifiea'iuru under this head, not ex--1 aeeding twelve wordi, art tnrert'A lor sixpence each per insertion. "S7J|7-ANDKRERS' Bicycle Clud.— TTpmina- ' ■ » T tions for Vacant Offices close Miuonfo Hotel, Monday, 8 p.m. Snecial General Meeting same place, Wednesday, 8 p.m. NAPIER Rowing Club.— Autanal Genera] Meeting, Criterion Hotel, Tonight, 8 p.m. Business- Balance-sheet and Reptirt, Election of OlHcerd, &c. WESLEYAN Homo Missions.-Spooial Services To-morrow, Seotombor Bth. Morning, Rev. W. H. Beck ; Evening, Rev. Dr. Hosking - 1 nnual Public Meeting, Monday F.voning. 7 HO. Addresses t>7 Dr. Hosking and others. Collection. TWT APIER liiedortafel Concert, Athoncoum (3 Hall, Wednesday, 18th inst. Admission 5s and Is. ri^EN Shillings Reward.— Lost, Black and J_ White Tan Collie, in Hastings., on Wednesday, fth September. Please return to Waikoko. Answers name "Glen." E. W. Neloon. NOVKLTIKS .in Plain and Fancy Stationery just opened; exceptional value. Se6 window. Novelty Dopflt. •JVTEW Desks, Albums, Photo Frames, l^J Work Boxes, Inkstands. Novelty Dop6t. TO Lot. a 10-roomcd &o«M in gealey-road. Apply Mra Hugh Aplili. PRKBBLE'S for Fine Mnller, Schnappe.V Warehou, Barracoutta, Smoked Eols ; also fresh sample Large Rock Oysters. TJILLIARDS.— Hawke'B Bay ChtimplonJ> ship Swoepstako ; open to all. Apply Taylor, Market-street. TUST LANDED, first-class sample of Rus" fj soil Oysters. Sold Kit, Plate, or Botttlo' G. Glasstord, Tho CafiS. TO LET, Ofßcoß In Herald Chambers lately occupied by Hawke's Bay Farmers' Association. Good strong room. Apply Herald Office, or Hawke's Bay Farmers' Association, Spit. CATHEDRAL Choir Concert, St. Johns \j Schoolroom, Monday, 9th inst. Admis sion -One Shilling. CJOMETHING Special for our Scotch O Clients, ex b.b. Gothic Tho following Clan Tartan Silk Ties, for Ladies and Gontlemen:— M'Loan, M'Kenzie, 42nd, M'Donald, M'Duff, Sutherland, Gordon, Fraser, Forbes, Murray, Breadalbane, Cameron, and Farquharson. Ringland and Thomas, Gentlemen 8 Outfitters. T~T\O LET, centrally situated Shop in Haso JL ings, next Post-ofllco. For terms and particulars apply H. H. Hunt, Bookseller, Hastings, FOR Sale, a Comploto Photographic Outfit, half plate. Apply P. F. Colledgo, Mun-roo-strcet. rr\O LET, an Eight-roomed House with I every convenience, on the hills. Apply P. F. Colledgc, Munroo-strcot. T ABELS I— Address and Chemists, In any J J numbar of colored Inks and variety of designs printed and lithographed at the Hawkr's Bay Herald Office. /CERTIFICATES designed ana printed %J from Copperplate at the Hawke a Bay Hkrald Office. PLANS I— Plain and Colored lithographed at the Hawke's Bay Herald Office. CASH Books, Day Books, and LedKers ruled to any pattern and pnanuinotuied to any size at the Hawke's Bay Herald Offloe. TVf USIC Bound in Cloth and Leather at the XtJL Hawke'b Bay Herald Office. -gWtree, T. W. BALFOUR, T AND AND "ESTATE AGENT, ■*-^ INSURANCE (FIRE AND MARINE), GENERAL AGENT, AND SHAREBROKER, AGENT ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY AGENT M'DOUGALL'S SHEEP DIP FRUIT WASHES, &c. office— opposite post-office, Shakespeare-road, Napier. 068 THOMAS COOK & SON, •ip OUK IS T AGE L \ CV. Passages arranged to all parts of the World cither by Land or Soa. For particulars as to Routes, Fares, &c, apply to F. SUTTON, Agont, Tennyson-street. Napier. 29th August, 1895. 893 F. SUTTON, LAND VALUER AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT, HAS removed to Offices adjoining Messts Murray, Roberta and Co., Tennyson-street, Loans Negotiated at Lowest Current Rateai Several Amounts open tor Investment. Valuations In Town and Country. Land and Income Tax Returns Prepared. All Commissions executed promptly, and to Clients best advantage. Nader 16th May 1895. MONEY TO LEND. IHAYE Several Amounts for Investment in sums of £300 T0 £10,000 ANDOVEBI AT FROM ft 1 TO iy PER CENT. Special Arrangements ifor Large Amoun on Broad Acres. F. SUT'XOK Naplor, 3rd Juno, 1895. 17 NOTICE OF REMOVAL. T HAVE REMOVED TO TENKYJL SON-STREET, Opposite Hkrald Offlo A. WARD LASCELLES, COMMISSION AGENT Rents and Debts Collected. rnjJRIFTY WITES. USE IT OF I- MONDAY MORNING.-ONE OUNCE MoKKNZIE'S SAFE CLOTH CiiEANER in hot water copper CLEANS and RENEWS Clothes, Washes Blankets, Tablo Linen, Clcana Greasy Floors. Saves Half Soap! Half lime! Half Labor! No Soda or other Cleansing Ingredients requirod ; pleasant and soft to thu hands. Sold byStores ovorywhere at Is 3d per 807. Bottle. BEWAitE OF HAWKERS. N.R.— None genuine without Trado Mark, Egyptian Pillar and Sphinx in corner of Gold Labol. Wholesalo Agents— MESSRS ROSS & SLENDINING, Napier. 981 MISS TRBHEARN Has just rocoived diro from London a Full Rango of her p,ELEBIIATED COKSETS, V^ Suitable for Present Season. Also, Choico Assortment of LADIES WHITE SKIRTS, UNDER. CLOTHING, AND HANDKERCHIEFS, CHILDREN'S SUN HATS, BONNETS, PtfLISSKS, PINAFORES, &C. TERMS CASH. 971 >'fPHE LITTLE JEWELLER'S $- WHARE, EMERSON-QTREET F. HOWARD, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweller Has a Vory Pretty Selection of GOL AND ILVER JEWELLERY AND WATCHES, ELECTRO WARE. CLOCKS, tea.. Suitable foi Wedding and Birthday Present Specialities— The "Luoky" (18 carat) Wedding Ring, 20s; Gents Silver and Gold Keyless Hunting Watche , »2 to £30 Sflvo Brooches from 2s 6d. WATCH REPAIRS A SPECIALITY And Guarantood for 1 Mcnths, 1 i JVEVUTIFUL Perfume. Pleasant to the Palate, and ono of the Greatetß Boon to Mankind-DERBY TOBACCO. I AM positively pelhnpf olt, everything must bo sacrificed. Paperhangings, Sorim, Calico Oila, and Colors, Varnishes, Brushes, Mixed Paints, Knan?olß, Gold Paint, Sheet, Plato, Colored, Cathedral, and Fancy Glbhp. Sheet and Plato Mirror Glass bhndiw and Stands. Immense variety o£ Picture Framf Mouldings, Cardboard, Cut Mounts, &c. , mv taking work vpry low lo uso up my slock which is vory hoavy. Note the address— Woodcock's Oil and Color Stores, DaltonBtroot 17(i C. A, VAUTIER ARCHITECT, (Successor to R. LAMB R 1.8.A.) T EN N YSON- STREET. Opposito Herald Office. 496 Spring Blossom Spring The Famous Afternoon Blossom Spring Blossom Spring ■■'«■ ■ '■'■'I A Blossom Spring 111 U " #* Blossom ggsg JL Milx asss bpring Blossom Spring "SPRING BLOSSOM," Blossom Soring ' Blossom Spring ]u aj r now bo obtained Blossom ' Spring f rora Blossom Spring BloßSom Spring MONTAGUE LASCELLES Blossom ' gUJSJI Hastingsstrcet. gjj«o« TYPE-WRITING, SHORTHAND, &c •VT rsß MALlNG~formorly of Christ. , LVJ. churoii, undortakos TypVwriting of . ovory description. Instruction given to Pupils. Address— MISS MALING, _, . . „ Oaro MrStopford , Tolophone 165 Harvoy-road Or ordors left with Mr Craig will bo ■ 'rorapclyaWenledto

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 10093, 7 September 1895, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 10093, 7 September 1895, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 10093, 7 September 1895, Page 3