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ae 5 -- -*_ g | fI'ROM OU)t SPKCIAL COSKborCHDJSHTt] [£'{ |11Y TKLTSOUAPH.] te i Wellington, Friday. 111 THE PREMIER AND MR 18 MONTGOMSKY. '.1 During the debate on the iisink BUI Mr Montgomery (wbo-:e father Is a member of the Miulfetry aU'uiug in the Legislative '. Council wuhouc poitfollo) hid ;i .slight dispute with tiie Premier. The member ' c for Elleamsro bad ethted that Lite Hoaoe r I ihould not take much uoti"e of the dis- ? } qualification clause in the Kinking Bill "? j ;i/ter tho Sergemt al-Arms episode of last year, when the Piemier somewhat mdely interjected, "yon hud better hold > your ton«t>e on that aubjeot." Mr MontI* tiomery allowed the remark to pu«s at the r lime, bnt the Post referring to it inferred • that bhe Premier alluded to the fae!j that !D Mr Montgouiery'9 father, when a mem--8 bar ot the House cone yer.ts ago, hud to resign h<9 s'.'.a'o Id consequence of his com- ' jinny (W. Montgomery and Co) ' uav i DR ° taken ft Gnvernmn-; contract without his ' I (Mr Montgomery's) knowledge. The Premier's remark to the member lor EHesmere caused aome couiment la the . lobbies next cUy, aud tho tc&ult was that thia afternoon Mr Montgomery brought the matter ,np ip tbe Ronoo. He asked Premier (;o give ah explanation of wf>ip hb ieferred to, in an interjection to some of hh (Mr Montgomery's) remarks on the disqualification clause in the Bunk Bill on Saturday morning last, that " He had better hold hi 3 tongp.o on that subject," aud if ho woiild either stibabantlapj the Ihbuendo or express regret for having aped the words, In patting the question Mr Montgomery sold that he could not understand the Premier's remark, «s he bad voted Jaab year against Mr SeddoD's motion to appoint) Colonel Frasyr Sargeftnt-'it-Arms, bnt he had voted for the Governrueat on the noconfidencs motion that arose over the appointment. The Premier replied that wbati was <v his mind at the time be interjected bhe remark, wae that the memuer for Ellesmere had voted for the Government twice last year when their position, was challenged by th». leader of the Opposition roapectiog the Sergeant-at-Arms appointment, and he therefore thought it was not advisable for Mr Montgomery to drag that matter up again In the bank debate. He snld he hud no intention whatever of reflecting on Mr Montgomery's tmther, uor had he ever heard the circumstance mentioned which led to his resigning his neat till he paw it in the papers. Me Montgomery later on this afternoon moved the adjournmnnt of the House, aad characterised the Premier's reply ah a very lame one, to which Mr Seddon retorted that he wonld eive him more if he wanted it. He Raid h« did nob wish to exea-e himeelf in the Wat, and he thought ha was doing Mr Montgomery a good turn in B.»kln<; him to hold his tongue ovsr a matter on which he h'ms"!f hud voted with the Government. (Mr Montgomery : " No, I voted uirtinst your motion.") 'I he Premier then wished tn use tlisj familiar quocntioo, "Sp'jech Is tiiver, but silence is golden. " He gor plight'y mixed, however, in hii metaphor, "S'nt comaienccd by sayiti", amidst, p. shout, ot laughter, "silence is silver." Ir wns some llctle time before he cuuld make himself heard, with th« corrccrion of the proverb, but he did correct it anil the mutter dropped. NEW SCHOOL BOOK. The "New Z->nlat:d School Reftder," prepared by the Educitiou Dep»utmeni>. hus just been pnbiisbed. T>_'n ihimsand copies are now iv the prepp, and they will be issued immediutety. The " render " consists almu3b exclusively of extraota from work' on thu colony. The selections nmbracH it wide mnge ot sulijecos, and j'idiclously varied. COHKUPT ELECTION PRACTICES. There woa great fun in the House lasb night when :Mr Pirani rose ond pointed oat that the Corrupt Practices Prevention | Bill, which wop Vieforo the committee iv i chirgs of the Premier, wan line for I liao a copy ot Mr Scnbie M'KenI zie's bill of which the Premier had said ihati any member who supported it should hi'.vo » hiiker plucad round his neck luirt be dragged to the bir of the Hoiits. Mr Houir cmßidered the bill an inferior copy of Mr M'Kenzie. Mr Pirani rcrtd tho Premier's description oi a particular cause nf Mr M'Kenzie'H bill ns having baeu "very craftily drawn," iind then showed that he had adoptert this cliinse iv his o»vn bi'l word for word. Tho Prrrnicr moved to ijtrika out tho cl.iust', v. hich Whs done at one», aniidat general laughter. MX GLENDINNING'S CLAIM. Mr Carnell ssktd the Governnii'nt today, seeing th&t tho petition of David Gleudinning, of Napifr, bun " been twice presented to thid honurbble Housb and twice bceu recamniended for the favorable consideration of tho Governmenf," if they will give effect to those recum- ; lnendatinna by placing fs sum on the Estimatcß to refund to Mr Glen- | dinniug thu auioant which has been overp 'id (by error) an native land duty ? Tm; Premier rep ied l!i«t tbis mattir hr.d been referred to ihe Government by the Public Accounts Com- ■ mittep, and it wouln be considered l:i'.*»r : on wiih tho otV>r pelltions, which would ; uava to receive the attention of Ministers. TOE CUSTOMS TARIFF. Tho Comrui-noner of CnsloniH v.'ia aekt-d to day by Mr CiuncU if Uh iiiil Ircude and levy 40 p.:r cent duty ad valorem oa btois mid ihnpii imported to the order of icfidento in the colony, end intend' d tor Urn iunividnii n:o nf such resi&KDts, wh'_'(Lfir iiiiuTted by Iht! reaidentH ihinnselves or tiirnugh r.u importing firm ? Ths Priimk-r risked tlifl member for Naplrr not t<> press the Government to give iv repiy to this quentiou, as they wonld shortly be defi.Hnfj witu tne tariff, and it could then h.'. considered. JOTTINGS. The Spiakf.r uvuoar.ced today that the Gov"inor had A-R/Mitft'i to tbe ]s\nk , cf Now Z-.»i»i:d n;id B.'.nkinr: Bi'l. Mr Biipiiaim"! h ab^cnv dom ihe Flouee i through iliur>h.», hu<] Itiivn oi iibs.'nc tor :\ week »"n prnnii'ii to him to niai". The Prr.iiii<"! iut'T'd-it niovin'.- \«3to.r- ( dfiy tln.t ihe Hoit"fi sit on Mmidayß for thu r?mniud;>r uf thn Ho s> -ion, bun Ihere is =neh :\ piumg (epiiv-a f>g>->inst taking Mouduys ho kiioh th»u ht> did no; do s(>. i'bu Pu!i!ic PfcirioiiK Ccmcjittttitepnrt! 1 that l')e clm-iug nf fetorts, fel'.ir.,; h-vivest ratchiucry or iiutnur i>n tl)»* half-hnliilay U "'i re;il uud herioi!« "iic-ance," and stronsiv rfonimorrl thu Government to . give relief sn this din-e.i,;?!. Mr Freierio Viliit'.M, tha fatuous war corre--pouile!:t mid itctuter, vialted the Press gall"..y this afti'rnoo'i. Mr Villisrs inform.-! me that hu ■.v,is pr;. r <;e;;t in the House about 1G ye. mm ng), and made a sketch ot the Cliambfr, which duly ap-

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 10093, 7 September 1895, Page 3

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ho I Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 10093, 7 September 1895, Page 3

ho I Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 10093, 7 September 1895, Page 3