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$>ttcttottta:fl. BASER & TABDTK f ' fALEo_ RENTER'S TELEGRAM CO., LTD SUN FIBEJOFFICE. DUaiNG- my teTnj-orary ntoeTKe in " England BAKER & TABUTEAU Will attend to tho duties of tho abovo Agoncica at their Oftlces, Tonnyson-Btreot, Napier - J. F. JARDINE. THE HAWKE'S BAY AND BAST COAST LAND AGENCY. BAKES, & TABUTEAU LAND AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS, SHAREBROKERS BUR VEYORS.AND VALUATORS, REAL ESTATE AND MORTGAGE BROKERS GENERAL OOMJ^g^AM, INSUB BAKER & TABUTEAU KENT AND INTEREST FOR TRUSTEES, EXECUTORS, MINORS, AND ABSENTEES, MONEY TO LEND In Suniijjfrom £100 to £10,000. Securlt Submitted to Clients Seeking In vestmen*. AGENCIES t Colon MuruAL Life Office 1 Imperial Insurance Company, Limited Straits Marine Insurance Companx The following ato Met particulars aj t lew of the Properties oa oar Ke^lstera FREEHOLDS. 1 /»PiY ACRES, Perpetual Lease from lUO I the Crown, with right to purohaso tho Freehold at 15a acre. 400 /JO ACRKS, Pahlatua. Bnßh land Ot7 grassed, fenced, and autilvlied. Now houso, and all thor ucces Baiy Improvements or dairy farm. 633 m ACRES. Good Sheep Farm "Well improved, with all neeosoary buildings, ;Good accesa. i icr aoro. till I i*fti(\ ACRK3 good Improved Both iv\J Farm; two milea from Railway IStatlon 671) A Cid ACRES, Improved Bush Farm. 't/CO Now carrying 603 sheep and 100 cattlo. Prico, £4 per acre. Well worth thoattontlonof buyers. 682 OOK ACRES. Good Dairy Farm 4 AVt) miloß from Railway Station. 652 KOO ACRES. 600 Acres in grass, now Du.4l carrying 1250 eheop. Good coca 072 f?OK ACRE 3. Firat-clasa Farm, fully \)4)O improved and carrying 2000 sheep. 690 m ACRES. Improvod buah coun try. Good access. 710 0 A ACRES, Alluvial Land ou plainß. O" Artesion Well. 730 XX i ACRIS3, BTJ).I Hill Shoop Couu OJx try. improved Bash ; now Homestead. Prico, £3 per A;ro. 737 AAOA AORE3, Limeßtono Country 44:i4t Situated 12 miles from Freezing Works ; an excellent proporty 2000 Acres have been grasaed and improvo . 736 1 "YAA ACRES. Walapu, Eaßt Coast. I<UU Improved and stocked. 60 OQCA ACRES. In Grasa 1510 Acres A>tJ\)\) rest Buah ; limoatono formation subdivided into 13 paddocks convenient Homestead; with 5000 crosahrcd Lincolns. 740 "YOAA ACRKS, Poverty Bay District i O\)\' 3000 Acrea in grasa, 4000 Acrea .ight hush; 1000 Bheop good homeatoad ; 17 milea from Gisborne. 7w £O A tZ ACRES, Povorty Bay Distriot 0040 First-class Land; has just wintered 13,000 sheep ; good aoceßa from Gisborne. 738 tfiASSHOIiDS QOH ACRES. Lease from Crown, [O/Z/'t has right to purchase tho Freehold. 200 acres in grass, About sheep. Situated 24 miles from YVaipawa. 703 1 KKfi &-CP*ES, and 30 ncros of FreeXOOXj hold. Leased land can be purchased. Closo to railway, 1250 acres in grass, carrying 2900 Bheop. Splendid paying land 1 OAft ACRES. Lease' of Educational 1(OUU Resorvo, : 17 yenra. Renta £60. 280 acrea in grass. 14 milea from Bail-way Station. 784 lOQAA ACRKS An Improved Sheep I/i,OU" Run, wluh 8174 Shoep, and 95 head Cattle. Flrsb-olasa lnvoafc mont. Good terms 671 A(\>y ACRES, Fahiatnn. Porpotnal <t\) i Loaao. Prloe for goodwill, £200. 633 a K A/\A' ACRES. In one blook or in lota 01/V'V IS yoara Leaao. Rental 2Jd per aoro. Improvomet* olauae. Unimproved. i/j.-y ACRES. Lease om Crown I 40 J with right to purchase freehold. Partly improvod 689 GQCIQ A ORES. Loaae from tho Crown. OOt/O Cioso to seaboard. Well improved. Stock 8000 orosabrcdß. 717 SMALL GRAZING BUNS. qOAA ACRES, WITa TOOO SHEEP 4-4-fi^ ACRES, WITH 1800 SHEEP 1 QOQ ACRES WITHOUT STOOK LOiilO partly Improved 653 0770 ACRES, NOW CARRYING fit [I O 3000 SHEEP Part 800 Acres of light Bush. A good In veeli menf. Prlco«2soo. 089 OCMA ACRES, WITH 800 SHKEP /CO'kU Flrst-claaa Bush Land, 24 miles by road from Gtaborno. 718 These Loaaea are h Id dlrec^ from tho Crown at low rentals. Eaoh Lease has 10 years to run contains a I right of renewal for 21 years and an improva- | mont clause. Apply to BAKER & TABUTEAU SHEEP RUN. OK4li\ ACBES FREEHOLD, &<t»S V\y with 3500 Sheop, for SALE. First-clasa Limeßtono and Papa Country. Woll improved. Good Homestead. 13 milsa from Napier. Apply to BAKER AND TABUTEAU. FOE, SALE OE LEASE. FARM, 3G3 Acres, near Omahu. Alluvial Land. Good Improvements. Can bo leased with Purchasing Clause Poasession given Ist August. Apply to I BAKER & TABUTEAU. FOR SALE OB LEASEALLUVIAL LAND, ! FRONTAGE TO NGARURORO. BAKER & TABUTEAU have received instructiona to offer For Hale, or To Lit, 15 ACRKS, boing part of "Tho Kennels " property. Tho 15 Aorca ore offered oither as a whole or in lotn to Euit purchasers. In quality this Land cannot bo fcurpassed in Hawke's Bay ; it is suitable either for RESIDENTIAL SITES, ORCHARDS, OR MARKET GARDENS. Tho Laud on tho Banna of tlio Ngaruroro lies higher than tho surrounding flats. The most of tho frontage to tho rivor betwyon Ciivo and Whakatu being occupied, nn opportunity for scouring choice Bites on tho RIVERSIDE ia not likoly to occur again. Tho distanco from Farndon Railway Station is H milea. For terms and further oarliculara apply to BAKER & TABUTEAU. FOR SALE. PETANE VALLEY. AVERT Good Farm, <f 71 Acres Fonced and Subdivided into 9 Pad docks, with 13-roomcd Houso, Stables, Dairy, and Barn. This Proporty ia Firal-class Land, 1b conveniently situated, and la in ovory way a. good invostmont. Terms reasonable. Apply to MAKER & TABUTEAU. FOR SALE/COMPACT BUSH FAJ&M of 1085 VV Acres in Wober District, 28 miles from Danovirke; Jlrst-class Sheop Country; all In Grass, IFonced, and Subdivided. With 2000 Shcop. Terma moderate. BAKER & TABUTEAU, Land Agents. FOB SALE, WOOL-WAS K AND SCOURING PLANT, wii,h Business connection. Two Acres Leasehold; permanent Bupply of good water : situated 9 miles from Napier | in tho conlro of a good districl. Woolahed, Mon a Quartorß. Scouring Plant comploto, capablo of turning out from 8 to 10 ba.ea por day. ■APraclical Man with aßina.l capital will flndtlio'TiTiuvo a good opportunity for seoui'inß a paying buflinesu. Apply to 85 BAKER & TABUTEAU. FOR SALE OR TO LEASE, Al eS/Sgf 1 , AUUKS OF UN-rJLI.*AB/-&.\V IMPIIOVJSD SHEEP 1 COLNTRV. : Situated bot'vocn and tho lato Mr Troutbecks t.-tiUc at Ualatca. All open country, ready for occupation. 'JL'ho Proporty in for Salo oi' to Loaao on very j rcasonabl teriiH. I Apply I | HAKBK AND TABUTKAU ! FOR 3ALB, i {SMALL SHEEP HOT AND HOTEL, I TARAWEKA, SO MILK 3 FROM NAPIKIt FREEHOLD T7~~icn<s, Lcnsiliold 1327 aero having 15 yunra to run at a rental of £5(1. llunllhy Shcc\) Country, now carrying 2800 Roinnuy iMnmh Sheep and Sti lii.iul nf Cuttlo, l'Vncud and H\ib(lividi.-(l iuui <> ]>*;il<luckrf. 'TJio BiiiKlingH on tlio J<Vui;ii<>lcl mo Hotel. 21 rounib, rui-cntly orcclud ; . L lablcy, feu., m. prosont lei at i.S jjor week ; also WooIkIm:(1, Yauls, Dip &c. The Hotel io cloiiiK v uuud tra.lo '1 h« above paying bii'uncsa oonconi oirora n sound invcstniuiil, and is for Halo at £2USU wilhLivofj ck given in. Apply to UAKEK & TABUTJOAU BAKEII & TAJJUTEAU LAND BIOKEUB iMAPIEU

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 10058, 27 July 1895, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 10058, 27 July 1895, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 10058, 27 July 1895, Page 4