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On the fourth page will be found cor respondence, sporting news, and latea particulars concerning the Mastertoi murder case. The Oamaru Mail reports tbat ln th< stomach of a shark, caugbt by a loca fisherman, waa found a human skull, thi aofter parts of which had been digested, The skull wa9 on view at Oamaru, A movement is on toot, initiated by Mi Kitson, of the Wellington Snorthanc Writers' Association, to secure thofedera tion of the varioua Shorthand Writers Associations In tbe colony with thi National Phonographic. Soolety in Eug land. In response to several requests, and It order to enit the convenience of pnpiia re* siding in the vicinity, Mr W. T. Shari . has decided to give pianoforte and slogln? lessons in future at Messrs Milner anc Thompson's, on Wednesday and Saturdaj mornings. Notwithstanding the tempting offei thrown out by the Plumpton Coursinf Ulub of eight shillings a piece for hares, not a -ingle bunny came to band, conse. quently an order has been sent to Temuk. for a supply, which la expeoted to arriv< in a few weeks' time. The police arrested a man nameFrancis Thompson on Saturday at Napiei on a charge of failing to provide for th< maintenance of an illegitimate child al Woodville. He will be brought beion the Bench today, and will probably be remanded to Woodville. To-morrow Mr Montague Laeoelles will sell a very iarpje consignment of Japanese ware brought to Napier by Mr Onisbe, the agent of & large firm of dlrecl importers from the land oi the chrysanthemum. the gooda are on exhi. bition, and we have no doubt advantage will be taken oi the faot by the public. Those in quest of some real prime beei will do well to attand the sale announced by the Hawke'a B.y Farmers' Cooperative Association, Limited, at Stoit* ford Lodge yards, Hastiags, at 1.30 p.m. on Wednesday next. The cattle are a very superior lot of bullocks, and come from Mr Donglas M'Lean's herd, Maraekakaho. We oall the attention of those interested in stock and others to Messrs Williams and Kettle's (Limited) sale of stock to be held at Scrimgeonr'a yards, Waipawa, tomorrow. Their enttiea consist of Beveral lots of nseful steers and cowa; also a special draught of 20 prime fat shorthorn bullocks from St. Lawrence, horses, &c. The boy William Starkey pleaded I guilty to the charge of stealing £3 17s from the residence of John Hanna at the S.M. Conrt on'Sitnrday morning. Mr Cresswell, who represented tbe acoueed, aeked that he be leniently dealt with, aa lt waa proposed to send him Into the conntry and away from temptation. Mr Turnbull decided to give him an opportunity to commence a fresh oareer, and ordered that he be convicted and discharged, We wereglad last night to have a chot with an old acquaintance ln the person of Mr Frahm, the scenic artist of Mr Darrell's company. Mr Frahm has visited Napier eight times since 1880, and hia hand has certainly laat none of its cunning, for as we have said before, the completeness of the scenic and mechanical effects, and the facile manner in which everything is brought into position, has a great deal to do with the success of Mr Darrell's productions. The Auckland Mounted Constabulary bave a criminal of a ho.Fe in their atnd. One constable was po injured by being thrown from his back that he has joined the dismounted force and has gone on street dnty. As the result of a bolt on Saturday another constable ia in tbe hospital, and the brute has now been handed over to Constable Stuart Emeison, a noted cross-country riaer, and it remains to be seen how he will fare. The horso is a half-brother to Mangare, The Cathedral services yesterday were full choral, in commemoration of tbe festival of Holy Trinity, aud were exceptionally well rendered under Mr Sharp's direction. There were processional and recessional hymns, which were brightly and heartily sung by a large choir. In the evening Garrett's "Magnificat" and " Nnno Dlmlbtis'' were given, the anthem beiug "I am Alpha and Omega aaith the Lord." Dean Hovel! preached In the morning, and Bishop Williams at the j Bvening service. Both services were at- I tended by large congregations. J Says the Taranaki Herald: -Further partioulars to hand respecting the finding •>f the remains of Mr W, George, who was nlssed from the residence of hia daughter Mrs E. Stockman, at Waihi, In August' 1593, show that they were discovered' iear the be .eh among some fern, at a spot mmc twenty minutes' walk from the louse. Tho remains, which consisted of .ones and clothing, which was identiDed is the late Mr Geoige's, were found by a ettler who was out shoaling. Mr George vho was wandering In the head n little' nast have wandered away and died at he spot whero his remains were found. A death, accompanied by rather sad urronndlngs, occurred at Parklmrst, l ynikoremoano, last Friday says the I mardian. A child of Mr D. Gordon < ucenmbod to tbe after effects of nn '■ ggravatcd attack of whooping cough, \ ud owing to tho isolated locality, Mr " lordon decided to bring tbe body to v Valroa for lutarmenb. This he did nlone, arrylng the remains ln front of him the I r rhole way—a distance of over 20 ml'e»— I t n horseback, l.nchlug town about fl p.i.i, I " :he circumstances were undonbtedi} very J c

rylng, and excited much sympathy and ,mongßt Mr Gordon's numerous friends. ?££ Messrs C. H. Cranby and Co., of lastlngs-sbreet, have forwarded their cI yJ iced annnal for 1885 6. It has "been well .atl ." up by that firm, and Ib muoh more Beo sxtensive than previous issues. Besides Nft i .tie general Hat of kitchen garden and B loral seeds, all of which bear tha sale o_J 3 price, the catalogue is well diffused with best the latest English, American, and contl- djf. Dental novelties of tbe present year, Qxu I ists of tbe choicest bulbs are quoted, gtv Farmers can obtain the seeds of all known ehll root crop*), while the various agencies held «>5 by this firm are largely advertised. We _[ recommend our town aud country readers to ask Messrs Cranby and Co. to ssnd E them one ol their annuals. Tbe informa- j~ tion contained therein is more useful than wt that of the " yellow " back. tra An Industrial exhibition is to be opened B tr at Christchurch, beginning on August 28 th next, and will probably extend over „' two weeks. A similar exhibition was u< held last year, and bhe Industrial Assocln- M tion have decided to repeat the venture — ■ on a larger scale. Tbe promoters claim that nob only is a large collection of colonlally made goods .huß brought hi about, but the producer and purohaser of are able to meet one another on better G terms than would be possible otherwise, tc They look upon such exhibitions* also aB ci having educational advantages nob only to 'he schools, bnb to tbe pnbllo generally, who ate thus made more familiar with B the excellence of colonial prodnotioDß. | The charge for space has been fixed at 2 9d per square foot. Application formß may be obtained at this office. In this issue will be fonnd a rematkable _ Inset issued by the Suratura Tea pro- I prletory, depleting with wonderful fidelity | ns to likenesß a convention of leading politicians and clerics discussing the merits of the brew lately placed on the morkot. Their finding is Bet out below j to tho effeot thab oa the grounds of ( economy and quality Ihe tea is uusur- i passed, for "there is no tea equal to It for purity, strength, and flavor." The , reason, as stated, is that "lt is from the l finest g'.rdens in the world, is un- ! adulterated, ls not blended with other teas In any shape or form, is economical and refreshing," in faot "the acme of ] ten." The picture alone ls worthy of preservation for the life-like character of the portraiture, and if the tea Is only ha'f as good it should have a very ready sale. , The football match County seconds v. Harriers was plnyed ob F rimley on Saturn day, and resulted In a win for the Harriers I I by S points to 3. One of tbe tries gained j l by tbe winners was tbe re-olt ot amlsun- I I derstandlng, someone on the ground blowt iog a whistle similar to the ono used by * the referee. The County dropped the ball 1 for a scrum, and the Harriers picked it up, > and taking ib over the line scored. There was a large attendance of spectators, and c the barracking ab times was deafening. The Harriers played very roughly. One • of the barrackers (a first player to whom a we referred in a recent report), again dis- . tlngulshed himself by nslng disgusting . language, and we believe it la the intention of tbe Union to deal wlbh the matter 8 with a view tokis expulsion from the club 3 in which he is a shining light, Great ;. credit is due to Mr Friday Tomoana, whose duties as referee UDder sneb un* a favorable conditions were naturally veiy . unpleasant. r A narrow escape from drowning occurred on Saturday afternoon off the 0 Eastern Spit. Mr Walter Johnson of the y Deeds Office was oa his way to the pier 5 when he noticed an object floating on bhe ,„ surface of the wa'er some 60 to 80 yards from the shore, and on hurrying io the boaoh saw tbat lb wns lhe body of a child. 18 Mr Johnson, who was suffering from a i. severe oold, immediately divested himself a of bis clothing and swam out aud brought B the ohlld to the shore, to all appearance lifeless, and summoned tbe ns.ista-ice ci ■" Messrs Hawke and Peake. The child, c which proved to balong to Mr Dennis i, M'Carthy, was taken to the house ot Mr I- Kant, and Dr, Mo.zies was' telephoned for. After two hours' rubbing and the necessary restoratives having been apit plied, the ohild regained consciousness, i- Mr Johnson was supplied with dry clothing by one of the neighbors, and was driven home by Dr. Menzie?. Tbe local examinations of Trinity College, LondoD, were beld In the Napier r " diatrlct school on Saturday last. There j s ' were fifteen candidates fbr the junior n division, and three lor the senior. The examination was supervised by Dean ie Hovell and Mr T. Morrison (visitors), and il by Mr W. T. Sharp, the local secretary. Ie Ib may be menbioned that tbis examina*. I. tion was conduoted on paper only, but practical tests ln pianoforte, violin, organ r r playing, and singing, are also to be held ,j in the colonies in tatute, which is unj. doubtedly a step in the right direotion, 8 > beiDg a more effective proof of a oindlie date's musical ability than mere paper „ work. As on examiner cf bbp highest ' reputation is sent out fiom England, competltons of this description mnst a eventually ralso the fctandard nf music iv '■' these colonies. Mr Myles B. Foster, the P well • known English composer and R musician, who is the examiner for tbe " present year, is expected in New Zealand y shortly. Our Walpawa correspondent writes :— ' r A sad accident occurred^, at Waipukurau R on Thursday afternoon. A youth named 'i Pilcher in company with another young !" man went out duck shooting in the lake. B Piloher was wading in a lagoon putting c out deooys, when he suddenly oanght sight of some ducks, and hastily snatched d up his gnu as it lay lv the boat by the >r barrels. In doing so one of the hammers ie caught against the seat, and on being k t released fell on the nipple and exploded, c sending bhe charge through the palm of lB his hand and wrist, shattering the bonenearly to the elbow. He was taken to .. the county hospital, where Drs. Godfray '' and fieed amputated the arm at the elbow joint.— Mr J. H. Jull, abation- |» master here, has received a sample of tha '_ product of tbe Taranaki oil springs. It is |" of a yellow color, and very unlike tho oil '" of commerce.— A match between Waipawa and Makotuku will be played at the latter place next Wednesday, •j Our Ormondville correspondent writlDg " on Saturday says :-Laet night a concert J" aud dance was held in the Town Hall in '•' aid of the funds of bhe library. Thenight '' belne fine there was a large attendance. ™ Mr G. Grant occupied the ohalr and introduced the pertormerß. A very good programme was successfully carried out. An unexpected peiformer appeared in the 1 shape of a small berrler dog which kindly s gave an obllgato to one lady's song. The a animal rejoices iv the name of " Binjo," , and the song which he accompanied hapf pened to be " Fiddle and 1." The ooiucl- ; dence tickled tbe andience so much tbat b no one removed tbe dog. The financial , result was satisfactory, the snm of £8 being added to the library funds. — The I prmondville Police Court sat this morn- . ing. Messrs Groom ond Brabazon weie on the Bench to hear a charge of trespass against one M'Greevy. M'Ureevy was chorged with refusing to leave the bar- ' racks of the Salvation Army when requested to do so by Captain*. As It . was proved thab M'Greevy left within threo minutes of the time that he was told to do so the case was dismissed, the defendant to pay tbe costs, Our Waipawa correspondent writing on Saturday says : — The following bu.iness was done in the Walpawa County Coun- | oil yesterday after my last letter left. The overseer's reporb was read, and the following action resulted .*— Waipawa and Waipukurau ridings : No motion. Ruatantwha rldlDe : £7 to be spent at cutting on Sherwood -Takspu cutting; 40 yards metal to be used lv filling pot boles. Makaretu merged district : Necessary ' steps to bo taken for proposed deviation. ' Norsowood siding : Overseer's recom 1 mendations to be carried out; £5 to be spent in forming and metalling Kopuaroad. Ormondville riding: Auckland's- " road to be defined by a surveyor at a cost " of £5 ; £10 to be spent on the same road. Ormondville merged district : Road approach to Manga-Bangiora oreek to be proceeded with, not to exceed £6 ; Papatu-Waikoplro-road to be metalled. . Danevirke riding: No motion. Danevirke merged dißtrict : Tamaki bridge to si be attended to j a quarry lo be fenoed ; bi Kaitoki crossing to be repaired. Wood- c ville riding : Overseer's recommendations to he given effect to —The pay-sheet, 3 " £■136 Ss 7d, passed for payment.— On the motion of Cr. Jull a committee, consisting tl ot Cre. Crosse, Jull, and the chairman, ol was appointed to consider and report ou the question of increasing the salaries of the Council's officers, consequent ou the * merging of various distrlots.— The follow- tt ing tenders were received and dealt with : bi — Felllpß, stumping, clearing, and forma- T] tion of 45 chains of Nelson's-voad, Makotnkn, separate tenders for 27 chains end , 18 chains respectively : E. P. Cowan £3 c 2s 6d aud £2 14. 9d, J. Louden and Co. ar £1 Us ench contract, T. Butler £2 2s and £1 18 a, Leopold and Nelson £2 6< 6d ani ,1, £1 19_ 3d, W. Pike £1 16« and 17s 61, J. „ Calnane £3 2s Gd and £2 sd, Brooks and Gissun £1 4s Gi and 16) GI (accepted), P° Mann ond Wilson £2 ]4s and £1 7s, T. | wl Bosanko £1 12s and 17s. IPn

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 10012, 10 June 1895, Page 2

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Untitled Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 10012, 10 June 1895, Page 2

Untitled Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 10012, 10 June 1895, Page 2