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__^ jtottteg t j FOR SALE, (. CONSEQUENCE OF THE DEATH OF SENIOR PARTNER rVOOL S.COURING. AND .OILING-DOWN WOEKB. A8 A GOING CONCERN, AT HIKUTOTO. NEAR IsAPIER, HAWKE'S BAY. 'M'HE Property consists of 9a Or 39p & of First-class Land (loasobold land ad olng avaUablo if required! situato at West Jllve, about sovon miles from Napior, and ■onvenient to Farndon Railway Station. Tho vain building is vory lnigo and commodio\is md contains Wool Washing Boxes of tho atcst stylo with constant supply of wator Irora four Arto.ian Wells, new Hydraulic Woolpress, Wool Wringer, &c. Tho othor buildings consist of Mon's Houso (1 roomsl, Dottago (2 rooms) Stable and Coachiiouso with Cowshed and Hay Loft, Polt Souse and Boilor Houso. Thero aro largo Drying Tables, Sweating Rooms, Concrete Docks for Skins, Vats for Tallow, Killing Pons, and Concreto Floor. Good Garden and Orchard, and convenient Paddocks, Tools Imulomonts, Vehioles, Household Effects and Horso ._, .. Raro opportunity for a man with capita who thoroughly understands tho business. Tondo-3for the purchaso of tho property and plant ns a going concorn will be received up to tho Bth May, 1895, tho highest or any tonder not necessarily accepted. . Full particulars as to size of buildings, &c, nnd a detailed list of plant, can be obtained on application to Ll_ll_, FULTON AND CO Napier. W. H. ESSEX IJ. A. NAPIKR ESSEX & NAPIER GENERIAL COMMISSION, GRAIN LAND, i AND PROPERTY AGENTS, PORT AHURIRI. All Commissions ontrUßted to our Chargo will receive most careful attention. AGENTS FORD. H. Brown and Son, Roller Mills, Christchurch. Stock of "Peorloss" Flour kept on hand. North German Fire Insubanob Company ok Hamburg, Germany. Established 11 yoars iv Now Zealand. ESSEX & NAPIER, WAGHORNE-STREET. ON SALELOCAL nnd Southorn Chaff, Bran, Wheat, Pollard, Wholo and Crushed Oats, Ryo Grass, Cockßfoot, and other Seeds. FOR SALE— A WELL-BUILT S-roomcd Houso and 1 Acre of Land at Greonmeadows ; ovory convenience Prico low. Torms liboral. A COMFORT ABLE 1-roomed Cottage and 2 Acres of Land at Taradalo; waßh houso, water, and all conveniences. ;Prioe low. 'A OARD. DR. JOHN SOMERVILLE HAS COMMENCED PRACTICE IN HASTINGS And may do consulted atJMRS Melville's Next Presbyterian 'Church Market-stroot. I GUARANTEES CURE THE NERVES AND THE BLOOD, SAYS HERR RASSMUSSEN, Tho Celebrated Danish. Herbalist And Parisian Gold Medallist, of 517 Georgo Btroot, Sydnoy, and 91 Lambton quay, Wol ngton, N.Z. ; and n? grcator truth haa ovor boen uttered, judging _r om tho thousands of estimoninls sent to him by grateful cured Blood and Nerve Sufferers, whom his worldrenowned HERBAL ALI A LINE VITALITY REMEDIES have restored to Pormanont Health. For exampio, his Celebrated ALFaLINE VITALITY PILLS aro a Certain Curo for Woak Nerves, Depressed Spirits, Debility, and Weakness of tho Spino, Brain, and Nerves. Special Powerful Course, 43s 6d Ordinary Courso, 23s Cd 1 3_aallor Boxes, 12a and Gs ; posted. His Puroly Horbal ALFALINE BLOOD PILLS are unsurpassed ns a Blood Puriflor and Blood Tonic, and will not permit a particle of any Blood Discaso to remain in tho system. Price, samo as Vitality Pills. His ALFALINE UNIVERSAL PILLS are unexcelled as a pormanont euro for Complaints peculiar to Ladies. Prico, samo as vitality Pills. His Livor and Kidney Pilla, Rheumatio Pills, Asthma and Cough Pills, Pilo Powders, Float-Producing Powdera, Garglo Powders, Varicocclo Powders, Fat-Reduomg Powdera, Hair RostO-Ors, and Comploxion Beautlflers aro simply wonderful, and aro well worth giving a trial. Call on him or send to him Wellington for his valuablo freo book, which contains valuablo hints, all particulars, and numerous testimonials. All Correspondence Privato and Confidential. Writo without dolay, and addross— HERR RASSMUSSEN, 91 LAMBTON-QUAY WELLINGTON, N.g STEWART DAWSON & CO., WATCH MANUFACTURERS LONLON AND LIVERPOOL ENGLAND. Auckland Branch 94, q.ueen street, THE LARGEST ENGLISH WATCH EXHIBITION And Finest Display of HIGH-CLASS JEWELLERY IN AUS TRALIA, Aro imported by S.D. and CO DIRECT FROM THEIR FACTORIES! S.D. and CO. s CELEBRATED ENGLISH LEVER WATCHES Still Btand without a val and havo by ar tbo largest salo and givo greater satisfaction than any othor English Watohos In i the market. We guarantee tho following for FINISH, TIME-KEEPING, DURABILIT AND WEAR. STEWART. DAWSON AND 00.' WORLD-FAMED ENGLISH LEVERS, SPEND YOUR MONEY WISELY, And secure the Best Va uo by purohasi from tho Manufacturers. Remember— Thero aro no middlemen ln S.E and Co.'s system, and uo retail profits. fi3-S.D. and Co.'b Crystal Front English Lover, much recommended for colonia*, U&-. i lasts a lifctimo, hlgheßt quality well worth £5. tZ IOs— S.D. and Co.'s Grand Liverpool Eng lish Hunting Lever; ovory known im provoment ; gold balanco ; defies all com potition ; cheap at £6 Gs boware of imi' tt tions. fi 10s— S.D. and Co.'s Superb English Hun Ing Levers ; thrco pairs extra iowo s, and real chronomotor balanco. 6B 10s— S.D. and Co.'s Grand Threo-quartor Plato Ccntro Seconds Chonograph Lovors; thousands in wear; without en* al ; cheap at £10. 10 10 -S.D. and Co.'s English Doublo Minuto and Seconds Independent Chro nograph Levor, all English; the best Sporting Watoh in tho world ; matchless valuo. _ 7s Cd— S.D. and Co.'s Sterling yer Defiance Watches ; tho best low priced watch ovor made. Huntor ditto, £1 (Ladiea and Gonts'). S. . and Co.'s Ladies' English Gold Levora £8 10s S.D. and Co.'b Ladio. Hunting Gold Lovors £11 10s S.D. and Co. Ladios Koylcss Gold Lovors £14 10s S.D. and Co.'s Ladies Gold Watch (Keyless) £7 10s S.D. and Co.'s Gont English Gold Lovors £12 10s S.D. and Co.'a Gonts English Gold Hunting Lovers. £lft IDs S.D. and Co'u Gouts' Gold Koylcss Hunting £18 1 O and Co.'s Gents' Half Chronomotor. £20 D. and Co.'b Gonts' English Double Gold Chronographs. £27 10s und £30 3.D. and Co. Guarantoo a saving of 25 por cont to every buyor of each Gold Watch thoy soil. JEWELLERY JEWELLERY In all tho N owest Elogant London Designs Imported direct by S.D. and Co. Now con sigainonts by every steamer. The largost rarioty in Now Zealand. Evory articlo of guaranteed quality, and at about half tho isual colonial pricos. 3old Sets of Brooches and Earrings 25a 0s 60s, GOs, 70s, 80s, and upwards 3old Brooches, lho largest stock in tho colony 8s od. 10s Gd, 12s Cd lGs Gd, 17s Cd, 20s, 22s Od 27s Bd, 30s, 355, 40s, 455, 60s, (Wb, 70s, _0b Sold Earrings, 4a Gd, 7s Gd, 8. Gd, 10a Gd, 5a 17s Gd, 30s, 303, 45a to £S 5s *i .d Banglca and Bracelets, 8s Gd, (id, 21e, 30s, 425, 00a. GO., to £5 -adles' Gold Alborts, short. Ifis. 655; full longth, with drop and lassol, Gsa, 70s, 755, 815, 0.8 07s «d, 1003, 110s 130s _adlea Gom Rings and Engagomont Rings, I7s Gd, 30a, 35s lOs, 15a, (Ma, 70s, 81s, £5 10a, £6 10a to £10 -adioa' Gold Koopors, 10a Gd, 15a Cd, 22s Gd -adioa' Wedding Rings, 17a Cd, 28a Cd, 40s lonts' Gold Alberta, 85s UOs, £5 10s, £7 7s it Bs. £. 10s. £10 15s lonts' Gold Lockots, 15a Gd, 17s Gd, 12a, SOa G3a, 70s, £8 10a, and £10 10s lontß' Gold Seals and Charms, 15a, 21s, 30a, 40a, 60s Foro thor lines in Gold and Silver Jowollory oe full partioulara in S.D. aud Co. 8 Illus rated Watch Pamphlets. Colonial Bkanciiks— MELBOURNE, SYDNEY DUNEDIN AUCKLAND. .otlorsand communications to bo addross97 STEWART, DAWSON AND CO.'S GREAT KIM GLISH WATCH KXIIIBITION, i UKK.N'-STUKKT. Au CKT.ANI.. Other Colonial Branchea ut Alelbourno ' Uydiicy and Diiii.diu Writo nt oncu r ono of S.D. nnd Co. a inioua Illustrated I'ltiiiphl.ts, containing all firUoiilara concerning theno valuablo timo copers, and liat of ltunueed Price.. Sent by aat for 3d siuinti: froo tm npplicaliou at If uecn street, la 3.1 niu'jt bo forwarded with junlry orilei-3 to cover po-ilngo and rcgibtra on fees, STEWART, I) WSON AND 00. Repair - _d Glenn Gold and .Silver Watchoa, n 0 .alter what maker or wlio.o bought. Work. ianßhlp Kuai'uutued

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 10012, 10 June 1895, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 10012, 10 June 1895, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 10012, 10 June 1895, Page 4