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, (Notification* under thi head, not e.i ceeding twelve words, are inserted /t sixpence each per insertion. WANTED to Buy, good Piano ; descrl] tion and lowest prico. " Cosh," P.O ' Napier. FOUND, a Black and Whito Collie Dog whito ring round neck, whito face, fou d legs white, and white tip on tail. Owner en 0 have samo by raying expenses, and applj In to Kereru Station. FOR Sy* r jE, Double-barrollod Brcccli loading Gun ; cheap. Apply this Ofilce LOST, on Wednesday, Swan Fountain Pel Return to Herald Odlco. PROPOSED Amateur Camera Club Meet ing, Young Men's Club, Monday next 8 o'clock. "TTACANCIES for a few "Gontlomer V Boarders ; hot and cold baths. Term; moderato, Clive Houso, latoly occupied bj Dr. Reed, Olive-square. f^\ REENGAGE Plums for Jam ; splendic »TT sample, 33 6d per dozen lb. Glasaford Tho Cafo. T7TOR SALTS, as a going concern, tho E clipse JT Coach Factory in Emeraon-stroet. Applj Gilmour and Co. EX a.s. Kaikoura— l case Land and Watei Hats, hound and unbound ; also, 1 case Manilla Hats, a comfort in hot weather, Prices right. Ringland and Thomas, Gentle men's Outfitters. JAMES MILLS, Emerson-street, hae Saddlery and Harness in every stylo and at lowest prices consistent with Al quality ol workmanship and material. Try my horse covers this season ; the best and cheap in the province. TO LET, Offices on second floor of Herald Chambers. Dinwlddie, Walker and Co. T>OOKS I BOOKS 1 BOOKS (-Libraries AJ can have old Books rebound and made Uko new at the Hawke'b Bat Hkrald Office. T ABELS I— Address and Chemists, in any J J number of colored inks and variety of designs printed and lithographed at the Hawke'b Bay Herald Office. CASH Books, Day Books, and Ledtcers rated to any pattern and mannfactmed to any slzo at the Hawke's Bay Herald Office. MUSIC Bound in Cloth and Leather at the Hawke's Bay Herald Oflloo. /CERTIFICATES designed and printed \j from Copperplate at the Hawke's Bat Herald Office. PLANS I— Plain and Colored lithographed at tho Hawke's Bay Herald Office. A LL kinds of Shipping and Customs Forms J\_ printed at the Hawke's Bat Hkrat.t> Office. aiotiKg. JOHN DINWIDDIE HAS FOR SALE Properties as under :— NAPIER— 4,S, 7, and 10 roomed Houses, one largo Stone Building, Shop, Ofilccs, &c, called tho Hawkos Bay Chambers, Emerson-street lASTINGS— One 5-roomed Houso, and Town Sections 218, 219, 121, 123, 115, 116, KAIKORA— Large Store and|D wolllng-houso, Sections 81 and 85 MAKOTUKU-Sectinn 18, acres divided into J and 1 aero lots, oppoeito Railway Station DANEVIRKE— II-roomed Houso, 4-acre, op posite tho Bank of Now Zealand WOODVILLE-Soetion 36, 40 acres freehold : Section 37, 40 aoros leasehold; opposito tho Victoria Railway Station Town Section SJ, with 2 Shops and Dwelling-house, 1 Cottage of 4 rooms, between Post-office and Club Hotel COOK COUNTY (Patutahi Township)— Seo tions C, 7, 9, 10, and 00, j-acros WAIAPU COUNTY (Wnipiro Bay) — 9»5 acres freehold, 250 acres lease; hold ; 2COO Sheep WAIROA COUNTY— 0000 aoros freohold, 8000 acres leasehold ; 6000 Sheep WAIROA (Township of Clydo)— Sections 619, 020, and 622, }-acres H,B, COUNTY (Townßhip of Clivo —Sections 293, 299, and 72, freohold ; 7} acres with Dwelling-house TAURANGA— 2OO acres freohold rubbeeTstamps Orders will receive Prompt Attention. Office: Adjoining Conroy and Co., Regent street, Napier. JOHN DINWIDDIB. HI CHRISTMAS 1891. NEW YEAR 1895. ff'HOSE desiring Pretty and Useful -■- Presents for thoir Wives, Daughters Swoethearts, or Lady Friends should visit R HOWARD'S LITTLE JEWELLER? WHARE. EMERSON-STREET, Where they will find a collection of the most Fashionable Designs in GOLD AND SILVER JEWELLERY AND WATCHES AT PRICES TO SUIT ALL CLASSES. Silver Brooches from 2s 6d, Gold Brooches iSrom 5s 6d. Ladies' and Gents' Watches, £1 to £30. Engagement Bines, 8a Cd to £25. The Lucky (18 carat) Wedding Ring, 20s. iS-Day Striking Clocks, (2 years' warranted), 255. WATCH REPAIRS A SPECIALTY, And Guaranteed for Twelve Months, 12S PUBLICJTOTICE. PLEASE READ THIS CAREFULLY. rr»O THE PUBLIC GENERALLY, JL —It has boon my desiro for many years to eßcapo tho Bonds o! a Tied House and get possession of a FRKE HOTEL, so that I could import Wines and Spirits direct from Homo. 1 have at last succeeded in doing so and Leased the EMPIRE. Although tho edifice is not as pretentious as I could have desired, still, in a very short spaoo of time, after several alterations havo been completed and every room thoroughly renovated, I shall bo in a position to offer to my friends and patrons STERLING HOME COMFORT, combinod with modorato charges. It is with pleasure I nnnounco that I navo cablod to Edinburgh (the Order having boon previously writton) for 11 Quarter-casks of vory choico Winea and Spirits, which will arrive in tho course of a few weeks by steamer. I shall then ho in tho pleasant position of offering to tho public tho best and moßt expensive Winos and Spirits ever imported for salq into Hawko's Bay. It is my determination to give tho public a good article at current prices. I Bhall carry on tho Bottling Business in itß entirety. Ciroulara will bo duly issued. I havo at present in Bond very Old Extra Special Whisky I imported several months ago. I now have the ploasure of introducing it to tho public, and trußt that all Connoisseurs will not fail to call at the Empire and pass thoir vordict. Beliovo me to remain, gentlemon, yours slncorely, JOHN P. SMITH lLato of Farndon). P.S.— The Orders that I havo already booked will ho attended to. 392 jTmTcrerlr Is now landing Largo Shipments of ACCOUNT BOOKS made specially to my own orders by the loading Homo Manufacturers, and are tho best value in tho Market. NOTEPAPERS AND ENVELOPES. Plain and Fancy, in Boxes and Packets. ( Very cheap lines in Commercial Envelopes.) LAW STATIONERY. Parchmonts, Deed Papers, Foolscaps, Letter Papers, and all Stationers' Sundries. FANCY GOODS Being added to every wcolt. Birthday and Wodding Presents in great varioty, and Show Room open all the year round. NEW BOOKS. Parcols of Now Books received by every diroct steamer. Tho Cheap Colonial Series of Standnrd Novels a speciality! BIBLKS AND PRAYBH BOOKS. I havo a very full stock of Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, and Devotional Books in oil bindings. ARTIST MATERIALS. Full Stooks always on Hand. '■ SCHOOL BOOKS: School Books and School Requisites. Tho Trade and Committees supplied on the most liberal terms. PHOTOGRAPHIC ART SOCIETY'S Beautiful Pictures constantly added to. JOHN M. CRERAR, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, HASTING 8-STREET. NAPIER. 237 HASTINGS BOOK ARCADE. NEW BOOKS. MUSIC, FANCY GOODS, Inkßtands. Writing Vnlisoß, Ladlos' Bags, Toy Pocket-books, Pursog, &c, &o. CHRISTMAS CARDS I CHRISTMAS CARDS 1 CHRISTMAS CARDS I D. WHYTOCK & CO. Aro now odorlng thoir Now Goods for th( 1 coming sottson. Christmas Cards, very choico 1 in Endless Variety and Latost Designs : al 1 I prices, from Id to 5s each. COME AND SEE 1 A Fino Selection of Hand-painted Cards o NEW ZEALAND FLOWERS & SCKNER'S For Bonding to Frionda at Homo. D SPECIAL.— Tho Vest Pocket Library, i book for ovorybody, 7 Books Handsomol: Bound iv One Volumo ; suitublo for tho vos pocket, containing knowlodgo on all subject* Invuluablo to business people.— Solo Agonte j DIARIES FOR] 895. » { SHARP AND ALFORD i. DIRECT IMPORTERS OF tt i- UOOKS, STATIONKHY. AN] 1- U FANCY GOODS, n I Opposito Roaohs Grocery Store I HKRETAUNGA-ROAD, HASTINGS. BL.GENTS FOR "hJHHh

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9897, 25 January 1895, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9897, 25 January 1895, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9897, 25 January 1895, Page 3