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Letters to the editor and delayed cables will be found on the fourth page. A number of boys, caught) In the act), have been fined for trout poaching at Maßterlon, Several Vblta have occurred recently In tbe Walrarapa owing to horses-, being irritated to distraction by the hot fly. The Makterton Park tmatnea nave ordered their ranger to evict cricketers, becauee the. latter play but won't piyj " Rnctlons " are confidently anticipated. A Masterton paper complalnß that though there haß been na fire In the tovjc for some months the Insurance premiums are maintained. An old Napier identify named J \mes Symnnds, charged with lunacy, wua remandid for medical treatmbut by Mr Turnbull, B. M-., yesterday mOrnlng. Mr TurnbulU S.M., has returned to Napier, rrmch improved in health by biß trip to Nelson. Mr Stanford; who was relieving during bis alisence, departed for Palmerston yesterday, We understand the City Band has been engaged to play at the Caledonian Society's aports on the 30th Jannary. To'morow evening tbo band will give Its weekly concert in the Clive-square rotunda. A Wangannl paper, speaking of one of Its places of amusement, laments " the very faulty ventilation noticeable in the barn • like strnotnre doing duty as a theatre, which in certainly a disgrace to tbe town."

A very full muster of the Naval Artillery is expected to fcaka place to-night, tot hot drily will tbe men be chosen to fire for prizes to be given by the Caledonian Society, but an election of officers is also to take place. The many Napier friends of Mr Moynlhan, of Westport, will regret to hear that a private telegram received states that there is very little probability oi his Bur^ viving fifie' Operattdn wbich was performed yesterday morning. A Gisborne man rrvmed Green was wanted at the S.M. Court yesterday raornjug to arieffSr a eiiarge of falling to comply with an order for the maintenance of his children. He did not respond, and a warrant waa ordered to be leaned for his arrest. Two yonng men named Williams and Thompson were fined 10j and costs and ordered to pay the price of a steerage fare ( (15s), In default fotlr days Imprisonment, ;by the S.M. yesterday morning, for having travelled pn the VVaihira between XVelllrigton and Napier 'oh the nod " on Sunday.

, A recant circular issued by the Mutual Life Association of Außtralasia encloses a notification from the Public Trustee that securities to the value of £50,000 (being tbe maximum deposit accepted under the Insurance Companies Deposits Act, 1894) have been received by him on behalf of the society. There are at present in a window of Mr Cranny's shop several heavily laden bunches of prunes of exceptional size. They <vere grown by Mr Gilbert) of the Taradale Nursery, and were taken from trees only three years old, and are therefore a rather phenomenal orop, as we are Informed prunes usually attain the age of seven years before they bear frnlt. Some Maori? shearing at Mr J. S. Rutherford's Opawa station have captured and taken home to Temuka a pair of wood hens with a brood of young onss, and they talk of catching a few more before they are all poisoned. They will fence In a paddock for them and try to preserve tbe race in the district, against tbe rabblter with his dog and poisoned oats.

A correspondent writes suggesting that some substantial local recognition should be made df the bravery of the boy Prank Glover, and as ah earnest of his views states that If a list is promoted be will contribute the snm of ten shillings. We certainly think that some looal memento would ba very appropriate and acceptable, and will be glad to bear from others similarly disposed. The formation of a shorthand writers' association it contemplated in Napier. A. meeting to discuss the project is to be held at the temperance roam in the Athenmum to-night, at 8 o'olock, A society of this kind is vety helpful to writers and learners, All those who are interested in Gne manipulation of " winged words" shonld actively concern themselves In its establishment and welfare. Mr A. G. Norrls, who has just letarned from Ctuistchurch, says thac from whatha can gather In the Cathedral City, a large number of competitors are coming this way for the championship meeting of the Athletic and Cycling Association. Fully one hundred visitors are expected to arrive from Christchurcb, and arrange* ments aro now being made with the Union Steamship Company for their conveyance.

On the Ist of January Mr J. W. Israel assumed tho Auditor ■ Generalship of Tasmania, Mr Israel, who is a brother of Mr G. U. Israel, of the Bank of New Zealand, North Dnnedlo, and Mr E. Israel, of tho post office, Napier, has risen to thia position — the premier official one of the colony — from an awHtim's position in a country store at £40 per annum. Now he u to got £500 a year for a start. Brains, oppHoition, perseverance, and luck !

The first beat of tbo Union Rowing Club's double sculls was rowed on the lagoon last evening. The race was witnessed by abont 200 specbaio a. The crews consisted of J. Bedford (stroke), and J. Hodd (bow) against A, Slmmonda (stroke) and J. Wilson (bow). The start was good and the boats moeed off together. After 300 yards had been rowed Simmoads had a lead of a qnarter of a length. Bedford here quickened his stroke, and had a clear length lead at half a mile, which he maintained to the finish ; time, 7mlo.

At a meeting hold last night to deter* mine rules for the Napier Junior Club and to elect officers in connection therewith Mr H. Hill presided. There was a very large attendance and considerable enthusiasm was ahowrj, The election of officers resulted as follows t— President, Mr H. Hill ; vice-presidents, Messrs K. Lamb. E. B. Williams, J. S. Welaman, and M. Laecelles ; secretary, Mr E. H. Leigh ; treasurer, Mr F. J. Grlffen ; committee, Messrs J. Crerar, J. JR. Williams, W. Hood, W. J. Miller, W. Fraaer, Ball, and T. Laws.

The Ministerial morning paper, WeiHngtOß, thus enthuses :— " At Napier Mr Seddon carried the war into tbe enemy's conntry. Once more he met) tbe enemy face to lace. In the best speech he ever made Mr Seddon refuted the oft-repeated calumnies of the detractors of the colony and its Government. Wo venture to

Sbink we have heard almost the last o!

their shallow abnse. True, they may still sneer from platform and Press, and attempt to make tho worse appear the better cause, but though they may still deal In measureless abuse of Mr Seddon to an ever narrowing circle of great landowners and money-lenders, the crowded and enthusiastic) public meeting at Hawke'a Bay has made id clear that tho common people hear him gladly." The best speech he ever made ! The common people hear him gladly ! 1 Oh I ! !

A discussion has been going on in the correspondence columns of the Ohriatcburch papers on " The Wages of Ability ," with special reference to whit would bo tbo position in a Socialistic State where nil men were paid alike, no matter what their services. One correspondent tells the following Btory irom an American paper : — " I paid a bill without a murmur the other day," said a large American manufacturer. "A machlulut said a hot water-pipe must come apart. Ho bothered abonfc it half n d»y before reaching this conclusion. To take the pipe apart meant the stoppage of my factory for i\ long time. A neighboring engineer, something of a genius, was sent for. After studying the pump awhile, he took a hammer and gave It throe taps over tbe valve. 'I reckon she'll go now, 1 he gravely said ; and s>be did go. Next day I received a bill fnr 25 dollars and 50 cents. Tho price amazed nip, but after examing the particulars I drew a cheque at once. The bill rend : For fixing pump, 50 cents ; for knowing how, 25 dollar*."

From the Very Rev. Father Dunne, of Nowtown, the iollowiDg statement with respect to the supposition that Sir Roger Tichtorng died at Gcelong lias been obiuined :— "A charitable Eocioty called tho Friendly Biotiieis was established in Uaoloug iu 1854, ami a man was received in acottago which the society had rented, Tlio doctor who was called In had no hopes of the man's recovery. I was called in to odniinl ter thi» lust sacraments to blm, as be wna a Catholic. The man

was very atrange and reserved in hia manner, and did not wfch to mik.i li'b identity known to anyone, bo I did not

preoa him for any informaion as to who t bo was or where. he cime from. I pre- I d pired him fdr, death, and his remain* I a w.cre interred 10 ,Jhe portion of the Gee- a loafs cemetery allotted for paupers. Mr E. Flannery, secretary to the Friendly v Brothers 1 Society, abates that the man „ gave him his name a? Sir Roger Ticlibnrne. The records of the society are * icHC. The woman who had charae of the ? society's cottage is dead, and I do not think thora is one now living who has any recollcotion of the man except myself and Mr Flanrnery. My impression is, from what Mr Flannery Btatee, and the clrcuine&ancea of the death of thia mm, that he was the real Sir Roger Tlchborne," Our Hastings correspondent writing yesterday says :- As the alterations wbieb are being made to the district schools cannot be completed within the time anticipated the holidays have been extended for an additional week, the school re-opening on the 4th of February, — The CathoUc schools re-open on Monday fleiri— At the Pahlatas Hortlcultnral Soclety'6 animal Bhow held od January llth Messrs Hardinß and Adam?, of FejtnleigH, Woodvllle, received five first prizes, three eeoon'ls, one commended, and a speolal.priza for their exhibits, the latter be'ris fetr a fine sflleotjon of potatoes. Mr D. K. Adaths was Ones a well » known commiesioD afient in Napier, and tppears to be aa successful in the horticnltnral arena ns ho was in financial circles. — A Ind named John O'Keefe, bnt calling him self Smith, was charged before Mr Beilby i at the S.M. Conrb this moraine with the larceny of a gold wateb, the property of a clergyman, who had given tho lad a i temporary lodging. It has been aßoer- ; tained by Sergeanb Mllehell that O'Keefe r had recently rtin away troth the flurnham Industrial School. He was re^iiianded to Napier.— The insurance of £^50 on Mr ' E: Tanner's honse; which wajs destroyed by fire yesterday, was .carrifij by the London, Liverpool, and Globe Insurance Company, and the contents (the property of Mr E. Coyle) by the Norwich Union, i The amount of the latter policy waß £75, i not £130 as has been wrongly stated. — • The railway station la usnally pretty well b orowded to see the arrival nnd, departure - of the express trains, but to day it wbs unusually so when the, IL2(J was leaving { for Wellington. A large number of friends e were on the platform to say adien to Borne e of the episcopal dignitaries who were ft leaving Napier after the cons?cratlon of 0 the Bishop of Walapu. Amongst the I passengers were Blahops Cowle, J alias, I and Wiluon.

Oar Waipawa correspondent writing yesterday says :—To day at the Magla trate's Court, before Messrs Johnson and Inglis, justices, a postponed judgment on an application for a prohibition order against a Waipukarau man was given. The police report being to the effect that the man had improved in his conduct, .the Bench dismissed the application with 1i costs. Mr E. H. Lee appeared for tbe defence.—The Waipiwa Road Board met today,, when were. present .Messrs A. Garry (chairman), Bennett, Scririigeour, Ratbb'one, and M'Greevy. The qlerk reported a credit balance of £42 3s 4d. Tbe Patangata Koad Board bad forwarded £25 as Bubsidy re Sorlmgeonr'a load [ Received, The Land Tax Commissioner wrote pointing oat that there was an error in the return of rates collected, and £1 5s Id overpaid would be debited to next year's subsidy* It was explained that the .error consisted In the inclndon of arrears for tho previous year tliat bad been collected, and there, was no subsidy payable on rates paid., in arrear.; Au account was passed for payment: It was resolved that the names described as " owner " in Hadley, and the arrears of rates owing by them, be expunged from the rate-book.—Constable Denis Brosnahan, Waipukarau, and James Treanor, Woodville, have been appointed Inspectors under the Factories Act, 1894, for the North Island.—One thousand eight hundred and eighty acres in the Waikopiro block have been set apart tor an improved farm special settlement.—A special meeting of the Wulpawa Coanty Council was Called for to-day for the purpose of hearing and considering Uori Herebere'a objections to the taking of a deviation on the Weber-road, near l£sitokl, where the great slip took place, rjpder the Public Works Act. Messrs Knight (chairman), C. L. Maokersey, A. E. Jull, Sorlmgeour, and Stone attended, as well as Hore, bnt as vo interpreter was ptesent nothing could be done. I

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9894, 22 January 1895, Page 2

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Untitled Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9894, 22 January 1895, Page 2

Untitled Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9894, 22 January 1895, Page 2