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jjjftrttflcaif.ottj?, (Notification* under thi head, not exceeding twrlve words, are inserted for svrpence each per insertion. M" KKTINQ formation 1 Shorthand Writors' ABooiiation,' Tempof'anb'o Roo;>i, Athoi K-uir,,' Tonight, eif.n. jTi REBNGAUE Plurris iot Jam ; Bplendid « T sample, 3s 6d per dozen lb. Glassford Tho Cafo. FOR SAI/E, as a going concorn, tho Kolipao Coach Factory in Emorson-street. Apply Gilmour and Co. LOST, at Potnhe, about January 16th, a Lady's Gold Watcd. FinOor will be rowarded on returning to Herald Office, \ OST, a Fai?n Greyhofmd DoV, Itimp on Lj nook. Finder will b6 rewarded on returning t6 Hekald Offlcc, HaStJngß. LOST, between Napier and Hastings, a Gold Watch and Chain ; initials on back of watch and writing lnsida. Eltdor rewarded on returning eaino to Herald Office, Napier or Hastings. TJ^X s.s. Kaikoura— l case Land and Water JGi Hats, bound and unbound : also, 1 case Manilla Hnts, a comfort in hot weather. Prices right. Rinjjland and Thomas, Gentlemen's Outfitters. j"AMFS MILLS, Emerson-streot, has W Saddlery and Harness in eyory style and at lowest prkea consistent with Al quality of workmanship and matorial, Try my horse colors this season j the best and cheap In the' province'. T'o LET, pficea on aecforid floor oi Hebald Chambers, Dlnwiddje, Wdlfrgr and Co. T>OOX3 I BOOKS ! BOOKS I-Übrarles X> can have old Books rebound and made like new at tho HAwrrfi'fJ Bat JJeraid Office. — _^ . , . ... _.. *^^^ t^j.' — i T ABELS !— Address and Chemists, In any J A number of colored inks and variety ot designs printed and lithographed at the Hawke'b Bat" Herald Office.

CASH Books, Day Booka, and Ledaera rated to any pattern and manufactmed to any size at the Hawkk's Bav Herald Offlcfi. MUSIC Bofcnd In Cloth and Leather at the HAtfrKE'B Bay Herald Offloo, /CERTIFICATES designed and printed \j from Copperplate db the Hatvkb 8 Bay Herald Office. PLANS I— Plain nnd. Colored lithographed at the Hawke's Bay Herald Office. A LiL kinds of Shipping and Customs' Forms J\_ printed at the Hawke's Bay Herald Office. __ • tfanm. JOHN BINWIDDIE UTAS VOTi SAVE Properties as 1.-E iinaer:'— NAPIER— 4, S, I, and 10 roomed HonseS, one large Stono Building, Shop.Oraoos, &c, called tho Hawko BBoy Cham.bers, Emerson-street HASTINGS- One 5-roomed House, and Town Sections 218, 219, 121, 123, 115, 110, KAIKORA— Largo Storo and|D welling-house, Sections 81 and 85 .MAKOTUKU-Section 18, aores divided Into i and J acre lots, opposite Railway Station DANEVIRKE— II-roomed House, J-acre, op posito tho Bank of New Zealand WOODVILLE-Seotion 38, dO acres freehold ; Section 37, 40 acres leasehold; opposite the Victoria Railway SWtlon Town Section fii, with 2 Shops and Dwelline-houso, 1 Cottage of i rooms. Dctween Poßt-offlce and Club Hotel

COOK COUNTY (Patutahi Township)-Sco tiona 6i 7, 0, 10, nnd 60, J-acres WAIAPU COUNTY (Waipiro Bay)-9a5 acres frcchoid, 250 acres lonao; hold ; 2GOO Shoop WAIROA COUNTY -6000 aore3 frcohold, 8000 acres leasehold ; 6000 Shoop WAIROA (Township of Clyde)— Sections 619, 620, and 622, J-acrcs. H.B. COUNTY iTownship of Clivo —Sections 598,. 29.9, and 72, freehold ; 71 aoros with DWolling-house TAURANGA-2CO acres freehold rubberTstamps Orders will rocoivo Vi ompt Attontion. Office: Adjoining Conroy and Co., Rogonb street, Napier. JOHN DIIJWIDDIE. 11l PUBLIOJTOTICE. PLEASE READ THIS CAREFULLY. TWO THE PUBLIC GENERALLY, -8 —It has boon my deslro for many years to escapo tbo Bonds ot a Tied House and got possession of a FREE HOTEL, so that I could import Wines and Spirits direct from Homo. I havo at last sueeeeded in doing 80 and Loased tho KMPIRB. Although tho edifice is not as pretentiono as I could have dosired, still, in a very short space of time, after sovorai alterations havo been completed and overy room thoroughly renovated, I shall be in a position to offer to my friends and natrons STERLING HOME COMFORT, combined With moderato charges. It is with pleasure I announco that I have cabled to Edinburgh (the Ordef having boon previously wrltton) for 14 Quartor-casfta of very choice Wlne3 and Spirits, which will arrive in tho courso of a fow weeks by steamer. I shall then bo in tho pleasant position of offering to tho public tho bostand most expensive Winea and Spirits over imported for sale into Hawko'a Bay. It is my determination to give the public a good articlo at current prices. I shall carry on Iho Bottling Bußiness in its entiroty. Circulars will be duly issued. I havo at present in Bond very Old Extra Special Whisky I imported sovorai months ago. I now have the jploasuro of introducing It to tho publio, and trust that all Connoisseurs will not fail to call atthe Empire and pass their verdict.

Believe mo to remain, gentlemen, yours sincerely, JOHN P. SMITH lLato OX Farndon). P.B.— Tho Orders that I have already booked will bo attended to. 392 TO THE LADIES. MES NOY, teacher of the "Elixir" Bystem o£ Dressmaking (protected under the Patents, Designs, and Trade Markß Act, 1889), has arrived in Napier. MRS NOY '.is a teachor of 26 years' experience, and having studied four systems of DressmakingBritish, Scientific, Eureka, and Parisian-is an authority for stating that the " Elixir has superseded all other mothods by its simplicity and its accuracy, pupils without any previous knowledge of Dressmaking easily learning it in from four to six lessons of ono hour each, without tho übo of charts, patterns, or measurements to cut Dresses, Bodices, Mantles, Jackets, Skins, and Capes. It is so certainly accurate that fitting is not necessary. Proficiency Guaranteed. Testimonials from all the principal townss-isited.ineluding the Lady Principal and pupils of Nolson Collogo, tho Rev. Mother of tho Monastery, Nelson, and tho Sistors of Mercy at St. Mary's Convent at Wellington. Ladies may make up Dresßcs and form their own classes, choosing their own hours under Mrs Noy'B supervision. Address — Mrs Whittem'a, Clive Square 379

J. M. ORERAR Is now landing Large Shipments of ACCOUNT BOOKS made specially to my own orders by the loading Homo Manufacturers, and are tho best valuo in the Markot. NOTEPAPERS AND ENVELOPES. Plain and Fancy, in Boxes and Paokets. (Very cheap lines in Commercial Envelopos.) LAW STATIONERY. Parohmonts, Deed Papers, Foolscaps, Letter Papers, and all Stationers' Sundries. FANCY GOODS Being added to ovory weok. Birthday and Wedding Presonts in great variety, and Show Room open all tho year round. NEW BOOKS. Parcels of New Books reeolvod by evory direct stonmor. Tho Cheap Colonial Serlos of Standard Novels a speciality* BIBLES AND PRAYEK BOOKB. I have a very full stock of Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, and Devotional Books in oil bindings. ARTIST MATERIALS. Full Stocks always on Hand. SCHOOL HOOKS. School Books and Schojl Requisites. Tho Trado and Commilleos supplied on iho moat liberal terms. PHOTOGRAPHIC ART SOCIETY'S Beautiful Pictures constantly added to. JOHN M. CRERAR, BOOKSELLTCR AND STATIONER, HASTINGS-STRKET, NAPIER. 237

HASTINGS BOOK ARCADE. \?BW BOOKS, MUSIC, FANCY 1 15 GOODS, Inkstands. Writing Valisos, Ladies' Bags, Toy Pocket-books, Purees, &c, Sco. CHRISTMAS CARDS 1 CHRISTMAS CARDS! CHRISTMAS CARDS 1 D. WHYTOCK & CO. Aro now offering their Now Goods for tho coming season. Christmas Cards, very choico. in Endless Variety and Latost Designs : all prices, from Id to 5e oach. COME AND SEE A Fine Soloction of Hand-painted Cards of NEW ZEALAND FLOWERS & SCENERY For sonding to Friends at Homo. SPECIAL.— Tha Vest Pockot Library, n Book for ovorybody, 7 Books Handsomoly Bound in Ono Vohimo ; suUablo for tho vosC pocket, containing knowlcdgo on all subjects. Invaluable to buainosa people.— Solo Agonts. DIARIES FOR 1 895. m SHARP AND ALFORD, DIRECT IMPORTERS OF BOOKS, STATIONERY, AND FANCY GOODS.

Opposito Roaoh b Grocery Store HERETAUNGA-ROAD, HASTINGS. AGENTS FOE "H.B. HERALD." A T, FORD, UABINl! T M A K B R, Cornel 1 of Lincoln and Fitzi'oy Roadß. AT. FOHD Ims for Salo a very o Imndsomo Coinor Cupboard, wllh Platoglas.i in tho Door. Also, a Ladica' Writing Bureau, and sevoral Small Tablos Photoßraphs Mountod and Framed in-N.ii. and other Woods. \ Ropairing Carefully Attended to

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9894, 22 January 1895, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9894, 22 January 1895, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9894, 22 January 1895, Page 3