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On the fourth page will be found sporting find cricket) news, delayed cables, a list of members of the General Synod of the Church of England which meets at Nelson on the 30th instant, an ncoount of the disastrous hurricane at Fiji, and a reporb of the proceedings at the Hastings Magistrate's Court.

The business announcements of Messrs Biker and Tabuteau, Messrs C. B, Hoadley and Co., Messrs E. and W. Lyndon, aud Mr Henry Lascellea are inserted to-day on our fourth page.

The bennia courts at Porb Aharlri are now open to members.

The parade of the Garrison corps and band which was announced to take place on the 30th instant) is cancelled, aud the parade will be held on Tuesday next at 8 o'clock in the evening.

Sir Patrick Buokley arrived in Napier by tbe 5,45 train last nipht, and put up at tbe Criterion Hotel. He is, we understand, merely on a pleasure trip, and will probably return with the Premier tomorrow.

Children and their parents are cordially invited to attend the speolal service for youDg people to be held in the Cathedral to-morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock, at which Bishop Julius, of Chrlstchurch, is to be tbe preacher.

Tbe following handicaps have been declared for tbe sailing race to be held in the inner harbor to-day ab 3 sharp :— Elaine scratch, Gondola !2min, lolanthe 3min, Loch Fyne 4mtn, Truant lOmln, Active, Aparima, and Nnf Sed 20min,

The shorb cablegram which we received last) night relative to the inoreaaed demand for wool in the Home markets is likely to be more appreciated by the inhabitants of this district) than even our very elaborate report of the Hon. Richard Seddon's speech.

In connection with the late sad drowning fatality we have been requested to thank Mr H. S. Hntohinßon, of Wellealeyroad, who kindly granted the use of a boat, grappling hooks, ropes, &c, to search for tbe body of the nnforbanato young lady who was drowned.

The Naplor Bowing Clnb have postponed the formal opening of their new boat-shed, which was to have taken ptaca to-day, until Wedneaday afternoon next, out of respect to the memory of Miss Myra Cunningham, whose brother ia one of the members of tho clnb, and who was held in tho highest esteem by members and friends of the clnb.

The cricket rnatoh Waiapn and United will be continued at) Farndon to-day ; the United hove a lead of 40 runs on the firat Innings. Tbe Napier and County teams will also continue their match on the Recreation Ground ; Napier have a lead of five runs on the lirst innings, and tbe County have put on 56 for the loss of three wicketa in their second innings.

A cottngn Bituate between Kiveralearoad and Havelock, and occupied by Mr Stnck, hla wife, and four children, was burned to tho ground early thia rooming. Mrs Stack was awakened by the crackling of the blozo, and there was just time to remove tho youngstera beforo the flames took entire control. None of tho contents were saved. The place was, we learn, iusurcd.

A meeting In connection with tho formation of a young men's social and literary clnb woo held lust evening in tho AdhoDwam rooms, Mr H. Hill preuldo'l, nml stabed whist vero tliq objects of the

es üb. Aboat SO of those present handed in their names for membership, und the m sating adjourned early to permit those present to attend the Premier's meeting ab the Gaiety Theatre.

An enthusiastic speotator of the cricket matoh Hawke'a Ciy County v. Poverty Kay eleven writes us as follows : — " There 1 1 no doubt that the game is increasing in ■ popularity in this district, nnd it deserves li do so, Oar grounds are fast improv-

ing, and onr cricketers are playing a hotter game now than ever they did. If Iho public elecb to help the association to tend the game ahead here there is no reason why Hawke'a Bay should not hold its own with any other part of New Zealand. We hope to see onr district attain to this position, We mast and

shall do so."

Oat Walpawa correspondent writing yesterday says : — At the polo teuton, at Aehcott Rnngltlkei 'boat Hawke'a Bay by three Roato ,'to otf«\— Mr Stanford, S.M., administered the oath to the fol-

Inwlng new Justices of the Peace :— Messrs J. Brahazon and W. Robinson, of Makotukn, E. Hall, of Woodvllle, and W. Hall, of Wimbledon.— The public library committee met last night, Mr S. Johnson presiding, bat the only business done waa the passing of the quarter's accounts. — Several shops were kept open on Wednesday, apparently under the impreasion that) tbe Aot will not> be enforced here. A change in their opinions 1b imminent'!

Oar Darevlrke correspondent writing yesterilsy says t— The Native Land Conrt formally opened In the S.M. Court-house

this morning, and adjourned all procefd Idr3 until Monday next. — Tha P emler arrived here by special train at 830 o'clock Insti night, and left by the ordinary 6.45 <\m. to day. An exhilarated native scored a point at bno Hon. Riohard'a expenee ns ha was crossing the railway line to enter the train. The sable savage pointed oat that the road over the railway bridge vraa the proper thoroughfare to the station, ond remarked that he would report him to the statlonbaster, thereat the conntenan'ca of that official— who was within hearing— assnmed a ghaatly hue, The Napier Swimming Club brought off the first part of their sports yesterday afternoon in the presenca of a large number of townspeople. The sea was very favorable to fast time, Ronlsten's time in the 100 yards being very fast for open sea. The following are the results : —Novice Race, all off scratch t Jens Jensen 1, C. Palmer 2, W. Maglll 3 ; R Waite, W. Foray the, and A. Wilson also started ! a close finish ; lime, Imin 37sec. 100 Yards Handicap : T. Honlston 1, C. Palmer 2, Jens Jenfeen S| an exciting finish, all dose tip ) time, including start, Imin 30ieci Hi Lucas, W. Sellar, P. Emerson, and J. M. Hamilton also startedi Mr S. E. Cooper acted as judge and Mr A. E. Eagleton as starter. In response to an, invitation from Mr Gray, the president) of the Working Men's Club, a visit was paid to that institution yesterday afternoon by the Premier, accompanied by Messrs Carnetl, M.H.K., H. Williams, and Inspector Emerson. The party were received on arrival by the president, and Messrs Gtundy, Sheath, and Whiteman (members of she committee), and the offisin of the club, with the exception of Mr K. Beecham, the head steward, who was unavoidably absent through illness. After a minute inspection of She whole* of the club's premises, Mr Seddoti expressed his admiration of the conduct and management of the institution, and said that he only wished there were more clubs of a similar character so well and ably conducted. Harry Jones is the name of the boy who together with Frank Glover and Fred Smith resenqd Miss M'Vay from drowning on Thursday, An Inquest on the body of Miss Cunningham was held yesterday, when evidence similar to the faots detailed by ns yesterday was given. A verdiob of "Accidentally drowned" was returned, the jury adding a rider recommending the Harbor Board, in view of the number of accidents which have taken place at this particular spot, to erect a notice board warning batbera of the dangerous nature of the river. In connection with Frank Glover's aotion, the Jury passed the following resolution : — " That the coroner be requested to lay before the Royal Humane Society the evidence at this inquiry, with a hope that some fitting recognition be made of the brave and effective action of Frank Glover on the occasion." The coroner complimented Glover on his heroio conduct, and in accordance with the wish of the jury has communicated with the Hnmane Sooiety requesting them to see that his bravery shall receive fitting recognition,'

There will ba on view to-day at Mr J. M. Crerar'a shop tbe handsome silver cup won by Miss Hilda Hitehiogs in tbe Ladiea' Champion Singles at the New Zealand Lawn Tenola Association's annual meeting held in Chtistobarch daring the Christmas week. Tbe cap is of bright silver on a neat ebony stand, and was presented to tbe New Zealand Association by Messrs Slazouger and Sons, ot London. It benrs the following Inscription: — "N.Z.L.T.A., Championship Meeting, 18S9, won by Miss E. Gordon," then follow the names of Miss I. Rees (twice), Miss Douslln, and Miss H. Hitchlngs. "Twister" in the Chrhtohurch Press tbns comments on the steadiness of Mlas H. Hitchings' play : — " Among the lady players at the tournament, Miss Hitchlogs, of course, comes first, hpr placing and extreme steadiness, coupled with the excellent length she kept, enabling her to just beat tbe best of those opposed' to her. She played and boat the three next best among tbe ladies, viz., the Mieses Kennedy, Black, and Meeeon, and therefore had to work hard for her laurels. Her match with Miss Kennedy was well worth watching, as both players showed great judgment in their placing and hitting, and it was anybody's match up to the middle of the third set."

We understand that daring the Premier's visit a deputation representing the shipping interest at the port will wait on him re certain recent legislation as to the manning of vessels, the rigorous carrying out of which will greatly harass an already straggling trade. Ib Is also probable that representations will be made pointing ont the argent need of a lighthouse at Cape Kidnappers, and the great benefit ib would be to mariners trading along this cnast. We ourselves would also point onl the necessity of connecting all lighthouse stations along the coast by wire wijh the nearest telegraph station. In all civilised countries this is the rale, and were it now carried out along onr coast the expense would be very trifling. As an instance of the necessity of this, we mighb point out that the Margaret Galbraltb, which arrived here a tew daya since, spoke the lighthouse on Cape Saunders, and hung about all day close in desiring her safe arrival to be signalled, but through the want of communication from the lighthouse the desired message was never delivered. When the Margaieb Galbraith arrived in port she was 123 days out, and feats were beginning to be entertained for herßafety. As it happened nil was well, bnt it may easily be conoelved how a case might arise, say a shipwreck, when the nondelivery ot a message might be fraught with disaster. The party who ascended the Buahine range last week, and who returned on Wednesday (among them one of the Governor's sons), had a mosb arduous and exciting trip. 14 rained nearly the whole time, the mountain streamlets were in constant) flood, and in crossing and re-crossing these members of the party were placed several times in considerable danger, being washed off their feet and carried down o considerable distance. When they arrived on the summit of Parkes' Peak the country around was obscured in a dense fog, but while they were yet at luncheon the vapor lifted as thongh by the hand of a magician, and the Hawke's Bay country for fifty miles around was exposed to view bathed in the radiance of the mid-day ann. The sight was described as marvellously picturesque, and the tourists felt themselves well repaid for all their hardships in having witnessed it. Mr Andrews — second master of the Wanganni college -—who wbb in charge of the expedition, and who is an ardent naturalist and botanist, was enabled to collect a number of rare plants and Insects, among them fit by different varieties of the species commonly known as " daddy-long-legs," which he had never seen or heard of before. He also chanced npon a number of files of the boletophilus species, the larvrc of which proved to be luminons, and more than that to have a spider-like facility of casting a web for tho entrapment of mosquitoes and similar small fry, On account of the consecration and entbrouemenb of the new Bishop of Waiapu, there will be no morning and evening service ob SK Augustine's Church to-morrow. Holy Communion at 9.30 a.m.

To-morrow morning the subjeot of the Eev. J. G, Peterson's sermon at St. Paul's will be, " Some thinga to think over," and in the evening the subject of the lecture will be, " The Spiritual World unveiled." At Trinity Wesloynn Church to-morrow night the Rev. W. H. Bock will answer the question "Is the British nation referred to in the Bible ? " iu the affirmative.

Congregational cervices will be held in the Gaiety Theatre to-morrow at 11 and 7. The Kav, F. W. J. Miller will preach. Evening subffleli — " Why are men Interested in Jeans Christ ? " " Boomerang " Brand Australian brandy is the most wholesome stimulant in the market, Obtalnablo at all hoMa. — [Advt. 76 According to the Herald a lurgo p.irty of unglors from Poverty Bay am at p.o

the Waikaremoana dlst.ict. Wo are informed that in Certain localities trout are very pltotlluh The road to tfie lake is at present fairly passable, and f h i a C8 w KC>L t0 witMn a short distance of the locality.

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9892, 19 January 1895, Page 2

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Untitled Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9892, 19 January 1895, Page 2

Untitled Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9892, 19 January 1895, Page 2