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I gjatKlsMiaw. (Notification* under thi head, not rxcteding twelve words, are inserted for vicrpence each per insertion. 1 rpHK Lightning Fltte? will boon Exhibition I at tho A thenrotiin Hall This Afternoon. nnHE Garrison Corps and Band will Parade JL for Inspection on Tuesday, the 22nd instant, at 8 p.m. Tho Parado for Wednesday, 30th, is cancelled. THE Opening of the Napier Rowfen Club's Now Shed is Postponed until '■Vedneaday Next at 4.30 p.m. Those interested will kindly accept this as a formal notification. LOST, at Potane. about January lGth, a Lady's Gold Watch. Finder will bo rewarded on returning to Hkbald Office, LOST pf Stolen, early yesterday morning, a Tame Seagal], Shakespearoroad: reward. Dr. Milno : TJioinson. ' OST, a Fawn Greyhound Dopr. lump on neck. Finder will bo rewarded on returning to Herald Office, Hastings. T OST, between Napier and Hastings, a %%£&*&& eam ° to HEBALD Offlco - rpENNlS Racquets. Balance of Stock JL clearing at Wholesale Price. Novelty O REENGAGE Plums for Jam. G, Glassford, Tho Cafe, Hastings-street. /^fRICKETBRS opon for Bargains in Bata \j flee wlmfow Novelty Dep6t. THE Coffee Palace, EmersGn-atfeet, for ! good Board and Residence ; moderate terms. QECOND-HAND Spring Cart for Sale tKirt *' Apply G- F< " llknor . Hna " TO LET, Six-roomed Bouse, scullery, bathroom, washhouso, &0., in Thompsonroad. Apply John Younghusband. T\RINK Prpvosty Sparkling Now Zealand \J Cider. Wholesome and thlrst-cmench-»ng. TjiX s.b. Kaikoura— l caso Land and Water Aa „t iatß - bound and unbound ; also, 1 case Manilla Hate, a comfort in hot weather. Prloeß right. Ringlanu and Thomaß, Gentlemen a Ontfltferg. JAMES BfltlS, .Emerson-street, bas Saddlery nnd Same© in every style and I at lowest prioes consistent wfffi AX duality of workmanship and material. Try mj Korso covers this season ; the beßt and cheap In tha province. TO LET, Offices on second floor of Herald Chambers. Dlnwiddle, Walker and Co. TgOOKS I BOOKS 1 BOOKS !-Llbrarlea X> can havo old Books rebound and made like new at the Hawke's Bay Herald Office. T ABELS t— Address and Chemists, In any J 1 number of colored inks and variety of I designs printed and lithographed at tha Hawke's Bay" Herald Offlco. /"lABH Books, Day Books, and Lodeers \j rulfed to any pattern and mannfactuied to any size at the Hawke'b Bat Herald Office. TV! UEIC BonncUn Cloth and Leather at the Jj/JL Hawke's Ba* Herald Office, f^ERTIFICATES designed anrt printed \j from Copperplate at the Hawked Bay Herald Office. PLANS I— Plain and Colored lithographed at the Hawke's Bay Hebald Office. A LL kinds of Shipping and Customs Forma _C%_ printed at the Hawke's Bay Hkraid Offloe. gtottceg. JOHN DINWIDDIE HAB FOE SALT? Properties as undor:— NAPIER- 4, 5, 7, and 10 roomed Houses, one large Stone Building, Shop.Offlcos, &c. , called tho Hawke s Bay Cham, bers, Emerson-street HASTINGS— One 5-roomed House ( and Town Sections 218, 219, 121, 123, 115, 116, 117 KalKOßA— Large Store ana D wolllng-houeo, Sections 8$ and 85 MAKOTUKU— Section 18, acres divided Into i and 1 aero lots, opposite Railway Station DANEVTRKE— II-roomed Houso, 4-aero, op posito tho Bank of Now Zealand WOODVTLLE-Soction 36, 40 acres freehold ; Section 37, 40 acres leasehold; opposito the Victoria Railway Station Town Section 54. with 2 Shops ' nnd Dwelling-house, 1 Cottago of i rooms, between Post-office and Club Hotel COOK COUNTY (Patutahi Townßhip)-Seo tlons 6, 7, 9, 10, and CO, J-aores WAIAPU COUNTY (Waipiro Bay)-9s>s acres freehold, 250 acres lease; hold ; MOO Sheep WAIROA COUNTY— fiflOO nores froohold, 8000 acres leasehold ; 6000 Sheep WAIROA (Township of ClydcJ-Sectlona 019, 020, and 622, J-acres H,B. COUNTY (Township of Clive —Sections 298, 299, and 72, freehold ; 7J aores with Dwelling-houso TAURANGA— 2OO aorcs froohold RUBBER~STAMPS Orders will recoivo Prompt Attention. Office: Adjoining Conroy and Co., Regent street, Napier. john DiNwnrora m PUBLICJ"OTICE. PLEASE READ THIS CAREFULLY. rf-O THE PUBLIC GENERALLY, -» —It has been my desire for many years to escape the Bonds of a Tied House and get possession of a FREE HOTEL, bo that I could import Wines and Spirits direot from Home. I have at last succeeded in doing so and Leased the EMPIRE. Although tho edifice is not as pretentious as I could have desired, still, in a very short space of lime, after oeveral alterations have been completed and every room thoroughly renovated, I shall be in a position to offer to my friends and patrons STERLING HOME COMFORT, combined with moderate charges. It is with pleasure I announce that I Eavo cabled to Edinburgh (the Order havingbeen previously writtonj for 14 Qaarter-caaks of very choice Wines and Spirita, which will arrive in tbo course of a few weeks by steamer. I shall thon be In the pleasant position of offering to the public the beat and most expensive Wmes and Spirits over imported for sale into Hawko's Bay. It is my determination to givo tho public a good article at current priceß. I shall carry on Iho Bottling Business in its ontiroty. Circulars will bo duly issued. I havo at present In Bond very Old Extra Special Whisky I imported sovoral months ago. I now bavo tho jueasure of introducing it to the public and trust that all Connoisseurs will not fail to call at the Empire and pass their verdict. Beliove mo to romain, gentlemen, yours sincerely, JOHN P. SMITH lLate of Farndon). P.S.— Ths Orders that I havo already booked will bo attended to. 392 J. M. CRERAR Is now landing Large Shipments of ACCOUNT BOOKS made specially to my own orders by the leading Homo Manufacturers, and are the best value in the Market. NOTIfiPAPERS AND ENVELOPES. Plain and Fancy,' in Boxes and Packots. (Very cheap lineß in Commercial Envelopes.) LAW STATIONERY. Parchments, Deed Papcra, Foolscaps, Letter Papers, and all Stationors' Sundries. FANCY GOODS Being added to every weofc. Birthday and Wedding Presents in groat variety, and Show Room open all tho year round. NEW BOOKS. Parcels of New Books received by evory direct steamer. Tho Cheap Colonial Serieß of Standard Novols a speciality; BIBLES AND PRAYEIt BOOKS. I havo a very full stock of Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, and Dovotional Books in all bindings. ARTIST MATERIALS. Full Stocks always on Hand, SCHOOL BOOKS: School Books and Scho jl Requisites. The Trado and Committees supplied on tho most liberal torms. PHOTOGRAPHIC ART SOCIETY'S Beautiful Pictures constantly added to. ' JOHN M. CRERAR, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, HASTINGS-STREET, NAPIER. Z37 HASTINGS BOOK ARCADE. NEW BOOKS, MUSIC, FANCY GOODS, Inkstands. Writing Valises, Ladles' Bags, Toy Pockot-books, Pursos, &c, &C. CHRISTMAS CARDS! CHRISTMAS CARDS I CHRISTMAS CARDS 1 D. WHYTOOK & CO. Aro now offoring their Now Goods for tho coming season. Christinas Cards, vory oholco. in Endless Variety and Latest Dosigns : all prices, from Id to 5e oach. COME AND SEE A Flno Soloctlon of Hand-painted Cards of NEW ZEALAND FLOWERS & SCENERY For sending to Friends at Homo, SPECIAL.— Tho Voa£ Pockot Library, a book for everybody, 7 Books Handsomely Bound in One Volumo ; suitablo for tho vest pocket, containing knowledgo on all subjects. Invaluablo to businoss pooplo Solo Agonte. DIARIES FOR 1895,1,3 SHARP AND ALFORD, DIRECT IMPORTERS OF BOOKS, STATIONERY, AND FANCY GOODS. Opposito Roach s Grocery Store HERETAUNGA-ROAD, HASTINGS. AGENTS FOR "H.B. HERALD." A T. FORD, CABINETMAKER, Corner of Lincoln and Filzroy Roads. AT. FOVtD has for Salo n very » handsomo Cornor Cupboard, with Platoglass in the Door. Also, a Lndicb Wrltiuß Bureau, and sevoral Small Tables. Photographs Mountod and Framed in N.Z, and other Woods. Ropairing Carclully Attended to

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9892, 19 January 1895, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9892, 19 January 1895, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9892, 19 January 1895, Page 3