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Jojhna Broa.' Australian Brandy " Boomerang " Brand, is now in nie in nearly every hospital in New Zealand. It Is most palatable and wholesome. Try it. Wholesale from leading wine and spirit merchants.— [Advt.] 76

It is not generally known how easily a plan^ may bo purchased on the Dresden Piano Company's time payment syet' rn. Call and inspect Our stock and get tabje of pnymentß,— tAdVt.} 178

. . What can I take to counteract tho effect ot this -loarlul weather? Compound Syrup ol tho Hftiophosphites.the bonoflts of which are briofly these:— Tho appotlte is stimulated, tho action of the musolea and nerves excited digestion improved, and gonort.l activity of mind and body developed. The necessary constituents of tho blood, tissue and bones being supplied, physical Btrenjrth and endurance are KroatJy increased and energy and oapacity for work and persistent effort ol mind established. These are facts which oxperionco lias well established. It only tomninß to secure a good and reliable preparation. The late Dr. Allen wrdto on July 20th 1801:-" I have been prescribing Mb Owens Syrup of Hypophosphites for some time. I did bo at first because of knowing thb exaot com--position ot the mixture. Since then the tcBults have been bo satisfactory that I nave quite given up tho uso of others in favor of Sin OWeK's syrup. J. H. Allen, M.D."— Bold by H. OWen, Chemist, in bottles, 2s 6d.Advt ] 179

ForVenotian Blinds and first-Class Picture Frames, at the right trices, go to Myors , Kraerspn-stTEot, Napier. Christmas Pictures framed to order very cheaply.— [Advt.] 180 Waterplpe Work, Plumbing, Gasfltting ereouted by Competent Workmen. J. A. Fryeii Ironmonger.— lAdVt.] 181 S&CIiES SUIiPHuSBIB LOtidN.plenrs j the skin from spots, bleknlshes, roaghnesF; sunburn, freckles, so. A few aprllcationß will render the skin healthy, smooth, and trAnsparonfc. 2s 6d per bottle from A. KCCLES, the pasonlo Pharmaoy, Hastings-Btreet,-iA»VT,I - '82 ECOLES 1 CORN PAINT qnlokly remove' either hard or soft corns. Only a few appli oatloni neoessary. In bottles Is 6d, from A Ecoles, Chemist. Masonio Hotel Bulldlnco Napier. -^Advt.l 183 A. KCOLEB. Ohomlst, begs to inform the RESIDENTS OF HASTINGS that, pending the ereotion of nev premises, he has opened a temporary brau^n in the shop lately ocoupied by Mr PoF^elwell, with a complete stock of Drags, Chemicals, Sundries and Patent Medicines. Any article not in stook will be obtained at shortest notice.— {Advt.l ECCLBS 1 SYRUP OF RED GUM or JJu oalyptus Balsam has proveiltself to be-tne best remedy lot coughs colds asthma, anc all dlspasia of the breathing oi gans. H.P. writes — " I hwe no fear for asthma When your Red Gum Syrnp is at Band i obe dose always giv es ma instant relleTkna when my wife or ohildren oatoh a cold It always owes them send me two large bottles by first train. Prepared only by Ai ECOLES, Chemto. Hastings-street, Napier;— [Advt.j 185 Gents' Suits Cleaned and Pressed, is j Straw or Hard Hats Cleaned or Dyed, Is each i Gloves Cleaned ; Feathers Cleaned, Curled. I and Dyed. Address Ireland 8 Dye Works, Emerson-Btreet,— [Abvt.] 188 E. T. ALLEN, Cariyle-streot, Napier, Pio ture-frame Makor, Gilder and Mount-outtor, has tho largest and most unique assortment of mouldings in Napier, Also, a splendid selection of tinted, oak, and bronze mounts. Gilding a speciality. Old frames re-gilt equal to new. Picture-framing at the lowest prloes consistent with good work. Established 1882. —[Advt.J 188 J. 8. Welsman , The Pharmacy. Hastingsstreet, has received a flno lot of Bath and Toilet Sponges, Seltzogenos, choice Perfumts, Pocket Inhalers (for influenza and hay asthma), Headache Wafors, &c. Suocrior Fruit Syrups and pure Lime Juice.— [Advt.l WORMS IN SHEEP.-J-GallonTins for 6s 6d, contains 1600 doses, or sufficient to dose lOOsheop twice for 1b; Hayward's Speculc Butter Preservative 6d and Is, Butter Colour 6d and Is. Sole Agent: J. A. Fryer, Ironmonger, Napier.— [Advt.] w Try BRADSHAWS BRONCHIAL COUGH ELDCEK. Ask your grocer for it, and see you get no other.— {Advt,] «** SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Mr Montaguo Lascolles will hold a saloof miscellaneous goods at his mart this foren Mr' John Bennett, of Nowstcad, has fnllmouthed owes with lambs for sale. Nominations in connection with tno Hawko'B Bay Jookey Club are due on TnesHe^uotions in ladies' white duck canvas shoos at Hannah's, Napier and Hastings. The Gourlay and Stokes Company will appear at the Princess Theatre, Hastings, this evening and on Monday next. A lady and gentleman aro asked to adopt a a sacred concert to-morrow oven&g in the Princess 'Eheatro, Hasttogs. A lady's gold watch has been lost. Greengage plums aro for salo at the Cafe. Crickoters' and tennis players' goods may bo obtained at the Novelty Dep6t. A tame seagull has been lost ; Under rewarded. Revißed prices range throughout the establishment. Hannah's Boot Palace, Napior and Hastings. The opening of the Napior Rowing Club's new shed wllltake place on Wednesday next. Miss Hitchings is prepared to receive pupils forpiano and singing. Mr W. T. SharPi organißt of Napier Cathedral, is now prepared to make arrangements for pupils. The lightning fitter may be seen at the Athonreum hall this afternoon. The Garrison corps and band will parade for inspection on Tuesday oveDing next. J. Hardy has a beautiful variety of plated ware in artistic designs and good quality, specially suitable lor wedding or birthday presents, household requisites In mincers, wringers, fenders, flrelrons, coal scoops, trunks, enamel paints, brushware, churns, milk pans, preserve pans, lamps, improved cooking stoves. Inspect. Cash prices, Messrs Murray, Roberta and Co, make several additions to thoir advertisement A gold watch and chain hive been lost between Napier and Hastings. Messrs P. A. Herman and Co. make additions to their land sale advertisement. The services to bo held to-morrow at the Napier Cathedral are published. Otto Herz cloth top button boots, 5s 6d at Hannah's, Napier and Hastings. Tamboured and printed muslins are now being sold at Blythe's. Immense reductions are being made In all departments of tho D.1.C., Wellington. Messrs Wright, Stophenson and Co. will hold an Important sale of stud sheep at the Windsor Park ostate, near Oamaru, on tho 28th February:

For high-class millinery at olearing prices visit Neal and Close's show-room.

SALES, &0.-THIS DAY. Sale of miscellaneous goods, Montague Laacelles, 11. Sale of privileges in connection with Hawke's Bay Caledonian Sooiety, Montague Lascelles, 12. Sale of miscellaneous goods, W. Y. Dennott. Hastings, 2. Sale of produce, Montague Lascelleß, 2. Tenders close for new sohool buildings at Pakowhai, 12. Sailing race, Inner Harbor. Kveaing excursion, 8.8. Australia, 6. Gourlay and Stokes Company, PrlnceßS Theatre, Hastings, 8.

For choice Plated Articlos of good quality and artistic designs, specially suitablo for wodding and Christmas presonts, call and inspect J. Hardy's new goods. Special reductions. Knives, Forks, and Spoons— warranted— a speciality,— [Advt.] 195 G. Glassford, The CaK, Hastings-street has for sale a splendid assortment of Loca Fruits. Preserving Fruits at reduced rates. -[Advt.] 106 Fly Nets in Groat Variety for covering olther fore or hind quarters, at Jontf M'Vay's, Hastings-street, Napier.— lAdvt.

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9892, 19 January 1895, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9892, 19 January 1895, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9892, 19 January 1895, Page 2