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it! 'J'/i > ,'ii 1 .1. .i"! '")[h;;.-j.i .drY S- MURRAfv'- ROBERT o AiD CO., ci oa a k 1 3. vshaj .1 a h • IV v9gNPBA% MEROH^tTS , t OTATIOIT -AQSNIji or ADVANCES JJADE AGAINST ALL j 'i >. f,. 1 nti A 1 1 ,~./Z j 6 . , . LOANS NEGOTI.-ATEfI. „ >.'..'_■ .'/v'l T-M-) i IJ' .Ml) & FIRK AND MARINE INSURANCE EFFECTED.- ! ,>■ ■■> :.l r;-, .-•:'•: i;jT — r— If ■:• ,1 I . I ■tfi &SH*ttt)vELWaT!;,' JAND ! --ALBION 'COh! PANY, LIMITED^ t-'.-MVJ- i.-tltrj | ,it BRsPBISH AJfD ; .FOREIGN' M"A.iINK EN -■y lURSNCKtfeoMP-ANYi'IiTD."?; <' J #QBTH' BRITJSH--AND,i MKBOAItTItI COMPANY C ... 7 iJHrpLE'S FLUH) AND POWDER; SHEEI /j ijjpQ ' , *. , ' ■-•.£...-■ i^FOR-SALE r ■ ■ : ! < y... JT ,<- -.-. -. I — CornsacKs;TVoolpaoks < Cai®Mlfc«i6idriStll6huYTH>'! ; LinufrtttdtJttfttine&ffriHta i A .DWifljiNflttHißai,/. r, ; .. ... c ' i- :>>' ! Douglas Pumps .:'.;; a ' ... 1. ii >3 ft/'S^Kf'QKS'lgn^XßtaßeS' / .«■/ i,<' i ' iu n ' A^eighTng AracaincsJl ; CaatSTOifa'-'BiftaOll 5 ' ! '"~ Laivn!M9feJbrsp€kc4ft!Bnnil.'''<iriiA -jij , HORNSBY'3-BNGINKS; i HORNSBSKBISinERS j Ho|W4}iX ; |j^o*J!PS-*ND RKAPES£ - ; -'!.'" Cjß^^feas.-J&tnV^n'orßV; '„'';,". ."" J^Gia^y^e^S^jjjjjrg^ "j,,, 1 '^.'i", ', ,,i. j "Wioliind'a LagrerJßfifiP . ? Win3S; 7 SpiHS,- r ana I C^ats of tho best ibi-qndß-i/iT. , ■<.;-:■■:■.,;•! i ■ ■ ml;.-. --. lA'lWri'V h flf) '! ' ''■ f - fl-jllllci ill ull!tl. I .B(JUo.i.V>J-/iF -, ■' ' I j NAPIER AND'HAS'rTS'ds'? 25 .ft-' I A.I. X '' ' l: b^B ? -FOR v; litfNalS'f3Rk. ! . -" J "gjjr^'§^ scour. ; • . --H .'..-;! -Tr .i,-i . ■..'/.•!' '/ . r -''l/',l>i „-,„ r>"- 5»i!B/R-C)'iW!-N' | S' ' "'• i t.-.l! -"it ■» ' : 'MR«NGT N c(< AttSKNI(?'OK. t OTHifR • POISONOUS INtJRHDIENTS.- —" A Safo and Certain Remedy for j „ LUNGWORM &' SCOUR, TAPEWORMS,' , AND ALL STOMACH AND INTESi<' ! ■ ! . TINAL WORMS. For use with Sheep, Cattle and Horses.- -■■ '; /TOIP^i:V'IN I rtUJSGW6'RM ; Doso your "Lambs NOW with Browns Bronchial Afltrraffbillt, AND A^AlHt' <AX\ WEANIttO time, by spjtoipg.the^owg sheep will je froed from- Internal' Parasites, und theroby improved in condition and strongthoned to. withstand tHo wlntdr. ' , ' ' I Full particulars as to Doso and Treatmoint on Tins. Ono Gallon of tho Astringent "will dose 160 Lambs. ' ' • ■ ' "-i "- prTcli. 1 ' ''. ■'■ ; v: InsGnlloiirronDrums'' ' „ 7a Gd per gallon In 1 Gallon,lron Drums • _ por gallop ! „-.:• ON SALE BY •■-•=•. MURRAY, ROBERTS & CO. ' J_ -.'...■-... - \ 2gSO¥Tk BRITISIIv ' '' : FIRE'& MARINE" ' INSURANCE COY. OF N.Z. Capital -, _ .. ',_ „ £1,900,000. sald-up Capital and Accumulated Funds, ■' ' . exceed £210,000; UNLIMITED , LIABILITY OF . SHAREHOLDERS., ' _ Napier Branch-Corner of Horscheil and ' -.■.-.. S.iHoo Bro(vmng ! S\roeta; -»-' *> '; . . ' TKttf'Cbmpaift' is'lii-eila'fea'to'ttsure Sg'ainst Iflre every gepcrintionf oij,lnaura}>lo IJrpjftrty atXowcst Current Rates, and Doing' a purely Colonial Institution commends' ltaolf L ijo ! tho general insuring public, .. Open polloios issued' coVerlnK Wool from Sheep's back, Wool-shod, or Shipping Port ■ o LondonV EverY class of Marino businoasundortakon^y tho Company. , THOMAS WHITEL AW, - , 'Branch Manager, ■ 27r . • ■••■ •■ "'■ Hawke's-Bay, " - '• r ■.'■'* •' "■' -.- -.■ - , .!.•/{ - ,'-,■!-■. -I.C': -.-'■-■ I- :i.-' r . .V- •" , r:: '''ALMANdi : ''' : ' ! \ : COMPANIES. ; ' "'subOKSSORS TO i",'|tH ' ■ UipON , JNPUR^OB ' .q.OMPi^NY. . AtLIANOS ABSURAWOB/ ■£%■<■' • COMPANY. J i ii. Tai^AL^TsaETs, \, £3,817,044: ■- ;.; ■ Head Offlok Bartholomew LaneLLondon. ahalrman of Direotors, Right Hon. Lord; ' Rothsohlld .ALLIANOE, MARINE AND GENERAL . , "' ASSURANCE COMPANY. ... IJMITED;- ■ .. „ -' assets, , : " Hoa'd Office, Copel 6ourb,'tionabn, '' ; ipresident, Right Hbn.'lo'raMothsoluiav - '■Theßustn'eSsVof > t^e'Unlmi t iiimlranoo P Comt^ary havinfe ipeen/tafeen ovor -by,the-tt6ore L'oiapa.nies, it will in f u,turq be oarrlpd on In toeft names.' Tlie business will bo cOriffudted at the same Offleoa^ ,thp BamQ.panner, aa hitherto. " ' ...--■ ...^ ' ■. ;;■}•■ 1 ti,..; ' All dosorlptions.of Fire and Marhje, Risk accoptcd at LoWost Currront Rates. ' .' '... HAWSE SB.^Y'bR A^fCH,I .... , -G: S. 'Vv WENLBY, - -•'! "u'c" " ■ LocolAdYlsor. „. ■-, •.- j 1 ' 1 G., MARSHALL, , ' 28' u> ■ ' Looal Manager, . ■M 1. -OEPARTMEWT.' if >'z ■■ '■' . 'Established 1870. " '"' "' ' , .A ftSw'^ftho l'c'admg'foalidi i ea'c|f ' this DuA'arttnerifc ar'o^ •' '-"" >l>: s 1 1. " ''STAl'E ' GUAEAN.TEB.4 I '' JilVi'typolicyMs guaAiitofed by'thh ■ 'State,? I'to'.lhinJeiiiaUb I tdvoHlia^ „ wlilek (juniiot tyo'ofioidcl by aoy.^Bhat ojnee iioing business iaAustralnaia. ■ 2, LdW.t^^pMSfr^pij??^ 1 miu ins. mo lowoc than thq p^jrcio - 1 ' pati'tig Vafes at any. pth'ir'offl'cedoin ; 1 ' busin^W-ln AuStralaSiS'.W '•''' . 3.i LARGI3 BON U SES."^ltf-'gpitfe < : / ofthedQwi.-prcnThxms, a aadi satplua ■ : : qf£lo,o.,ooo.\vftß,AecJ« ! w3d,fl < liithip r last vajui>ciou (Decombor^4-?fl3)M 0^ ' whicji' £t40,(5b0 was ' aiYided, ' etnU the bdlnirito 'reserve"*. ' '"" ' " • ■ FUNDS AT PEIiSBNTqDATiS EXCEED TWO MILLION i : POUNDS. S ANNUAL INCOME EXCEEDS - •■ £360,000.' J. H. ItICHAUDSON, II ' Commissions* NORWICH UNION FIRE INSUB : ANOE SOOIETY. ' 7 ESTABLIBHED '.. '_ 17W. HeadO/nce .. „ _ Norwich U 0 Amount lusurod - B25OU0O,« :o LosaoaPftid _ £1,600,(K g ]IE Undcr.sJKnfcfl is prepared t ii accept all classes of Fire lUsks at ti lowost current ratep. Losscn oclUcd promptly, ' SUB-AGENTS- "" Mb W Bkilhy Hastings Mm John Wihtk .. „ Porangahai Mit J. C Taylor.. .. _. Waipawa Mk J. H. Nklson . . ... Walpukura Mil It. A. VV. BhatuwjUtk .. Havolook [ Stanley G. Scott .. .. Woodvlllo lIANNKR & IRVINK, 21 Agents und Attoi-neys for Hawko's Bay. i AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROV t • DENT SOCIETY, • 'Ji vtllS fldciety i.< prcparud to gi-n; , *L Lounn on approved flrut-olaBS Freoho i Soouril.y. Borru\vtn-,i will savo payment commlifflton by amilj-ini; DIttIMJT to tl Sodot.y nfj Uin OllioiM, (.'witoin-houRO Qua VVollinHlDii orrtlll> .ftlMiirtfOMcs, Nftplci I'iliVVM-.L- VV LOW£I 'I'.ooldonf) aoocotory

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9891, 18 January 1895, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9891, 18 January 1895, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9891, 18 January 1895, Page 1