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K. AND W. LYNDON'S SALES jBSBBtsL. LAND SALE. AT AUCTION. lU£SDAY, oIhTeBRUARY, 1595, At 2 o'clock. By Order of the Registrar, at Nopior, of tho Supremo Conrt of Now Zealand, and at the Request ot thn Mortgageo. E. & W. LYNDON Will soli on above aato. at their Rooms, BrowuinK-stroet. Napier, tho undermentioned Property . •— GIEEEN MEADOWS— Town Sec I tlon 64, beinp; part of Suburban Sections 39 and 44, Meanoo, containing la Or 19p together with Dwolhng-houso and OuthoUßes thoreon. Particulars and conditions of salo may bo seen on application to tho Auctioneers. E. & W. LYNDON, 406 Auctioneers. LAND SALE. AT AUCTION. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6th, 1885, At 2 o'clock. By Order of tho Registrar, at Napier, of tho Supremo Court ot Now Zealand, and at tho Request of tho Mortgagee, c. & wTlyndon ■Will sell on the above date, at their Roomß, Browning-street, Napier, the undormontioncd Property :— /^.EEENMEADOWS — Town Sec V* tions 79 and 80, being part of Suburban Sections 39 and, 68, Meanee, containing 2 Acres, togethor withDwelling-houßO thereon. Particulars and conditions of sale may bo seen on application to the Auctioneers. M. & W. LYNDON, *«' Auotionoors. FOB SALE, LARGE AVEEY WKIGHING MACHINE, weighs up to eleven cwt FOB LEASE, TABADALE, " EOBENEATH. '- Thla desirable Property, togetier with family Rvc donee, containing 8 rooms in thorough 1 epalr, and ropleto with ovory convenlonce. a & W. LYNDON, 145 Land ani Estate Agents. Foa saleTT ELIGIBLE INVESTMENT. \ APIEE— Town Section 95, In part, 60 foet frontago to Carlyle-stroet, together with Dwelling-house containing 10 rooms, Outbuildings containing 3 bedrooms known as THOMAS'S BOARDING-HOUSE. Applylto E. & W. LYNDON, i lio Land and Estate Agents 1 EDWARD AJST) LYNDON LAXfD ESTATE, AND STATION I AGENTSI AND AUCTIONEERS. WALTER l-YNDON. AUOTIONMB AUCTION SALES Undei taken In any part of the Province the Sale of Merchandise Sheep" Cattle, & LOANS NEGOTIATED UPON FREEHOLD AND LEASEHOLD SECURITIES AT LOWEST RATES OF INTEREST JPO(\(\(\ M HA>D FOE IMMB««VVU DIATE INVESTMENT InJSnjjiß to Suit Borrowers LAND TRANSFER ACT Transfer of Lana tinder this 'Act from Bolle to Purchaser completed In five minutes. CASH ADVANCES Mado upon every aosorlpHon of Farm Pro dnoe, Wool. Grain, and other CommodlU consigned for Immediate Sale MANCHESTER FIRE ASBURANOB COMPANY. ESTABL H D 18 1 Capital - .. .: .. .. - £1800,000 Total Funds and Securities.. _ fi2,lfio,ooo MONTAGUE LASOELLE3 BALE& BAIIH OF FKUIT, &O. TO-DAY (FEIDAyT JANUARY 18, At 2 p.m. montaguelascelles Will sell at his Mart, ex s,s. Talune, &c— BANANAS, Pineapples, Tomatoos, Cucumbcra, Gooseberries, Plums, Applet, Potatoes, Bacon, Tea, Wheat, &o. 409 HAWKE'S BAY CALEDONIAN SOCIETY. SALE OF^MVILEGES. SATURDAY, JANUARY 19th, 12 o'olock. MONTAGX7ELASOELLES Will sell at bis mart the undermentioned PRIVILEGES In connection With tho Annual Sports to bo hold at tho Recreation Ground, Napier, on Wednesday, 30th January ;— Publican's Booth (liquor only) Fruit Stall (with right of baskets) Luncheon Booth Books 381 FOB SALE, TWO SAFETY BICYCLES, "Elswick" and "HumborStar. MONTAGUE LASOELLKS, 306 Auctioneer. TIMBER, TIMBER, SUPPLIED on shortest notice and LowCßt Price by MONTAGUE LASCELLES, 138 Sawmill Agent. MONTAGUE LASOELLES HAB FOE PBIVATE SALE— 2 Gas Cooking Stoves (hi good order) by Fletcher, 1 Garton and King Range. Set of Harrows (now), American Organ, Harmonium, 2 now Pianos (just landed, can be bought on purchase hire), 1 socond-hand Piano, 5 handßOmo Over-mantel Mirrors, 2 second-hand Safety Bicycles; 2, 4,5, 6, and ß drawer Chests, now Doublo and Singlo Iron Bedsteads, Pillows, Overlays, filnttrossos (wire-wovo and spring), 40 dozen Chairs (assorted), 30 dozen Christopher Johnstonos Table and Dessort Knives, 30 assorted Toilot Sots, Looking Glasses (all sizes), Spring and Colonial Couches, hnndsomo Wararobo Suites Furnituro (in leathor, tapestry, and crotonne). Portablo Boilers, 2 Regulator Clocks, Baromoters Mantelpieces, and a large assortment o Household Requisites, AT THE PEOPLE'S SALE ROOMS. HO W. Y. DENNETT'S SALES. SATURDAY, 19TII JANUARY, At 2 o'clock p.m. AT THE HASTINGS AUCTION BAZAAR. W. T. DENNETT Has received instructions to soil, Without Reserve, a quantity ot John Pieroy's, Ashurst. PAT ENT FENCING, In Lots of a Chain each, from 3ft to 4ft 6in high. Also, 100 lots of Furnituro, Portable Boiler. Choose, Apples, and othor Produce. All without reserve. W. Y. DENNETT, I 401 Auoticnoor. |y» . 11.1. 11 in mi Imq P. A. HERMAN & CO. S SALES. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30th, At 2 o'clook. IN THE HASTINGS SALE ROOMS. IMPORTANT SALE OF ■\7ALUABLE FREEHOLD BUILDV ING ALLOTMENTS, HASTINGS. P. A. HERMAN & 00. Havo recoived instructions from tho Mortgagees to sell by Public Auolton, at their rooms, All thoso Parcels of Land having frontages to Eaßtbourno-strect, Lyndan-roiul, and Baslings-Btrcot, Hastings, containing by admeasurement 2 Acres (moro or losbi, being part of Block numbered 28n, and Town Soctions numbered 186, 187, 183, J92, IP3, 19J. 135, and 201, of tho Township of East Hastings. This Saleoffors araroand safe Investment for investors or thoso desiring good Building Sites, tho Proporty being within flvo minutoa' walk from tho Post-offlco, and our iußtruc tlons are to absolutely sell tho eamo. Also, All that Pieco of Land, containing 1 rood and 30 porchos, being lotß numborod 7 and 9 of Suburonn Section 29, situated In tho Township of Wbodville. Terms— l Cash, } in twelve months, tho balance in two years, with intorcat at 7 per cent, P A. HERMAN & CO., 356 Hnstings. lyr rs o. s. Jones, LADIES' NURSE, CARLYLE-STREET, NAPIEW ' TOWN OR COUNTRY 118

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9891, 18 January 1895, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9891, 18 January 1895, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9891, 18 January 1895, Page 3