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Q.AIETY THEATEE. HON". R J. SEDDON • WILL ADDRESS THE ELECTORS OF NAPIER ON FRIDAY EVENING, 18xn INSTANT. Tho Chair to bo taken at 8 o'clock by Hia Worship tho Mayor. CIRCLE RESERVED FOR LADIES. 388 NEW ZEALAND RAILWAYS. THE HON. THE PREMIER'S ADDRESS AT NAPIER. f O-P AY (FEIDAY), January 18th, " 1895, a Special Passenger Train will leavo Hastings for Napier nt 0.60 p.m., and return leaving NaDier for Hastings 15 minutes aftor close of Address. These Specials stop at all Stations it required. 100 BY ORDER. SPECIAL BANK HOLIDAY AT DANEVIRKB. ANNIVERSARY DAY, 22ND JANUARY. PURSUANT to the terms of " The Banbß and Bankers Act Amendment Act, 1892," TUESDAY, tho 22nd instant, is horoby appointed a Special Bank Holiday at tho offices of tho undermentioned Banks doing business in Danovirke. For the Bank of Now South Wales. W. G. RHIND, T Inspector, For the Bank of New Zealand. C. J. ANDREWS, 402 Acting General Manager. LADIES 1 DAY AND BOARDING SCHOOL, BENMORE, LINCOLN-ROAD. Miss Smith's Pupils Raassemblo on TUESDAY, February 6th. 289 BOROUGH OP HASTINGS. NOTICE is hereby given that Me William Rundlij is appointed an Inspector of Nuisaneos for tho Borough of Hastings, such appointment to tako offeot from tho 15th January, 1895. J, COLLINGE, Town Clerk, Hastings, 15th January, 1895. 383 THE LONGBURN SLAUGHTERING AND FREEZING COMPANY, LIMITED. CHEAP MANURES FOR AGRICUL. TURISTS. THE Company has 120 tons of Manure for salo in largo or small quantities at enormous reductions, dolivored on railway tracks, I/ongburn. No reasonable offer will be refused, as room must bo made for tho season's manufacture. A. MACPHERSON, 103 Secretory, TO THE LADIES. MRS NOY, teacher of the " Elixir" system of Dressmaking (protected under tho Patents, Dosigns, and Trade Marks Act, 1889), has arrived in Napior. MRS NOY is a teacher of 28 years' experience, and having studied four systems of Dressmaking— British, Sclcntiflo, Eureka, and Parisian— is an authority for stating that the " Elixir " has superseded all other mothods by its simplicity and its accuracy, puplla without any previous knowledge of Dressmaking easily learning it in from four to six lessons of one hour each, without tho uso of charts, patterns, or measurements to cut Dresses, Bodices, Manties. Jackets, Skins, and Capos. It is so cortainly accurate that fitting Is not necessary. Proficiency Guaranteed. Testimonials from all the principal towns visited, including tho Lady Principal and pupils of Nelßon Collego, tho Rev. Mother of tho Monastery, Nelson, and tho Sisters of Mercy at St. Mary's Convent at Wellington. Ladies may make up Dresses and form their own olasses, choosing their own hours, under Mrs Noy's supervision. Address — Mrs Whlttom's, Clivo Square. 379 rpHE ONLY BEER made without 1- sediment is Elberfoldt Lager Beer. PUBLIONOTICE. PLEASE READ THIS CAREFULLY. rpo THE PUBLIC GENERALLY, 1 —It has been my desire for many years to eacapo the Bonds of a Tied Houso and got possession of a FREE HOTEL, SO that I could import Wines and Spirits direct from Home. I have at last auccecded in doing so and Leased tho EMPIRE. Although the edifice is not as pretentious as I could have desired, still, in a very short space of time, after several alterations liavo been completed and evory room thoroughly renovated, I shall bo in a position to offer to my friends and patrons STERLING HOME COMFORT, combined with moderate oharges. It iB with pleasure I nnnounco that I Have cabled to Edinburgh (tho Order having boon previously I writton) for 14 Quarter-casks of very choice Wines and Spirits, which will arrive In the course of a few weeks by steamor. I shall then bo In the pleasant position of offering to the public tho best and most oxponslve Wfiies and Spirits ever imported for sale into Hawke's Bay. It is my determination to give tho public a good artiolo at current prices. I Bhall carry on the Bottling Business in its entirety. Circulars will be duly issued. I have at present in Bond very Old Extra Speoial Whisky I imported several months ago. I now have the pleasure of lntroduoing it to tho public and trust that all Connoissours will not fall to call attho Empire and pass tholr verdict. Boliovo mo to rcmaiq, gentlemen, yours sincerely, JOHN P. SMITH ILate of Farndon). P.S.— The Ordors that I have already booked will bo attended to. 392 CHRISTMAS 1894, NEW YEAR 1895. THOSE desiiing Pretty and Useful Presonta for tholr Wives, Daughters Sweothearta, or Lady Friends should visit F. HOWARD'S LITTLE JEWELLERY WHARE, EMERSON-STREET, Where thoy will flnd a collection of tho mosb Fashionable Designs in GOLD AND SILVER JEWELLERY AND WATCHES AT PRICES TO SUIT ALL CLASSES. Silver Brooches from 2s Gd, Gold Brooches from 5s Gd. Ladies' and Gonte' Watches, £1 to £30. Engagement Rings, ?a Gd to £25. Tho Lucky (18 carat) Wedding Ring, 20s. (i-Day Striking Clocks, (2 years' warranted), 255. WATCH REPAIRS A SPECIALTY, i And Guaranteed for Twelve Months, 125 WHITE SWAN BOTTLING VAULTS. MESSRS • SWAN & SONS Having resumed tho Bottling Business nro prepared to supply Bottled Ales and Stout at Current Market Prices. OUR FIRST ALE AND STODT A SPECIALITY. All Brands of English Alo nnd Stout Kept in Stock. TKLEPnoNB No. 58. Al. Orders for Town and Country attended to with Punctuality and Despatch. NOTE THE ADDRESSSWAN & SONS, WHITE SWAN BOTTLING VAULTS, NAPIER; NOTICE TO PUBLIC HAVING CLOSE"d~MY BRANCH AT NAPIER, MY ENTIRE BOTTLING BUSINESS Is Now Cammed on at the BREWERY, HASTINGS. For tho convonionco of Nnpior custoinors I HAVE APPOINTED MESSRS BARRY BROS., TENNYSON-STREET, AS AGENTS. King up No. 17 and Orders will bo Promptly attended to. E. NEWBIGrITV. |5 A T, FORD, OA B I N7OTM AX K It, Cornor of Lincoln and Fitzroy Roads, AU\ FOi'vD has for Sale a very • liandsomo Cornor Cupboard, with Platcglass in tho Door. Aleo, a Ladies' Writing Bureau, and sovoral Small Tables. Photographs Mounted nnd Framed in N.Z. and othur Woods. Repairing Carefully Attondcd to 329 PETER GILLESPIK SPEGISTEiiKD I'LUMUEK, Tl!'Jt* SMITH, SHEKT ZINC AND GAL VANISWD JHON WORKER All TCind-i of !l)i«8H and Copper Work- Mado And Repaired. i k.m.kir:o(o n.:. a t.r.k e.t, Napikb,

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9891, 18 January 1895, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9891, 18 January 1895, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9891, 18 January 1895, Page 3