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We have received Mr Cunningham's usual half-yearly statement of the shipments of frozen meat from New Zealand, compiled tor the Shaw, Savill, nnd Albion Company. In mutton Ly Helton headed the colony with 203,778 oarcaseß, 449 legs, and 249 pieces, weighing 11,746,9031 b. Napier was nexb on the Hat with 149,561 carcases, 20,185 legß, and 17,704 pieces, weighing 8,899,859ib. The Blnff followed with 117,427 carcases, 273 legs, and 170 plecea, weighing 6,588,5881 b. Wellington's export for the half-year very largely decreased, that pott being only fifth with 71,220 carcases and 31,403 legs, weighing 4,294,5221 b, even Timarn boating her with 73,384 oircases weighing 4,402,6101 b. Wellington's falling off oan only bo partially accounted for by shipments from Waneinni, for the exports there were only 23,682 carcases and 8478 legs, weighing 1,454,6511 b, so that even if all these were credited to the Empire City it would still be a poor fourth. Oamarn with 46,039 oaroaaes just beat Port Chalmers 1 shipments of 45,327 carcaeea, Gisborne being next with 20,968 carcases and a tew legs and pieces. Auckland only shipped 5102 carcase". It is curious that) out of a total of 60,843 legs over 51,000 were shipped from Wellington and Napier, and nearly all the balance from Wangatmi, only 722 legs being shipped from the whole South Island. This may indicate that in this Island many gross secondhand sheep were Bent to the works, of whioh only the leps were considered good enough to ship. It is also noticeable that out of a total of 19,404 pieces Napier shipped 17,704. When we come to the export ot lambs, however, the position of the two islands is reversed. Out ot 60,346 carcases 38,917, or considerably more than half, were sent from Lyttelton, 5551 from Timarn, and 4897 from Oamarn. Wellington topped the North Island shipments, with 5445 caroases, Napier being next with 2907, and Auckland third with 2024. In the previous year only Napier exported beef. In the half year under review none was sent from this port, but Wellington shipped 86,1771 b and Auckland 1178. No beef was sent from the South Island. The total ship menta for the half year were 44,567,7861 bof mutton, 2,195,1571 bof lamb, and 87,3551 b betf. For the year the totals were 98,716,6171 b, 17,819,8851 b, and 192,6021 b respectively. This was an increase, in round numbers, of 340,000 caroiwes of sheep, and 17,000,0001 b weight, 9000 lamba, and nearly 2,000,0001 b weight, but in beef there was a big fall fiorn 922,8161 b to 192,6021 b. The total shipments of frozen meat weighed 116,729,1041 b, aa compared with 100,252,4531 bin 1893.

On the fourth paga will beionod letters to the editor, a report of tho meeting of the Napier Borough Council last night, clicked news, and our Waipawa correspondent's letter. A number of caeca of typhoid fever have been reported at Palmereton North. A verdict of "Foand drowned" was returned by the jury in the case of the late Luke Hushlou, or. Paketapu. A farmer on board a steamer suffering a good deal from the rolling said to a friend: "Theoap'n don't understand bis business; why didn't be keep in the furrows." An adjourned meeting of members of the body corporate will be held in the AthßDc-Dum tbia eveniDg at 8 o'clock to consider the leasing of tho vacant Becbion adjoining the building. The bachelors of Hastings gave tho Benedicts a bad beating yesterday at cricket at Stortford Lodge, tho former scoring 71 runs and the latter 22. Boyd oaptained tbo winners and Owen the losers. Thn Rev, W. J. Elliott and Mr Martin Praser acted as umpires. The following will represent the combined team against the Poverty Bay Wanderers on the Recreation Ground today, play commencing ab 11 o'clock:— Gore, Hughes, Marshall, H. Martin, Logan, Lnsk, Mills, Salnsbary, Toiflroa. H. B. Williams, and E, H. Williams. Another "professor" ia still at large, and announces to the astonished towns* people of Masterton that he will on a certain night specified dip his arm Into a boiler of scalding water for the purpose of exhibiting the wonderful curative powers of an antidote of which he holds the patent. There has been a decrease in cases of drunkenness througbont tho Napier and East Coast district of 117 cases during the past year as compared with 1893. In the latter year 579 cases were reported. This year there were 462, of which number 447 were convicted. The cornrnlbtea of the Napier Rowing Club met last night to make arrangements for tho opening of the new Bhed next Saturday afternoon. It was decided after the ceremony at 3,30 p.m. to havo a procßßsiou of boata. All friends of the club are cordially Invited to be present, and uftornoou tea will bo provided. Mr W. J. Willeooks, tho local agent of tho New Zealand Shipping Company, will shortly leave for a trip to the Old Country In search of health. Mr Wlllcocks has vow been a number of years amongst up, and has mnde many friends who will wish him a speedy return from his well earned holiday in recovered health and vigor. The City Band and a large congregation of the public were disappointed lanfc night, tho weather Interfering with tho former's progratnmo. They will, bow. ever, make amends hy giving a conceit next Wednesday uighf. In cousetiaencQ of tho coueecrntion of tho Ulsbop next Suntlny the baud will not give their in. tended performance m Hastings. Messrs Williams oncl Kettle, Limited hold the third of their qucrtwiy here i fiiirs at Hastings to-morrow, when they will offer on attractive catalogue of about

100 horses Irani Canterbury, Pdlmerstnu North, Fellding, and Gieborne, betides local entries. Intending buyers and those interested should note that Mr Reid will commence bis sale i.nnctoally at 11 30 i.iii.

The United Tradesmen's Cticket Club played a iiittch (cuptatu v deputy) on the Kecreution Ground yesterday, resulting in a win for the former, who scored 110 in their first and 18 for two wickets In tbeir second innings ; the losers made 48 and 78. The principal scorers were Fulton 60 aud 2, and Keid 23 and 2 not out for the winners, and for the losers Ryan 88 and 47. There were only seven men aside.

Id Nelson the other day a farmer, whl'e motviog grass with a reaper, bad to atop his machine to save a dog which bad got dangerously bear it. The dog did not move, co the farmer getting between the knives drew the dog out, throwing it from him with an angry exclamation. This eansed the horses to move ahead sgalD, tana setting the knives in motion, The farmer realising instantly the d&r.gerous situation made a leap, bat only iaab in time, for even as he jumped the knives caught his boot, and ho received a nasty gash In the heel of his foot.

As our readers are aware, under the scheme of reorganisation and retrenchment! adopted by the new management of the railway service, Mr Garstln has been removed to take charge of the PicfconBlenhelm peciion, his place here being thken by Mr Pilcber, secretary to the late Rill way Commisbioners. Mr Garslia leaves by the Talune to-day to take u]< his new duties, His removal will be ve> y widely regretted by all who have 1. .a business relations with thellallwry Department, his piomptness, courtesy, and thoroagh capacity to deal wish emergencies having often been proved. It seema rather like " throwing a good *nun a w ay " to send one of Mr Garstin's experience to a one-horse— or, rather, a one-engine — section like the Picton-Blenheim, bnt we hope that the change will ultimately prove as pleasant to him as no doubt it will prove beneficial to the line under his charge. Mr Pilcher, his euccessor, has been in Napier some days, and has created a most favorable impression among all with whom he has been brought ia contact.

The road race tinder the arispices of the Cash Amateur Cyoling Clnb took plac; at Hastings yesterday evening, the conrso being from the Union Bank to Havelock and back. There were seven entrants, viz., W. Cola and H. Si moods (scratch), W. SteveDs J3osec), C. Cattenach (4Osec), A. F. Plrani and J. O'Neale (lmin), and H. Thompson (Imin 30; ec), A large number of spectators wero present to witness the finish, which resulted as follows :— O'Neale 1, Cattenach 2, Plrani 3, Stevens 4. O'Neale won with lOaeo to spare in 18min. As soon as the race was over protests were entered against O'Noale on the ground that his bicycle was no!) an ordinary roadster. O'Neale after passing the winning post rode on, and shortly nitfirwiuds returned on a heavier bicycle than he had riddeni which it was ascertained was not the oneifKxia'e in the racei The judges— Messrs MftriI son and Hunt— thereupon disqualified O'Neale. Later on a committee meeting of tbe clnb was held, when the deeltion of the judges was upheld. The prizes, £3, £1, and 10a respectively therefore go to the second, third, and fourth com- | petitora.

Ia returning thanks for his reflection at* chairman ot the Wellington Benevolent Trustees Mr Van Staveron said ho trusted that the legislation which had so long been promised would be introduced next session to assist in the efieolive treatment of cases such as the (trustees had t] deal with. Firat he would suggest to tho Government or the municipality that more power should be given to the trußtees to punish those whom he had in his ruind'B eyo. There were a few families, the heads of which, instead of being oreod-winners, were merely beerBoakers, and yet at present the tiuetcefl wero unable to get rid of them. He hoped a clause would be Inserted in the proposed measure b$ which places would beset aside— a small colony in fact— to which these men corild be compelled to go with their families, and work for them, and not be able to get beer. Id was useless to place these men in gaols, because ia that case not only was the Benevolent Soolety obliged to keep the women and children, bat the Government had to maintain the men in prison at a coat, he understood, ot from £33 to £35 each per annum, So that if they were not a burden on one body they were upon another.

The letter left by Maggie Mason, who drowned herself at' K-Uwaiwai, read as follows:— "Jast a few lines to leb yoa know where I am nnd what I have done. Yoa have been very good to me, and no one but myselt knows it. Mother, you know I told you that I thought my head was going wrong and that I was going silly, So it has come to that at last. Yon

will all know what I have done, and yon will never find out where I got the money. It was given to me. There is one far away that has been as deep as I have, bat do not think it is Dear Fred, because it is not, and God helping me to say 10, it was not stolen, as Mre M'Laod think?, and I am nob married as the people say, and someone else can prove that j and one that is a goad Christian and would not think of doing Bueh a thing. I will now say good-bye to all and hoping everyone will forgive me. You will find me in tho river by Lawrle's. Dear Mother do not think there is any wrong with me ; you know the way I mean. ThaDk God, it I had stayed here the next twenty years, that wonld never have happened. But I have deceived Mrs M'Leod by telling stories, and you all by not telling you all the truth. Lab Lizzie have my watch, and tell her never to p3rt with it. I will say good-bye now. I will not meet you bye-and-bye, becanse you will go to a better place than I will."

A flve-roomed house is to let. ■iw! „£ ? onod . ««>ther big lot of canvas SSfefiSSfe 0 * *• Hannah » ad c °-' s - Ndpl<!r il^te Smith has now taken possession wlnn* on?^?-? 0 '? 1 ' and iB importing^ botufnS h,, V irita , d . iroct from H °We. ?m oottiing business in Its entirety will bo carried " %?u v/&vt a cheap boot, try Hannah ! if KasUDßs? 00 * b °° ? ' try Hannah, Napior I JlJrn r0 9 11 S r monthly mooting of the Sclndo n™& Freemasons ivill °b e held this street? Masonic Hall, Tennysonvfcif vWn" 0 !?^, mllllnory at clearing prices vißit N col ana Closo's show-room. SA±,£S, &a— THIS DAY. p S Cohon f lf nitUr ° and offoots ' Waipawa. H. MoM e h C 8 0 X%' UrnltUro ' kt hisraart ' Haßli Ing1 ng8 W ! okly Sale3 ' KA> n ° rmnn and Co - Swimming Club's sporta. < Monthly moating of Spindo Loflgo of Freemasons, Masonic Hall, Tcnnyson-Btreot, 7,30. For ohoico Plated Artlclos of good quality and nrtistic deaigns, specially Buitablo for wedding and (Jhristmas prosonts, call and inspect J. Hardy's now goods. Special reductions. Knives. Forks, and Spoons—warranted—a speciality,— [Advt.J 185 G. Glassford, The Cafe, Hastings-stroet, has for solo a splendid assortment of Local FrulU. Preserving JfrulU at reduced rates. — [ADVT,] 106 Fly Notß in Great Variety for covering either foro or hind quarters, at JonN M'Vay's, Bastings-street, Napier.-[ADVT.J 290

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9890, 17 January 1895, Page 2

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FROZEN MEAT EXPORT. Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9890, 17 January 1895, Page 2

FROZEN MEAT EXPORT. Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9890, 17 January 1895, Page 2