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AUTUMN AND WINTER ANNOUNCEMENT 804""" FIUStWuIES. 204 oasm SPECIAL DISCOUNT PURCHASE. KIRKCALDIE & STAINS HAVE much pleasure in intimating to the Hesidetits of Napier and its Vloinity the arrival of their FIRST SERIES OP 201 CASES OF AUTUMN AND WINTER NOVBLTIKd. Spcolal Attontlon is dlrooted to aevoral lines heroaftor onumer ated as worthy of ooneidoraolu interest. FASHIONABLE COSTUME " FABRICS * SPECIAL DISCOUNT PUROfIABH: of 2180 yarda of 40-lnoh all-wool Cheviot Dre 9 Tweeds at 2s yard Tho Patterns are qulto N«w and Stylish New Designs in 44-lnoli French Tweeds, S3 6d, Si 9J, 4s yard Now Shades In 42-inoh ' 'nniela 1 Cloth, 4a to 6i yard New Styles In 50-lnoh Frenoh Choviots, fls, &, 11s yard Now Coloiings In 44-lnoh French Koules, 2a 3d. 2j lid, 8s yard Now Shades in 4Mnoh Frenoh Caahmoroa, 2s 01, 2d lid, 8a Bd f ara Now Stock In 41-inch Navy borgee, 2s td, 53, 3 i Gd, 8b ltd yard Now Stook In 4J-lno!i Noptnno Herifoa, ia 6d, 2a 9J, 3s, 33 Od, Is, it (A yard Forty Ploces la SSlnch Thibot Skirtings, Ii 3d, 2i Od, 2a d, 3j, 3a Oil, 4s, la fld yar FRENCH AND ENGLISH MILLINERY. With tho view of assisting our Country friends In the purchase of Fiwhlonab'.o Millinery, we have Imported Illustrated Plates for distribution, showing nil tlio Newest Stylos In flaw and Fanoy Htrawe, Foils, Beavers, &o, ■ 1T . A The new shapes are tho Declma Aubyn, Four-in-Hands, Lonoro, Haatlrgs.llvanlioo, ana tho Klysco, Prices and Platoa pjßt free. MANTLE DEPARTMENT. SPHOIA.L DISCOUNT PUROHASE-40 Pttß CENT off Kngllßh MaanfaetureM Prlocß In Ladles Fashionable Mantle* and Jackets. Sainplo uarmoms n;nt on approval. f Soalotto Jackets, trlmmod Fur, ABtraohan, 85s 6d to 47 J Plain Bealotto Cidob, COj to 9Ai Od | Sealotto Capes, trimmed Silks, 60s to 80a, with Hoods 90s ... „ 1 Dorothy Capes in plain and fanoy oloth, liood Silk andjWaddlng, somo with Fur Hoods, 45s to 03a J Cloth Jackets In all tho now shades (ox Doric) „. Full-length Cloaks, plain and fancy oloth, Hnod Silk trimmed Fur, 37a Gd to KM New Shlpmont of udorous MaoklntOßhos, now dealgns In medium and hoavy loxwroa CHILDREN'S MANTLE AND JACKET DEPARTMENT. BPECIAI. DISCOUNT PUKOHASK-50 PER CENT off Children s Reofo'S, Ulßtors Jaokota Cloaks, from Kngllßh Manufacturers' Prices. This oxtcnslvo Dlßoount Purchaso of Fashlonablo Garments to oommonoo tne season with Is qnlto unusual. We therefore anticipate a largo volume ot extra bualnosß in tnoaa Good*, hb tho Publlo will have tho FULL ADVANTAGE of tho Discount. Now Shlpmonia of Children's Costumes, Ladios 1 and Children's Corsets, Woollen Under. olothing, &O, SAMPLB GARMENTS SENT OX APPROVAL. THE PUBLIC ARE RESPECTFULLY ASKRD TO NOTIOB KIftKOALDIB AND BTAINd MSW BONUd SYSTEM. CO-OPERATION WI T H I M MEDIATE BONUS, NO RISK. NO SHARE QUALIFICATION. NO LIABILITYi LIBERAL PARTICIPATION IN THE PROFITS. TKRMS. lar.-On nil Oarpats Linoleums, &o, In tho Carpet Warebouso, a Bonus of Wperopnt, or 9d in tho 6, will bo allowed on all purchases of fit and npwarda for f tt^MP^ 2.NP.-On"all'othor Ooods nn IMMKDIATK BONU3 of FIVE PER OBNT, or lfl In tho £, will bo allows on Ml purchases of «l aud upwards, for PKOMPT CASH ON DAY OK BALK. , , „ . SrtD. -On all aoouunrji paid on or boforo tho 10th of tho month auoooßdlng that In whioh purchases aro mado, an IMMEDIATE BONUS ot 3| per oont, or fld In tho ft will bo allowed. nno oaso.wlll thoro b3 a oonoossloa oxoocdlng tho abovo dates and terms. No Goods after thoy aro onoo ontercd will participate In tho t Por Cent Bonus. KIBKCALOIE & STAINS, I/AMB'TON.'-QUAIYi. CARPET WAREBOUSE AT ST. GEORGE B HALL. 19 THE CELEBRATED "K" MAX& BOOTS AND SROEB of tbis Make aro 8pooia!ly Renowned for QUALITY. KIT, COMFORT, nd DOR4.BIUITY. Tho following ar \ fow of the Loading varle'leelof ho ''|Ky make:— WATERPROOF "K 1 BOOTS For Shooting, Fishing, and Hoavy Wear. CITY "K" BOOTS With Anhydrous Waterproof Soles, for All-tho-year-ronnd Wear. OOUNTEY "S." BOOTS With Anhydrous Waterproof Soles, for Country and Rough Wear PLIANT "K" BOOTS For Light Easy Wear, mado on an Improvod Principle ALSO, OEDINAEY "K" WALKING Boots and Shoes, In all Stylos and Vrvrlotlos ot Shapo and Material. THE CELEBRATED "K" MAKE. THB ABOVU GOOD 3 AR« TO Bfc OBTAINED FROM R, HANNAH AND CO., TilE GREAT BOOT PROVIDERS, NAPIER AND HASTINGS. 104 WHERE TO G-ET FLAMELS ANDJBLMKETS CHEAP. THE N.D.C. having made Special Arrangements tor tho Purchase of OolonUl-manufaoiured Goods are In a position to supply tholr Oustomors at EXCEPTIONALLY LOW PRICES. A GLANCE AT THIS FOLLOWING PRICE LIST WILL PROVE THIS iBLANKETS. FLANNELS. 71 xsl Inohcß 17b Oi lOtd „.,, , ., M 78 x CO lt,chiß lUa ni llJd wiivpr v lrti 88 x72 Inches 25-. Od lS}d nK-vr \l ni 01 x 80 Inches 32a lid Is 3d „ . i?ia S? o , 93 x 0 luones 3i3 Od lsM MAJitt = a " WK ARK ALSO JUST LANDING A LaRQE BHIPMSNT O? ENGLISH BLANKETS AND RUG-S Bonght on oxooptianally good terms, and whioh wo shall 801 lat prices ranging boa a lid pair ; also a quantity of Kldordown Quilts. 00MB ANJ INSPECT, WE OAN STAND ANY COMPARISON FOB QT7ALTT7 OB PEIOB. NAPIEK DRAPERY CO. 6 C. SAUNDERS, PITT AND CO,, PKR CARGO BOATS PKOM WELLINGTON, ARE JQST IN RECEIPT* OF AN KXNtA HKAVtf SHIPMSNT OF THB JVSthY CKLBBRATBD LIGHT OF AGE KEROSENE, 180 TB T 1 PATKNT TOP 3. Through a olorloal orror, IW CA3EJ WK^li BHIPPSD INSTEAD OF M OABKB as Ordered, and on our r<3f v.-lag to acoopt delivery of ao largo a parcel, tho Shipper* havo Initraoted us ira;;u.- Jim run the rim and oxpenajot re-Bhlpplng) to doll, and BKub WK INTEND 10, tlio wholo be wlUiln a week or two, 13 d 9 D PER CASE, OR 6* ll v PER TIN, IS OUR OAJH-BTRICTLY SPOT Oißn-PRIOK. ano we undortake to Deliver it to any part of Napior, including Taradale, Free of Extra Ohnrrfu. Now* your tliio ; don t rnlsa this opportunity of scouring Light of Age Keroaono, tau oojt) la, the vVorld, ataaoha Reduoed Figaro. J AM3— Peaoook'fl Now SeoßOn'd Jama, h Oil por doton O»ah JAMS— St. George Naw doaion'a (quality Very Bojt), SI6I pir dozan Ci?h CONSEItVKS -at. HoorgoNowHcriwborry and A.yrlooLOjn'ijnro, HlOafloriJaroaah Kui/rKIJ PAIIAITiriN UiVuL^S, 01nerlbor8ip.irlbbytha2JlbIJox CIIKAP CANULKd-Pyramids, (1 1 por lb, 12i 3d por Box BOAPd-Voiy Uood Uouseho'.d, 1 Bora for Id BUAPd-Exira Largit Burn Almuad-asoniod Finest Quillty lOd Bar TE \tj-no A iilaoli Toa, UGi and Is 8d por lb. Tit If JT TUAH-Suratara Coy lon To is - Paokod aud aont out] A Quality, 2i 4d ; per lbOiso, at2j 2d Ulroot from Cdylon } U Uaili'.y, it Si ; por 2 lib (J« j, nt 2* Ui by tho Qrowora )D ij lullty, 3j; par 201 a Ciuo. al 'is lOi BUOAItS-No. 1, 9<i Od j No. 2, 9i Od ; No. 3, 8a dd por Wlb Uig ANDJSVJSUYTHING CHEAP FOHiOASff. BEND FOR PRICK LIBT. PITT X¥D CO., READY MONEY GROCERS, EMKRSON-STRBKT, NAPIER. HAWKE/3 BAY. ID

special '^flvmtfltmeutg. GILBEY'S 1 DRY GIN, RECOMMENDED by Sir Charle; Camoron,M.l),,l'rcßldontof ihollrltlnl Jlodlail Uc&lth S^oloty, us bulug good fo kldnoy and allied diseases. To be had of PrlnWpal Wlno and Spirit Moronantß. 37! JOHN M'VAY, SADDLKR AND HAKNK3S-MAKEK, His' an Immense Stock of tJADDLKRY AND HAKNESE O OF EVKKY DESCRIPTION, ORSffi OLOrHINQ aud all STABLE RK QUISITKB, To Boloot from at pnoos whioh, quality oon: pared with price, dofy oompoUtion. A Flno Assortment ot Indies' Saddles, ot the bost Engllah BhApoa and pattornß Trotting and Sulky Harness from 67b a Set HUPKIUOH KNGIJBH MILL BELTING ALWAYS IN STOCK. Repairs Reoolve Spoolally Careful Attention, m JOHN~M'VAY. NEW ZKAIAND INSDRANOE COMPANY (HSTAIIUHHB 1869,1 Capital _ A 1.000.000 Paid-up and Reeorve Funds _ 0133,000 With Unlimited Llab'Uty ot Sbaroholdora, FlßK.— lnsurances against Losa by Fire ara ettooted by thle Company upon uvery ioentipUon cf property nn tne most farorablo terms. MARINE -Morohnndlso Frolght, ad Hulls Inuurod to and bom all parts cf -he world O, N, PIERCE, 197 M&nigor for Hawko'e bay, AUSTRALIAN ALLIANOfI iX ASSURANdK COMPANY, PumoiPAL OrnoKs— l7 OolUns-Btroot Weal Melbourne. PIKE AND MARINE RISES Of Gvori doacriptton aoooptid by the undci. %l R rodatLOWKST RAtRg )09 DAVinsON IHVINIC fir. CO « IVEIU'OOJiAh-D LONDON AND «J OLOntt INSU/IANCK (JOMJ'AKY. K/iUtUbh;fd, ISS'.i. ;■ Hicllod LJablllty oi aharchold^ro-Pald-ui (!n»iLnl ftail .ioi"..i'iil!Hi'.l H«B«rvo )Tur.U6 (lb.U) B,oeo 8:i. iasacanoo a^ilfiJt Ji'lruetrcotwlal' the low 68* nbtt, ITirßt-oinsa rton treated voryliboraliy, WHXI.WH' & BKTTLK LTD.' Ageait'.

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 9266, 28 April 1892, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 9266, 28 April 1892, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 9266, 28 April 1892, Page 2