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jgttttgtiottg mmM wwti&M WANTED, Office Lad write a good hand. Apply '**£*•■s& Pikb, Hebald Chambers, Tennyson-Btieet.-^, j| ' ' ;^| ■W7ANTED, House "and P*d°*M VV Maid; references M^SSi-^SSS?^ in the evening, Bank Nbw South Walk. ;i -d Haetings-Btroeti ■ «| ANTED, Situation as WorWngio| Housekeeper or Domestic ,ServMi6,,^j with rtrl aged 11. Also wanted, to Plaop Boy aged 14 to work on farm or station. Address Mrs .Wakblino, care of Mrs Foster, Hag. *<s tings-street. - ; «";^ " — « :-i| WANTED, a thoroughly oompe. ~m tent General Servant Two In f anfflg -v^ Apply to Mrs Oablyon, Barraok HUL ■«a a ' 'JQ TOPARKNTa . '-: '■:'■)•& WANTED, a Smart Youth to learn -^ Watchmaking. WIU guarsntee to -;<vj teaoh him to make up new work. AnU7,<i>}^ Gborqb Dewsnap, Praotioal Watohmakejv^rj Waip»wa(lateof Naplor.) «8;| WANTED, Bnsh Fellers to Cornel »" traot for felling about 1000 acres Bush, nearGtoborne. Apply to F.J.Tn'FBN.EIijB-;,^ hlU,Patang*ta. ' . :®*rii| WVttit& S>tttßW» . :^ ■ WEW QOOPS ' ' : ~ : M TMMENSEEELEOTIONof Hosiery,f#3 JL Children's and Ladles' Plain and Ribbed/./f - 1 in all qualities. Boys' Heavy Knicker,. front %| is 4d ; Ladle*' Bibbed Cashmere, two pair for. ■ . • J Ss 8d '■''"•? Dent's foor-olaspßosettl Kid Gloves, 8a 6dj m » to 8 Bizeo Kid-tipped Cashmere from Is- .- t *$& UMBRELLAS; PLUBHKS. RIBBON a :| Special purohaße ot Velvet rtibbons, ono pM inch wide, all sbades. 18 yards for Ss.6d.r>rJ These aro halt usual prioe. • i,'^ I '^ The Latest In Furs. Collarettes, in," Rq.^s| wena," Viotorias, Piincess, JE^press;' and'^f other shapes, from Si 6d; Swonßdown Trim* ';. ■ 3 mlngs in Evening Shades.' ... :';' ~ "'.'"■- r pM Blaok Frenoh Merinoea and Osßhrneres, -M from Leaf and Co., London, thoflrsC Houwin : j,S the trade for these Good>, from 2s Mperyard^.* Dress Materials, endlero variety, from4W; n :^-l MILLINERY. TUDOK CaPHS, JACB3STS* *?J The Latest In Gents' Whltd Shirts, detach-;^ \m able Cuflß, 10a JwitWtwo extra pafta of CnffiH,' IPf BlßO,tho"kmnbnrgh''Dreßßßbbt!,wlthplo.U»:cj| Cronts and enfis, 7s (ld, ■ " '■-*-* Special Job Lot of 81 Natural Wool Pants *?»! and Shirto, usual value 6s Od, for ss. • ',:.$ JAMES PTTHOMISO^f DRAPKR AND IMPORTER. ; «B^..|p WANTED ; KNOWN - I chave^ll several good paying Hotels to T6im»^ and Country on my Boons for Sale and Losww I>M George T. Cboss, Napier. . : *w.^ga TAMES HAEDY haa^Lole's 6ele«-£'jf •9 brai oS Cooking Btovee, specially adapted v'.r«l for firewood; all sizes; New Colors in Enamel - : :iM and Bath Paints ; Fresh Novelties, in Plated +M Warp. Cutlery, and«!arpentera' Tools s grand, ;tiJ assortment) of Lamia and Fitlings. Brush- ,«js ware, Travelling Trnnks, Wringeis, Manglos,,. : Minoers. At Cash Prices. , . «ro.-;/^ — •■ — ; — — - ( y.^ OATS! OATS! OATS! Justar-^ rlvea-SCO sacks flratolaßß Oata.^Fpr i,;| sale cheap. B. J, Holder, Hmerßon-stroet WPREBBLE has a large assort- (^| • ment of Choice Imported nnd tocal -sm Fruits, including.- Priw Perstamons, BXHI-.;.-^! BITION GRAPEP. KxhlWUon Peare, Plums,";.;! Apples, and Oucumbers. Also 100 bunohea- -#ss tonsnaß, Pines, fta Also Smoked Sohnapper •• 5 and FRHS a OYSTERS. ' • «» lv| ""kubber^tamps. II ORDERS leftat the Hkrald dfeco^ will receive attention. .-'; M J. WNWIDDIK, VI 1 , Brtwste street r-p , ' \-i TO SPEOULATORH. , 1 J WANTED, to dispose of a Firafr. M olass Boardlng-honse Bußtatess in . i% a central ultuation ; Orchard, and plenty of -M ground; Cow kepi SaUafaotory reasonat-fd kven for selling out Full particulars on \ ■rjS application to MasPßßßßLß,Hasting»street ;->| Napier. ••' •«>.-;;| m >• '■ |M> " " m r..^ WANTED. EARN MONeTaT. HOME.- b^ Either sex; cew work: just Btarted . " v| all earn good wages; no walking or travel- „<.;; ling required ; anyone can do the work ; boys -?: and girls eArn nearly as much as men ; .writs v a for partioulan at once, before our list Is full, ; ■ ..w and enoloae addressed envelope and, stamp ■ -Jor reply to Jambs G. Saboood, Manager :r^ P.O. Box 986. Sydney: or, 65 Royal Arcade > . i.g Qeorga and Pitt Stresis, Sydney. 810. . . ;.g FRED. HOWARD. Praotioal Wstth - f -| and Olockmaker, Jeweller, &0., Emer- , son-Btreet, Napier, having purohMed th« « 8t«ok of Mb Georob Dkwbnap for prompb .; oa6h,isprepiredtofell the pame at Greatly -- Reduced Prices. FRBD. HOWARD is a * thoroughly PRAOTIOAL WATCHMAKER, ,;| and was employed several years by one ottto - - eadlng manufacturers in the North of Eng- , ' land, and has also several years' colonial ex- ■ perienoe, bo oustomers may rely on havtaK heir work done properly. A SPECIALITY. -5 j -THK "LUCKY WEDDING-RING," SOs. :■ _fWatch and Clook repairs guaranteedjfgr 13 ;.? months. Pleas* note the addressS-Faro •,: ETowabd. Emerson-Btreet (nest Robinsons ; : Drapery Warehouse), Napier. »8 j GAS BTOVB KBTTLBS, -"'^ "EXCEPTIONALLY Strong Tin, ; Ti IronHandleß,Bpt2sSd,Bpt &M,jPti2j ■; 93, 6pt Sa 6d ; with topper Bottom, Js 9d, 8s Id SB 9d, is 8d: Well Bottom for Stove or „ B ange, 3s fid and ia 6d. Spirit Stoves, Is, la . 6d, 2a ; Kerosone Stovos; Gem 3b 6d, Dnpler = 8a Cd-a marvel of cheapness. '-; NOVBLTY DBPOT. 8S ,v IVfRS DUHNEY'S Registry Office ; iTX for Governeßses, Ladles' Compftniosß, '«',.. and Domeetlo Servante ot all kinds. Note the Addrcss-Kanoy Repoßltpry, Haaungs- •- stroet (opposite Bub Company). 81 .; TIT ANTED KNOWN-J. Braaroa h^^XWf^^bMT ;; Jnuce, 6d! Vinegar, M; Iteroflene K pet jotUei Bait, Ulb for is i Pepper, Jib tor M Mnitard, Hb for fid j Ourrante,M per lb 5 bes .■ cleaned, Yd, per lb Ralßlns,Bdperlbi Vestas j Ed per dOB At J. Spknok's yon can get I doj: 1 Day an« Martin's Blacking for Od i Hue, 6d p«r Inj „, Starch, 6d per lb; best Jam.H per lbiCorlee. . , Tomlß4dperlb!Ooooa,6diprlmeCheew > Id per lb: WChlte Sugar, 41b tor Ist freßh < aerrlngß, Bdi Cornfloor, Sd ; Baking Powder. Id per tin; Neove'B Food, Is ; best Kerosene, , : !b per tto 1 Soap, Bs6d per box. AUtte above . lines are of first-olase Quality Miarixtoen .•■- --isswss^Msmmi •■■•; WILL BB MAINTAINED. Bpedal prioe . to purchasers of SS worth and npwaros . - Sofe too Addreas-J. SPENOE.CariylMtreelNapier. W IITAjSTTED KNOWN-M yon want ; ; W a really good Suit) of Clothes, well made and a^?«s fit. try DivmandErAKS TJTANTEDKNOWN-Thal Oavmi W and Kvass, Tallorß.HaattagßjßbMeti. havo Jn»t reoeivod a splendid aaaortment 01 Tweeds OobUwtb *o ~ NOTICE. ANY Person found Trespassing with Gun or Dog on my Run will bo ", prosecuted. jmm ESBBWaigXt j55 Tarawera. a««^S5 SS» PROVI ' nPBIB Society is prepared to grant - L Loanß on approved urst-olasß Freehold Boourlty. Borrowera will sftTOjpnyment 1 oi oommiseilon by applying DIKECT to the Boolety, a 6 the Ofllceß, Cußtom-houso-Quny WelUngton or at tho Dlatrlct Office, Niplcr EDWARD W. LOWF, ncßldanbßeurelarr A. PAIL (Latk Bovoe & Fail), GENERAL COOPER, WEBT CLIVB. Tallow Casks, Ohurnp, Butter Tubß, Oheeao ; Vfttß. and all kinds of Work conneotea with , the Trado turned out with despatob, and at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE. 120 COLEMANE & SONS' EUCALYPTE. PURE EXTRACT FKOM THE BUCALYPTK TREE. _~ "170 8 all Affeotions of the Chest and ; ralglo,Toothaoho,and Fovora ot all kinds} . Iniluonza, &o. „; IT HAS NO EQUAL!) '■ For Old Sorr 8. Old Skin Dlfleases, Bad Legs ;« Badßrwste, Ucers, &o. try our Eucalypje , VlotoryOtotmont. which haß nover faUod la ; Jeraoy, Qovornorbt New Sonth Waieß. Loid Carrington, and the Emperor of Germany. . ■ and Sons', as there aro frnuda,ta the mavkot Sold by MR Txbhman, Chemtet an 4.• MEBSB Bkok & Co., Merchantß, Hastings, :;. MR A.TOCLES, a Agent for Napier.* ' y>; ->'■'■ .':•!

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 9266, 28 April 1892, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 9266, 28 April 1892, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 9266, 28 April 1892, Page 1