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I _.. . N * f// "' ' (OOPKKS DIP. ENORMOUS DEMAND. 1] _ . SALE! LAST YEAR, 1 1,140,170 PACKETS INCREASE [. (NEARLY 900 TONS MORE THAN 1890). OFFICIAL "CERTIFICATE. Vv 0 have examined tho books of Messrs Wra. Coopor and Nophows, of Berkhamstcd, and _ we cerllfy llwt. tho sales of their Shooo Hipping I'owder for tho year nrdod 31et December 3 1891, lire IN EX OKSH OF THOSE FOR THE PREVIOUS YAEK BY 1,110,170 PAOKfiTB OR 800 TONS 15 tWT. 17 LB-". TUKQUAND, YOUNGS, WEIBF, BISHOP, AND CLARKIT, r Accountants, London, ; INFLUENCE OF COOPER'S DIP UPON THE 'WOOL. B The high position Uken by Cooper dipped fleeo s In tho London Market is undisputed. ° All who have used It apeak in the warmeet terms of its effect upon tho fleece, which Is brought to the market In tho highest condition. Scores of Shcepmon report an addition of as much sb 3d por lb to tho value ot their wool as tho result of using Cooper's Dip, We give the following from many testimonials In our possession :— TESTIMONIALS FROM HAWKE'S BAY SHEEPFARMERS. From L. do PHLICHKT, Fcq., Manpatarata Station. 17th June, 1891, " In roply (0 yours of the loth inst., I have much ploasaro In stating tbat Coopor'sDlp has ' has givon mo overy satisfaction. Tho Sheep come In perfectly free from ticks and lice at shearing, (blnco using Coopor's Dip I h&vo never scon lioo in tho flock at all,) I have used Cooper's Dip tor ten years, and Intend to use it always. ' From JAMES COLLINB, Ksq , Hcmowood, Kalkora. Bth Sept. IS9I. I "I have much pleasure In ttattng that I have used Cooper's Dp for tho last ten yean, and hiivo always found it cfllcnclous, and I can say without itcMtntion it Is the best Dip I ' havo over need, and I Intend to go on using it, and will strongly recommend my brother Bhcopfarmers to use It also." From J. Hi WILLIAMB, Esq., Frimloy, Hastings. 25tb Jan., 1592. " I have muoh pleasure in Btating tbat I havo used Cooper's Dip for tbo last ton year?, and havo alwaya found It efficacious, and I prcfor lt.ito any othor patent Dip, and can t horonghly recommend It to all shoopfannors." From L. H. M'UARDY. Ktq., Blnckhoad Btatlon ' 6th Feb., 1892. "In reply to yours of January 26th, ro Cooper's <heep-dlrplng Powder, I may stato that wo havo uoed It horo for tho past two sensons, and aro about to use it ngaln now, We aro particularly well satisfied with tho good effect that It haa had upon our Hook," WILLIAMS AND~^ETTLE, LIMITED, AGBNTS, HAWKL'fI [BAY.

£htep gtp> THOMAS' SHEEP DIP' IS the beßt in tho market. It kills all Tick nnd Llco, and improves the oondltlonofthoWool. A t the test of Dips held undor the auspices the HAWKE,S BAY AGRICULTURAL AND.J PASTORAL SOCIETY Thomas' Dip gained most points ot any and tho judgo reported that "Thomas Dip leaves tbo Wool In tho moat perfect condition, aa soft and lußtrous as silk.' Tho Best Is the Cheapest In tho ond, and TnoMAB' Dip Is tho boet and tho most lasting In Its xood ofioots. The first of the season's supply of this Dip 1 freshly manufactured and packed In various sized tins to Bult purchasers, him lust been reoolvod by tho undersigned. habmoodTT bannek, SOLE AGENT FOR HAWKES BAY. 61 JNMPOKTANT. MURTON'S SHE-JEP-DTPPING SPECIFICS STAND FIRST FOR HfFIOAOY AND CHEAPNESS. THIS BTATEMENT IS 'SOLID FACT SHKEPFAItMERS TEST IT. \ ory amplo Testimony from Users can be supplied a 6 all timos up to duto, and thk BPEOIFICS AHB SOLD CNDBB ABSOLUTE OUAHANTKK OK KKKICAOV. CAUTION.-No PaoKago Gonulno unices boating my Trade Mnrk and Signature. MANUFACTURED~7)NLY »ST THK IN VENTOR. H. R. MUBTON. Bout Propribtor. Faotory-SPIT, NAPIER M TREES. TBP.ES. TUBES. PLANTING BKABON 1692. H. •!. GILBERD, TARADALB NURSBRY, Has an' Extra Largo and Well-grown Stock of Apploei, Apricots, Peaohes, Chorrlee. Qulnoes, Walnuts, Prunes, Japan and othor Plums. Also" * oses, Ouprf BSUB. Maorocarpn, * Plnus Inßignla, and othor Fiult, Forest, and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, &c. INSPECTION INVITED. Catal uos, with Supplnmont for 11893, poet free on application to H. J. QILBEBD, U 63 TARADALEiNUKSERY. - SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. HUNT BROTHERS BEG to intimate that thoy have Purohased a Portion ot tho Stock of MEBSRB O. E. GIBBONS AND CO., And bavo for Salo an Extonslvo Aseortment : of I FLOWKR AND FKRN POTS SEED PANB AND GARDEN APPLI ' ANOEB, FIBH BOWL 3, &0. J At the Lowest Prloea. I HUNT BROTHXItS aro Dlreot Importers of Boeds from Erghiutl and Amorloa. They guaranteo to supply Setdß of tho Finest Quality only, and will oarry on thla Bubluobs in all Uo brancbes at tho LOCAL FRUIT STORB, KMHRSON-STRKKT. POT PLANTS, NURSERY PLANTS AND 01 UUUUa OF ALL DKBCHIPTIONB, ■ ■ -»J WAIPUKURAU STEAM [SAWMILLS. |MII _„ 1 WILHING & CO. Have always ou hand; A LAX G E STOCK OF WKLLOUX TIMBKh,- --' Also, > MOULDINGS, ARCHITRAVES | 9 DRESSED TIMBEK mmm tm f ORDKRS PROMPTLY AND CAREFULLY «-_-MV_l 09 aUAMTT GUARANTEBD.

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 9266, 28 April 1892, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 9266, 28 April 1892, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 9266, 28 April 1892, Page 1