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5. S.Z. L. & M.A. COMPANY'S SALEI >. V.Z. LOAN AND MBROANTIL » AGENCY CO., LTD., > » J. Stock ana on Growing Clips of Woo .ilso on Grain, Grass Seed, ana every desorl tion of Farm Produce, consigned for Ba: inm'iT. or for shipment to London or Colonli markets, We will hold our next Sale of WOOL, BHEBPSKIHR. HIDBB, AM] i- TALLOW r oy f WEDNESDAY, 11th MAY, I Prodnoe for our Sales may be sent forwar i ibavy time, and should Ire consigned "ftoai and Mercantile) Co., Spit." Consignment Labels supplied on epplloatloi JOHN CRAIG, > 235 Manager. 1 WILLIAMS & KETTLE'S SALES ' SIOOE SALES. WILLIAMS^ KETTLI GSEO rffjIMITED) BH2SSSSfi;. HfflS!©as?|wm."'nou>- A '*««* "*&» SALE OF^SHEEP AND CATTLE ATHASTIKGS ON FRIDAY, 29th APRIL, When tbe following will be anbmlttod--761 two, fonr, six, and fresh full moutl Crossbred Ewes . 10 Crossbred Lambs 10CO fresh full mouth Merino Bwes I' 6 two-tooth HaK-bred Romney Kwes 28 Merino Rams And 21 Stoors FURTHBRENTRIKSWILLBERECBrVED AT NAPIER OFFICE (AFD BRANCH OFFICR. HASTINGS C. B. HOADLK* & CO, 174 Auotloneers, FARMERS' ASSOCIATION'S SALES. SHEBP SALS. FRIDAY, 29th~APRIL, 1892. HAWKE'B BAY^FABMERB 1 00OPBBATIV£ ASSOCIATION, LTD. Our next Monthly Sale will be held at Hostlogs on tho abovo date, when we will offer 1 JA FULL-MOUTHED CROSSJ.3HF BRED BWE3 00 Lambs , 800 Two-tooth Crossbred Wethers 200 Full-mouthed Crossbred Kwes 100 Ftill-meuthod Crossbred Kwes M 0 Fnll-monthod Merino Wothers 300 Full-mouthed Morino Ewes 100 Fat Merino Wethors 250 Merino Wothers, mired Btrea 100 Fall-mouthed Morino WothefJ 200 Crossbred Kwes, mlxod ages K0 Mx- tooth Merino Wothers SOO Fat Crossbred Wethors Further Entries may bo made up to date ot Sain. R GOOCH, Manager. JAMBS LYON, Stock Agent. 173 wool. woolTwool. OUR NEXT SALE will be held on WRDNKBDAY.IIthMfty. ' Farmers aro requester to forward tholr Consignments addressed to the Association, Labola supplied on application. 17S HAWKE'S i*AY FARMERS' OO OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION, LIMITKD. NAPIER AND PORT ABDRIRI. HTHE Association ib prepared to * receive consignments o( Wool, Tallow Froron Mntton. Grain, Potatoes, Flax, Maize Jrass Seed, and other Produce for sale In tha Colonial or London Markets. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Mado on Growing CUpe'of Wool and PrOduM Free of Commission. Tho Association has Agents and Cor respondents throughout the world, and at thoy aot solely as Agents, growers can re'y on obtaining Full value for their oomlgnj ments, REGULAR AUCTION BALES Of Wool, Hides, Skins, (Co,, Jce. INSURANCE. Fire and Marine Ineuranoefeflboted a Lowest Rates. LOANS Arranged on Freehold and Leasehold Pro pertlea on very favorablo terms to borrower FOR~SALE, At lowest rates— Woolpacks, full weight Sizn.GOz 27, 12 x 27; Corusaoks, Seamlna Twine, Fencing Wire, Staples, Stores, ana Farmers' Requisites of every description, SEEDS. Oato. Barley, Raio, Turnips, Mangolds Ryegrass, Cookßfoot, Clovers. &c or the beet quality. agriculturalTimplements Harrows, Ploughs, Seed Bowers, and other Implements made by P. and D. Duncan Reid and Gray, Booth and M'Don-Ud; ateo. Reapers and Binders. Mowers, &c. fee 176 F. A. SHEATH AND CO.'B SALES SHKBP SALE, HASTINGS, F. A- BHBATH AND 00. WIU hold a Sale ot Sheep on FRIDAY, 29th April, ffhon tho following will bo mlttedOPUi 2-TOOTH CitOSSBRED BWES (In Lamb to Llnooln Rams) SSO 4-tooth Oroeabrea Ewes (In lamb to Llnooln Rams) 360 Kull-moulh Crossbred Bwes (In lamb to Llnooln Rams) , „., , SOO Crossbred Ewes (In lamb to Llnooln Rams) ' 300 Fat Wethors F. A. SHBATH AND CO., 439 Auotloneers. F. A. HEBMAJT & CO.'S SALI!& AT AUCTION. SATURDAY, APRIL 30TH, 1802, At 10.30 o'clock. E^v IV a E nd U ?eK V hTnd BA f« TURK ANX) ROUS* HOLD BE(JUI. SITES, CLOTH ING, BADDLKRY, KRUrf, PHODUOIt. AND GKNERAL MERCHANDISE, So. P. A. HERMAN AND 00. Will sell as above, oa Saturday next, comprising— 1 SUITE Ol* FURNITURE (in Tapestry and Ploeh, Cretonne and Halroloth.ULnrce Sideboard, 1 Book-case, Dining. Parlor, nnd Kitchen Tnbloc, Oouohoe, Carpots, Hearthrugß, Fender* and Irons, Opor-mantlo Minor, Clocks, Ornnroonts, Plotures. Books, Slonor and Tea Services, Cntlerr, E.P. Ware. Crookory, Cruets. Chests ot Brawore, Duchess Pairs, Double and Blnglo Utdstoadj and Mattroßses, Wool Mats, Uressinß TaWee, Washstands, Tolletwnre, Wardrobo, Toilet GUsses, Watchosand Jowellery, Fancy Ooods. ClothIng, B^ots, Saddlery, Harness, Goneral Mer ohandlao, cind a largo qnantlty of Secondbaud Furniture, &c, too numerous to me* tion. Also, On Consignment— 5 bales Blankols (250 pairs), 150 superioi Ruge, 2 oasosGuos (by boat makora). Also" Applcß, Orangeß. Bananas, Peais, Qnlnoos Pineapples, Hams and Baoon, Oats, Wheat Malise, Poil»rd, Onions. Potatoes. Barley Bran. Jam, Toa, Klour, Blsoults. and a quan lty of other Produoe, Poultry, &o. NO RBMERVB. , m Sale at 10.30 sh«p, STOCK SALK, AT TARADALS. WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, At 1 o'olook, P. A. HERMAN AND 00. Will hold their IVTOMTHLY SALK OP STOOI IV J. As above. 1 Clients will oblige by forwarding Enteli h E«ly. 1 P. A. HERMAN & CO., 471 Auctioneers. . FOB SALE, A DOUBLE -SEATED BUGG f\. and Bet of Double Harness, all cor plote, and In good order. Apply to j 308 P. A. HERMAN & CO. J. F. BOWEB AND CO.'S SALEI f J. F. BOWES & CO., AUCTIONEERS AKD GENERA COMMISSION AGENTS, 18 HAHIINGB. Ie i In SALES OF FUHNJTUHF., MBRCHA l °, DISE, fta. HELD EVKRY ALTB " NATE WEEK. 6 ii _ 1 1 f t STOCK SALES AS ADVERTISED. a- — — 18 SPECIAL SALKS A 8 REQUIRED ACCOUNT 8 \LRS RENDERED )e PROMPTLY, EVKIIY DESCRIPTION OF COMMIBBK AND AGKNOY BTJBJNBBS UNDH TAKEN. :

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 9266, 28 April 1892, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 9266, 28 April 1892, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 9266, 28 April 1892, Page 3