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hile Ito Viotoria. The family settled inui Ueelong, where she was educated at | of convent, and here she first gave evide ofberlove oi acting when taking 1 ntil in little theatrical performances wl her companions arranged with M re- as the "star." She is by trnini r ard instinct, and. every characteristic t ally goes to make up the national feeling, hey Australian in every sense of the we ;hab On her recent appearance on the Lorn stage, she maintained her Austral !. prestige, and everywhere she was hearl ited welcomed. She was banqueted by A traliaas in London, Sir Saul Samuel be his in the chair, aud Sir James Fergus&i Sir Under-Secretary for the Colonies, in i een vice-chair. During a short visit to Pai vill Miss Kemble was presented to Presidi the Carcobas the representative Austral! actress. During her short) season hi me she will produce" " Dr. Bill " (of which s nd lias purchased All colonial rights) rs, Monday and Tuesday next, "Sunlig ice and Shadows," a comedy-drama, on Wt )w nesday, and another farcical come ist entitled " Jane "on tbe lasb two nigl ro of the season. With the reputation t )r, company has gained in tbe South tb 1 of will doubtless have large houses hei he The box plan is now open at Milner a) Thompson's, jr- . fl PEOPLE WHO OUGHT TO b° REFORM. f 0 List No 2. ° 0 The Latoyer The Hotelkcepcr m The Clergyman 14 The legal man, who indudeth in b ie little bill of costs such items as— 10 To perusing telegram advising i° that Brown would bo in In town in time for the trial... 3s 4 Telegram in reply, expressing our approval, &c, paid ! R transnnttinc same, Is ... 4s 4 'i Conferring with yon when we v advised you that, in our 0 opinion, Smitbson was " no '• better than he oaghe to be " 10a 6 "a The clergyman, who discourses ej 0 ceedingly lengthy discourses, combat g the pre-Adamtw theory and Darwin' evolution theory ; redncctb. to ecclesiaa tical pulp all those who ventured t express a doubt as to the author of th * Pentateuch, upholds Arrolnlanism, am V criticises Calvanism; denouueeth thi ; Baptists and the Mormons, John We»lej J and Confucius, and exposeth Montanism * Nestorianism, Aphtbartiodocstisiu, ant 1 Arinniam all in the same sermon ; hi B ought, we think, to reform, We an ' sure he ought to reform. J The hotelkeeper, who collcctcth Bit- : chanan's House op Comsions Whisk? 1 Bottles, h'lleth them with an inferioi spirit, and is thus the direct cause ol much indignation and dissatisfaction, 146 Why pay tho samo money lor Inferior brands of Flour when you can buy the Anchor Holler Mill b Llly-whito Flonr In nil sleos, which will Rlvo you far moio satisfan-tlon.-[ADVT. US NEAL & CLOSE INVITE INSPECTION OF AUTUMN AND "WINTER MiNTLES-fc JACKETS MILLINERY, BONNETS, AND HATS, DUKSS MATERIALS AND PLUBHE3, BUTrONS, TRIMMINGS AND GLOVKB NOVELTIES IN HOSIERY. NEAL & CLOSE, UNIVERSAL DRAPERS AND OUTFITTERS, nASTINGB-STRKKT. 337 ammwmttft nt> mHEA TR E ROYAL, J. VAI'IRR. GRAND FAfIniONABLB COMEDY BBASON. FOR FIVB NIOHTB ONLY. Commonolng MONDAY,_MAY 2, FIRST APPBARANCK IN NAPIER or tub KEMBLE COMEDY _COMPANY. MKSMYR M A .^»KEMBLK. i ÜBtralla's Premiiro Actress, Sapoortod by aSrKCiAtt-VSKr.ECTKD Metro, rouTAN Company, will npponr In tho Famous Fatclonl Comedy, "DR BILL" ('iy Hamilton Aii>k), Ab plnvod In London for 400 Nlgntß at A venuo Theatic, and purchased by Ml«a Komblo durIds hor tecoiil vttlt thotc Plnytd for long seasons In Melbourno and Bydmy. and re. oently peiformfd for Hx NlghU In Dunedln, Ohrlstchureh. nnd WolH"uton. Inlcrrrotcil by Iho followlnK powerful cast, sneotaliy fcleclod lo tuppoit Miss Mvha K£mm.k: -Mr R, Owen Harrl.. Mr H. W. Dlvor, Mr Gcorno 1/jopoW, Mr FAvrin l.nslor, Mr Kdmond LoonaM.Mr J. J. Wolnh, Miss NoUla Lyre, Ml-s Ada L?o, Miss M'idgn forcoran, Miss Lllllo Clithorow, Mrs Walter Hill. AnMifisioN : Is, 2a Cd, and Is. Box Plan oron to-day at Mllnor nnd Thompson's. Mil J. St. CLAIR, 131 Representative for Miss Myra Kombli!. i^^'W! TO MILKMEN. 4 MEETING oFtho Trade and all •'* interfifMd In It will bo held at tbo Masonio Hotel At 10 o'clock THIS llhuisday) MORNING. A good altondanco It Bpoelally dosired. 169 HABTINGB PEWMATJENT BUILDINQ AWD INVESTMENT SOCIETY. _ i 'I^HE Annctal General Meeting o! I " ShwehoMnrH of tho übivo Society will i bo held In their Office, Quccn-etreot, Hastings, TO-UAY (THURSDAY), tho 2ith Inet., at 8 p.m., tarco^lve tho Annual Report and SUte' ' moDt of Accounts. ; ROBERT BRATHWAITF, I 121 Bcorotary, NOTIOB. i npHK Annual greeting of SubI ■ sorlbcra to Iho Marcckakaho Llbrars I will be held in tho Public Hall on THUHB i DAY, 6th May, at 3 p.m. A. LCCICIK, ' 48| Hon. Feo. ? &mm. i IN THE ESTATE 0? JOHf a MEEEYLEES, STOREKEEPER. > KAJKOEA. I — * TENJJERS will be received by tin undnreiiined up to SOlh April for tho i n Roomed Dwelling hotiso Properly oocuple- ; by Mn Pkteu Baiikie, Walpukurau, s(t\i 1 atod Bcctlon No, 65. c Tho land Is ot.oquarter aero teasoholc having an untxplrcd term of 75 years, an Is subject to a mortgago at £200, Pnriicultrs aud condli lons obtainable froi Mbbshs Gut and Dinwiddie. Sollolton aP Cr> H. WILMAMB, Vo r ., B t« fia 121 V7.G. IRVINK, } rrußtCoß ' )f ;gmiTttupt(i). ''« IN BANKRUPTCY. IN THK SUPBHIOR COURT OK B4NI lb RUPTOY. 0 HOLDKN AT NAPIER, 0 12 In tho matter of " Tho Bankruptcy Aot, 18S 12 and tho sovoral amondmonta thereof. 10 }o TWOTIUE is hereby given th 1(1 i-^ AtnERT Pt.UMMKII, Of Hagtlni 1 Butcher, ifiu this day adjudgod Bankru ' and I hereby summon * meotlog of orodlto ' to bo holdon at tho Courl-houßO, Naplor, tho 2nd day of May, 1892, at 11 o olook In t ;lb foronoou. 7 J. F. JARDINE. r 7 Deputy Assignee ' 6 261h April, 1892. ' ? ii. >Ib "goat ana jfjoutia. _ Tib T ObT, a Lemon and Wliita Engli 7 0 JLJ Botter, without collar: answers to nn 1 0 of "Groupo," Rowarrt will bo given on at) ? 0 cation lo V. Looam, Napier. V° fIOUW, WPROFFITT, Turf Coraraias^ • Agent, will atlond the Welling Raciog Club's Autumn Mootlnß. Toleeri addressed "Empire Hotol, WolllngtOD, • receive ovory attontlon. yro SS PROM MONDAY NEXT, Ma^ 010 ■*- OHt Hastinm-Btroet Shop will be oft ■ . es at 6 p.m, and on Saturdays 10 p.m. lion Fj w _ wilson & co., 3 as Boot Importers, late. 457 Hnalingß-Blroet, Napli iago ress WINTER CLOSING NOTICE, the. TWOM MONDAY^ May 22nd, i licle J- throughout (ho Wlnfor' Months i tho FsUhlist mo 1 1 will be closed nt fl p.m. at XiK i pin on B'iturilnyn. Our Frlonds will kli °^° arfaoge lo mako thtlrpuiohases betor« t! enw houts,-K, Hi Robinson, Bmer»on-Btroet (

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 9266, 28 April 1892, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 9266, 28 April 1892, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 9266, 28 April 1892, Page 3