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On the fourth pago will bo found cor. respondence, reports of the school com luitteo elections, mid un article entitled "New Zealnud Meat in London," At the Resident Magistrate's Court yesterday, before Mr Tnrnball, K.M., a man namod Joseph Eddy, well-known to the police, was fitted £1 and costs for drunkenuess. A social and coiloe sapper will be held in St. Andrew's Hall, Spit, to-morrow evening. No charge for admission will bo made, but a collection will be taken up in aid of tho church funds. All are invited. Mr J. St, C'lair, business manager of the Myta Kemble Comedy Company, arrived in Napier last nipbt, and is now busily engaged in niakiug preparations for the company's season, which com' mences on Monday night next. Our Hastings correspondent writes under yesterday's dato:— The examination of tho respective claims of the mdi vidual owners in the Omahu case afc the Native Lands Ccmrb concluded thia morning. Chief Judge Setb Smith will give bis final decision in this famous case on Thursday or Friday. A further step in the early closing direction is being niado by Messrs F. Wilson and Co., bootmakers, and R. H, Hobinson, draper, which ia to bo hoped will become general. If pnrchasera would only show a little forethonght, early closing would soon be an accomplished fact, ana a large number of those who are now compelled to work until n late hoar would greatly appreciate the change. The Auckland bowlers, on thoir return from the Napier tournament visited New Plymouth on Friday last, and played a match twelve men on ouch side. A capital game resulted, the Aaoklandera heating the New Plymouth bowlers by tea points, The Taranaki Herald adds

chat the Auckland. Bowlew speak*;tn , ' eulogistic terms of the 'hospitable «fay the Napier bowlers treated the visitors JuriDg the late tournament. . - Those on the look-out tor theopportanity of acquiring bargains in the. shape of good furniture, wllj do well to note that Messrs Biker and Tabnteau sell tomorrow, on the premises, near Clive, the whole of the household furniture and effeots the property of Mr F. F. Fenwlok. A drag will leave the anotioneers rooms, Tennyson-street, at 9 30 o'olock on the morning of sale, conveying intending purchasers to and from the sale free of charge. Mr H. K. Pike, who is eonneoted with Messrs Cleave and Co., of Auokland, has arrived here to make A house'to-bouse canvass with a view to issuing a complete directory of Napier and Hawke's Bay, including every honseholder. It will be en the lines of Messrs Cleaves well known Auokland directory, and will be divided into alphabetical, streets, trades and professions, &c, so as to facilitate refer-, ence. Id will alsd include a directory of local bodies. No such comprehensive work relating to Hawke's Bay haa yet appeared. The tea meeting and concert te be held in St. Augustine's Chnrch this, evening should be most successful. A capital programme has been prepared tor the concert, and all who attend can Count upon an evening's genuine entertainment. The tea meeting will be quite up to the high reputation gained in the past, and in saying that no higher praise could be bestowed. The Dean of Waiapu will preside, and in the conrse of the evening will say a few farewell words to the Bey. T. J. Wills, who had so ably filled the place of the late much esteemed pastor of the church, the Key. J. Parkinson. It Is hard to put a limit to the possible impudence of the " new " unionism, A deputation recently waited upon the chairman of the Melbourne Metropolitan Board of Works, to nrge him to inaugurate the new sewerage works immediately, so ao to find work for the unemployed. That was reasonable. Bat when they went on to demand that the men employed should be approved by the Tradeß Hall, so as to ensure that none bnt unionists sbonld be taken on, they were more than unreasonable— they were impndeat. The chairman told them so in polite terms, and while agreeing to the first request flatly refused the second. Our Walpawa correspondent writes as follows under yesterday's date :— Messrs G. Hunter, C. L. Macketsey, J, D. Ormond, D. Sims, and J. White are elected as the Walliogford Road Board without opposition.— Messrs T. Crosse, C. Herbert, G. Hnnter, F. E, T. Siracox, and J. White are elected as the Porau«abau Road Board,— Messrs \V. H., J. Bennett, A, Garry, S. M'Greevy, W. Rathbone, and A. C. Sorimgoour are elected as the Wai pawa Road Board.— Messrs C. Clark, J. Collins, T. Heward, E. Watts, and W. White were yesterday elected as the j Patangata fiend Board without opposition. A visitor to Napier during the bowling, tournament writes to the Wangatmi Herald as follows respecting the Cathedral:—"The Napier people are justly proud of thelf Cathedral, and really it is a magnificent building, with seating accommodation for 760 persons, while the lighting arrangements (both natural and artificial) are perfect, and the acoustic properties are grand. There is a subBtautitil air about everything connected with the Cathedral which is lefresbing, and from what I can learn about the Dean, he is very popular and much liked by his congregation. I had the pleasure or attending the Easter services, and was considerably impressed with what I saw and heard, particularly the concord of sweet sounds emanating from the wellconducted choir." The Government) are too bnsy editing the New Zealand Times, and " retiring" unfortunate Civil servants of the " wrong color," to let the public know that notice of the rectification of a mistake has been burled in the Gaselle. However, as publicity may save some Sunday-dese-crating sportsmen from prosecution, we may state thai the shooting season in Hawke'a Bay will not now commence till the 2nd of May, the date of the original proclamation (the Ist of May) being Sunday. The followiug is an extract from the said Gazette;— " Now, therefore, I, James Prendergast, the Administrator of the Government of the colony of New Zealand, in exercise of the powers vested in me by the aforesaid Animals Protection Act, 1880, do hereby declare that the game and native game mentioned in the aforesaid warrant may be taken or killed in the Hawko's Bay district from Monday, tbe second day of May, one thousand eight hundred and ninety- two, until Saturday, the thirtieth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and ninetytwo, both days inclusive." A draraatlo treat of great excellence is In store for the play-going publio ef Napier on Monday evening next, when Miss Myra Kemble and her admirable dramatio company make their ddbut at the Theatre Royal She must be already well known by repute throughout New Zealand, for during many years she hu held a foremon place on the Australian stage. Her present tour is necessarily rapid, for her numerous engagements forbid anything like a long stay. The Napier season is limited to. six nights, so that those who wish to secure seats had better not procrastiuate. Mr J. St. Glair, the enorgetfo agent, has arrived, and tho box plan will be opened today. Splendid business has been done in Dunedin, Cbriitchurcb. and Wellington, and tbe Press is eulogistic in praise of Miss Kemble, her company, and her stock of new and highly interesting comedies. Of her opaning piece, "Dr. Bill," the Sydney Bulletin says :— ".The most gruesome individual the world has ever seen, the most dyspeptic and bilious piece of humanity that ever walked the streets of Sydney, could not witness ' Dr. Bill* withoub involuntary spasmodio twitobes of the musoles of the mouth and face." Our Taradale correspondent writes under yeoterday's date:— The Town Board have carried out several sanitary improvements whioh should meet the approval of the ratepayers. The Board have also taken the first step in the direction or fire prevention by sinking a threo-inch well at Alexander's corner. The well has a splendid flow, quite sufficient! to supply a small manual engine if we had such a thing. Whether the insurance offices interested in the place could be iuduced to assist in tbe purchase of an engine is doubtful, unless by application to the head offices. At first sight it looks as if they ought to do so, but perhaps a fire now and then leads to new business, upon which branch offices gee commissions, and taking that view of tbe question one could hardly expect them to recommend assistance to buying an engine. A two-inoh well has also been sunk at the Greenmeadows Hotel corner, so that all the channels are now flushed with a plentiful supply of dean water.— The new inspector of nuisances has been aotively attending to his duties, and to tell the truth I think the very tact of Mr Snell being appointed has had tbe effect of causing some of the worst offenders against sanitation to clean up their premises. — There were six gentlemen nominated for tbe Papaknra Road Board, viz., Messrs Beatson, Dolbel, GiUlgan, Newbould, Orr, and Stothart, so an election will have to be held this time. Judgment was given for plaintiff at the Resident Magistrate's Court yesterday in eaoh of the following civil cases, Mir Tnrnbul), R.M., presiding :— D'Antherau v. J. Anderson, £1 10s, ooste and expenses 163 6d; Mr Dinwiddie for plaintiff. Macdonald v. Reardon, judgment debt of £6, defendant to pay in a month or to be imprisoned for ten days ; Mr Kennedy for plaintiff. Gillies v. jtieardon, judgment debt of £2 7s 9d, defendant to J>ay in a mouth or to be imprisoned or uneven diva; Mr Dinwiddie for plaintiff. Kelly v. Reardon, judgment debt of £12 Ss, defendant to pay in a month or to be imprisoned for 14 days ; Mr Rhodes for plaintiff. Drs. de Lisle and Inne3 v. Cantlo, judgment debt of £11 29 6J, to be paid in a week, or defendant to be imprisoned for 2l days; Mr Kennedy for plaintiff, Robertson v. Caldors, judgment debt of £5, to be paid in a month or defendant to be imprisoned for seven days ; Mr Dinwiddie for plaintiff. Drs. de Lisle and Innes v. Keat, judgrnoiit debt of £60 lfis, defendant to pay in n mouth or to be imprisoned for a month ; Mr Kennedy for plaintiff. Stewart v. M'Bride, judgment debt of £5 3s, to be paid in H days or defendant to be Imprisoned for seven days. Oobb v. Hitching, judgment debt of £14 7s, to be paid in three weeks or defendant to be imprisoned for 14 days. Official Assignee v. D. Matheson, judgment debt of £5 17s 4d, defendant to pay at the rate of £1 a week or to be imprisoned for 14 days ; Mr Stock for plaintiff, Mr Kennedy for defendant. Macdonald v. Polgrain, judgment debt of £15 2s 6d, defendant to pay £2 a month or to be imprisoned for three weeks.

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 9265, 27 April 1892, Page 2

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Untitled Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 9265, 27 April 1892, Page 2

Untitled Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 9265, 27 April 1892, Page 2