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pmam warn m 9ia^':lm WANTED, Situation'^ Wor^ni '£ss TT Honsekeeper or Domestic geW^; , ■>, * with (rirl aged 11. Also wanted, to P'"S.^E •'-:. .■£& wei 14 to work on farm or BtaUon._Auq2eß« s^ Mrs Wakbuno, care ot Mrs Paster, Has- -^ tlngs^treet,' • ____™.\' '■<:?• TITANTED, a thoroughly compe. ;5| W tent General Servant %wo to fajnUSV :si Apply to MjsOarlyou, Barrack HiDL »8 .■:£> : — 7—— ■ v ;'.}} 10PARB1NT& : . ;; :'"M} WANTED, a Smart Youth to learn '<■. :'| Watchmaking. WUI guarshtee to v ;/# teaoh him to make up new work.*- Apply . . ; ,;J;; Grorcm Dewsnap, Praotioal Watohmaker. ■■■; .^fj Waip»wa(lateotMapler.) , J *•» : J#| — \-, '-:'«! "WTANTED, a Situation f* Baker -i^ »T and Cook; satisfactory • referßnoes; :v.H| given. Apply John Cullsw, Baker, HJg - ;,»*£ Uogs, ' .■ .*« • IITANTED, 1 Bnsh Tellerß to Con- >| t¥ tract for f olUng about MKM acres BuaU <;^| near Glsbome. Apply to F. J. Tmmr, Blfs- 'f^ hlU,Patangdta. ■ "-. 89 *'- : iv« WaaUi &wm. ", : |^ • HEW QOOPg. ;..'';"...S^j X Children's and tadles' Plato and Wb|^^^^ toaUqualltiet, Boys' Heavy. :Bji!ckjrißraa;aj^S is 4d ; Ladtee 1 Bibbed CMhmer^"-two;_i)«lr.|*i',|^ . Dent's four-clasp Rose tU Kid; 'GlotM*i^^^ 6} to 8 slcea Kid-tlppsd Cashmere from'lsg- tl -^isffi UMBRSiuuAB, J^iiUotilSo, rUooUrypi Special pnrohasa of Velvet >BibbonB f "ons)'-rv-^* toon wide, all shades, 18, yards for w W' .-'■ These are half usual price.- „ ' '^'' ' ' The Latest to FuH.' Oollartttes, to^EoJ. . - wena,". Viotoria*/ trlooeea, Empress, an^.x- 4 ■ other shapes,- from Si 6o^.^ STOusdown Tiimi .. mlogs to Kyenlng ßhades. ■■■. -iV-j' ? rC" j .<t : '-r'^'^i*'' 5 ! Blaok a*enoh7Merinpeß froni Leaf asd Co. ( -onapD, thonrati Hpußola - ,N thetradsfor thesoGcod(,froni236dpajfyar<li ■ > ■'■..■■. Dmsj Materials eDdloSßVarieWffoaitid^; , '■ MILLINBRY, TODOR OAPKtt'JAOKrai;' . The Latest to- Gent*' White B&lrtB, deta_h* .. .> ableCuffli.lOi ljriu»twoextxapalis«rtCnlft);>';;^:; ■ also, the" jMloburgh'' Dross Sh&t, with plipw irX^; fronts and cufEs, 7s Bd. ' , - ■ w- i : «l^i ''Sb-' Speolal Job Lot of 81 Natural Wool Fantg,; ,-Ja andßhirfa), usual value 68 Bd, for «,;.,. „ v t;..^! JAMES Pr^HOifSO^l DRAPER AMD iffIPOBTKB.,, ; 458 yr^|| VOTING Gentleman reqtd're«"6om* S?^ X foitablo Home to private feinliy. jlppir „;;:fe| itactoz terms "CoMFOßT,''H«BAU>Offlo6. . .;',.^| ' ■;. ; ::': :^j^ WANTED KNOWN - I r have^|ij several good payirg Hotels to r Towrt>, r:: M and Country on my Books for Sale and LBaaj. : ; i ;i | George T. Oboss, Naplor.- : *9> <ji|| TAmlk* HABDY has luke'a Celer?:£t§| •" bralod Cooking Stoves, speotolly adapted / \jm for flrowood. all sizes: Now Colon to Boamu ■„';.';;> and BSthPatatsi/r«h NovelUes touted >>;>:#* Ware, Cutlery, and OarpontMtf T<»>s; sjsga, O.&fM assortment of Lamps andjnuings.- Brush- >.;, :r i| ware, Travelltog Trunks, Wringeiß,Manglee, .gMj Mincers. At Cash Prices. ■ *» : .^4f OATS! OATS! OATS! Jußt a> ■■%%s rived-3CO saoks flrstxdass Oato. BJjc.- ; >^g sale cheap. 11. J. HbLMB, Bmerson-street.^ WPREBBLE has a larste assort. ; .r|| • mentotCholoe Imporied.and Urn* ,; \::0s Fruits, tooludinß Priiß Persimmons, BXUX» ; ---%»s S GRAPfiP, KxhtWUpn ***&$&* ? M Apples, and cucumbers. Also j.oo punpnej.^- ; -4f4s _A»sM_tf__f_2i_3l-^l "rubber stamps; fl - '■ :■'•■'■-'_ ORDERS left at the Heealb Office 'fm wfll receive attenUoni ;,;:-:< •;•:'': ?'| j. omwroDiß 'I 1 Brewster street. . :._,ji TO SPEOUIiATOBB. . ; WANTED, \o dispose, of a YVva^ '•■i:;M olaca Boardlng-houee Bustoess to ;h§| a central altuaUon: Orchard, and plenty- ot..^J ground; Cow kept. Satisfactory reasons \.j v*sj given tor selling out Full particulars: on \ *.^| application to MBBPusßßmHasttogs-street ; ; -;Ags Kapler. ■ . .;' , / » '.^ WANTED. ' y j^S EARN MONEY AT HOME.^- ; Either sex; new work;. Just started /if^M all earn good wages; no walking or M**™. :Af| ling required ; anyone can do thework }.Dqy . : \5...4 antt girla earn nearly as mnoh ad men: wriw ."•*£.;& forpartioulMti at onoe, before Our list IS hul, j. .; * and enclose addressed envelope {and stam^ :-•>■.-$ for reply to Jamss G. Saboood, Manager. > , >|| P.O. Box 888. Sydney; or, 65 Koyal Arosdo, : ~?M George and Pitt Streets, Sydney. .np< FRED. HOWARD, Prftbtioal Wteh and Clookmaker, Jewelleri'fto., Etner* -;^% -m son.street Napier, TtavJng..pnrch_»ed tha -.>„* Stock of Mb GE6ao»'Din?HNi?..for wornpt cash, Is prepared to »eU the^ame •|Greatir l ■ cy Reduced Prices. ERBD.HOWARD^s », r>3 thoroughly PBAOTIUAL WATCHMAKER..;. .^.;a and was employed several years byoneatthe .; -v.-'g! leading manufacturers to ttoljorth of Eng., ; - t ,^ land, and has also several years' colonial «., . it™ Watch and.Olook repaJrsjraarajteed for 18 ■,;._ f| months. Please note. >the *ddrea«-F__tt :.ri| Howabk. Emerson-sheet; (next Bxiblnson" ,•:.,:* Drapery warehouse), NapJ«.\ , ; W "i ■ • ■ • •; "; ! \ • — •' " : ;.% OAB BTOVE KETTLES, s| UXOEPTIONALLt Stroiia^Tia, -i| .R* fora Handles; Bpt »Bd.Bpt a*W,<PCte, ..^ 93, 6pt Ss 6d ; with Copper Bottom «a ffl. to Bd, s£ 9d. 4s 6ds WeU Bottom for Store, oe :.;4 ; Be_gV»SM an! is Bd, Spirit StovesAlj ■,;■& 6d,2«;Keroieneßtovoi! Gem* M. Duples ,^ | 5s Bd-a marvel of cheapness. - ■ ■ ,f^ NOVELTY DEPOT. 88 ; — .^ H/TRS DUHNEY'S Begistry Ofßoo . . >$ IVI for Governesses, LwUe/OornpsBtoBB,: ■ m and OometUo Servants ot all kirds. t Noto ,g the Address-iranoy Reposltpnr, Hasttogs- . ; -^ street (oppoelte Bus Company). -_.__. 91 .-;^ ■VLTANTED KNOWN-^.'Bpwoi | A?J. Bpbnos's you can get 1 dos I__*Bff : Martin's Blacking for 6d; Bine, W pwlbj Starch, 6d per lbj i beet Jam.U per lbt OnTbe. "^ from Is 4d per lb: Coooa, «J P*??. 01 ?;!! *■■"■ 1 8d per tb: White Bngar, lib for. Ist Been ;,.| Hemnss.Bd i Cornflour, M i Bakto_Powd«. .:-;;? Bd perS; Keavtfßjood, is! •& Bsperttot Soap_»Mperbox. AUOertOJj , .-| lines are ot flrsfrolass -J WILL BE mSjNTAINBD. Special prtos ._ p§ to purchasers of 65 worth and upwards ,i1 NolStte™4ros»^.BeKNOE ( Oa^le<troe» ; '| Kapier. ' w •■;3 a^Ba/di^rteolflh,tryDiViwandß?AM| -^ oave Ju»t reoolved a splendid assortment «r -^ Tweeds Coatings *o W NOTIOB. ANY Person found Trespassing , M with Gun or Dog on my Run will bo A proeeouted. jmw H EBBKRLEY, C| Jsj Tarawera. ---^. iDBIR^? REEK ™ m " I THIS Society is prepared togrant ; Loans on approved, fltet-olassfteehoM Beourity. Borrowers will ££ iDMrmmt of • commlselon by applying DIRECT to tho „? Society, at the Omoes, Cußtom-house-Qnay „;? Welliniton orattheDisti:lotOffloe,Nwler ; WARD W. LOW , ** Reoldant Secretary ; A. FAIL, (Tjati Bonn ft Fia - ""■■ m BVEBH COOPER : WSBT OLIVE ( rsiiow Ouko CbumsJßuMier Tubs, Ohee»e : ' Vaw. MiaUklnds ofVork ■ oonneoted with ;; Wie Tiafie turned out w»U» aeei»t»b atd \ t th» ' •"' LOWBBT POSSIBLE PRICE. » : : COLEMAM & SONS' 1 EUCAXYPTE. | l'UKli EXTUACT FKOM THE i EUCALYPTE TREE. x FOB all Affections of the Cheat and . ,i Lungs, Oonsumplion, Asthma, Coughs. ■■ g Colds, Grave), and Kidney Oomplalntß, Dlph- ■. •:, therla, Gout, Rheumatism, Sotatioa.JSen. j ralgia, Toothaohe, and Fevers ot aU kinds; V Influenza, tec, . ---,% IT HAS NO IQUALIJ .V For Old Sows. Old Skta Diseases, Bad Leg* -£ Bad «re»Bte, Uloers, So. try our Eucalyp]e_. ■%- Viotory Ointment, which has never failed Wr ; :j inaklng a perfoot cure. i. _ ■'?• Under the Distinguished- Pfttnmsgo ot Bart . ;., Jersey, Govornor of t New South Wales, Lord .-• . ; Carrington, and the Emperor of Qermaßy. i'g Awarded Meduls at Sydney, Melbourne, ap4>;3f ! Adolaldo, beating all competitors, and Utha -S; only Puro Kxtrsct to the world, , ■ -,■%• When buying always ask tor COLEMA»«,?sd and Sons', as there are frauds in the market, -^m Sold by Mb Tsbbman, Oheralst^anafSa > Mrbsr Bkk & Ck>,,M6rohantß,Hasttoß«. ..;';! mr'a."¥oolk •- --fS ! Agent tor Napier.: '^Jj?

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 9265, 27 April 1892, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 9265, 27 April 1892, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 9265, 27 April 1892, Page 1