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POST PBIZB FOR HIOH-OLABsj TAILOEIKQI ! * _.| FIRST PRIZB FOR tiADX'S RIDINQ HABIT,' \ ' "/^N HRBT PRIZB AND SPBOlit PIRST PRIZE P0R T ST7ia AOT-pttilHfll -: '' V~-' , , HRBT PRIZE FOR ARTTSHO OUMIHft THSBE WERE ALL THUS Flßai^^ AWARDS a^ 48 |^g N | t D^ AT THiS Niivf '^j^l^lp^j^K.^ik J EVERY GABME!ISn?4U!ABM!M {* * t - ' ' '~ ' • ■ l '-'•, : {Takenfrm^Te i AwbANeTTB,X^!' \ . . . . yi ' j '.'' i; /^ v.i \ : \. "Mr J. H. DATjroK, the well-known rtattor of ;Qaeea-st»e^,^upkUn4 K the foUowlng Awards Flrsb Awatdi fw Hlgh-olass Tailoring, First AwaM/orLadrs Riding Habit First and flpeSiT AwaM forfsupWo? : *Vf Style and Finish, Flrsb Award for Artlst|oOutting.''lnfaot he his tatcen' alltiha First Awards glviu For HlahkjlawTallbrffi?ao^h(L^UM« '■* ■'• Son Mr Dalton's reputation for aigh-olass Work at a prloe within the reaah of. all has long boon established la^he^JoAh%land^ltadlltt suoo'ess at the Eribltion, above roforrod to, shows that he oan more than hold hlj own in open OompeUtioa^rilihaUoomSwf -v:^^' -■ ' . ••. PRICE Llßt. (a d • .•. ' i . ■- v.::- ,;•. ■■■•-i .>,<:u,.- -i.. «a 6 ( StJIT TO ORDER - - - - - - - 2 10 0 fIUJT TO ORDBR, WITH EXTRA .T!ROUBKRB_ . |tt | SUIT TO ORDER ___-_-_!« BUIT TO ORpBR; WITH BXTRA aKdtJpMi^^i 0 SUIT TO ORDER - - - - - - -300 SUIT TO ORDER,' WITH, KXTRA" TBOUBERS^ "''' ll «' n |. a SUIT TO ORDER - - - - - - -850 BUTT TO ORDBR, WITH B3tTRA Tr6^B® . •'''-• r'S^O SUIT TO ORDER 810 0 ' J. H. DAL TO N. TAILOR, ;;: ; ; HASTINGS-STREET, i K ; ±:^tJ& lV:

■ a ■ i/ ■ ' ' ii. LEVI, OCULISTS' OPTICIAN EUsnNOS-STRKBT, NAFHH. KYESIQHr TESTING. OB THB HOIBNOB OF SPECTACLE FITTING, When thoroughly understood by an Optiolan, menus to ollents Perfeot Vision and Absolute Comfort. To axilvo all as near perfection as possible It Id noopssary to havo the latest inventions In Tost Typos, Trial Lonseß, and Optical Appliances. With tho means I havo I oan guaranteo to fit aoouratoly the most compllontod cf defootivo sightd. A great deal ot neuralgia, hoadaohe. and dizziness is oaaßed by straining oyes, wbloh want; assistance 1 the shape of correctly adapted speotaoles l'be Bight o ohlldren is often dofeotive at a very early apte, and epeotaoles aro required bat must bo fitted with the greatest oar<> and a thorough kuowledge of tbe various defects of vision. I have hod numorous cases of lef ootlve sight In oMldron, and havo fitted them with mbrvoUoiiß results In some "uses. SMOBBtToLASSHS, Highly recommended by medical mon as a protection Against; the glaro of the wnlto roads, dust, and strong sunlight. A VKRY LARBK VARIETY OF SHAPKS AND SHADKd. U7 CONROY fr CO. OASH BUTCHERS HASTINGS STREET, STATION- STREET AND.BPIT 17 — . ; rf»OWN l AND SUBURBAN RAOJL ING OLUB. QUEEN'S BIrIMDAT MEETING, TVESPAY,'MAY 31th, 18M. To be Run nndor the Metropolitan Rules ot Racing. President i W. Heslop. Vloo-Presldent: W. M. Brounhton. Hon. Treasurer : U. ttymor. Stowards: At Ryan, T. Joffaros, junr., W. Stock, It. 3. Ncagle, O. Rymer, K. Hogan, L. Blonle, W. Harpham, O. O'Donofthne, T. LawtoD. Judge! J. nntramond. Starter: W. Hcsiop. Clerk of tho Soales I J. Turlit. dlork of the Courflo:.W. Howard. Wmekecpor! L. Blonie. Olork of Totsllsator : W, Cox 1 . Handloaptoori L. Blnnlßf PROaRAMMB. MAIDEN FLAT RACE, of 30 «ors; HBCond horso to reoolvo < suvs from tho BUkoa: Vat up, Nomination, 30t. Distance, 1 mile. QUESN'3 BIRTHDAY HANDIOAP, of 60 boys ; second horso to reoelve 10 soys from tho stakes. Nomination, 1 boy; acoopt fttioo, l soy. Distance, 7 furlongs. HANDIOAP HUKDLHi RACE, of SI soys: sooond hordo to reoelvo 10 boys from tbe Btakci) ; ovor eovtn flights of hurdles Bft uin high. Nomination, 1 eov; ooceptanco, 1 soy, Distance, 2 miles. TAUADAI.K HANDICAP, of 110 bovb: sosoid horse to rccolva 30 boys and third horßosßovßfromUioat«kos, Nomination, 3 oofs| nccoptaace, 3 bovb. Dlstanoe, ll mlli'i SELLINO RiCE, of IS bovsj winner to be sold imranoiittoly after the raoo for 20 soys, the eurplns (it any) to bo equally dlvidod between ihu ecaond horse and tho funds o( tho Club; top weight Set, 71b allowed for oviry 5 boys off soiling price. Nomination, lsov. Jtl.tHiico, lmUe. WEli'iEß HANDICAP, of 10 soys; sooond hoM) to roodvo 10 soys from tho Biases ; minimum weight Dat. Nominntioti. 1 soy ; Rcoiuitnnco, 1 boy. Dlstnnce, 11 mile. FLYING HANDICAP, of 00 bovb; second hnrse to reoelvo 10 sovb from the BtAkos. The nlnnor ot tho Queen's Blrthdnj Haodioap or Taradalo Hundloap to carry 7>b ponalty. Nomination. 1 boy; acceptauocSeov*. Distance, 0 fariongs, DATES OF NOMINATIONS, ko. f AU Rftoei at this mooting aro OasfinodJc horses that have not won a etake of 10 eovs or over, Hack Handicaps oxoepted. Any horse winning a stake of the value of 24 sovb after tho declaration ot weights to oarry 71b penalty. Ponnltioa not accumulative. Nominations for Queou's Birthday Handioap. Handioap Hurdles. Taradalo Mandloav, Writer Hanrtlcap, and Flylcg Handicap, oloee on SATURDAY; April Oth. Weights will bo declared on SATURDAY. April 30th. Acooptanoea for all Handicaps and Nominations Mftiden Flat Itaco and Soiling Raoo on SATURDAY. May Hth. All Nominations n.d Aosoptanoos must be oooompanltd by the nocessary fee. Pcdlgroc, Performances, and Colors must acoompaay each nomination. Fivo pur cent to be dednctod from the gtost amount ot aD slakes. Telegraph tfllce at Taradale olosea at c p.m. All Nominations and Aoooptanoee close with tha Boorntary, Uynn's Hotel, T&radale, atfi p.m. on tholr roapootlvo dates, T. WARRINGTONT, 136 Uecretary. 1J AWKE'S BAY JOOKET OLUB. i WINTBB^BTINO. FRIDAY, 24TJ JUNE, 1893. lfesldenti Hon. Captain Russell, M.H.R. Treasurer I , Jae. Lyon. Stowards t Wiu. Dougiaß. O. P. Donnelly, O. A. Fltcßoy, H. Galsford, Q. Hunter, F. Logan. Hon. Ji D. Orroond, Dr. RnssoU, W. Bhrimpton. Judge i W. Bhrimpton, Starter i Paml. PotfelL Olork of the Ooursoi James Lopdoll. Olerk of the Bcalusi Kobt. L. Williams. Tlmo-koqper t C. M. WhitUngton. Clerk of the Totallsator i G. T. Crosß. Handloapper 1 J. O. Kvolt, Sooretary i F. D. Luoklo. PROGRAMME, To Start at 12 noon.-HANDIOAP HURDLE RACK of 100 sovb ; seeoad horso to reoelve 20 bovb from tha stakes. Nomination, 1 boy; aoocptanc*, i bovb. About S miles 1 P.M.- HAvVKH'S HAY BTEHPjI,KOHABB HA* uICAP, of 800 boys ; seoond horse to locelvo 6U bovb, and third horae 80 soys from the stake. Nomination, i soya; aocoptanee.Tsovs. Winner of any 4teeplcchase Handioap of tbo valuo ot 200 bovb After declaration of tho weights to otrry 71b penalty. About 3J mile. 3 i'.M.-LADIKS' BRACELET, of 80 boys. A Bracelet valuo 80 sovb. a gold-mounted whip will be prosei'tod to the rldor of tbe winner. For four-y oar-old a and upwards that have nevor won an advorllscdraoe of any description exoooding 15 bovb in value at tluio o( entry. Gentlemen riders. AU horace to be Dominated by ladlcr. Kntranoo, 3 bova. VS eights -lyre, lint 13. b; fiyra, Orm, and agod. 12st 31b. No allowauocs. Two miles en tho flab N.B.— "Applications for eleotton as a ' gentluman rider inußt bo made to the oomi lnlttoe of tho Jookoy Club in whose dlstrlot the applicant resides, and must bo proposed and seconded la writing by members of the Club. On election tho committee Bhall Issue a ccrliQcato, whloh shall cntitlo the holder to rldo aB a gentleman rider ou any raooouurso whero these rules are In toroe. provided that tho ooriiflcato may bo canooliod at any time on Butilolenr, oaUBo bulng shown. No person having reoolvud paymont In consideration of work p»i formed In connection with tho training or riding of horsos ahall be oligiblo to rldo as a irentlemnn rldor 2.45 P.M. -MAIDEN STEEPLEOHASE, of 70 flOVd ; sucond horso to receive 10 eovs f rom thOßtaku. Kntr&nce, 2 sovs. Welghc-for-ago. For all horses that havo never won uu advartked Stcopleohaso exoflodlng 25 bovb In vilno at time of ontry. AVolghtslyre, lint fllb; iyu, 12st; Oyrs and agod, list 31b. About9mllea. 3.SJ I'.M.-AMATKUR STitEPiiKCHAaE, of 5J bovb: weight for ago; gentlomen ridora ; for horocs that havo novor startod Iv v Steopitfohaso or Hurdlo Race. Entrauoc, 1 soy. Wotghta-iyre, ÜbD 61b; Syrs, 12at ; Oyrs and agod, 12st 31b. About two miles. 4.Ui'.M.-WKLTKR HANDICAP, of 10 bovb (on tho flat) ; mlDlmucn weight. 10sU Nomination, 1 soy. tVulghts will be declared Immediately after the Ladles' Bracelet R*ce. Aooeptunce, 1 boy,, beforo the start for the Amateur Stoopleohase. ouo milo und a q aarter, DATES OF NOMINATIONS. ACCEPTANOK3 AND WJlKlllTij, With amounts to be forwarded to tho Secretary aiu.o, N.8.-All events close at 10 p.m. TUESDAY. 10TH MAY. Nominations.— Handioap Hurdlo Raoo 1 soy liawko's Uay Stoeploohaso . . » . • 2bo vs Weights will be deolared on or about the Bth Juno. FBIOAYimi JUNB. AoOBPTANOKS.-HandlcapHurdloßace 3 soys Ilawko'B Bay Steeploohaso .. .. — 7 soys Nominations,— Ladles' Bracelet .. 3 boys Mulden Steopleohoso 2 soys Amateur Stouploohaao Ibov Woltor Handicap .. Ibov F. D. LUCKIB, 137 Secretary

|J AWKE'S HAT TROTTING WINTBOfSBTINCf. To be held on Stortford Lodge Paddook Hastings, on MONDAY, JONB S7TH, 1991. FflfcST RACK TOiTAUT AT 11,30 A.M. President!' George Kfife/ %. Vioo-Pfesl; dent: 0. A. Lougnaan, jfeq. Stewards : Messra O. M ! L*anTW. a Maddisoft, Jamoa M'lvor, w, H. Cooper, H. U Juil. 0. : Hughei, W. Y. Dennett, T. Hogg.D. Munn, Judge: A? lean, Esq. Olerk rf the Course: : MrT. Perolvali Clorkof thoßoai»s: Mrv J. , "VautloT V Tlmekoepor: Mr W.Edwarda. Haudlcapper and Starteri Mr A, , T. Danvera. Treasurer! Mr w. K. Dennett. ; Beoretary ; W. D. Ireland, fROORAMMB: iuo am.-maiobn Handicap trot (ta hornessl, of 20 sovs; Mr howes that have > nob won any advertised Trofc Nomln*> 1 i ß gMw!Sl»%€gS»'«iwg II ANDICAP <ln suddle), of OT soys ; sapond : horae to receive 7 soys from the stoke, > third noiso to reoolvo 3 savfl from tne > stake. IfomluatioD,2osj aooeptanoe, 803. I^SI^HANDIOAP PONY TROT (ID ! saddle) of 15 sovs; he'g"'*- 1 """J; 0 ??,^ i Nomination, l"s ; acocptanco, 6s. 1J mllft . J. 30 r.M.-HA9TINGB HANDICAP- TROI \ In harness), otßOsovsi Beoondhorsotc reoelve 5 bovb from the stake. Nomlna i , Uon, I8s; aoooPtance, 15* 3 miles. ■ S.IS P.M.- SELLING TROT (In saddle), of « I soys { 103eo allowed for every 5 bovb ro i duotlon oIT soiling prloe, Winner to b t sold for 20 soys; any surplus to go to tju fandsoftheOlub. Entnii»oe,ao3. 3 miles i pfr-HANDIOAP PONY TftoT flu tar I nest), of «0 soys jMJOndpany to receive ; soys from tho stako: holght, • IM am ; under. NomtnaUon, IOs ; aoooptanoo, lto JimUos. - DATES OF NOMIWATKWB. ACCEPT > ANCBS, HANDIOAPd. &O. [ Nominations olote with tho Seoretory oi BATORDAY, May 28th, at 8 oolook p.m. addressed Box «, HasUnKS. Handloaps to appear on TUESDAY, Jnm 3 7t Adoept»noea and Kntrles for Selling Raoi r olosoon SATURDAY, June 18th, at 8 o'oleoi t P-m. > RULKS AND RKQULATIONS. AU Ponies to be measured before starting. Ponies under 14 hands 1 lnoh oarry Sat , homes lOst. , . _ ... 5 Hrflvlouapetforaanoesof tho Horses to w given at time ot Nomination, also oolorso , the Riders. , All protests to. bs aooompinled by a fee o . 2 soys, to be forfeited It the protest is no ■ Bustained. All disputes and obtectlons arlclnu onto 3 ihe raolng shaU be decided by a majority c the Stflw ards present, whose decision shall & t final, and shall nob be questioned in an; Court of Law, Kotrles only received on thl ' °°Nom l inators must stite the bona flde ownej To bo run ucder tho Rules of the Nai a Z*al»nd Trotting AssJolatioo. , ° Kivoperoent wUI bo deduotod from gros amount ot all Stakes. WM. D. IRELAND. Seorotary, , 891 Hastlngv, H.B. jyAPIfiR PARK RAOINGJJOLUB WIBTBB~MBBTINQ. WEDNESDAY, JUNB »TH, 1833. • Presldenct John Close. Vloe- President i Joinfleslop. Treasurer t E. W. Bnowles StowaX TlessrsT. S.dojr aGlendtonlng, J. M'Voy, W, UosUni, T. A. Bhlrley, J, Bennett, R. S-olth, >t. 3 vuetappleiJ. 0, Swan. Judge: J. lie. uett. Srarbart 8. P?wdl. OlMk of the Boalesi K. VV. KnowlM. Clerk ot tho Coursei J.LopdeU. Timekeeper i& B. Coopor. Handioapneri A. T. Danvers. PROGRAMME. TRIAL HANDIOAP HURDLES, of *0 soys ftr horSi! that have never won a hurdle raoo exceeding 10 spvs in value at timed nomination. Nomination, 1 soy ; aocopb anoo, soy. 000 mlle uugg^martefg. NAPIER RTBKPLKCHABB, of MB sots; sooond hosse to reoelve 80 soys from the stakes. Nomination, 3 bovb; aoceptanoe 580y ' About three miles. LADIES PURBM HANDIOAP, of 60 soys. MfiSnum weight lOst, NomlnaUon, 1 soy ; acceptance. 1 sov^ TRIAL HANDIOAP STaBPLKOHABB. ot 80 wvsTFw aU horses ttat have never won a Steepleohase exoooding (SO soya In v*lue at timoof nomination. The winner of tho Napior Bteeiileohaso to carry 101 b extra. NomU»Uon. 1 soy: aeoeptanoe. » aova About two .miles. WINTKH OAT 3 HANDIOAP, j'W»«VB. A Welter Handicap on the flat. M^lmnm weight 10it Nomination, lsov. Weight* wUfbe deolared after tho Ladles' Purse. Acceptance, I boy, within ten minute* after the finish ot i he Trial Steeplechase. One mile and a quarter. HANDIOAP HUKDI-K RACE, Ot IJWMVs; gooood horsa to woeive 10 boys from the siakos. Nomination, 1 eov ; aocßptanoe, 3 eova. Two miles. DATES OK NOMINATIONS, EMTWK3, ACOItP DANCE* DKOLAKATION OF WKIGIITd, &c, With amounts to be paid. TUESDAY, MAY 318T, 1892. NOMINATIONB-Naylor Steeplechase. ' of 200 soys, about 3 milt* .. •- _;2sovs Randioap Hurdlo ltsoo, ot 100 soys, 2 miles 1 soy WEDNESDAY, JUNK 22nd, 1882. NosuNATiONB-Trlal Handicap Hurdles, ot 10 bovb, 1{ mite .. .. ~ IMV Ladles' Purse Handicap, Of 00 BOYS, I| mile Ibov Trial Steepleohase. of 808OVB,aoout2mllea 1 eov Winter Oats, ot 60 bovb, UmUe.. .. Ibov SATURDAYi JUNE 25rn, 1892. Wolghto wiUbe deolared. MONDAY, JUNK 27T£t, 1892. AOOMTANOKS-Naplor Steeploohaie 6 boys Handioap Hurdle Raoo 3bov» Trial Hurdles - .. 1 BOY Ladies 1 Purse - ..lsov ITrlal bUoploohase .. 2 boys ALK. T. DANVERB. 13g Seoretary. JOBEPH OHIOKBN WATOHMAKEB Opposite th "Examiner Offloe VOGEIrSTRKET. WOODVnJiK. Silver and Bold Jewollory alwajß on hand be sold oheap for cash" H

THE COLONIAL TRUSS FOR ALL RUPTURES IBYfiBER MAJESTY'S ROYAL LETfERS PATENT.) - NO STEEL SPRINGS. WASHABLE. SELF ADJUSTING. UKOOMMSNDKD BY [OVER tONtf THOUSAND IBURQBOKB. THE COLONIAL TRUSS (patented) possesses the fol owing manifest advantages ovor allothors on tho market: -It Is without Bteel Springs or Levore, and oannot Rot out of ordor : it Is Washable, Koslly AdJuaCod. and oannob slip from position ; Id bos no oumbroiM fastenings and will last a lifetime ; Ids » Imple, Oloau, Ughi, dttoni Oheap and Kffootlvoi Tho above Items rondor It Invaluable to Farmers, Miners, Horse-riders, and Colonists gonerally ; whllot for Women, Children, and Infante Id oannob be outdono. Mailed froo per rotnrn strongly paokod, on rooolpb of Money Ordrr made payable to Johh.,Me& liwoer, London iPsiOES -TRUBS FOR RIGHT OB LEFT BIUK, SIS 60 SAOU. TRUSS FOR BOTH BIDES, 6SS EACH. Measurement- BKND SIZE ALL ROUND THB BODY TWO INOHK3J BBLOW TOP OF HIP 3. JOHN MELLINGER, BURBIOAII APPLIANCF MAKER, 168. GREAT IITOHFIBLD • STREBT, LONDON W., ENGLAND. MANUFAOTURKR OB 1 BKLTB, aiPDERe; BANDAGES. BRACKS . TRUSBEB tBUtPKNBORIUS.ELAaTIO STOCKINas, ENEMAS, SYRINGES, PEBBARIBB, MAQNKTIO APPLIANOBB. to., &0.l Catalogues mailed free.aa appp cation ned r cover <

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 9265, 27 April 1892, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 9265, 27 April 1892, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 9265, 27 April 1892, Page 4