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n jstmm. AOOUMATISATION SOOIBT7. TpBE Shooting Season for hot 9 « ' Native and Imported Came will oor i 3ht July. Lioense Fee for selling any Katlve or In Ported Game Is fls,,and fot shooting Iniporte 1 Uamo 10s. Those Licenses oan be obtained t r any of the following Post-offices :-Nai>le , Walroa,- Mahaka, Hastings, Walpawa, Wa - pukurau, Ormondville Norsewood. Dam i virke, Wimbledon, Porangahau, and Wooc vllle. It la illegal to aril any Game before the 1: of May or pfcer tho Ist August. I The Society will pay tho sum of Tw [ Guineas to hnV person who will give euc evldenoo as will load to a oonvlotlon of an 1 person shooting or soiling Game without lloeneo or out of season. O. A. FITZROY, 320 Hon. Sec SHOOTING LICENSES. THE following Persona have taker out Shooting Llconscs for tho cnsutni Season :— A. B. Westmoreland, O. M. Allan P. Dolbo), jnn., J. D. Ormond, J. D. Ormond jun,, Frank Ormond, Mont, helson, O. Nelson 16. AUCKLAND BAOINO OLUB. ENTRIES for theSteeplechaae and the Hurdle Race, to bo run at tho Auok land Racing Club's Wintor Meeting, and also Entries for tho Champagne Stakes, H93, olose with tho Secrotsry.atAuokland.on FRIDAY NEXT, April 28th. ' W, PKROIVAL, *5Z secretary. NOTICE. A SMALL FARM for Sale at Wimbledon ; about 920 Aorcs, Ring, fenocd and Subdivided Into 10 Paddockß, with 20C0 Sliocp on tame; Woolßhed and bheep Dip on samo. For furthor p&rtioulara apply to GKO. ORIPPS, 145 Wimbledon. t NOTICE. THE PaiWfrship hitherto existing botween MfesaßS Kennedy and Slkiqii has this day boon dl'Bolvod by mutual consent, Mr Kennedy will continue to practleo as a Barrister and Holloitor In the offlcee hitherto occupied by tbe lato firm. C. D. KKNNKDY. K. A. SLKIOB. Napier, April 21, 1892. «1 KENNEDY BROS.. CIVIL BNGINEBHB. SURVEYORS AND VALUATORB, BnOWNINO-STBKKT. 131 DR. BAIGH, M.R.CS., and L.S A., London, and holder of Admiralty CorUfloato, London; ox-Medioal Oflloor and Uibllo Vacclnntor under Leoal Government Board, Kngland ; and who hna been aotivoly engaged Id Prnctlco tor tho pssfc twenty years, has Commenocd Practleo this week at Hasiings, vrhoro ho mny bo consulted at his Resldunoo (nearly opposite to Mr bohaoftor B Boarding-houso), St. Albans-etroet, daily, at too, two, and blx o'clock. 387 DO. N. M'KAY GRANT, GRAD. IN ARTS AND MEDL CINE OF QUEKN'S UNIVERSITY CANADA Lato of Halifax). OFFICE AT " BTKLLAR PHARMACY, EMER9O.S-STKEBT. 168 DR. P. W. MBKZIBB, LATK KKBIDKNT PHYSICIAN AUCKLAND HOSPITAL, t|AB retarned to Napior to FreeJL I Use, and may be consulted at Mn Wkmmactb. Chemist, between tho hours of 10JSO and ILSO a.m., and athia own Residonoo, In Herschel-stroot, lato residence of Miss SiowArt, Drocsmnkpr, botween tho hours of 2 to 3 o.m. and G and 8 p.m. 107 SUN INSURANCE OFFICE. KsTAisusnica 1710. SUM INSURI'^D lifiO, £360,500,000. XT is hereby notified that ' MR J. F. JARDINK ltn been appointed Agent for tho abovonamed Ofllco from thin dato for the Distriot o( Hawko'H Bat, In ilin plnco of Mobbtb Bakbh and Taultkau, resigned JAMBB 11. BBTHUNB, SO3 Wellington. IMPEBIAL INBURANOE COMPAKY. LIMITED, OF LONDON. ESTAnLIBHKD 1803. Paid-up Capital and Invested Funds - NBARLY TWO MIIAIONS BTKRLINO' TT is hereby notified that •*- MK6BRBBAKRR& TABUTKAU Have bean appointed Agents for the abovonamed Company from this dato for the lUstrlot of HawKo's Hay, in tho plaoe of Mk John Robektb resigned. FRANCIS H. PICKKRINO, Manager for New Zealand. Ist April. 1892. 3 IMPERIAL INSURANCE COM. X PANY, LIMHKD, OIT LONDON. Hbtadusiiicd 1603. We btg to notify that having boon Appointed Agents for tho abovo-named OLD «nd WEALTHY COMPANY (wMoh hns oarrled on Uuslnoea In this Colony slnnn 1851) ■wo aro prepared to aocept FIHK RISKB at Current lUu». „,,,, „ Forms o( Proposal and full Information may bo had on application. BAKBR & TABUTKAU. Agonta for Hawkos Bay. Ist April, 1893. 1 WAIROAJJOUNTY. IT is hereby notified for public infornmlioT that the County Kloctors' Ro'lsard iJofnnllors' Mats are now open for ln«p;oi inn from ire 27th Aprlluntll the 16th M»y, 1802, nt tliu (ollowlog places : - WalkarimioAim Riding, tho Post-offloe, Kr»B*nowi . Clydo Hiding, tho County Hall. Clyde. Mohnka Riding, tho Molmka Hoiel, Mohik». W. F. !<IIAW, J55 Cloi-k W.O.C. MARAEKAKAHO ROAD DISTRICT. NOTICE is hereby oivon that the Annual General Mtoting of Hatcpny.-M in the Kbovo-nHurd District will bo huld In tho Publlo Hall, Marai'kakaho, on TnURS DAY, Sth May, at 8 p.m., and limnodliHtly thereafter a Meeting of the now Board will bohold - . lOCKIK 465 Clerk to Morockakaho Road Board, MARABKAEABO ROAD BOARD. THE number of Candidates nominated for tho above Board not having oxceodod tho number o' Wouibers required. I heroby dcolaro (in accordance wilb "Tho Regulation of Local E ectlons Aot, 1878 ") tho following persons duly oloctcd Members of tbo Maraoxakaho Road Board ; - Andeiison, John M', Douolar Harding, Arthur Walickk, Malcolm Jekram, W. o. Dated this 25th day of April, 1(92. A. LOCK 18, 438 Roturnlng Offlcor. PAPAEUBA ROAD BOARD. . genkralTklicction. I^HE following Nominntions have B. boon rocoivod by mo ot Candldatos foi Bleotlon to tho I'apakura Rood Board :— Beatsos, JonN DOMIKI'. PniLIP Gillioak, John NEWIIOULU, 4DDIBON JOnN Okk, John Stothabt, James A PoU nf tho Ratepayers will bo takei hotween tho hours of 9 a.m. and 0 p.m. o; WKDNKSDAY, Ith May, at Mr Landedown' Premises, Pupakura, WM. B. HILL, Returning Officer. Papakura, 12 noon, 25th April, 1892. 4« ' OKAWA ROAD BOARD. uENKRAL BLKCTION. NOTICE is hereby given that th undersigned porsonß hays been dul 1 nomlna.-ed as Candldatos for tho oilloe ( : Wardens at thri presonL Elootlon :— ) Bkjmish, Nathanikl K. 1 H«Bi.oi-, William s Lowky, Thomas Hkvry 2 UrfiSKLL, iIKIIbKKT 11. BitniMPi'ON, Waltrk S IIKILU, AHTHIiU Wai-kkiiousb, Frank Sbii-sbv Ab the naimbor of Candidates nominated < r not exceed tho number of offices to be flllc 1 I heroby declare the abovo-uamod persons o bo duly oleoled Membors ot the Okawa Roi ? ""^ J.OOLLINGB, o Returning Officer 23rd April, 1E93. * g HAVBLOOS ROAD BOARD. it \TOTIOE ia hereby given tbat c . ll accordanoo with "The Road Bpai $ Act, 1862." a Gencr il Eloction of Five Mo Ir bors for tho abovenamod Board will bo hi bo • on SATURDAY, tbo 7ih day of May, 1892 10 Norn nations in the prOßcribod Form will received by mo at tho Meobanios iMtltu Havelook, up lo Noon on Friday, tho 2! '. lMl ' n. B. HOLMKS, „ Returning Office! •48 I Havelock, 2UC April. 189?.

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 9265, 27 April 1892, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 9265, 27 April 1892, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 9265, 27 April 1892, Page 3