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$pem\ guucfttjoc»tcuiff. A NEW DEPARTURE. JO- OPERATION WITH IMMEDIATE AND ASSURED BONUS. NO RISK. "NO LIABILITY. IONUB "WITHOUT SHARE QUALIFICATION. LIBERAL PARTICIPATION'S THE PROFITS 3N and aftor November 2nd the following IMMEDIATE BONUS will be Introduced with tho firm of KIRKCALDIE & STAINS SUBJECT TO THK TKRMS HEUBWITH ANNOUNCED, Ist. On all CarpobsLlnoloums, &0.. In Carpet Warohousn, A. BONUS ot 3} peroont,or NI.VKPBNOH: In tho Pound, will be allowed lor prompt; Cash on Bums ot One 2ndJ On »n n oth°r <Jo^U aifirumedlato BONUS) of 5 per cout, or ONK SHILLING In the Pound will bo nllowod for prompt Cash on One Pound and upwards. Bru". On all Accounts paid on or boforo tho 10th of the month, Buooeodlng thatlQ wiuon puroltasoß are mado, an IMMKDIATK BONUS ot 3} per oont. or Nlnoponoo in tho Pound, will be allowod. IM NO CASK will thoro bo a oonooselon oxooodlng tho <»fcove date and terms. No Goods, altor thoy aro onoo ontorcd, wm parlloltmto in the 5 por cont Uonua, bat will bo aubjool to tho 3}d per oont, or NINKPKNOK in tho Pound. KIRKCALDIE & STAINS In aubmltUnK tho above BPKCIAL BONUS torma to tho OJtlzona and Pnollo i at .WeHlng j ton and Country Districts, oonfous thoy havo boon, pteolpltalod somewhat by the i fact tnac i bolng requostod toTondor tor tho suoply of JUrApory to tho 00-OPKRAriVW FAKMBKB ALLIANCES at a Dlaotmnb off their Markod Prfooa. thoy Iworo neoossartly led to BUggo»fc sundry queries to tho Bxooutlvo, which wero not roplicd to, thoroforo tendering oould not do That all who favor K. and 8. with their support will participate In an IMMRDIAT* AND ASBUHKD llONUS,nsde«orlbodabavo. IN SPECIALLY DRAWING ATFKNTION TO TIII3 MBKttAL MODS OF ■BUBATINQ PROMPT CASH BU7ERS KIRKCALDIE & STAINS HAVrt KVKUY CONHDKNCK IN LEAVING! TllK MAGNITUDE OF THEIR STOCK. THE VARIBTI OFJBBLBOTION, AwD THE PRICES To tho aiwrimluatlon of thoso who mo Inltmatoljr acquainted wllh tho raodo In whloh tholr business la oondaotod. To tho many Country Settlors who »ro In dally communication with KIRKOALDIB AND STAINS, and familiar with tholr SUOPnNG GUIDE AND PRICE LIST, It 8 miKKOstod that ordora aooompanlod with romltUncoa of Ono Pound and upwards will parHol "aio In tho Co-opomtlvo dONUd TKHM3. Kvory attontlon will bo gfvon, aa hithotto, to carry out. In tho strlotest senso, wlutovor la undertaken. In oonoltislon, IRKOALDIIfI AND SrAINU aro wnifulno tint tholr HONU3 TKUMB wlUoomraend thomsolvoa forcibly to too Public, and h»i to a oorrospondlng Inoro*ao in mo Volume of Trado. Tho above onUlno lain thMr opinion as novCO-OI'SKATIOS MO\nbo|aUAtnod without RI JK or LIABILITY to tho p&rtlolpAtois of tho BONUS KIKKCALDIE & STAINS, WELLINGTON. 538 DOUBLE BANKED. EX S.S. TALUNE - - - MELBOURNE EX S.S WAIRARAPA - - SYDNEY. THIS DAY, DECEMBER Ist, WE HAVE RECEIVED SHIPMENTS A3 fABOVB OP JOB DRESS GOODS, 1)853 YARDS. SINGLE WIDTH, »s llu DOZKN; 7Jo AND lOJu PER YARD. DOUBLE WIDTH, 131»1 lOJd.'ls 91), Z'i, 2s On, 3.S Cd PEK YAKD. BLYTHE AND CO. THB CRY IS STILL TiyiY COME! AND it is only nfiturvd thny should, consuloring tho fact that tho Qroal Boot Provldors now hold in thulr Has lngß strdnt Kmabllabment a ooUootion of Foolclothing which for Proehnoes, Complotonws, Quality, Htylo, and Qoneral AIa»nlfloonoo, Is (II for any City In Aaairalftstn. Woconlldcntly a»auro tho Publlo of Hnwko's Biy that thoro h not a alnglo norulty a< preaont boliiK Bhown in Knuland, Kruuco. tho U intlnont, Amorioa, or olaowhero, HUT WH \'l \V« ARK AI.SO SnO (VINO HKKK. Our dpoclal Huyera la all tho loidlng oontroa hnvo tho most poeltlvo Instructions on this point, fin 1, acting In accordance thorowith, they novoi fall to Band us each novelty nB It in roady to loavn tho bands of tho AUnufaoturors. our Show Itooins aro consequently repl<to with ovorythlnK In tho way of Hoots, Shoos, and Sllppors which the mwt f iHldloiH could deilro, or oron imnglno. Tho pricou Bra In ad oa«os KXOKP no.v ALL X LOW, Many of tho finest llnoa botnz only obtaioablo from us we might ocrtaluly ask aud got a Ur^ur profit but wo aro deloraitnod to adnero to Uic principles whloh havo boon tho oausoof our suocoss -Small Profits and a Largo Turn-oror, making no oxcoptlon whatovor. SPECIALITIES FOR DECEMBER. bailor Olar.o Kid Bhooß. silk hows, n&nd- i lAdlrs 1 Sumiuor Walklnir 8hoc«, Ulaiio Kid. sown (S. Wolf, Mivlnr.l, Ui 6d to lfe 6d. with patent Tamp-" The linpotus"— Os M Ladles' Ghti Kid WalKlog Hliom, Patont loMsßd. Oap. silk laoa and bjw-"Tho rtoyal"- Ladles' Buokskln Tonnlj Shoos, In all ghados, m 81 and Its &L leather soles, 13s »i to 16s 6<L Laiioa' Christmia and New Year Shoos, vory Lidlos 1 Frenoh Olaz j Kid Walking Boott, stylish, Klazo kid biek, patont fronr, nont pump eolea, button and laoa, splendid pointed toe with emart oap, medium and Jl.tlng, woar guuran^ead, HjBJ. high heel, 9s (Id to 12s Od, A , Assortment of Cove and WmU Qenta Buokskln Tonnin and Crlokob Bhoos i Oeuts boat haad-madu Boots »nd Bhoos. alloolord-MopMniU)Boloo»from. Tho flneet Go ids eror imported, flee Koveltlcß In Youths' and Maids' Departments. ! thorn. U. HANNAH 65 CO., HAS TINGS-STREET, NAPIER, 867 SEASON 1890-1801. r B'HE Firm of KAKtNH h CO., Manufocturiag (JhiHiiists, has boou ro« tL raiAhllnliod. Mr J. A. KAKtNe still continues as Manufaoturor of tho Firm's wollknown Spoclulltlos. WoaronowproparodtoexocutoOrdora'for any ot tho following Unoa. In qunntltloa to Butt purchasors \— EAKINS & CO.'S IMPROVED SUEEP DIP LUNGWOKM EMULSION CONCENTKATED SOLUTION OV AHSENIC FOOT HOT CUKE I'Olf-ONED GKAIN SCRUB EXTERMINATOR CARBOLIC DISINFECTING POWDEII AND THE FIRM'S VARIOUS VETERINARY PREPARATIONS. Circulars with full particulars, showing Testimonials (r in woll-known Flook-owiiors, and tho mothods of using the proparntlons, f urnlehod on applluation. All CommuDloittbns to bo addressed THE MANAGER, EAKINS AND CO., MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS, TENNYBOW-STREET, N-ftPIEE. 033 A FEW SPECIAL LINES FOR CHRISTMAS. HiMB-ChrlntnißsHanm, "Star Brand,' flnoat nunllty Canterbury can produco, per lb D.l, clzo»8 U> llln HrnAWHKHItY (! JNrtKHVH 1 , Klrkoatrlok'i!, In slono Jars, onoh Is 3d, por don 13s Od UK9HKHT KHUIT-Klnoit nimlity, jußt arrlvod from Amorlc.i; I'oaohca, i'oa», and M IJBOATIiLH ! -l f i"08t nuallty Is Od uor lb, aluo ohonpor qualitieo at 1b 3d and 1b por lb ALMONDS -Nnw Jordan AluiondaStlb; Frouah l'laius, looao lsSilb, and glass are 3a I.OLLIKH - Conversations 81 lb, Hcotoh Mixturos B<l lb, Krult Jnjuboa la lb, I'oppormlnln Bd, Almnuil ComfiiH In 11), Ohooolnto Creams lv Od n, linramela Is dd lb, Kinonl llnrd Jojubi.B UM Hi, Loiulun Mlxluroa laCd lb, Uundrods and Thousands la 01 lb, Hminroil Carraways 1b (A lb, Chocolate Cream Tablots Id oaob, por doz COIIDIAI^-ilaauborry 1» 3d, Umo Jjlco lOd, le, and Is Id, Hcddoll's Hoal Scotoh Haspborry Halm 2s (VI bottlo CANDIED I'KKIj-Nowßonson '«. rinvlnK houghb largely wo oan supply at exceptionally low prloes. Wo quoto OrAU«o and Ijmnon at lOd lb. or In 71b tins at Od por lb JiJLIiIKS-Tablot Jollies for Tablo, Veatman'a Bust Kngllgh, aunrlH Is Id, plnU) 10d, half lOBI^G 'siki Ml -Klncßtfllk Dressed, beetquillty, lOd per lb, (Jib for laSd DBHdIUATHI) (3OO.JANUT ■» por lb 31b lot 2a 6d ; OHKAW TAUTAII 2a; TAUT ACID 2a Id' CAKHONAI'iC SODA Id, 3<b buKB Is FHUITB-Uurmtita (cleaned) (Id lb, Jlilb for 5a Utl ; ItMalns (oloanod) 8d lb. 121 b for 7a 6d; nAKINH POWDKK-Kn({llßh(W per tin; Premier, lib tins, with China Cup and Bauoer, 2 1 ; looao Baking l'owder, froeb, now, and etrong, per lb 18 Hi, or 31b linen bags 9a FLOUIt-Bost Kollor Klour raado, snow white, "Supremo, 1 , 25'fl 3a lid, 601 b 7fl lOd, 1061 b lia lOd ; tJolf-raUlnK Klour, In paper paokota Od and Ib, and linon bsga at 2a and 7HAB— In this wo havo a Iroat In Htoro for pur Cualornors. PUHB OBYLON TKAB, not miiod or put up In Now Zoalaud. hut nhnolutoly PACKKD IN OKY M)N by tho Urowers, in three nunlltioti. A, B, and U ; tho A quality It Id, tho D quality 2s gd iiml Iho I) quality 3). The abovo loub aro packed In Half-found and Ono Ponnd lead packme, and liavo only to bo enco tried to bcoomo a uonoral favorlto. Small caflos spoclally for family use, containing 20 paokcUt, at 2a por lb roduoHon, .LPHABWIOAU 4^^» PITT & (JO PRICE LIS T S flß^lsSliii? ", M^^^K lm>tU * coi'Yßtaar

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9157, 18 December 1891, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9157, 18 December 1891, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9157, 18 December 1891, Page 2